Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • There is no in-game option for that.

    Anonymer posted: »

    how do i change audio settings? so that all the curse words are muted/censored?

  • It's a certain cinnamon roll's birthday today.

    enter image description here


  • Yes I checked it is indeed the classic Chloe from the Life Is Strange first game ! ;)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    That would be Classic Chloe, that's the preorder bonus. The deluxe ones are Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man and Illuminati.

  • edited September 2017

    What is this stuff about the horse mask I see since several years , where it come from originally ?

  • to Miklaus she wont appear in the main story but if you got the delux edition there will be a bonus episode with max

    Miklaus posted: »

    Less than an hour for me! Honestly I'm not that excited 'cause my girl Max won't appear, but hey, I'm missing Life is Strange too much to care about that.

  • Aw cute!

    Well Happy Birthday Kate!

    Is what I would say if she hadn't killed herself in my playthrough :'(
    MichaelBP posted: »

    It's a certain cinnamon roll's birthday today. source:

  • edited September 2017

    Oh, goodness me. I almost forgot.

    Happy birthday, Kate. :-D

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It's a certain cinnamon roll's birthday today. source:

  • You are adorable!

    Anonymer posted: »

    how do i change audio settings? so that all the curse words are muted/censored?

  • oh dear

    come to the dark side

    we have fucking cookies

    Anonymer posted: »

    how do i change audio settings? so that all the curse words are muted/censored?

  • edited September 2017

    damn what a bad day to have your birthday. poor kate

    edit: are we seriously wishing a happy birthday to a fictional character

    i don't know if that's very sad or very cute the only thig i know is that i'm crying and i don't know why

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It's a certain cinnamon roll's birthday today. source:

  • edited September 2017

    So I just played Before the Storm and I really liked it! Chloe is so much fun to play. That's a big issue with mine about season 1. While I liked the story, Max just wasn't fun to play as. I didn't really enjoy playing as Max. Any enjoyment I got was from interacting with the characters around Max.

    So back to Before the Storm. It's definitely a very fun experience. For the most part it seems pretty light hearted most of the time and isn't 100% serious the whole time. I gotta say that I like Rachel a lot. She's so fucking smooth! Though I'm not looking for a romantic route with her so hopefully the game will let me just keep their relationship as a strong friendship. I wouldn't mind a possible relationship with Elliot though.

  • Well, Max is an adult when you get to play her.

    In prequel, Chloe is merely a teenager.

    Also, Max is kind of grown-up, introvert. She was also written more bland to let player choose what kind of person Max is. Chloe already had established characteristics, so she barely steers to your choices.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    So I just played Before the Storm and I really liked it! Chloe is so much fun to play. That's a big issue with mine about season 1. While I

  • I keep thinking that there may be a scenario in one of the next two episodes where Victoria will say something shitty to Chloe regarding Rachel that will prompt a major decision as to how to respond.

    1. Walk away. (Just ignore her insults)

    2. Backtalk Victoria. (Use your words to shut Victoria down)

    3. Punch Victoria (Use your fist to unleash your rage on Victoria)

    If you had to decide, what would you do?

  • I want to say that I'd be the better person and walk away but backtalking is so fun! :D

    I keep thinking that there may be a scenario in one of the next two episodes where Victoria will say something shitty to Chloe regarding Rac

  • edited September 2017

    Adult, introvert, whether we can shape her or not isn't my point. The point is that I didn't find Max interesting and it just wasn't fun to play as her.

    Though I have to disagree about being able to choose what kind of person she is. She still has the same bland personality no matter what you do.

    Clord posted: »

    Well, Max is an adult when you get to play her. In prequel, Chloe is merely a teenager. Also, Max is kind of grown-up, introvert. She

  • So character appears as bland because when she actually replies to stuff, it's usually because your choices, not her independent personality.

    But that's kind of a point of whole "choose from four options" reply system. If Max went too independent then players would complain even more how their Max doesn't act like that.

    You can kind of see what I mean in Before the Storm where you control Chloe. Discussions between choices are far longer due she doesn't give damn of what player expect her to act like.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Adult, introvert, whether we can shape her or not isn't my point. The point is that I didn't find Max interesting and it just wasn't fun to

  • Punch Victoria the way Warren beat Nathan lmao

    I keep thinking that there may be a scenario in one of the next two episodes where Victoria will say something shitty to Chloe regarding Rac

  • Warren the Friend Zoned...

    MegaXD posted: »

    Punch Victoria the way Warren beat Nathan lmao

  • Max this is unacceptable...

    Clord posted: »

    Warren the Friend Zoned...

  • I bought the Deluxe one... uh, strange.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    That would be Classic Chloe, that's the preorder bonus. The deluxe ones are Punk Doe, Hawt Dawg Man and Illuminati.

  • edited September 2017

    Make out with Victoria and fuck her hard until she's sobbing and begging for your tonge and can't remember her name

    for some reason i really ship chloe and victoria

    I keep thinking that there may be a scenario in one of the next two episodes where Victoria will say something shitty to Chloe regarding Rac

  • Unbeknownst to them, Rachel is watching all of it.

    enter image description here

    Make out with Victoria and fuck her hard until she's sobbing and begging for your tonge and can't remember her name for some reason i really ship chloe and victoria

  • edited September 2017

    Some stuff I noticed during my gameplay:

    Max's bracelets in the first game:
    enter image description here

    Chloe's bracelets:
    enter image description here
    There were totally better images but I realized just then and I'm too lazy to play again. But really, it's always very obvious, even at ight it's super easy to see, like it's shining or something. That's totally some symbolism there.

    You can write graffiti in the second dream. You have two options: Truth or Lie. I both cases, Chloe writes this:
    enter image description here

    More on that...

    Chloe inmediately recognizes William is not real, just a dream. This, plus the feeling that she should be waking up, should put her in Lucid Dreaming state (if you write graffiti, you get an achievement called "Lucid Drawing" or something) and gain total control over her dream. Or wake her up. I have two theories: One, Chloe IS controling the dream, subconsciously. She can see the future, she was the one with the powers all along, she just didn't know it (ok, totally not real but hey, it would be interesting) and TWO: the Raven is forcing her to stay asleep, controlig her dream. It could also be a methaphor to the way other people (Max, Rachel, Ruth?) can alter reality, like a Di Caprio can control a dream)


    enter image description here

    Oh well she totally wrote it for reasoNS AND WHAIT

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    She didn't have it there before


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    Punish her with... what? Is her father abusive? I swear to fuckign god i'm going to punch someone

    enter image description here

    For a second, she looks scared before kicking the trash can

    aaaaaaaand then this:

    enter image description here

    Don't tell me that is the look of a father that doens't know his daughter has powers. Specially considering this happens while he's asking Wells and the Police about her.

    enter image description here

    The Raven is watchign over Frank and his dudebros (see: there is a bonefire or something with fire there)

    enter image description here

    AAAAAAAAND THEN It goes to find Ruth, Rachel's Father's lover. I don't think I should add that she smiles at the fire WHILE SMOKING A CIGARRETTE. Cigarrettes need fire (duh). I think fire is related to her and that Frank's dudebros work for her, when you consider those guys broke into Chloe's room for... something. Damn, what kind of fucked up shit is Rachel into and what is she leading Chloe to?

    And remember that time I said a lot of weird shit about how Ruth's flower tattos represent her control over nature?


    enter image description here

    I don't know what the fuck is this but it probably has some symbolism or somethig:

    enter image description here

    AAAAAAND THE GRAFFITI! Probably there is a lot of symbolism there so start digging:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    GODS: 1

    ME: 0


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    enter image description here

    These three specially seem to have a lot of symbolism


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    These glyphs remind me of... the wind?

    enter image description here

    More random stuff:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    I'm going to try to find some more weird shit around later bye

  • edited September 2017

    But it feels oh so right?

    Warren is just a good friend.

    MegaXD posted: »

    Max this is unacceptable...

  • "You're such a badass, Choloe Price. I'm impresse how you made Victoria sweet, sweet love"

    Do you think she would get jealous or masturbate while watching them?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Unbeknownst to them, Rachel is watching all of it.

  • Hey guys I got a theory:

    Ruth is actually a ghost. She's Rachel's real mother and she couldn't go away from the Evil Tree. Now that the Tree doesn't exist anymore, she's free to roam the realsm of the living!

  • There should be two different bonus options, one leads to the preorder bonus, the other leads to the deluxe ones.

    I bought the Deluxe one... uh, strange.

  • I bought the deluxe one... maybe a bug?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    There should be two different bonus options, one leads to the preorder bonus, the other leads to the deluxe ones.

  • edited September 2017

    For the sake of the forest, it'd be best if it was the latter. Though, maybe it's more likely she'd get jealous and burn down another part of the forest. She does the same thing again, when she catches Frank cheating on her with his one true love, Beans. Before Jeffershit can cheat on her though, she is murdered not by Nathan, but by Smokey.
    enter image description here

    Rachel never saw that shovel coming, and Nathan was too busy tripping balls at the time, so he believed the anthropomorphic bear he saw was an effect of that.

    "You're such a badass, Choloe Price. I'm impresse how you made Victoria sweet, sweet love" Do you think she would get jealous or masturbate while watching them?

  • Looool! 100% real no feik

    MichaelBP posted: »

    For the sake of the forest, it'd be best if it was the latter. Though, maybe it's more likely she'd get jealous and burn down another part o

  • I feel sorry for Deck Nine. They really hoped fans would be surprised with an ending no one could've expected.

    Looool! 100% real no feik

  • I believe the wind glyphs are only mesnt to be an easter egg, maybe. They're from the book, La Horde du Contrevent (aka The WindWalkers), which was written by Alain Damasio, one of Dontnod's co-founders and former director of the narrative department (2008-2010).

    Some stuff I noticed during my gameplay: Max's bracelets in the first game: Chloe's bracelets: There were totally better images b

  • My far out theory...Rachel is a spirit that was protected by the tree....Ruth is a dark spirit that had made a deal with Rachel's father....their meeting is part of his payment...Ruth knew that Rachel was watching and used that as a way of breaking the deal by getting Rachel angry enough to destroy the tree that she saw as a symbol of her father's betrayal.

  • I have to say that I really like all the new side characters at Blackwell. Maybe except for Drew but I have a hunch that there's more to him. Skip is awesome, Samantha is adorable, and I can't remember the two Tabletop player's names but they're my favorite! :) They're just all so likeable!

  • Good thing I love Life is Strange bc I wouldn't even read this lol thanks Sherlock

    Some stuff I noticed during my gameplay: Max's bracelets in the first game: Chloe's bracelets: There were totally better images b

  • It's mostly pictures though

    MegaXD posted: »

    Good thing I love Life is Strange bc I wouldn't even read this lol thanks Sherlock

  • Steph is just awsome

    I loved her puzzled expressions when playing Dungeon and Dragons with Chloe

    Steph: So, how do respond to that?

    Chloe: Uh- Dance!

    Steph:...Dance? Uh, okay?

    I hated Samantha though, for some reason. She's like an annoying bad vversion of Kate to replace her as Official Cinammon Roll, but they failed on giving her one of Kate's not important traits, her high confidence. Maybe i don't care about her because Chloe doesn't give a shit.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I have to say that I really like all the new side characters at Blackwell. Maybe except for Drew but I have a hunch that there's more to him

  • [removed]

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I have to say that I really like all the new side characters at Blackwell. Maybe except for Drew but I have a hunch that there's more to him

  • Samantha really isn't anything like Kate, aside from being shy and innocent I suppose. She didn't really remind me of Kate at all.

    Sometimes it feels like you really put Kate on a pedestal. She doesn't seem as great as you make her out to be, but that's just me.

    Steph is just awsome I loved her puzzled expressions when playing Dungeon and Dragons with Chloe Steph: So, how do respond to that?

  • Samantha is nothing like Kate, at all. It just seemed to me that they were trying to make ANOTHER sweet and pure cinnamon roll, (as if Kate could be raplaced, ugh), nd failed horribly. She stck me as annoying, which is strange because "cute" characters never seem annoying to me, and I that's something that really surprised me in the way the story is tolf from Chloe's perspective: In the first game, we proyected our own personality on Max to fill the gaps and shit (terrible writing desicion). Here, Chloe's opinion on certain things proyect themselves in us, and makes us see the world the way she sees it. That's fucking awsome. It could be just be though.

    Sometimes it feels like you really put Kate on a pedestal. She doesn't seem as great as you make her out to be, but that's just me.

    I agree that at plain sight she doesn't seem to be more than just a "cute and innocent" girl too good for this world, but if you look deeper, you'll see what I mean:

    You see, she's all innocent and sweet, right? But when she's angry, she suddenly becomes all sarcastic and harsh:

    Max: Hey Kate, sorry about yesterday.
    Kate: Yeah, sorry you didn't do anything to help.
    Max: I just--
    Kate: Whatever, it's done.

    Or, after being harassed by David and ignored by Max:

    Kate: Hope you enjoyed the show. Thanks for nothing, Max.

    In the roof:

    Kate: Did you come to get another Pulitzer like yesterday, Max?
    Max: I only wanted proof!
    Kate: More like you wanted another shot for the Max Cauldfied scrapbook. You want another now!?

    Seconds later:

    Max: I care about you! (she said something like that idk)
    Kate: You're such a liar! You wanted to help by ignoring my phone calls!?
    Max: I thought it was Warren!
    Kate: That's how you treat your friends!?

    Or in a deleted audio:

    Kate: Oh, yeah, Max, you care sooo much about me that you told me to "be strong". Yeah, that helps. [...] If you thought "free hugs" would save me you were totally out of your mind! [...] Jefferson took all those sick photos of me. I bet you wish you could take shots like these, uh!? You may win a pulitzer!

    And that is a very strong contrast between the "Sweet Cinnamon Roll" and, well, Angry!Kate. When someone is constantly bullied and harassed, they tend to have low self esteem and even think they deserve the treatment. Kate, however, never does. When you don't help her, she will rub it in you face that you were a terrible friend. That people is entitled to be nice, to her and to eveyrone. She sees people telling her hat she's worthless and she's like "Screw you all, I'm a good person and don't deserve being treated that way".

    And, really, that's some very fucking (emotionally) badass thing. Kate is very confident in her own morals and view of the world. Specially when you consider she comes from such an asshole family. Specially her asshole mother. I can tell from experience, mothers can be the biggest treat to their children's mental and emotional health. And yet, she still knows that she deserves love.

    This is not only original, since many "Sweet Cinnamon Rolls" have low self esteem and feel like they're not good enough, but also a very important part of her character.

    Kate could easily lose all hope in the world and say "fuck it", and become bitter and angry like Victoria or Nathan. I was surprised in how little she cares about the feelings of people that hurt hers. She could just not care about anyone's feelings at all and stop hurting. Innocent people hurt the most, and yet, she still tries to be innocent.

    And that's something very badass, really.

    Because that's when being not only a good person, but a pure and sensitive person, becomes a choice and not a normal character trait. And I think that her choice of bearing all the pain and live in such a corrupt world in the hard way, doing your best to be a good person, is worth way more than that.

    So yeah, Kate is awsome. And way less naïve and innocent that many people think. That's why it's so hard to write her in fanfiction, I guess.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Samantha really isn't anything like Kate, aside from being shy and innocent I suppose. She didn't really remind me of Kate at all. Someti

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