The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • What is it about?

    Recently got accepted into beta testing for NVIDIA. FUN!

  • edited September 2017

    I have been watching Big Mouth, rather gross Netflix series.

    Turns out that the trailer really didn't show the show in the right light. While it has some weird jokes, it's actually quite watchable.

    However one thing is quite clear, the show has a terrible name.

  • I'm beta testing their tool that uses AI to upscale images 2x, 4x or even 8x their original size. I use a variety of images, from real life photographs to video game textures and the results are pretty good.

    Let me attach an example:
    enter image description here

    Dan7Bip5 posted: »

    What is it about?

  • To be honest,I find the show completely stupid while I love Cartoons being Mature(MA Rating like South Park)this was really bad and I just watched only two episodes. I couldn't even finish it.

    Clord posted: »

    I have been watching Big Mouth, rather gross Netflix series. Turns out that the trailer really didn't show the show in the right light. W

  • Don’t get me wrong, I love writing, I write a lot.

    ...but I get tired of research very quickly.

  • Mmm, cold pizza.

  • Happy beta-ing! Try throwing some really noisy images at it to see how it handles them.

    I'm beta testing their tool that uses AI to upscale images 2x, 4x or even 8x their original size. I use a variety of images, from real life photographs to video game textures and the results are pretty good. Let me attach an example:

  • Maybe you're not researching the right stuff. Try researching something fun and interesting.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love writing, I write a lot. ...but I get tired of research very quickly.

  • I think you're right about that and I probably will look into something different.

    See, with what I'm researching right now, I already know a lot about it and so it basically seems like I'm reading more than I'm learning.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Maybe you're not researching the right stuff. Try researching something fun and interesting.

  • I know this is from yesterday but I just now watched it and I'm actually in love with it, I adore the song and the video is just so well done.

    Crying right now cuz of this, just pure art.

  • Strwar3 not liking the show, fills you with determination.

    strwar3 posted: »

    To be honest,I find the show completely stupid while I love Cartoons being Mature(MA Rating like South Park)this was really bad and I just watched only two episodes. I couldn't even finish it.

  • It looks soooooooo good, I'm hyped and I don't even own a console. Let's hope that they'll release it on pc in 2019.

  • Tell that to people who have been waiting for the first game to be released on PC.

    Tolispro posted: »

    It looks soooooooo good, I'm hyped and I don't even own a console. Let's hope that they'll release it on pc in 2019.

  • I played my first session of Dungeons & Dragons last night, which lasted about 14 hours (it felt like it flew by luckily). I'm playing a wood elf ranger named Gwyneth who hates undead with a passion since they decimated her small woodland village. She carries on to seek vengeance. Joining me on my journey is a human cleric, a half elf monk, and a very tall Goliath paladin. So far I'm enjoying D&D a lot. :)

  • D&D is the best when you have a few fricking twenty hours a day to spare! Long live free time.

    Though the first session is always long because of character making. I'm the Dungeon/Game Master around my friends and I recently narrated a story that took place in the Wicher universe, it was much fun and everyone died at the end.

    I played my first session of Dungeons & Dragons last night, which lasted about 14 hours (it felt like it flew by luckily). I'm playing a

  • Red Dead Redemption 2 horses have testicles with physics. Now THIS is next gen gaming.

  • lupinb0y posted: »

    Red Dead Redemption 2 horses have testicles with physics. Now THIS is next gen gaming.

  • Glad to know Rockstar has their priorities straight.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Red Dead Redemption 2 horses have testicles with physics. Now THIS is next gen gaming.

  • Mongolian BBQ with Pineapple is to die for :yum:

  • why minecraft?

  • edited October 2017

    4 AM and right now there is a very strong electrical storm here where I live... And I'm worried, many thunder and lightning are falling and the wind and rain are very strong. I bet I'll be out of light soon :( seriously.

  • I haven't been to the forums in a while and I feel kinda shitty about it despite it only being around a month and a half, lol.

    How is everyone doing?

  • I’m just trying to go get breakfast donuts but someone parked behind us and we can’t leave. I deserve those donuts. :(

  • Anyone know how to deal with artist's block?

  • Get a break from whatever you trying to create, focus on other things for a couple of days; go for a long walk, listen to new music, play some creative videogames, just wait until you get inspired again.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Anyone know how to deal with artist's block?

  • Kinda alive, kinda dead, like the forum itself.


    I haven't been to the forums in a while and I feel kinda shitty about it despite it only being around a month and a half, lol. How is everyone doing?

  • And is the best when you actually know people in your area to play it with. When you're the only geek you know in your area, you're out of luck haha.

    fallandir posted: »

    D&D is the best when you have a few fricking twenty hours a day to spare! Long live free time. Though the first session is always lon

  • edited October 2017

    Omfg I need this gaaammeeee! I wasn’t sure at first but now I literally need it cos of this. Do they have testicle physics? :kissing_closed_eyes:

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    source for both screenshots

  • Couldn't have said it better myself, my friend.

    fallandir posted: »

    Kinda alive, kinda dead, like the forum itself. You?

  • Walk around and look at things to see what might deserve to be art-ed.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Anyone know how to deal with artist's block?

  • I feel like shit.

  • Sometimes, the way to deal with artist's block, is actually force yourself to make something.

    If you really can't make anything then you probably need a break.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Anyone know how to deal with artist's block?

  • How come?

    I feel like shit.

  • Wanna talk?

    I feel like shit.

  • The Vent/Help Thread might be able to give you good advice/support if there's something specific that's bringing you down, though I'm sure no one would mind if you feel like discussing it here instead. :)

    Sorry to hear you're feeling down, I hope you feel better soon.

    I feel like shit.

  • Is it bad that I’m more sensitive to things regarding children purely because of my work, even if they’re not involved with my group?

  • Feel better soon, please don’t feel like you should be alone and hesitate to reach out to somebody.

    I feel like shit.

  • Hmm... it seems the Chicken month is now over.
    Why not whip out the Bat-Chicken avatar from the original season's premiere. Haven't worn this cowl in a while.

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