Minecraft Story Mode Seasson 2 Episode 6 and Episode (last epis) (IDEA IF YOU MAKE AN OTHER EPISODE)

A nice idea it would be in episode 8 or more the finall episode they fight herobrine Jesse and Petra,Jack,Nurm,Olivia,Lukas and Axel and Radar fight against HeroBrian or mayby you can take off some people from the fight but plz don't take out jesse petra jack lukas nurm and radar
Episode 7: Jesse and his friends find their way off to something strange and it is a circle that will lead them to travel around time and see reuben their fights and how about they actually kill the ender dragon
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Why is this obsession with herobrine in story mode?!?
And reuben returning?!?
idk but we just gotta tell them THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN.
what! herobrine? ender dragon? reuben? travel around time? that will not happen.
it's a fun idea come on! new episodes would't it be awesome!? fighting herobrine and the ender dragon leadind them to time by a strange shape witch is a circle ? IT'S FUN!
CAUSE IT WOLD BE AWESOME FIGHTING AN flying sharpenss 100000 full diamond protection person and idc if it will be reuben or so i just wanna see A actuall good long lasting fight!
New episodes would be awesome, but adding Herobrine and travel around time and Reuben getting back isn't.
just imagine it and well you can leave reuben alone dead but it's a good fight imagine like you are in hypixel pvp against a hacker or yeah fighting something like a hacker would be awesome too
Hmmmm... I wouldn't pvp with a hacker, I only fight him with sending a report.
ahh lame ideas u have wouldn't it be awesome
Becuse few people want these things to added in minecraft story mode.
Now you know how all those shippers feel lol
Being OP is not cool.
Why fight a hacker and/or Herobrine when you're already fighting a worse villain in S2? The Admin is stronger than Herobrine and a hacker combined.
And also, calm down. Telltale would never do that.
Because we're a bit tired of having people asking for the same impossible thing; Reuben coming back and Herobrine in story mode.
Поразительно, вы меня радуете игроки), я уж думал что про HeroBrian все забыли, это кстати хорошая идея для создания дополнительного эпизода для второго сезона, это было бы очень недурно, так как хочется что бы такие игры выходили или продолжались вечно)
Почему нет, по крайней мере идея с Herobrine не так уж и плоха, всем будет хорошо от того что будет ещё 1 эпизод, это если не говорить о том что будет если он возымеет успех, а мы попадём в списки тех кто это придумал, хехехехехехе
Не скажи, например такие компании как Bethesda вносили изменения в игры по советам игроков, если бы и Telltale так могла поступить было бы здорово, мы "предлагаем" им различные идеи, они с этого только деньги наварят, так почему бы и не почитать что мы пишем? Да и нам в последствии было бы приятно
speak English please.
And They will not do it.
Speak English please.
And Herobrine idea is very bad.
speack English please.
And it's bad idea to add these things for new Episodes. UnFortunately, still no one forgot about Herobrine.
I will admit, Herobrine is almost unkillable.
If Admin is killable, so Herobrine(if he was real) should too.
well the admin can't fight by it self
yes xD
yes steve i translated it and it says something like yaya people remember herobrian it will be a nice add to the story
i am saying again idc if reuben is gonna come back but i really want a wolf as a pet
f*** reuben at least time travell to their history?
Steal Stacy's Wink then
What in the heavens Happened here?!
Is that a rhetorical question or are you genuinely asking "what happened?"
It's a rhetorical question