Agent, you should know by now, every tribute I make is emotional. :P It is my way. And I had to focus on 'The Trio', I love Cotter and Finn and they both died because of me... Ugh, my poor heart, my poor eyes, I miss them so much.
If it wasn't for me getting obsessed over Assassin's Creed Syndicate, this would have been made in March/April but I'm glad I waited until now, with the lack of tributes and all.
Awww the feels! I knew when I saw the thumbnail this would be emotional. I love that you did a focus on what I like to call The Trio.
I missed these. It feels like nobody does these tributes anymore.
Thanks to Revenant for this fitting tribute of the one true king,waiting for Stannis' fate on WoW with a writer that truly likes his character...
().My heart will remain on fire...
From a true lord to another,Let's remember our warden of the North,a true man of honor.Thanks to serial songs for the best tribute to Ned Stark ever done.
"A ruler who hides behind executioners soon forget what death is"
Hey here the first tribute to House Tully I've ever seen! Thanks to LadyofAlderaan for remembering the trouts
[ "My first rule of war, Cat, is never give the enemy his wish"
The Tully storyline in season 6 was one of my favourite moments in the Books how Jaime resembled Twyn's figure...and indeed the two visions of a conflict between Brynden Blackfish and Edmure,Who was right at the end? they were only defending their family...
AS a minimum I would like to see the Blackfish death on screen or shown us his scape like on the paper...
"You must be blind as well as maimed,Ser.Lift your eyes and you'll see that the direwolf still flies above our walls"
House Clegane is one of my favourite houses in the books...They showed us specially that heroes are not always pretty or Well mannered...They just live with their feet on the ground.The creator was Stark7R,all the credit is his.
"Spare me your empty little compliments, girl ... and your ser's. I am no knight. I spit on them and their vows. My brother is a knight"
The Queen of Thornes has finally meet her fate on the series but on the books she still has a lot to say and scheme.
Let's remember Olenna Tyrell matriarch of House Tyrell,Thanks to Emma for the tribute!
"All men are fools, if truth be told, but the ones in motley are more amusing than ones with crowns"
The Queen of Thornes has finally meet her fate on the series but on the books she still has a lot to say and scheme.
Let's remember Olenna … moreTyrell matriarch of House Tyrell,Thanks to Emma for the tribute!
"All men are fools, if truth be told, but the ones in motley are more amusing than ones with crowns"
Here I bring guys,an Asher Forrester tribute.There are not much around so enjoyed it.
All credits to thenerdyviking1 the creator of the video!
"All Hail Asher Forrester..."
Let's remember Doran Martell...The man who didn't have a chance to bright on the series.The genius plotter who scheme for a generation but whom story was cut off.Thanks to Valkyrist for the reading!
"Doran is a cautious man, a reasoned man, subtle, deliberate, even indolent to a degree. He is a man who weighs the consequences of every word and every action"Tywin to Tyrion
We saw indeed Lord Wyman Manderly in Season Six but sadly his speech was removed with the Mormont child.
Here the original speech of Lord Manderly,thanks To Hubert Humphrey for the reading!
"I am fat, and many think that makes me weak and foolish"
So I checked the videos of the post and I was surprised about the little tributes about the Lannisters that are around.
The Old Lion of the Rock showed us that a Lannister pays his debts.Thanks to Caligula Durrendon for the tribute!
"Some battles are won with swords and spears, others with quills and ravens."
So I checked the videos of the post and I was surprised about the little tributes about the Lannisters that are around.
The Old Lion of the… more Rock showed us that a Lannister pays his debts.Thanks to Caligula Durrendon for the tribute!
"Some battles are won with swords and spears, others with quills and ravens."
House Greyjoy has lost terrain on the TV series on their plot.But still the remaining members are doing a decent job,Here the first Greyjoy tribute I've ever seen.Thanks to Stark7R for his work!
"The ironborn shall be waves. Not the great and lordly, but the simple folk, tillers of the soil and fishers of the sea"
House Greyjoy has lost terrain on the TV series on their plot.But still the remaining members are doing a decent job,Here the first Greyjoy … moretribute I've ever seen.Thanks to Stark7R for his work!
"The ironborn shall be waves. Not the great and lordly, but the simple folk, tillers of the soil and fishers of the sea"
Hey guys here I bring a Thoros of Myr tribute.I must admit he was never my favourite but this crazy red pristine had my admiration.
Thanks to TheGaroStudios for the video!
"Justice. I remember justice. It had a pleasant taste. Justice was what we were about when Beric led us, or so we told ourselves. We were king’s men, knights, and heroes... but some knights are dark and full of terror, my lady. War makes monsters of us all."
Hey guys I bring a little tribute to the biggest conflict on the main asoiaf novels...The War of the Five Kings.
Little compilation of the best moments when the show had a hight quality.Thanks to Pericles Carvalho for the effort!
"We had one king, then five. Now all I see are crows, squabbling over the corpse of Westeros"
Hey guys I bring a little tribute to the biggest conflict on the main asoiaf novels...The War of the Five Kings.
Little compilation of the … morebest moments when the show had a hight quality.Thanks to Pericles Carvalho for the effort!
"We had one king, then five. Now all I see are crows, squabbling over the corpse of Westeros"
Hey guys I bring a little tribute to the biggest conflict on the main asoiaf novels...The War of the Five Kings.
Little compilation of the … morebest moments when the show had a hight quality.Thanks to Pericles Carvalho for the effort!
"We had one king, then five. Now all I see are crows, squabbling over the corpse of Westeros"
So I bring a new tribute to the King in the Narrrow Sea,I found recently.It's difficult to catch the true nature of Stannis in a Show that hardly understand him but Wartis have done a good job with this one.
"Ned found it hard to imagine what could frighten Stannis Baratheon, who had once held Storm's End through a year of siege, surviving on rats and boot leather while the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne sat outside with their hosts, banqueting in sight of his walls."
So I bring a new tribute to the King in the Narrrow Sea,I found recently.It's difficult to catch the true nature of Stannis in a Show that h… moreardly understand him but Wartis have done a good job with this one.
"Ned found it hard to imagine what could frighten Stannis Baratheon, who had once held Storm's End through a year of siege, surviving on rats and boot leather while the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne sat outside with their hosts, banqueting in sight of his walls."
I still don't believe that the master of the game would fall that way...Still here a little tribute of Littlefinger from queenxnymeria I hope it makes him justice! If you want my opinion they screw him the moment his character was set in the North with no sense at all...
"You could turn King's Landing upside down and not find a single man with a mockingbird sewn over his heart but that does not mean I am friendless"
Hey guys let's remember the fall of the Night's Watch that coincide with death of Ser Alliser.Believe It or not after his death on the show(books is alive!)the organisation broke all the rules and laws that were integrated into it(Jon Snow breaks his bows which is for all the nights to come and the automatic election of Edd Tolett as Lord Commander without election).Thanks to S.S.D for the tribute.
"Ser Alliser fought bravely at King's Landing. On the wrong side. I ought to know, I was there on the battlements beside him. Tywin Lannister gave us a splendid choice. Take the black, or see our heads on spikes before evenfall."
So guys I found some old tributes and I mean to post them!I saw that they are no tributes to the Spider around the community,here there is a decent one.Thanks to SerVarys for the video!
"Why is it always the innocents who suffer most, when you high lords play your game of thrones?"
So guys I found some old tributes and I mean to post them!I saw that they are no tributes to the Spider around the community,here there is a… more decent one.Thanks to SerVarys for the video!
"Why is it always the innocents who suffer most, when you high lords play your game of thrones?"
Less than ten men were proclaimed Kings Beyond the Wall by the free folk themselves.Mance Rayder was one of them a common man that found a true cause to fight for and people to defend.The Bard,the Unburnt King,Abel...
Thanks to Valkyrist for the reading!
"The Halfhand was carved of old oak, but I am made of flesh, and I have a great fondness for the charms of women ... which makes me no different from three-quarters of the Watch."
Guys what if Asoiaf was adapted as an anime series?Here you can see a hint of it reviving this post with the aim of sharing this awesome fan video...Thanks to Joscomie the original author and Anigam3 for uploading it!
Could you tell me who is the character near Stannis with the Golden hair?
Recopilation of Stannis' quotes on the book on quite a plausible voice guys.All credit goes to ALAMO SPIRIT 7 owner of the video and well thanks to him for it.
"His claim is the true one, he is known for his prowess as a battle commander, and he is utterly without mercy. There is no creature on earth half so terrifying as a truly just man."
Bringing this thread back with a tribute made by yours truly.
I hope you enjoy!
Awww the feels! I knew when I saw the thumbnail this would be emotional. I love that you did a focus on what I like to call The Trio.
I missed these. It feels like nobody does these tributes anymore.
Agent, you should know by now, every tribute I make is emotional. :P It is my way. And I had to focus on 'The Trio', I love Cotter and Finn and they both died because of me... Ugh, my poor heart, my poor eyes, I miss them so much.
If it wasn't for me getting obsessed over Assassin's Creed Syndicate, this would have been made in March/April but I'm glad I waited until now, with the lack of tributes and all.
Thanks to Revenant for this fitting tribute of the one true king,waiting for Stannis' fate on WoW with a writer that truly likes his character...
).My heart will remain on fire...
I really like this one, y' know
I actually posted this on page 3, but I really like it too!
Damn, sorry, didn't notice :<
From a true lord to another,Let's remember our warden of the North,a true man of honor.Thanks to serial songs for the best tribute to Ned Stark ever done.
"A ruler who hides behind executioners soon forget what death is"
Hey here the first tribute to House Tully I've ever seen! Thanks to LadyofAlderaan for remembering the trouts

"My first rule of war, Cat, is never give the enemy his wish"
Edmure never learnt that lesson...
If you're itching for some Tully love I actually know of a couple really good videos from one of my favorite channels. I love the Edmure one.
Hey thank you for posting them
The Tully storyline in season 6 was one of my favourite moments in the Books how Jaime resembled Twyn's figure...and indeed the two visions of a conflict between Brynden Blackfish and Edmure,Who was right at the end? they were only defending their family...
AS a minimum I would like to see the Blackfish death on screen or shown us his scape like on the paper...
"You must be blind as well as maimed,Ser.Lift your eyes and you'll see that the direwolf still flies above our walls"
House Clegane is one of my favourite houses in the books...They showed us specially that heroes are not always pretty or Well mannered...They just live with their feet on the ground.The creator was Stark7R,all the credit is his.
"Spare me your empty little compliments, girl ... and your ser's. I am no knight. I spit on them and their vows. My brother is a knight"
The Queen of Thornes has finally meet her fate on the series but on the books she still has a lot to say and scheme.
Let's remember Olenna Tyrell matriarch of House Tyrell,Thanks to Emma for the tribute!
"All men are fools, if truth be told, but the ones in motley are more amusing than ones with crowns"
I miss her already
Margaery too.
She will keep growing strong
(Not mine)

Love it man! Good work back there...So I can predict the one who kill the father will kill the daughter?
Here I bring guys,an Asher Forrester tribute.There are not much around so enjoyed it.
All credits to thenerdyviking1 the creator of the video!
"All Hail Asher Forrester..."
And here I thought that I'd seen every decent tribute for the game. Really enjoyed this and I'm glad that there's still some love for the game.
Let's remember Doran Martell...The man who didn't have a chance to bright on the series.The genius plotter who scheme for a generation but whom story was cut off.Thanks to Valkyrist for the reading!
"Doran is a cautious man, a reasoned man, subtle, deliberate, even indolent to a degree. He is a man who weighs the consequences of every word and every action"Tywin to Tyrion
We saw indeed Lord Wyman Manderly in Season Six but sadly his speech was removed with the Mormont child.
Here the original speech of Lord Manderly,thanks To Hubert Humphrey for the reading!
"I am fat, and many think that makes me weak and foolish"
So I checked the videos of the post and I was surprised about the little tributes about the Lannisters that are around.
The Old Lion of the Rock showed us that a Lannister pays his debts.Thanks to Caligula Durrendon for the tribute!
"Some battles are won with swords and spears, others with quills and ravens."
He was not a good father but a great leader.
House Greyjoy has lost terrain on the TV series on their plot.But still the remaining members are doing a decent job,Here the first Greyjoy tribute I've ever seen.Thanks to Stark7R for his work!
"The ironborn shall be waves. Not the great and lordly, but the simple folk, tillers of the soil and fishers of the sea"
Really enjoyed this. The Ironborn while they are terrible people, they're just so cool!
I truly missed Victarion,The Lord Captain of the Iron fleet on the series.The family is one of the best written.

Hey guys here I bring a Thoros of Myr tribute.I must admit he was never my favourite but this crazy red pristine had my admiration.
Thanks to TheGaroStudios for the video!
"Justice. I remember justice. It had a pleasant taste. Justice was what we were about when Beric led us, or so we told ourselves. We were king’s men, knights, and heroes... but some knights are dark and full of terror, my lady. War makes monsters of us all."
Hey guys I bring a little tribute to the biggest conflict on the main asoiaf novels...The War of the Five Kings.
Little compilation of the best moments when the show had a hight quality.Thanks to Pericles Carvalho for the effort!
"We had one king, then five. Now all I see are crows, squabbling over the corpse of Westeros"
This is one of my favorite tributes!
Fast Fact:On the show Balon Greyjoy was the Last of the five Kings to remain alive but on the books Stannis is the one that lives.
Mine too man the times of the video and the way it portrays the story on only four minutes is fabulous
So I bring a new tribute to the King in the Narrrow Sea,I found recently.It's difficult to catch the true nature of Stannis in a Show that hardly understand him but Wartis have done a good job with this one.
"Ned found it hard to imagine what could frighten Stannis Baratheon, who had once held Storm's End through a year of siege, surviving on rats and boot leather while the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne sat outside with their hosts, banqueting in sight of his walls."
The one true king,he needs to come back!
I still don't believe that the master of the game would fall that way...Still here a little tribute of Littlefinger from queenxnymeria I hope it makes him justice! If you want my opinion they screw him the moment his character was set in the North with no sense at all...
"You could turn King's Landing upside down and not find a single man with a mockingbird sewn over his heart but that does not mean I am friendless"
Hey guys let's remember the fall of the Night's Watch that coincide with death of Ser Alliser.Believe It or not after his death on the show(books is alive!)the organisation broke all the rules and laws that were integrated into it(Jon Snow breaks his bows which is for all the nights to come and the automatic election of Edd Tolett as Lord Commander without election).Thanks to S.S.D for the tribute.
"Ser Alliser fought bravely at King's Landing. On the wrong side. I ought to know, I was there on the battlements beside him. Tywin Lannister gave us a splendid choice. Take the black, or see our heads on spikes before evenfall."
So guys I found some old tributes and I mean to post them!I saw that they are no tributes to the Spider around the community,here there is a decent one.Thanks to SerVarys for the video!
"Why is it always the innocents who suffer most, when you high lords play your game of thrones?"
It's curious that a single video can show how the quality of the dialogues in the show has fallen hugely.When the books are out shit happens
Less than ten men were proclaimed Kings Beyond the Wall by the free folk themselves.Mance Rayder was one of them a common man that found a true cause to fight for and people to defend.The Bard,the Unburnt King,Abel...
Thanks to Valkyrist for the reading!
"The Halfhand was carved of old oak, but I am made of flesh, and I have a great fondness for the charms of women ... which makes me no different from three-quarters of the Watch."
Guys what if Asoiaf was adapted as an anime series?Here you can see a hint of it reviving this post with the aim of sharing this awesome fan video...Thanks to Joscomie the original author and Anigam3 for uploading it!
Could you tell me who is the character near Stannis with the Golden hair?
Recopilation of Stannis' quotes on the book on quite a plausible voice guys.All credit goes to ALAMO SPIRIT 7 owner of the video and well thanks to him for it.
"His claim is the true one, he is known for his prowess as a battle commander, and he is utterly without mercy. There is no creature on earth half so terrifying as a truly just man."