What does Batman: The Telltale Series do right?

Bringing this kind of thread back! :D

So I just played the first episode of Batman: The Enemy Within and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised, it is definitely an improvement over Season 1 so far. Now I want to hear what you guys believe the Telltale Batman series as a whole has done well so far. Can be anything from both the first season and The Enemy Within.



  • The thing that did it for me was definitely the relationship feature I feel it’s going to make choices matter abd make a great contribution to the season.

  • Choices, writing, characters, and (most importantly) the length of the episode.

  • Having the same content as TWD Season 1.

  • Telltale really nailed Bruce Wayne's character. No other Batman game gave us such insights into his psyche.

  • Honestly, I think it did almost everything right, the only parts I wasn't so fond of was Oswald's development and relationship with Bruce (I feel like it needed more fleshing out) and the Riddler could've used with more... well, riddles.

    Although considering how different peoples' relationships with Harvey and Selina and to a lesser extent Alfred and Gordon, I think I'll give them a pass for not fleshing out Oswald as much.

    • Good and often tricky choices over the two series so far.
    • Likable characters like Alfred, Gordon and Lucius.
    • Interesting takes and twists on certain villains.
    • Well done take on Two Face's origin who could be influenced (regardless of the fact he still becomes Two Face).
    • New Relationship Feature in Enemy Within.
    • New improved combat system in Enemy Within.
    • Improved Graphics in Enemy Within.
  • edited August 2017


  • edited August 2017


  • edited August 2017

    Gotham. They've captured its spirit and shown us its corruption. It feels like a living city, watching your every move. The other things have already been mentioned, like character relationships and choices. This is specific to me since I'm quite familiar with all the Batman characters. I'm constantly questioning whether I did the right thing or not, and I'm also thinking about where I want characters to end up in terms of how I've seen them portrayed before.

    Lastly, and most importantly, they respect other iterations/source material and have still managed to put their own spin on it.

  • Spoiler

    I've really enjoyed the QTE system for Batman above previous iterations of TellTale games. It lends a sense of multi-tasking ( such as having to secure a structure at multiple points ) and strategic combat vs raw strength. It's a nice reminder that Batman is a more cerebral combatant.

    I love that the color schemes are back, although I do wish we'd been given the option to have green as a choice. I do love that color.

    The writers have a way of making even minor characters stand out. Take for instance the lady that approaches Bruce at the casino. This allows for deeper immersion as depending on the player you can experience different aspects of Bruce's underlying personality - maintaining a playboy persona, or try to lead the damsel out of danger, and for some experience a level of paranoia and suspicion in everyone that tries to get close to him. ( Such as some of the forum has experienced if the Harley Quinn theory floating around is any indication. )

    That constant nagging sensation over the consequences of your choices, and questioning your own decisions. It was done amazing in this Episode. Interrogating a suspect in a precinct you'd think would go over decently enough with Gordon if you don't use brute force, while you'd suspect going after a victim of Riddler's handy work ( however dirty he is ) would only affect your relationship with John Doe positively. Being honest can net you a lot of trouble, while lying weighs on your soul. It's brilliantly layered for the long game.

    Alfred's character. His story arc is perhaps the most personal and emotional thus far. He's more than a Jiminy Cricket for Bruce. His reactions and changes give the story a lot of weight, and push the grey line that's usually very easy to walk as Batman.

    Being forced to hurt someone. It is Riddler's doing, and his fault - but the guilt remains. Even though it's what Avesta wanted, even though it's what I would've done in her place, that I scarred her to save others affected me. Just like scarring Alfred for my identity effected me.

    Having the Batcave as a hub is outstanding. I would like some options on the record player - perhaps the OST or a larger selection of records. Especially since you can revisit the Batcave at your leisure. I wouldn't have minded seeing the watch I was given by Alfred popping up next to the theater tickets.

  • One of the things Telltale did right is that we can finally shape Batman into our very own personal character, and for me I want to shape him as a completely gray character. And I'm a left-wing and in almost every version of media there have been elements if Batman being a right-wing, and even the last two Nolan Batman movies showed it.

    And in most media format Bruce can be either dull or just a dick. Telltale's version of Bruce is very likable and perhaps the most human out of all the other version of Bruce Wayne. I want my Bruce to be a cool bro to all, but also try to make an effort to actually help people, because in different versions he's never actually put any thought on how he can actually beat the villains permanently. Which is why I got Arkham Asylum remodeled. Unlike the other versions I want Bruce to help more people both in his superhero identity and his civilian identity

    I also like that they are making their own spin and make original villains like Lady Arkham. Hoping for more original villains from them. But most importantly as a player my desire to try and redeem some of the villains since we all know their future if it happens

    Hope Telltale continue to make more original stories and concepts and possibly some villains to redeem. What I would like Telltale to do next is decide on the kind of supporting casts Bruce will have in his journey as Batman

  • This is really what did it for me. Being able to play as Bruce and solve the issues as Bruce. I love a good old political and/or social maneuver, no wonder Mira's story line was the only one really got into in GoT.

    Telltale really nailed Bruce Wayne's character. No other Batman game gave us such insights into his psyche.

  • I just want to talk about this premiere specifically. The action is great, the detective work is believable, and just the overall pacing is good. I didn't see too much of that TellTale trope of "No matter what, this character is going to be mad at you." The dialogue was great, really great at times! I love how you can still be a terrifying Batman even without busting up some heads! I really love what they're doing with Joker, I haven't seen it done before so it feels refreshing. As long as he's not playing us; if he's honestly this insane guy that has good intentions but his mind is too twisted to comprehend the difference between what's right and wrong. Because I'd love the opportunity to feel conflicted when I finally go toe to toe with him as Batman.

  • Now that The Enemy Within has concluded I feel like bumping this thread.

  • Amongst a lot of other things, John Doe. Telltale’s Batman is a much needed breath of fresh air for the whole franchise, and John was the highlight of their work in my opinion.

  • Something i really like about Telltale's take on Batman is that we get to experience the other side of Batman that not many games show. I think enjoy more to play as Bruce than Batman just because its something new and refreshing.

  • edited April 2018

    Something I really liked about the enemy within is that it really gives all characters enough screen time to flesh them out. Something I haven’t really seen since WDS1

  • cough Freeze cough

    Umbassabro posted: »

    Something I really liked about the enemy within is that it really gives all characters enough screen time to flesh them out. Something I haven’t really seen since WDS1

  • I know it's a joke but Freeze was imprisonned and sick so it's normal to not see him in Ep5. They still gave some of his background, even some in newspapers (as who he was before)

    iFoRias posted: »

    cough Freeze cough

  • Even so, he was always just a background character and nothing would really change if he wasn't in the game at all. A little more focus on him would be appreciated.

    Euron posted: »

    I know it's a joke but Freeze was imprisonned and sick so it's normal to not see him in Ep5. They still gave some of his background, even some in newspapers (as who he was before)

  • Maybe they have other plans for him in S3? Kinda like we did with John in S1.

    Pipas posted: »

    Even so, he was always just a background character and nothing would really change if he wasn't in the game at all. A little more focus on him would be appreciated.

  • Freeze´s absence was justified in the normal episode, but the treatmen he got in episode was probably one the worst mistakes about the whole game.

    Euron posted: »

    I know it's a joke but Freeze was imprisonned and sick so it's normal to not see him in Ep5. They still gave some of his background, even some in newspapers (as who he was before)

  • Yeah and we still dont know did he survive the virus even if he did it would make him even more insane like Riddler and we still dont know what happens with his wife, i think we might get this in season 3.

    Pyro902 posted: »

    Maybe they have other plans for him in S3? Kinda like we did with John in S1.

  • edited April 2018

    I think what the Telltale series does right is allowing the players to develop our own Bruce Wayne and Batman and the choices we make have powerful impacts, e.g. John becoming a vigilante or criminal .

  • Um. The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands, Batman S1 (At least for the main cast).

    Umbassabro posted: »

    Something I really liked about the enemy within is that it really gives all characters enough screen time to flesh them out. Something I haven’t really seen since WDS1

  • I kinda think Freeze is a little too evil in this instalment. The thing about Freeze that always made him appealing to me is that he doesn't actually care about killing people on his way to his goal, but he's not casual about killing people in general or letting people mutilate them. It kinda drowned out any real sympathy I had for him, like where almost meant to feel bad for him when he can't save one person that cost others there's in brutal ways. I kinda think it would be better to have Scarecrow or Madd Hatter in this position than Freeze. I can kinda buy them being more brutal than Freeze himself.

    Pipas posted: »

    Even so, he was always just a background character and nothing would really change if he wasn't in the game at all. A little more focus on him would be appreciated.

  • Everything except
    Viglinate Path

  • I think the Vigilante path was just there as a fresh take. The real deal was definitely the Villain one. Agree 100% with Freeze, he was just there, didn't affect the story at all. Bane though, for me, was pretty well handled. Maybe except the part at the start of Episode 3 if you leave him behind when he looks like a complete fool, but everything else was great. Especially his introduction.

    Dan10 posted: »

    Everything except Freeze Bane(development-wise) Viglinate Path

  • My problem with the Vigliante path wasn't that it was fresh(If anything I was hyped for it). Just the way it played out felt disgusting to me.
    For Bane I felt that he neede dmore development. Don't get me wrong I like his introduction, model..etc but I think maybe a bit more could have been done

    Tasos_12io posted: »

    I think the Vigilante path was just there as a fresh take. The real deal was definitely the Villain one. Agree 100% with Freeze, he was just

  • I wish Bane had more screen time and we got to know more about his time at Peña Duro and friendship with Riddler, but those are all things we can read into without being outright told. Bane actually has some good development despite the fact that he wasn't as focused on as Harley and Joker. He certainly got more than Freeze.There is a scene in episode 2 (The Pact) where you have the big showdown with Bane at the Armory. At one point during the fight you have the option to either throw a batarang or a goon at Bane while he starts monologuing about his backstory and how impressive Batman is as a warrior. Here is his whole speech if you choose not to attack:

    "I haven't faced a true warrior since I left Peña Duro Prison. And, there, even the fiercest of men were often subdued... or driven mad by brutal hours of cold, dark desolation. BUT NOT ME! No... It's different when you're born in it."

    Throughout that whole speech Bane was loud and boisterous while his men cheered him on. However, when he got to the ending about him being born in that place, he sounded very somber. Bane isn't just any old inmate at Peña Duro, that was where he was raised. In the comics he had to serve his father's sentence for crimes against Santa Prisca that he did not commit. He had to do horrible things at a young age in order to survive. He was kept in isolation for most of his young adult life (in the comics). The reason he acts all tough and strong all the time is because that's all he has ever known. I also greatly enjoyed the moment in Episode 3 when Freeze shows Bruce frozen bodies of the "hinderances" in his way. If you respond in disgust to this, Bane says "We live in a twisted world, Bruce. Better to abide than struggle against in vain." Obviously, he can attest to this since Bane was raised in one of the worst places in the world. Again, I would have loved more scenes and focus on him, but from what we've got I'm certainly able to understand his development. I hope we see more Bane in future seasons.

    Dan10 posted: »

    My problem with the Vigliante path wasn't that it was fresh(If anything I was hyped for it). Just the way it played out felt disgusting to m

  • The relationship between Joker and Bruce. I can't remember the last time I've seen such an exciting, intriguing, heartbreaking and breathtaking dynamic between two characters in TTG games. Their dialogues were absolutely brilliant.

  • I wholeheartedly agree. I'm kinda hoping we see him again in a future season, but he wouldn't be quite as threatening anymore, seeing as how we (optionally) defeat him several times throughout the last two episodes.

    I wish Bane had more screen time and we got to know more about his time at Peña Duro and friendship with Riddler, but those are all things w

  • I'd have to say the way they handled Harvey. This is the only version of Two Face that I felt sympathy for and that I actually want to help.

  • Maybe Waller will show up at one point in Season 3 with the Suicide Squad to deal with whatever the threat is. Hopefully, we'll get a chance to fight alongside Bane and get to talk and interact with him. Maybe develop more of a mutual respect as fighters.

    Putinovich posted: »

    I wholeheartedly agree. I'm kinda hoping we see him again in a future season, but he wouldn't be quite as threatening anymore, seeing as how we (optionally) defeat him several times throughout the last two episodes.

  • Sorry but all of the finales for those seasons felt rushed to me.

    so personally I didn’t feel like I got to know all the characters very well, especially in borderlands

    DrewLamon posted: »

    Um. The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands, Batman S1 (At least for the main cast).

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