The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited October 2017

    Watching Gerald's Game. Rough movie.

    Edit: Finished it. Good movie. It just has a lot of psychological torment.

  • Yay for first guess, nay for second guess.

    Modern Warfare (the good one) and Ghosts? I've played Black Ops on my Xbox One over the summer since it's backwards compatible. That is another possibly for the game you've been playing. I really enjoyed that.

  • what the heck man

  • nay for second guess

    Well, it couldn't have been III, that was the one with Canada and everyone loves Canada lol.
    Uh... Well next to Ghosts, maybe Black Ops or Advanced Warfare. I heard B.O.II and M.W.II are the good games.

    J-Master posted: »

    Yay for first guess, nay for second guess.

  • 12hrs in South Park: The Fractured But Whole

    Been doing other things, so that play time is on the very generous side. I love it. It's a great RPG. The only thing missing is the element of choice. You might say that's a big deal, but on the other hand, you get a completely customizable character that other characters react to. I'm impressed. Even after the first game left such high expectations.

  • Development is going to be continued

    Tolispro posted: »

    I have a question regarding the star wars ragtag game. We know that EA shut down the studio that was developing the game, does this mean that the game is cancelled or is the development going to be continued by a different studio?

  • I've sprayed sparkling water all over my pants three days in a row now.

  • By accident? Or have you taken to wearing super tight jeans?
    (my gal pals tell me you have to put those on wet)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I've sprayed sparkling water all over my pants three days in a row now.

  • By accident. I've been buying a bottle everyday from the grocery store and I guess the trip back is kinda bumpy. So everytime I open it, it just explodes all over.

    Johro posted: »

    By accident? Or have you taken to wearing super tight jeans? (my gal pals tell me you have to put those on wet)

  • I have a question regarding the star wars ragtag game. We know that EA shut down the studio that was developing the game, does this mean that the game is cancelled or is the development going to be continued by a different studio?

    EA said that they gave the game to a different studio and will use what has been developed so far but I suspect we'll be getting a very different game in the end, most likely another multiplayer lootbox moneymaker.

    Tolispro posted: »

    I have a question regarding the star wars ragtag game. We know that EA shut down the studio that was developing the game, does this mean that the game is cancelled or is the development going to be continued by a different studio?

  • ban them all you want papai but they're right

    papai46 posted: »

    petition to ban you.

  • Heyo 'veryone!
    I see the forums have been changed; For better or worse I am yet to find out...

  • You... have... a... Vita... too!? :open_mouth:
    I assumed I was the only one on these forums with one because I never see anyone talk about it...

    getting used to the new site works loads better on my phone still need to try it on my ps4 and vita

  • You complain too much, it’s getting annoying now. Once is fucking funny but the more you spam the same thing the more I wanna pull my hair out

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'm sorry but this new site update is BULLSHIT!!!!

  • Which of my comments did you reply me from?

    Melton23 posted: »

    You complain too much, it’s getting annoying now. Once is fucking funny but the more you spam the same thing the more I wanna pull my hair out

  • welcome back to the hit show "youtube is broken and it's annoying the shit out of me". today instead of bitching and moaning about the content ID system, the subboxes and most recently the adpocalypse ya boy pewdiepie caused, i'm going to talk about my fucking recommended feed which is honestly the worst it's been in 4 years now.

    below is a chart of what ALL of my recommendations feeds look like at this moment. unless i am on the home page and even then this is still rare, my feed looks like this:

    now i know this'd be normal to a 12 year old autist who still enjoys naruto unironically, and you might think that shit is what i'd tolerate, but below is a list of content i watch and the content i don't watch (and for the most part don't even like or enjoy), and using the index you can see i get a large majority of what is recommended to me from the latter list.

    i am well aware youtube has bigger problems, for example making it physically impossible for creators to make a decent living off the platform unless you're completely PC....... or jimmy kimmel. but you know what i'm GONNA complain about it because i'm sick and tired of falling asleep to sleepycast and waking up with HELLO LOVES IT'S STAAAAAAAAAMPY HERE AND WELCOME TO ANOTHER MIIIIIIIINECRAFT LET'S PLAY

  • The one that shows up when you click “in reply to____”

    AronDracula posted: »

    Which of my comments did you reply me from?

  • ....

    Melton23 posted: »

    The one that shows up when you click “in reply to____”

  • oh for god's sake aron it's right there at the bottom right corner of his comment. red font. you click it and it takes you to the comment it's in response to. stop being a baby and just learn to get used to the new update. it's gonna be frustrating for ALL of us, no need to make it into an ordeal.

    AronDracula posted: »


  • edited October 2017


    I’m sorry but this new site update is fucking BULLSHIT!

  • you click it and it takes you to the comment it's in response to.

    What the fuck has that got to with what I asked? I said "Which of my comments did you reply from?".

    stop being a baby and just learn to get used to the new update. it's gonna be frustrating for ALL of us, no need to make it into an ordeal.

    How about you stop insulting me and defending this abomination? Nobody asked for linear threads. It makes a lot of users to leave this community, easy.

    oh for god's sake aron it's right there at the bottom right corner of his comment. red font. you click it and it takes you to the comment it

  • You see what I'm saying? Comments and their replies are separated completely. How is anyone supposed to know what comments do the replies respond from? It's not even in the current page.

    Melton23 posted: »

    @AronDracula I’m sorry but this new site update is fucking BULLSHIT!

  • But clicking on the link in the bottom corner still take you to it and it flashes yellow so you know which comment it is if you have multiple in a row

    AronDracula posted: »

    You see what I'm saying? Comments and their replies are separated completely. How is anyone supposed to know what comments do the replies respond from? It's not even in the current page.

  • Ahh, now I got it. Goddammit.

    Melton23 posted: »

    But clicking on the link in the bottom corner still take you to it and it flashes yellow so you know which comment it is if you have multiple in a row

  • edited October 2017

    What the fuck has that got to with what I asked?

    As a matter of fact, quite a lot. You asked which comment is was, he directed you to how you could find out.

    How about you stop insulting me

    You say that as if this is my 300th time insulting you over complaining about the site layout when it's actually my first

    and defending this abomination?

    Not defending the site layout, I'm telling you to get over yourself. There is no need to passive aggressively complain about it because they're not going to change it back. If you don't like it, leave. I hate it too but you know what, I'll get over it. Because it's a site layout. The forums still function, just not in the way you want it to.

    Nobody asked for linear threads.

    Except I've seen numerous people so far welcome the change and say they've been asking for it for years. There ya go speaking for everybody again.

    makes a lot of users to leave this community,

    Except you apparently ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • edited October 2017

    Currently in the process of writing a five-point rant about how shit WWE is now. Enjoy lots of profanity and an attempted lesson in storytelling from a guy whose most notable work is fanfiction.

  • Sounds interesting. Can't wait to read it.

    Currently in the process of writing a five-point rant about how shit WWE is now. Enjoy lots of profanity and an attempted lesson in storytelling from a guy whose most notable work is fanfiction.

  • I have a Vita, I only have one game on it though.

    You... have... a... Vita... too!? I assumed I was the only one on these forums with one because I never see anyone talk about it...

  • So you either really love that game or really hate the Vita? ...Or both?

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I have a Vita, I only have one game on it though.

  • Turns out it took me six points to air out all my grievances with WWE:

  • Fuck.

    I just realized this style also fucks up the pages. What is now page 1000 wasn't page 1000 before the update.


  • I got a bunch of games with it, but they didn't work when I tried to download them. I didn't really buy any more games after the one I bought because I was more interested in getting PS4 games.

    So you either really love that game or really hate the Vita? ...Or both?

  • It’s page 4232 for me

    Fuck. I just realized this style also fucks up the pages. What is now page 1000 wasn't page 1000 before the update.

  • edited October 2017


  • Yay for second guess, Black Ops. You’re winner.

    Johro posted: »

    nay for second guess Well, it couldn't have been III, that was the one with Canada and everyone loves Canada lol. Uh... Well next to Ghosts, maybe Black Ops or Advanced Warfare. I heard B.O.II and M.W.II are the good games.

  • Am I the only one who thinks Michael Fassbender could play a awesome James Sunderland in a Silent Hill movie?

  • ClemyClooAndBabyboo said:
    they're not going to change it back.

    If they don't change it the forum will go to life support though.

    What the fuck has that got to with what I asked? As a matter of fact, quite a lot. You asked which comment is was, he directed you t

  • Last day of my vacation. Somber day indeed.

  • Am I the only one who thinks Michael Fassbender could play a awesome James Sunderland in a Silent Hill movie?

    Sure... but I don't think Hollywood is ready for another Silent Hill movie.
    The first one was an okay movie that screwed up the source material and the second was just terrible all around.

    Am I the only one who thinks Michael Fassbender could play a awesome James Sunderland in a Silent Hill movie?

  • He really could but a movie based on a video game was always a terrible idea. There is no single good video game movie that lived up to the expectations. Even Dwayne Johnson, who played a character in Doom movie, couldn't save the movie himself.

    I have no doubts about Tom Holland hired to play Young Nathan Drake in the upcoming Uncharted movie but I doubt the movie will be great. Movies with great casting can be bad as well.

    Am I the only one who thinks Michael Fassbender could play a awesome James Sunderland in a Silent Hill movie?

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