The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I just finished Bioshock Infinite for the first time and... Wow.

    Very quickly it rocketed up to one of my favorite games of all time. I love the characters, the story, the world...
    It only took about 20 minutes for it to pull me right in. Definitely my favorite Bioshock game. I loved the ending. Very... different to other games I've played.
    Just started the Burial at Sea DLC.

    . @Ravensnowstorm, I can see how this is your favorite game of all time.

  • edited September 2017

    Am I the only one who is genuinely confused on how Hogwarts remained open as long as it did? When you get down to it, it has an awful history.

    • One of the founders openly had a prejudice against half-bloods and muggle-borns.

    • There was an incident of a troll escaping from the dungeon and nearly killing some of the students.

    • A giant snake monster escaped from a hidden chamber that the school's staff didn't even know existed and it managed to kill one person and petrify a few others.

    • An escaped convict managed to infiltrate the school despite the fact that it was heavily guarded at the time by hooded monsters that literally suck the happiness out of anything they take presence near.

    • They have a very high child fatality rate.

    • Not to mention that there's always something wrong with the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher whether they be werewolves, abusive bureaucrats, or agents of Voldemort (which I'd like to remind everyone, happened more than once.) You'd think after the first 2 or 3 teachers didn't work out that Dumbledore would give his "elder wisdom" crap a rest and maybe ask for a resume every now and then. Hell, it took long enough for him to finally give the position to Snape, who's wanted it for years. And even then, that came back and bit him in the ass.

    And those were all just off the top of my head.

    If you're disappointed that you never got your Hogwarts letter growing up, all I gotta say is: Be grateful. I'd never send my child there.


    Starting today, each game page now contains a histogram of the positive to negative ratio of reviews over the entire lifetime of the game, and by clicking on any part of the histogram you're able to read a sample of the reviews from that time period.

  • So apparently the Switch has a hidden copy of NES Golf pre-installed on every system, but apparently you can only access on the date Satoru Iwata passed away, July 11th, by doing his "directly to you" gesture with the joy-cons. He coded the game himself.

    enter image description here


  • enter image description here

    ralo229 posted: »

    Am I the only one who is genuinely confused on how Hogwarts remained open as long as it did? When you get down to it, it has an awful histor

  • I'm glad someone else loves it so much! It's a great game, and I see you changed your profile picture for the Songbird! Cool!

    If you're playing Burial At Sea...

    get ready for the feels

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I just finished Bioshock Infinite for the first time and... Wow. Very quickly it rocketed up to one of my favorite games of all time. I l

  • Aww yeeaaahhhh! Punisher trailer is HERE BAYBEEEEEEE!!!!

  • My parents are trying to ground me so I locked myself in the bathroom. Ya boi ain't a Bout that life :confounded:

  • edited September 2017


    lupinb0y posted: »

    Aww yeeaaahhhh! Punisher trailer is HERE BAYBEEEEEEE!!!!

  • okay that shit looks so fucking cool

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Aww yeeaaahhhh! Punisher trailer is HERE BAYBEEEEEEE!!!!

  • you have the confidence of a man who's already been to jail and you're like "I SERVED MY NICKEL YOU COME AND TAKE ME"

    Melton23 posted: »

    My parents are trying to ground me so I locked myself in the bathroom. Ya boi ain't a Bout that life

  • Bruh I'm legit locked in a bathroom leaning against a bathtub with only my iPad. It's actually kinda painful and my parents don't like it when I say sorry apparently

    you have the confidence of a man who's already been to jail and you're like "I SERVED MY NICKEL YOU COME AND TAKE ME"

  • Reminds me of the action style of John Wick at some points.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Aww yeeaaahhhh! Punisher trailer is HERE BAYBEEEEEEE!!!!

  • Is there any way to disable this, pardon my French, fucked up fetish stuff on Deviantart? I feel disgusted and annoyed seeing all of those things consider as "art" everytime I search something...

  • "Deviant"

    Finally it lives up to it's name again.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Is there any way to disable this, pardon my French, fucked up fetish stuff on Deviantart? I feel disgusted and annoyed seeing all of those things consider as "art" everytime I search something...

  • edited September 2017

    It's been like that for years now. I'm on this site for a year now and I've had enough already. I was aware that this site had some weird stuff going on but I've never thought that it will be that bad. It's just like you said, it really does lives up to it's name...

    Johro posted: »

    "Deviant" Finally it lives up to it's name again.

  • Stand your ground and demand payment each time someone wants to take a shit. You'll be rich in no time.

    Melton23 posted: »

    My parents are trying to ground me so I locked myself in the bathroom. Ya boi ain't a Bout that life

  • Fun fact: histograms are not bar graphs. Bar graphs are for categorical variables and have gaps in their thing while histograms are for quantitative data and are continuous in the data (i.e. no gaps unless there is no data in that bin).

    HiroVoid posted: » Starting today, each game page now contains a histogra

  • Is it really weird/Immature to bring donuts to school for my 16th birthday?

  • Do-Nut insult the donuts. Their amazing!

    Is it really weird/Immature to bring donuts to school for my 16th birthday?

  • When I watch a movie and then the characters go underwater I hold my breath to see if would survive the situation

  • It'd be a little off, but it would still be something really fun to do for you and your classmates. :p I don't think anyone would particularly mind either!

    Is it really weird/Immature to bring donuts to school for my 16th birthday?

  • 100% Stealthing Seoul on hard mode is on the same level as getting a kidney removed while you're awake

  • Nope. We bring pringles and a shit load of other goodies and just throw them onto the table of our common room. One time my friend also ordered a dominos to the school and he actually got it

    Is it really weird/Immature to bring donuts to school for my 16th birthday?

  • So I watched the first two episodes of Orville and I like the show. The first episode was really mediocre but the second is actually quite good in terms of story, pacing and humor. The alien designs and make up are surprisingly varied and detailed especially for a television series. The effects as well are pretty decent.

    If you plan to watch it I'd recommend waiting until a couple more episodes are out before giving it a shot. If you can push past the mediocre pilot it ends up being a pretty enjoyable show.

  • Hey, is Bioshock 100% dark, twisted and gruesome?
    Is there anything that... lightens it up a bit?

  • Sooo... in essence, you've grounded yourself? :/

    Melton23 posted: »

    My parents are trying to ground me so I locked myself in the bathroom. Ya boi ain't a Bout that life

  • Ah, I'm guessing you've made it to the... Guy... In the... Place.

    To answer your question, nope. It's pretty much all dark, twisted and gruesome.
    But it's a really good game with a great story.

    Bioshock Infinite is not as depressing though. It's a slightly (but not much) happier game in my opinion.

    Hey, is Bioshock 100% dark, twisted and gruesome? Is there anything that... lightens it up a bit?

  • Errr, nope, not yet! :sweat_smile: I really haven't made it far at all...

    I feel kinda dumb for being such a scaredy-cat...

    But thanks for answering my question.

    Can you jump right into Infinite without playing the other games though?

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Ah, I'm guessing you've made it to the... Guy... In the... Place. To answer your question, nope. It's pretty much all dark, twisted and g

  • So I have to write an essay for English tomorrow and I think my best option is to just wing it and hope for the best. Wish me luck.

  • I wish you luck.

    So I have to write an essay for English tomorrow and I think my best option is to just wing it and hope for the best. Wish me luck.

  • Technically, yeah I did :p

    Sooo... in essence, you've grounded yourself?

  • If you bring enough for the whole class, it's fine, but there should be something to drink, and something to clean up fingers, too. Clear it with the teacher first if in doubt.

    Is it really weird/Immature to bring donuts to school for my 16th birthday?

  • edited September 2017

    Just finished Dishonored: Death of the Outsider. I really like it! The way it ends kinda leaves it open for more entries into the series in the future but it could very easily end here. I liked Billie's powers but I wish she had more instead of just three or at least a progression system of some sort. The level design isn't particularly memorable except for maybe the final level.

    Also just found out that the Chaos System isn't even in the game so I'll probably replay it with high chaos instead of the no kill stealth run I went it.

    Overall it's very solid. I really hope that there'll be another game in the future (a prequel set a few hundred years in the past maybe? Or a sequel set a century later?)

  • Something that confuses me. I'm on the part where you rob the bank for the knife and I still am not sure about what's going on with Billie. I saw that she loses her hand but I don't understand why. In Dishonored 2 you can restore Billie's eye and arm back if you knockout Stilton, which is what I did on my first run. So why does she end up losing her eye and hand anyway? For me it's like the events in Dishonored 2 never happened. Forgive me about my knowledge though. I've finished the Dishonored 2 story but I played only the first mission in the first Dishonored.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Just finished Dishonored: Death of the Outsider. I really like it! The way it ends kinda leaves it open for more entries into the series in

  • I don't think The Outsider just reverts Billie to her original state but replaces her arm and eye to give her powers without the need of a mark.

  • Outlast 1 + Whistleblower DLC is FREE on the Humble Bundle Store for the next 48 hours

    If you haven't picked up this superb(ly terrifying) horror game, this is a great time and price to do so...

  • 100% better than Outlast 2.

    AChicken posted: »

    Outlast 1 + Whistleblower DLC is FREE on the Humble Bundle Store for the next 48 hours

  • The lack of chaos system was a critique I had with the game. The system gives you the incentive to want to play the game how it's canonically supposed to go, low chaos and non-lethal, as well as impacting elements throughout the game. Taking away the chaos system means you can go on an all out killing spree with no consequences and you have no real incentive other than the trophies to do a non-killing ghost play through. It severely hinders the replayability of the game when nothing really changes based on what you do.

    Other than that, I really didn't have any complaints about it, it's another great installment in the Dishonored series that continues to build upon the world that they have created across all these games. The new powers are cool, having Daud back is always a good thing, the contracts/side missions feel appropriate for Billie's character (by that I mean you wouldn't really see Corvo/Emily taking up these contracts, but someone like Billie definitely would), and like you said, it opens the door for more entries in the series. I believe they said that this would be the end of the Convo/Emily era of Dishonored, so if there is to be more, it will feature all new characters. All I know is that I would love for Daud to be the new Outsider.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Just finished Dishonored: Death of the Outsider. I really like it! The way it ends kinda leaves it open for more entries into the series in

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