Why do many people think that Batman would last in a fight against Superman?
Batman is an average human with ability to lift the maximum weight of eight-hundred pounds. Superman can lift and push planets.
Batman knows many forms of martial arts superman can through a punch stronger than any DC character.
Batman runs like an Olympic runner while Superman can run at superspeed and fly as the fast as the speed of light.
Batman has Kryptonite but for that to work Superman would have to be in proximity to Batman. Superman can just fly and burn him to a crisp with his heat vision.
Also Superman's reflexes work as fast as Flash's reflexes or even faster.
This is just a discussion for fun and I am a Batman fan! This is a discussion I have with many of my friends and many people vote for Batman can someone explain why or how Batman can beat Superman in a 1 on 1?
How could Batman defeat Superman in a 1 v 1? One factor to consider is that Superman's very nature is his greatest weakness. Because he has such invulnerability, his typical MO is to engage in straight up combat. This is not the case for Batman. Batman, for all intents and purposes, has an MO of avoiding straight up combat.
It's an interesting case of brawn versus brains - not to say Superman is an idiot, but he's certainly no strategist and does little to nothing in the way of planning. He relies on his brute force, and that's not a strategy that Batman hasn't encountered many times before.
Batman exploits weaknesses. Superman wouldn't be walking up to an area with visible Kryptonite he can simply fly up and avoid. He'd be lured into an area with it, likely contained in a circular pattern around the area until Batman could activate it's exposure. Once that's been completed, there is no flying for Superman. Likely, no heat vision either and only then would Batman engage in a more straight up fight.
Batman is a lot of things but an average human? I think not!
Like Poptarts said, it's a matter of brains vs brawn. Batman's superior intelligence is what I believe trumps Superman. Batman is a great strategist and not to bash on Superman or anything but his strategy more often than not is to punch it.
I can't conceive Batman lasting very long. This is Superman we're talking about, he has the whole superpower shebang. Batman for all his intelligence is merely human.
Why? Because's he's already done it a few times.

Because he has before.
Because whoever wins will always depend on who the writer wants to win, not in previously established strengths and weaknesses alone. If the writer wants Batman to win, they will prepare the grounds in a way that allows this to happen within the logic of that fictional universe. This is why he was able to do it before.
Well actually The Dark Knight Returns is not canon. Also Batman can not react faster than the speed of light even. Imagine if Superman is flying at the speed of light and the kryptonite disrupts his flying Batman would be wrecked from that hit. The only way Batman would stand a chance is if it is night time and superman has been exposed to a red sun for a long time without absorbing any solar energy from a yellow sun. Superman is also smarter than Batman because in one comic he's in the batcave and notices ways to improve Batman's gadgets.
You know Superman holds back right? I mean in one comic of Superman, I can't remember his name but its like Maxwell or something like that takes control of Superman's body and nearly kills Batman. Also The Dark Knight Returns is not canon
I definitely know that Superman holds back, and that's why I stand by it's his very nature that ultimately would cause him to lose. Superman may have abilities that can cause annihilation, but that's not who he is as a person. Lex Luthor has defeated him in a kryptonite battle suit. He's only human. A man is much more than what his body is capable of, and unfortunately for Superman or rather fortunately for everyone else -- that's just not who he is.
OK so lets say Superman is out for Batman's blood do you still think that Batman with all his gadgets and tactical planning would be able to withstand the strength of Superman's hits and remember Superman can literally throw Batman into outer space. Also Superman's intelligence is superior to Batman I don't remember the comic but when he is in the Batcave he notices ways to improve Batman's gadgets but decides against it to avoid hurting his feelings. Also Superman has a suit which is resistant to radioactive elements which would make him immune to Kryptonite.
Under what circumstance would Kal-El purposefully seek the death of Batman? I can follow your logic in saying that his power is simply greater, which isn't the argument at all Batman is just a human, and I did state that Superman was by no means an idiot. His intelligence is neither inferior nor superior. He simply thinks differently. Superman hasn't been presented as a strategist.
As Abeille stated, whoever wins is ultimately whoever the writers want to win. There are plenty of hypothetical situations that can create either victory, which included Kal-El being possessed and needing to be defeated by Wonder Woman instead, but I don't drift out of character.
Considering who Superman has killed and why -- Phantom Zoners having murdered billions of people, Joker for killing Lois, Doomsday in which they kill each other so self defense included, Zod for being incapable of preventing him for whatever reason from killing innocent people by any other means -- I'm simply uncertain there would be a situation where he would seek the death of Batman.
Superman wouldn't want to kill him unless Batman was being foolish and decided to threaten Lois Lane or what about this, Superman knows that Batman knows all of their weaknesses and Superman knows Batman's which is him being a average human. So what if Batman wanted to kill all of the Justice League members? Batman can not predict all of Superman's moves but don't you think that Superman would expect Batman to use Kryptonite and Radioactive elements? I understand that you know Superman is no idiot, but when people say he is not prepared then if Batman has prep time so does Superman everyone likes to give prep time to Batman but not Superman which is a bit unfair.
Superman is rarely depicted as anticipating Batman having access to Kryptonite, and honestly rightfully so. The stuff is supposed to be rare. The writers in making that 'his one weakness' in many novelizations however, make its appearances seem like it's available on any given street corner because it shows up a lot.
His other major weakness is of course magic and magical weapons/artifacts, so there are other avenues if Batman were in fact taking on the Justice League ( such as if he gained the use of Wonder Woman's sword which can kill Superman ).
But let's say that this is one of those rare instances that Superman doesn't rush in to engage his foes as he does the majority of the time ( this isn't a character flaw, he's trying to save people ), has foreknowledge of Batman's plans, and Batman... for some strange reason, wants to murder the Justice League and knows he set lethal trap for each of them. Superman dons his armor before he gets anywhere near the area where the Justice League is dead, dying, or fighting Batman and takes him out from a distance. He'd win hands down.
What? That's cray. In most versions Bruce is WAY smarter than Clark Kent. Also, I thought there was some sort of catastrophic result from Superman flying at light speed on Earth - which is why he doesn't do it.
I do think Superman would beat Bruce in a fight, as Superman straight up is much too strong and powerful. No contest. Unless Superman's strength and abilities are greatly compromised.
Because Batman already has... several times and even beat Superman.
Well Superman and Flash have raced and on foot flash is faster but when Superman is flying they are equal speed.
Not in canon comics Batman hasn't beaten Superman only in spin-offs and most of the time Batman is portrayed as the badass rogue while Superman is the goodie two shoes. Superman can easily defeat Batman he can catch Batman unexpectedly at the speed of light and throw him into space I doubt he has a plan for that. Also in regards to kryptonite if Superman absorbs enough solar energy he can resist the effects of Kryptonite for a short time making Batman's kryptonite worthless. Unless you believe Batman can stand toe to toe against Superman, also in Death in the Family storyline Superman shows up and Batman punches Superman and tells Batman that if Superman didn't turn his head while Batman punched him, Batman would've shattered his entire arm. Just saying Superman wins no contest.
But then, neither is going at light speed.
What I find amazing is how anyone could travel at light speed, or even the speed of sound, and you know, not suffer any bodily damage. Like, what is it about Superman's body that allows him to move at such speeds and not experience any wear and tear? I guess the Flash has super healing, which is why his joints aren't incredibly messed up... but once you start applying logic to superheroes nothing really holds up.
Personally I hope this series is kept separate from other DC heroes I don't want superman swooping in mid season lol.
(ignore this)
(and this)
I agree I do not want Superman or any other superheroes in this series it works fine as a more realistic Batman story if there are not godlike beings in the Batman series.
Well Superman's durability is pretty strong in case you didn't know that nothing can really damage his body. That is the whole reason why Superman can take anything to the chest lol
Because Frank Miller is a hack.
Superman has several weaknesses. Batman knows exactly how to use them so he stands up a chance against the most dangerous creature in the universe. He is a natural strategist and he studied every weakness of the Justice League members. He always has a backup plan when it comes to deal with dangerous situations like a Justice League member lose his/her control. He may seem like a normal human but Batman is beyond a normal human. He is the definiton of a person that reached all of his limits; by intelligence and physical power(I am not counting Bane because of venom factor.).
Kryptonite is his major weakness. If you stab him with a Kryptonian knife or shoot him with a Kryptonian bullet, he will get injured or even will die like a normal person(but since he has the light of speed, firing a gun to him may not be the best idea). It will poison him and it will erase his powers for a while and he will became a normal human instead of an alien.
He also has a weakness on magic. If it comes from a semi-divine or from a full-divine source, it can kill him. Other magics seem like do have an effect which is a fatal injurie or a normal one.
Also, sunlights other than yellow will weaken him. Krypton's red sun Rao made him lose his powers for a long time.
His super hearing also causes some damage on him when it comes to high-pitched noises.
Chi energy also has an effect like Kryptonite does to him.
Can Flash be an exception ? I always grew a sympathy for him and he is my best after Batman.
I don't think that other superheroes would be good for the series because it won't be Batman The TellTale Series. I mean I think they can do it later on once the series is like up to Season 4 (If it lasts that long which it most likely will since it is one of my favorite series from TellTale and their best game in my opinion.) I still enjoy it more than any other series, the only other one that is about equal with this series is The Wolf Among Us.
I agree. We're not far enough into the Batman timeline to have any direct involvement from any of the Justice League members as of yet. I wouldn't object to them showing up in the news feed on the computer in the Batcave though. It'd be interesting to see if they did any other games featuring some of the other Justice League members. Perhaps following the success of the Wonder Woman movie, it might be a decent contender for a TellTale original.
I would love for TellTale to create a Wonder Woman game. I think that Wonder Woman is one of those DC characters that everyone knows and love! If she were to have her own game they should team up for one episode or a DLC episode or something like Minecraft's three bonus episodes except they make it for Wonder Woman.