The Wonderful Details of Choices, and Crafting Your Own Story.
I think we can all agree that this game's time has come to an end. There probably won't be a second season, and the immense amount of hard work put into this game is being overlooked by many. But, I'm going to focus on the positives here. The dedication, passion, and amount of work the Guardians Team has put into this game is phenomenal. I'm talking about every part of the team. Writers, Directors, Editors, Artists, Voice Actors... everyone.
To show my support of this team and the game, I'm going to list off the incredible amount of things the team has done to create many diverging paths, points, and personal story threads. Not all of them are essential to the story or change it in significant ways, but they're extra options that were included to personalise your experience, and I am grateful for it.
The team didn't NEED to put in this many choices, but they did. Here we go...
Episode 1:
- You can be impressed or disappointed in Rocket's huge gun. You get multiple opportunities to voice your opinion on the matter, and can change your mind if you feel the need to do so.
- You get the option to order drinks for a number of people. Your team, the whole house, or keep it all to yourself....
- A single dialogue option with a Kree soldier adds a line later on when he reappears. It's a tiny detail, but it was added. --- "Oh, great... It's the racist."
- You have an option to oppose Rocket or Gamora's plan concerning Thanos' body in dialogue, and can even change your mind on the matter when finally choosing in the bridge. --> Lead to Episode 2 Difference -- Also changes characters' reactions in Next Time on segment
- Depending on your relationship with Drax/Rocket at the bar, you get different dialogue options for Drax, and may have the option to apologise to Rocket, or not if your relationship is completely negative.
- The choice of Thanos' body changes who wakes Peter from his trance. This wasn't needed, but is an appreciated detail to add.
- The deal with the body on the Nova Corps side can go two ways. Either your friend can pull some strings to get you the money, or you walk out with no future bounty.
- The battle scene with Hala is different depending on who you called. A small section that could have been uniform, but it was not.
- Dialogue options with Gamora on Hala's ship can change depending on your Thanos choice.
- The path to get to the Bridge is also different depending on who you brought.
- Rocket's announcement to when he blows the windows open and his remarks to Peter change based on his relationship with him. And those are just two lines that change. The effect is appreciated.
- Regardless of previous knowledge of Guardians, you still get the option to go with Yondu voluntarily or against your will. This changes reactions in the Next Time on segment.
Episode 2:
- Failing the first QTE changes a dialogue option. Not needed, but a very welcome detail.
- Also, more dialogue options are different based on the Bar Scene/Partner Choice of the previous episode.
- Options to introduce the Guardians as something other than "Family" to Yondu, despite the story leaning heavily on the familial aspect.
- You can promise to Rocket that you'll do his favour, but this does not set it in stone. You can change it later.
- Rocket can be removed from the hub the moment you get back to the ship if you do not agree to his favour.
- Dialogue to Gamora when talking about Nebula's escape can change Rocket's demeanor to you based on whether or not you went back on your promise.
- An entire point-and-click subplot dedicated to the candy thief.
- Various options to console Drax and lead him to learn from another Guardian. These scenes can be missed if you do not look for them, or can even be locked out if you angered one of them, locking you out of an area of the ship.
- The beginning moments of the chase of Nebula can be different on the Nova Corps or Collector side, depending on whether or not you traveled there first. That's 4 possible permutations to an end goal. [capturing Nebula]
- The beginning moments of finding Rocket can be different depending on when you traveled there.
- Regardless of it being a flashback, you still get choices on how the events play out, and what that character chose.
- You get options to help Rocket bury his lover, or not get involved. It doesn't have much of an effect, but it's still there for the player to decide.
- How you get the cipher from Nebula can change depending on how harsh you treat her. Same end goal, different route.
- Interestingly enough, the choice in whether or not Rocket should hold on to his memories changes how he takes down the Kree soldier in the engine room. The outcome is the same, but the method of execution is different. An appreciated detail.
Episode 3:
- Dialogue choices in Gamora's flashback are registered, and used for another flashback later on.
- Gamora's direction of being stabbed is different depending on whether of not you give Nebula the device. It even changes a singular line later on. A tiny detail, but work was put into it.
- One dialogue option when talking to Mantis changes how she adresses Peter for the rest of the episode.
- You get the option to choose a Guardian for Mantis to empathise with. This has no effect on the story apart from some dialogue changes in the hub that follows. Small details, but they were still added...
- One dialogue option after Mantis' speech can restart an entire dialogue tree. It didn't need to lead to that, but for comedic purposes it's greatly appreciated.
- You can talk to the Bartender in the bar hub and even get options on which drink to have. A very easy detail to miss and it was by many (as he's located just off screen from Drax), but it's still a detail that was added in and kept.
- You can quell Rocket's feelings in different ways. Either make him mad, or punch him and he apologises. Making him mad adds an insignificant choice later on where he apologises, and you can accept his apology. Telltale didn't need to add this choice later, but they did. Very appreciated.
- Having Nebula on the team can even change the montage on the ship. They could have just stuck with clips of the Guardians themselves, but have it change an entire subplot is nice. (Drax vs. Nebula arm wrestle / Groot Basketball)
- Having Nebula on the team changes how you acquire the squished lens, as Rocket gets all prepped to grab it, but Nebula gets her own time to shine. They could have stuck with Rocket in both paths, but nope. Effort was put into that.
- I've noticed that the choice of the Fate of the Forge changes the lighting of the Temple. It's a minor change, but it's still something.
Episode 4:
- The opening fight scene and dialogue is slightly different based on the previous Forge and Nebula choices. There's even this ominous comment Hala can say to Mantis (as she holds her up by the throat) in the Empowered path. "In all of your tales and prophecies, did you happen to see this?"
- You have a choice to fulfill your mother's wishes, or get her the help and comfort she needs. (Camping or Hospital). Kind of a deep choice to make.
- There are multiple things each member can say to Peter in the first room of the cave each time you interact with them.
- Being mean to the space worm means instant denial of friendship. Being nice means you get to name it. That name gets repeated throughout the episode, and was a very fun detail. You can even bring it into Episode 5 if you choose.
- Having Nebula injured changes some dialogue options with Gamora, Groot takes her through the caves, and it even adds a full death scene for her later on with even more choices implemented into that! (Honour her wishes, get her to come clean with Gamora). Even though her fate is inevitable, you still have input on the situation.
- You still get to shape your Guardians in this episode, where you can finally play Drax as a Father. Is he harsh? Loving? Worried for his daughter going out on the hunt?
- Throughout the engine puzzle inside the worm, you get opportunities to use the Communicator. It adds explanation to characters' feelings, and fills you in on current events (disposing of stuff on the ship). There's quite a bit of dialogue for that, so kudos to the cast.
- You can rename Drax's blades to the name of an old TV show, song, or band if you bring them up. I'm not sure if they ever get mentioned in the episode, but it's an interesting detail that was kept. It's a cool little secret dialogue branch!
- You have the option to keep or dispose of each and every special item in Peter's room (even the photo of his mother). Telltale didn't need to add all those options, but they did because why not. They even added the option to remove the Tape Deck -- the most iconic piece of Peter himself. The best part is that how much you dispose of can overrule your choice of keeping the Tape Deck. That's some cool consequence right there.
- Also, Telltale added the option to choose which side of the worm to exit. They could have gone with one route, but no. They gave you the option. ...Great.
- Drax's death prompting the leave of quite a few Guardians, and causing disarray. Tensions are high. It's interesting how sacrificing oneself isn't all as noble as it is in the movies, and denying one's sacrifice can be just as bad (especially if it's that person's way of life). Gamora hates the idea of Drax doing such a thing, stating that she can't handle all this death, she doesn't want anyone to die. Drax despises that you deny him a "warrior's death", something he strives for as his own end goal. Losing someone can fracture a group, and that's cool.
- Even in the end, you had the option to react in pity, surprise, or hostility in each of the Guardians' departure. Why? Why not?
Episode 5:
- Right off the bat, you get two choice paths intersecting: The Forge choice, and the Sacrifice Drax choice, with either Rocket or Gamora at your side, and Bal-Dinn coming to you for help or not. Mantis' reaction and reason for wanting to stop Hala is different depending on if the Forge is still active or not.
- For each emotion you choose in the mind space, you get different lines of dialogue related to each emotion that the Guardians have said thus far in your playthrough. Even some of them are choice dependent lines, tailored to you.
- You can get completely different scenes from the Sacrifice Drax choice, where you either have to convince Drax he has a purpose (after Space Worm battle) + convince Gamora to rejoin the Guardians, or convince both Rocket and Drax (After denial of sacrifice) to rejoin the Guardians. You can even leave the lab with Rocket by blowing it up, or talking him down.
- You have the order of assigning roles for the Guardians on how you'll attack the Kree mothership. Apart from Rocket and Peter, each Guardian can fullfil each role, and they all complete it differently (creating a distraction, "hacking" the computer, retrieving the helmet and defending the hacker). Different dialogue occurs for each situation.
- Before you depart on your final mission, you have a build-a-speech scene! Who doesn't like that?!
- A few instances of how Hala attacks the Guardians on the bridge is different depending on her current state. Minor, but it's just good details.
- Much like the Nebula Death scene of last episode, now the Alive Nebula players get their share of the cake. They get an exclusive scene added on to the end of the Hala fight. There's also choices implemented into this scene, and here you can either let Nebula fall to her death or save her and keep her alive, cybernetics and all.
- You get big different options on how to end the climax of the game in each scenario. In the Empowered Forge path, you can either wipe out the Kree for good, or let them live and let Bal-Dinn lead them on a new path of life. In the Destroyed Forge path, you can either let Hala die as her memory fades and degrades, or comfort her in her final moments.
- You can recruit Mantis to the team during a talk in the bar. Doesn't do anything, but as I've said before... options are appreciated.
- The big changes don't stop yet! In the Empowered path, you have the option of reviving one of the team's friends or family (Meredith, Kamaria, Lylla, or Nebula [if she's dead]) or not, if you so choose. In the Destroyed path, Mantis gives you the option of talking to your mother -- for real -- one last time. If you accept, you have a heartwarming moment of goodbye, and are able to choose the closing song of the episode. (the default option on the Empowered path is 'Why Can't I Touch It?')
- To top it all off, the surprising after-credits scene is different depending on where Thanos is at the time, and of certain choices made along the way. There are 4 in total, but I'm not sure what activates each of them. (Assassin retrieves Thanos from Nova Corps, Collector's Museum, or the Training Room, or no Assassin is present at Nova Corps.)
...and that's it. At least, most of it.
So, there you have it. Major thanks to the Guardians Team, and I hope you continue to make wonderful projects like this in the future.
This team has the passion to create a bunch of scenes and choices that don't have a large effect on the "main story", but still has an effect on the player's view of the game itself, and how their story plays out. Lots of small content, lots of small consequences, but a lot of it was made for the enjoyment of the player.
Remember: In the end, you will have created your Guardians adventure, and it could be pretty hard for someone to get the exact same experience you did. There's just so much content in this series, and that's precisely why I love it.
Edit: Okay. I'm done. I did it. I finally got around to revising the incomplete Episode 4 block and adding in the major/minor choices of Episode 5. I still stand by my opinions on this game, and still love to gush about it. It's not perfect, but don't get on my case for loving it...
Here's to a second season! (right?)
Awesome that you made this, the game and it's team really deserve some appreciation. Seems like there are also things I've missed even though I usually explore everything.. like ordering a drink from the bartender, don't remember that. I've been waiting until the whole season is out to replay. And apparently I haven't been imagining that GOTG has the most amount of details and variations out of all their games (that I've played at least). Even things that don't have to be there but still are, hope they keep doing that. But seeing it come to an end makes me sad, is it really that unlikely there will be more? I'm always an optimist until proven wrong.
I was kind of bored, so I decided to make this. Show my dedication to and appreciation of this series.
Forum-wise, out of all the current running series, this game probably has the smallest group of people active talking about it, and not too much goes on here. Outside of the forums, yes, this game gets a lot of love, but I don't think it's enough to warrant a second season. We'll just have to wait and see...
And then it all comes down to one choice to decide who stays with you.
Glad you made this. It really shows how amazing this whole experience is/was.
I'm sure it'll branch out again in the next episode. You'll probably have to persuade the others who have left to rejoin, and maybe, hopefully, you can fail.
But still, so far the game is jam-packed with choices and events that the "average player" would think does not matter. Regardless of their effect, you really have to commend the team behind it for creating them and keeping them in the game throughout development.
This is what Telltale's games should be.
Thank you for making this! I can't stress enough how Guardians is probably Telltale's magnum opus when it comes to choices having true consequences, even more than Tales From the Borderlands, which I thought was spectacular. While I am somewhat disappointed by the linearity of the final choice this episode, I have no doubts the series will finish strong, and can only hope that we either get a second season of Guardians, or at the very least Telltale announces a partnership with some other sci-fi IP focused on comedy... coughTransformers MTMTE*cough
I think adding the Drax choice under Episode 4 would be a good idea by the way, since it determines Rocket and Gamora's standings with Peter, Groot's physical state and relationship with Rocket, Drax's fate, what happens to Nebula's body if she died, Mantis' reaction (although only a bit), lines and characters in the bar scene as well as how the episode ends.
Also the Nebula choice changes things allot and the Rocket vs Gamora choice has pretty big changes too.
I must say, this game keeps surprising me with how good the choices and consequences are, I'd even go as much as to say that it's The Walking Dead Season One level of choice and consequence, keep this up Telltale and people won't be able to say your games still have choices that don't matter!
I will add that I never had that mindset, the smallest changes can make the game for me tbh.
Yes, even if I complained about only 1 choice mattering in episde 4 ending I liked most of rest things. I finished ep1 multiple times just to check all combinations and there are like 4 different responses for Rocket on ship. Also its worth noticing that if you never sided with Gamora she will tell you that she is seeing pattern here and refuse to help you at the temple in ep3.
I am planning to do runs when I am siding 100% of one guardian, then runs when I am opposing 100% certain guardian (sometimes you cannot do both because there are options good for 2 guardians or bad for 2 guardians, but Gamora vs Rocket is ok for this I think).
Also I have big hopes for ep5. Too bad there probably wouldn't be s2 ;/
Yes, even if I complained about only 1 choice mattering in episde 4 ending I liked most of rest things. I finished ep1 multiple times just to check all combinations and there are like 4 different responses for Rocket on ship. Also its worth noticing that if you never sided with Gamora she will tell you that she is seeing pattern here and refuse to help you at the temple in ep3.
I am planning to do runs when I am siding 100% of one guardian, then runs when I am opposing 100% certain guardian (sometimes you cannot do both because there are options good for 2 guardians or bad for 2 guardians, but Gamora vs Rocket is ok for this I think).
Also I have big hopes for ep5. Too bad there probably wouldn't be s2 ;/
What do you mean by that? Are you saying that it's good they had Drax's death be in this episode instead of the next, that way tensions would be higher?
I was just meaning that it could be good to add that choice too since it changes pretty much the rest of the episode.
Ah, okay.
If only this team put as much effort into the pacing, writing, humor, and character development then it probably would have easily been Telltale’s best game and gathered an audience but alas I’m still falling asleep every time Star Lord makes a bad joke.
Seriously. Everyone is singing the praises of this game while I feel completely out of whack with the writing and pacing. I just want it to be over already.
What a great thread! Thanks so much for taking your time in detailing all the little variations and larger choices/paths that can be taken so far in the series. Every episode has been better than the last, and you can really tell how much the team is learning and putting all their love and care into each episode.
Hardly anyone is talking about this game let alone singing its praises.
What's wrong with the pacing, writing, humor and character development? Compared to the previous games, this one is a saving grace in those departments in my opinion, not to mention being subjective, not everyone is gonna laugh at a joke one person finds funny etc.
Whatever suits your boat.
It does NOTHING for me and I’ve already explained why it doesn’t work and why no one is talking about it. then why are you here?
Well, based on the episode 5 quote in the waiting thread, it seems that Episode 5 will have a lot of branching...
Good news for me and this thread. So excited!
Seeing how Ep 4 ended, I'm not surprised at all the possible permutations.
Because I’m a fan of the films, I’m waiting for it to finally grab me and it sadly hasn’t plus I like to give my thoughts cause this is a forum.
You got a problem with that?
So it was necessary to bring down a positive thread with your bitter attitude? Other threads fine, but you clearly went for this thread to bring down that sweet vibe it had.
Okay... I will agree that you have your own opinions, and you do seem to want to enjoy it. But if it hasn't grabbed you 60-80% of the way through, I don't think it ever will. There's no need to note all your complaints with it, because judging by your standards you've set so far, it doesn't seem it'll get better soon. Sorry.
And I will agree slightly on that point. In the beginning, it did seem to market itself the same way as the films, with big loud music montages just like the films' trailers. They also didn't use all that much footage, because they had to keep Thanos' death and the introduction of Hala a secret. That may have swayed you in the wrong way.
I went into this not expecting the movie. Despite how similar the trailers made it seem, I knew things would be different. Thanos was already facing off against them, the plot seemed interesting "each Guardian is after an artifact for their own needs, it could tear them apart" and that was cool. We hadn't really seen that in the movies, and if it did have tension, we'd know they'd get back together for the next movie or even the Avengers. Here, it's Telltale's own take and universe, and they can do whatever they want with it. They can even break up the Guardians if they please. And that's exactly what they did.
The trick is to just go in not expecting the movies. Just something similar.
But, I do know you were a fan of this, and you enjoyed it. After episode 2, however.. you posted this one topic about how you hated it, suddenly contradicting your praises that you said before in Episode 1. What changed?
You can have an opinion, but don't be so bitter about it. Don't just go on here to post your negative opinions on the matter, try to look at the good, maybe ask others why. I'm sorry you aren't enjoying it, but no one's forcing you to play it. You can always walk away.
Let me make this clear, my reaction to Episode 1 was more out of a surprise that it wasn’t as awful like everyone was making it out to be and even then I wasn’t super in love with it.
As time went on, I started realizing many of the faults the episode had the more I thought about it and eventually it sort of made me lose interest.
With that being said, I don’t “hate” Guardians, it’s just so-so for me and I’m still REALLY not a big fan of the decision to make it JUST LIKE the films in tone and aesthetic and I do think it’s a bit dull in parts. I do plan on eventually buying and giving the whole season a fair go once it’s finished since the way I usually get into a Telltale game is watching a good amount of footage before I buy the whole package, I did that with Wolf and TWD S1, and it didn’t affect my overall enjoyment in playing those titles. (GOT, not so much.
I suppose my biggest reservation is that I sort of don’t see a point in its existence since Telltale already told a spectacular story about a group of underdog “a-holes” hoping to make a name for themselves and I didn’t think a Guardians Telltale game was ever necessary, but that’s just me.
Oookay... finally decided to finish this thread. I added the Episode 5 details, and a bit of stuff to Episode 4.
Great game, great final product, great development all around.
I'm reviving this thread after seeing your post in that "Batman Vs Guardians Of The Galaxy" thread @AChicken
Thank you for doing this.
And let's hope a season 2 happen one day.
topic starter. thats a good amount of typing and (i completed it weeks before so i am not spoiled)
i am down with the heart warming ending and choosing dance in the moon light ending.
neb dead,
quite a balanced ending i got
and for story wise. i tried to make it as GOTG as possible with lame jokes and funny drax reaction.
only did destroy forge path and let star lord had a moment with his mum. (this feels so suitable for a marvel movie)