The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Western "comedy" cartoons are becoming uglier and uglier.

    King of the Hill
    Family Guy

    Makes South Park look like Mona Lisa.

    Also while something like South Park might offend people, they don't do it to offend.

    Thing is... I have Netflix so I end up giving this series a try for whatever reason.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    So the trailer for Netflix's new adult animated series Big Mouth shows an underage girls genitalia. Welp.

  • edited September 2017

    I don't think every western comedy cartoons are bad.I mean i'm getting sick and tired of Seth MacFarlane's bullshit Family Guy show(ugh I'm done with it)and now this shit Big Mouth? God, I will take South Park any other day then that stupid show I mean Netflix needs to bring back South Park if they let this shit on there.

    I am not giving this show chance at all

    Clord posted: »

    Western "comedy" cartoons are becoming uglier and uglier. King of the Hill Family Guy BIG MOUTH Makes South Park look like Mona Lisa

  • edited September 2017

    FINALLY!! I've finally managed to sell one of my games, Metal Gear Solid 5. I've got bored of it and I'm not interested in stealth games anymore.

    Also, #FucKonami

  • Sigh I hated last night. I went to my school's football game with my brother and his girlfriend. I went for the intentions of a girl I've been trying to get with, she's a senior and she's 17. I'm 15 and a sophomore, so anyways earlier that day she told me she may come to the game. So night comes around and the game is happening I'm forced to bring my 3yo cousin along with us and I'm waiting hoping the girl I like shows up, she didn't. My brother and his GF went off to do stuff and I was alone with my 3yo cousin who was bad may I add, literally screamed if things didn't go her way, I was more horrified that people would stop and get me because they think I'm kidnapping a child, anyways when I approach the truck my brother and his GF were doing stuff ya know and I was pretty bummed and annoyed. Little more Back story my brother's GF is close friends with the girl I liked and she was trying to hook us up. It flopped, and she apologized and told my brother she felt bad for me but I wasn't angry at anyone just super bummed because I really wanted to hang out with the girl. My brother GF told me that the girl will for sure be at the homecoming game next month, so I'll told her I'll see to it. But man that was a sucky night, I saw a bunch of classmates who I speak to at school but they didn't speak to me at the game. This effected so much because I was overhyped as shit that I'm finally getting somewhere with a girl that way out of my league I told some friends and etc. like I said I'm not angry, it wouldn't be fair of me to be angry. Let's hope things will get better

  • I'll be honest, I never post in this thread, but if I may, I'd like to give my opinion on your situation.

    Having been in a similar situation before, I totally get that feeling and it sucks. I don't think it was fair to you for you brother and his girlfriend to leave you with your cousin because she was trying to set you guys up, the last thing that should be in your general area when you're trying to get with a girl is a screaming toddler. I'm sure there are screaming adults around because hey, it's a football game, but screaming toddlers are overkill.

    Anyways, good luck at homecoming.

    Sigh I hated last night. I went to my school's football game with my brother and his girlfriend. I went for the intentions of a girl I've be

  • edited September 2017

    I just discovered this pretty cool game.
    It's name is Echo and it's some action-stealth game in which the AI "learns" from your actions. [Out for PC now and will be available on PS4 in October]
    You play as this person called En, and she is going through this place called the Palace to find some precious artifact (..I think? I haven't played it.) Basically, there are guards patrolling around and they are copies of you. The Palace shifts between having power and no power. What you do when the lights are on is recorded: vaulting, crouching, stealth takedowns, etc. Then after a while, the palace's lights shut off, the guards are still active but you are free to do whatever you please without being recorded. When the Palace turns on again, and begins a new cycle, the enemies will have learnt the actions you have previously done, and will use those for their own benefit. They will be able to vault, crouch, even take you down in stealth, if that is what you did in the previous cycle... Every new cycle erases the last, so the AI only remembers what you did 1 cycle beforehand. It seems interesting and cool, to be able to manipulate the AI (I heard somewhere that in a Demo at PAX, someone walked backwards for an entire cycle, and the enemies did the same after they rebooted, making his life easier to bypass.)
    The people behind this are ex-Hitman devs, so they know good stealth.

    I'm probably not doing a good job at explaining this, so here's an in-depth review and a trailer of it:

  • edited September 2017

    I forgot which one, but it was one of the latest theory videos and it was a one-line thing.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    What???? Seriously? They have made some pretty cool theories in the past. In what video do they say that shit?

  • I used to enjoy watching Family Guy, but now they lost their mojo. Their older episodes were great. I still watch South Park, it’s actually one of my favorite TV series. Their newer episodes are alright (Season 20 was the worst imo.) but their older ones are A LOT better.

    American Dad is better than Family Guy as well simply because it follows one or two storylines that make sense. That and no cutaway gags.

    strwar3 posted: »

    I don't think every western comedy cartoons are bad.I mean i'm getting sick and tired of Seth MacFarlane's bullshit Family Guy show(ugh I'm

  • I meant visually, especially how the characters are drawn.

    strwar3 posted: »

    I don't think every western comedy cartoons are bad.I mean i'm getting sick and tired of Seth MacFarlane's bullshit Family Guy show(ugh I'm

  • Thanks to how Steam store is "improving" its store front, I'm more and more against spending my money based on what it shows to me.

    More storefront is designed like it tries to manipulate me to buy something, I don't feel like buying anything from there.

    Also thanks to big discount events and very cheap game bundles. I don't really care about your new game enough to buy it until it's heavily discounted, unless I'm already interested enough due seeing someone play it or something (without edits to hide its faults.)

    So yeah, thanks to devaluing game prices on PC market so much, I actually end up just waiting that your games are heavily discounted, with some rare exceptions.

  • edited September 2017

    The three shows you used as an example (South Park, Family Guy and King of the Hil) all have incredible writing and focus their money and staff mostly on that which usually causes animation to be weaker and art styles to be ugly but their stories to be usually be award winning which can't be said about most anime.

    Clord posted: »

    Western "comedy" cartoons are becoming uglier and uglier. King of the Hill Family Guy BIG MOUTH Makes South Park look like Mona Lisa

  • They're trying to push the curator system by forcing to subscribe to the ones with the games you want on their lists. I don't know why Steam is doing that.

    Clord posted: »

    Thanks to how Steam store is "improving" its store front, I'm more and more against spending my money based on what it shows to me. More

  • It took me until the end of infamous second son to notice that Delisin Rowe looks a lot like Gabe Garcia

  • thx

    I forgot which one, but it was one of the latest theory videos and it was a one-line thing.

  • I'm eating Pop Chips.

  • Pop Chips? What's that?

    I'm eating Pop Chips.

  • I like South Park and I find the art style actually something that stands out.

    papai46 posted: »

    The three shows you used as an example (South Park, Family Guy and King of the Hil) all have incredible writing and focus their money and st

  • I'm subbed to Totalbiscuit's curated list just so that Steam doesn't complain I don't have any. Plus it's one of few lists I can see actually somewhat relevant.

    papai46 posted: »

    They're trying to push the curator system by forcing to subscribe to the ones with the games you want on their lists. I don't know why Steam is doing that.

  • Well a quick google search shows they are just potato chips

    enter image description here

    strwar3 posted: »

    Pop Chips? What's that?

  • They're damn good.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Well a quick google search shows they are just potato chips

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2017

    You didn't go into much detail about how it "flopped" but the rest of what you describe didn't really sound too bad to me. The fact that your brother's girlfriend was trying to help is actually a bit of a good sign, I'd even say. As for your classmates not speaking to you, it seems you are reading a bit much into it; people often try to keep to smaller groups - mostly with people they already planned to meet up with - when going to games. Seems like you are beating yourself up more than you should, in my opinion.

    EDIT: If you want to post about this in the Vent/Help thread, I think you can probably get more quality responses there and it will give the thread some more activity too. :)

    Sigh I hated last night. I went to my school's football game with my brother and his girlfriend. I went for the intentions of a girl I've be

  • A girl you were extremely excited to see somewhere didn't show up?

    Been there, done that ;(

    Sigh I hated last night. I went to my school's football game with my brother and his girlfriend. I went for the intentions of a girl I've be

  • Just found out that when you dump a lot of water in the kitchen sink, it comes out of the wall in the basement. Expensive repairs in my future. :(


    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Just found out that when you dump a lot of water in the kitchen sink, it comes out of the wall in the basement. Expensive repairs in my future.

  • So...Kingsmen 2 was pretty underwhelming. Just another one of those sequels riding on the success of the first film without developing any of the characters or moving the story forward.

  • Was it? That's disappointing; I was hoping to see it at some point and had fairly high expectations going off of how clever the first movie had been.

    J-Master posted: »

    So...Kingsmen 2 was pretty underwhelming. Just another one of those sequels riding on the success of the first film without developing any of the characters or moving the story forward.

  • C'mon Blind now you're just teasing us :(

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2017

    Trampy T would never tease anyone :'(

    EDIT: Now an outdated reference due to my next avatar change :(

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    C'mon Blind now you're just teasing us

  • Okay... Now what in tarnation is that avatar you're sporting?

    Trampy T would never tease anyone EDIT: Now an outdated reference due to my next avatar change

  • edited September 2017

    @Blind Sniper
    Thanks for the support guys, I'll take another crack at the homecoming game whenever that is.

    Sigh I hated last night. I went to my school's football game with my brother and his girlfriend. I went for the intentions of a girl I've be

  • No problem, and good luck!

    @imighthavebrokenit @Blind Sniper @WalkerMage102 Thanks for the support guys, I'll take another crack at the homecoming game whenever that is.

  • Know what's another good hobby?

    Building bomb shelters.

  • I love having a room to practice my Rubik's cube skill.

    Johro posted: »

    Know what's another good hobby? Building bomb shelters.

  • It's been a while since I checked the GTA V store page on Steam. Most of the reviews are all mixed but at the bottom of the page they are negative and it seems that it's been like this since August 29th. I read some of them and they're all saying that Rockstar took their GTA V Online money because they claimed that it was "illegitimate" money. And they're also saying Rockstar Support has been lazy since of late and that their not responding to this problem. Here is one of the first GTA V reviews that showed up in my page:

    "Recently, Rockstar decided to remove cash from players' accounts because ""they have illegitimate money.""
    The last two weeks were really good for GTA:O with profitable events and discounts, making money wasn't so bad.
    But the moment they released Smuggler's Run trailer, they started purging accounts.
    They literally "stole" 8.7 million from me. Some people lost 150k, some lost 20+ million. This is not PC exclusive, people lost money on PS and XBOX too.
    I'm not saying all these people are innocent but i know i've been playing my *ss off (activity;280 hours past 2 weeks) but apperantly they don't like it when you earn too much. I still have decent amount of money, but that doesn't change the fact that they stole cash from my account out of nowhere. Too much real life parody there".

    "I lost millions because of the business bugs, glitches. (Supplies never arrive, 75k worth of supplies produce 63k worth of product, no production even though business is active etc...)
    I lost millions because Import/Export bugs. (Vehicle starts burning for no reason, sometimes 15 minute delivery timer reduces itself to 2-3 minutes. When you're about to sell, a long loading screen then cars are gone or invisible,etc... )".

    "I lost hours, when you're done with a sale, sometimes you receive "Transaction Error, price is invalid." or "Transaction error, too much activity in your account." I'm sure that was suppose to be against modders. Guess what? I play legit, i get an error. In the next session a modder's dropping 50k cash every 30 seconds. What happened to my business? I lost some of my product, recieved no money. I can try selling it again and hope i won't get any errors this time".

    "What about Rockstar Support?
    They're worse than Nexon.
    Nexon doesn't give a sht.
    Rockstar doesn't give a sh
    t plus they damage your in-game experience".

    "I sent about six tickets, i got three different responses. No, it's not because they ignore your ticket. They have a support catalog or something where they copy&paste the best answer for your question".

    So this guy plays GTA V Online ALOT. Does anyone know exactly why Rockstar did this to players who haven't cheated or modded? Also it appears Rockstar did this to players on Xbox and PS4. Also correct me if I'm wrong here. I haven't played online in about a month and a half. But now I'm afraid I might lose some money too by going back online.

  • Don't know what that guy is talking about. Most people say it's not as fantastic as the first one, but still pretty fucking good. Kinda like GotG Vol2.

    In my opinion though, I prefer Kingsman 2 and Guardians 2 over their prequels.

    Sure, nothing can beat the churchscene from the original, but overall I prefered Kingsman 2. Obviously it has it's flaws, just like every movie, but I haven't laughed this much by a movie since Guardians 2. I'd definitely give it a watch.

    Was it? That's disappointing; I was hoping to see it at some point and had fairly high expectations going off of how clever the first movie had been.

  • edited September 2017


  • Have you ever heard of 60 Seconds? It's this little game on Steam where you see how long you can survive in a bomb shelter. It's kind of fun, and if I remember, pretty cheap on Steam.

    Johro posted: »

    I love having a room to practice my Rubik's cube skill.

  • edited September 2017

    I haven't seen it but I was fearing it was going to be lacking to the first. Matthew Vaughn going out of his way to direct a sequel to any of his films was a warning sign for me. Even though I think he's a tad overrated as a director, his cycle of not choosing to direct sequels mostly, was smart. This reminds me of what happened when Sam Mendes directed two Bond films. Getting back Colin Firth's character didn't bode well with me either, his death had a great use of shock in the first, and could of provided a way of exploring the grief of his character better if they didn't bring him back, as a way to feel emotionally invested in Eggsy's motivations. While John Wick II wasn't the worst of sequels I felt it could never grasp the firsts personal storyline, you really had a way to care about his quest for vengeance. The action scenes of John Wick II were great yes, but its way of bringing him back to this world didn't have me invested enough to care. Its a shame really sequels are a curse for films.

    J-Master posted: »

    So...Kingsmen 2 was pretty underwhelming. Just another one of those sequels riding on the success of the first film without developing any of the characters or moving the story forward.

  • If a player earns any modded money and deposits into their Maze Bank account, Rockstar will most likely remove ALL the money put in Maze Bank, even the cash you earn for real.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    It's been a while since I checked the GTA V store page on Steam. Most of the reviews are all mixed but at the bottom of the page they are ne

  • edited September 2017

    We don't get enough cool stop-motion animation movies these days. While this is probably computer animation disguised to look like stop-motion, it looks good nonetheless.

    This seems like a strange movie.

    Edit: Wait, it's totally stop-motion. At least, that's what every news article says.

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