The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • i'm hosting a halloween pizza party today. gonna be pretty fun and not physically draining hanging out with 4 friends at all.

  • XCOM 2 is free on XBOX One for, I dunno, maybe three days now, and I swear, I'm so determined to beat it during that time. So far, I really hate ADVENT Shock Troopers, or whatever they're called. The ones with the fucking batons. I really like it so far, though.

  • That moment when you realize, that you forgot that today is your birthday... Is it normal to forget such thing?

  • edited October 2017

    Finished Super Mario Odyssey today.
    If Nintendo were to write a gigantic love letter to their fans, old and new, that game would definitely be it.

  • I decided to blow out all of my money after a long week and bought Assassins's Creed Origins and Wolfenstein 2. Fun games.

  • That moment when you realize, that you forgot that today is your birthday... Is it normal to forget such thing?

    It depends how old you're getting and who else is making a big deal about it. Still worth celebrating, though.

    bruzdaa posted: »

    That moment when you realize, that you forgot that today is your birthday... Is it normal to forget such thing?

  • Party just ended, was a really good time albeit exhausting. Didn't expect anything to go so well but yaknow.

  • Pizza brings people together.

    Party just ended, was a really good time albeit exhausting. Didn't expect anything to go so well but yaknow.

  • I think one of the cantina workers in my school put their snot in my pizza once ?

    Johro posted: »

    Pizza brings people together.

  • I was on ps and another scammer messaged me so I decided to mess with them. Mostly by making them say they were horny over me, then saying to them that they should fish in my fat rolls for some donuts (I’m not fat btw) then saying I ate my credit card, before getting that last piece of info from them and then dropping the bomb that I was 16. God I hope it isn’t a bot cos I asked my friend to take it further by looking them up and pretending that they are a federal agent about to send a swat team out to them for seducing minors.

  • Don’t you think that’s a little too far?

    Melton23 posted: »

    I was on ps and another scammer messaged me so I decided to mess with them. Mostly by making them say they were horny over me, then saying t

  • These are the types of things I do when I’m bored

    Don’t you think that’s a little too far?

  • Melton, they are always a bot, do you really think they would waste time spamming each person individually?

    Melton23 posted: »

    I was on ps and another scammer messaged me so I decided to mess with them. Mostly by making them say they were horny over me, then saying t

  • Got my college radio show on Tuesday and I'm doing a Halloween themed show, anyone here got any suggestions? I've already got stuff like Fear of the Dark, Monster Mash, and Bat Out of Hell, anyone got anything else? All I ask is that it relatively sticks to rock or metal.

  • Anything for money so yeah, it’s kinda obvious that they would, they only really use bots to make a bigger take in a short amount of time, it’s still fun to mess around with though

    papai46 posted: »

    Melton, they are always a bot, do you really think they would waste time spamming each person individually?

  • How about this twist on a classic

    Or this

    Got my college radio show on Tuesday and I'm doing a Halloween themed show, anyone here got any suggestions? I've already got stuff like Fea

  • 10 hours into Assassin's Creed; Origins and I'm pretty happy with my purchase so far! Visually the world is fantastic to look at and and Egypt just feels alive. The voice acting (for the main characters) is great, the combat is a nice improvement and there are little things like the enemy having schedules and routines which is cool. Sometimes you can find them sleeping, meditating, eating, sparring, etc and it's relatively random. The story so far (at least for the main character) is interesting. The bits when you assassinate someone and you talk to them are actually really cool looking. You get transported to this dark black world and it just looks cool. The side missions have also been improved. Each one has its own story and characters rather than just doing this and that because reasons.

    But there's this weird system (in especially large enemy bases) where, let's say you've killed five enemies in one area of the base, soldiers from other areas of the base go over to replace the ones you killed. You can pretty much kill them one by one as they funnel in which is dumb.

    Some of the voice acting (mostly NPC's or less important characters) are either really mediocre or really bad. The real world stuff outside of the Animus/Abstergo stuff is still really boring to me. But the way they did it is a bit more interesting as it's open world(ish) which feels a bit weird.

    Overall I'm really enjoying it! Looks like it was a good idea for Ubisoft to have taken that break last year.

  • For the Halloween, I watched the original Jaws movie. Many people it's a classic horror film but that movie didn't scare me at all. I thought it was just okay. I think they say it's a masterpiece because it's the first movie that made a lot of people be afraid of water. I'm glad my country lives near a sea where there are no serial killers.

  • but that movie didn't scare me at all.

    I believe I've said it to you, and AutisticGamer, a couple times before. Just because you are not scared by a horror movie does not mean it failed in what it set out to do. Silent Hill 2 is hardly scary but it's one of the most brilliant games of all time. You can be disappointed that it didn't scare you, fine, but that's hardly a complaint. Jaws is genuinely one of the best films ever created for what it did accomplish. It's brilliantly shot, perfectly acted, the music is iconic, the special effects are mind blowing and the shark itself is a very imposing force. Just because it doesn't scare you doesn't mean it's an "okay" or "bad" horror film. Which I know you didn't call it bad,

    I think they say it's a masterpiece because it's the first movie that made a lot of people be afraid of water.

    but you DID discredit it's achievements and chalked it up to "it did this one thing and that's the only reason people say it's a masterpiece" because you weren't pissing your pants over a fuckin shark.

  • There are a lot of lists on the Internet, like this one:

    Another one I've heard in past years is "They're Coming To Take Me Away, HA-HAA!" by Napoleon XIV.

    Oh, and In This Moment has a few songs that could qualify, too.

    Got my college radio show on Tuesday and I'm doing a Halloween themed show, anyone here got any suggestions? I've already got stuff like Fea

  • It was revolutionary and new when it came out. Now, it's been parodied countless times and the whole killer shark film is more a joke than anything else. Jaws Still, it's a great film.

    It really isn't a horror film, it's a thriller. Going in expecting a horror movie probably will definitely affect how you see the film.

    The shark (love it) isn't the only thing the film has going for it too. The classic score, the brilliant character work, the slow burn, etc really makes it stand out from the rest of the monster movie genre. Take Quint's Indianapolis monologue for example - that is something beyond other, similar films.

    Of course, movies like Jaws, Alien, and that sort of ilk always have an advantage over what comes out today - at the time, their concepts were wild, everything was unexpected, and they benefited from high-class talent. Now they're done to death.

    But hey, not everyone is going to like every film that's considered great.

    AronDracula posted: »

    For the Halloween, I watched the original Jaws movie. Many people it's a classic horror film but that movie didn't scare me at all. I though

  • I never said it's overrated. To me, I never found any horror films scary. None of them made me shit my pants. Only video games.
    I don't mind if they consider it a masterpiece. It sure did have an iconic music composed by John Williams, a great Shark animatronic and none of the acting was bad in a way.

    but you DID discredit it's achievements and chalked it up to "it did this one thing and that's the only reason people say it's a masterpiece" because you weren't pissing your pants over a fuckin shark.

    I never did discredit it. I can imagine how many people were getting surprised by those films in 1970-90's. But because of those overused cliched horror logics, people are getting less surprised and scared.

    but that movie didn't scare me at all. I believe I've said it to you, and AutisticGamer, a couple times before. Just because you

  • But hey, not everyone is going to like every film that's considered great.

    Indeed and I'm one of those people who didn't like the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

    It was revolutionary and new when it came out. Now, it's been parodied countless times and the whole killer shark film is more a joke than a

  • Don’t you hate those school teachers who assign homework over weekends/holiday breaks? I can’t stand them

  • Lol my friends once got homework over the summer holiday cos they had the same teacher when they came back ?

    Don’t you hate those school teachers who assign homework over weekends/holiday breaks? I can’t stand them

  • edited October 2017

    WOW and Cool,dude!
    BTW anybody in here had chances to take pictures with people you liked? Like stars or people like what @MetallicaRules experienced? I shared mine but next time I will get picture with him. Also I think 8 years ago I took a picture with Garth Brooks and got a autograph from him. My gf was jelly about it.

    This is not being political, just something I wanted to share. Former CEO of HP and Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina spoke at my university tonight. She is a terrific speaker, and I got a quick picture with her.

  • I have a question? Is Stranger Things good? My gf wants to know from you guys. Is it good?

  • Want to feel regret? Google goosh goosh

  • edited October 2017

    Apparently my toddler-hood is calling back to me...

    Also, only watched the first two episodes of Stranger Things 2 (I'm not a hardcore binger, so I'm pretty slow on catching up to/blazing through shows. I take breaks from time to time.), but it's so good to get back into this world. The mystery feels deeper and ever present, some new characters provide interesting plotlines (it took 'em a while, but I like how they finally addressed one of the previous seasons' "unsolved" mysteries by looking into it a bit more, and the various plotlines are interesting. I can't wait to see where these characters go!)

    I would recommend Stranger Things. It's a cool science-fiction/mystery/slight horror show that can really suck you in. The retro feel is cool (bonus points to the epic synth opening credits), the main group of boys do a good job acting as the brave explorers of the show (think Goonies or Stand by Me), and while some other characters have kinda lame plotlines, mostly the Nancy-Steve one in the first season, they're enjoyable enough.
    ...I'm pretty bad a explaining things in great detail, so I'll just give you my seal of approval. It's Great!

  • On a separate but slightly related note:
    Has anyone here ever experienced nostalgia for something that they were never around for?

    I'm like that for any 80's type of stuff. I didn't exist back then, but I feel this strange familiar connection to it.

  • edited October 2017

    Kind of. I like a lot of stuff about the 70's and 80's. I was around for the second half of the 80's and certain things deserved to die. The moustache+mullet look, bright sweaters, pink everything... Fashion was pretty terrible in the 80's.

    Then again, I liked the whole short-haired girls thing.

    AChicken posted: »

    On a separate but slightly related note: Has anyone here ever experienced nostalgia for something that they were never around for? I'm l

  • I don’t like Snapchat streaks, they’re very annoying, especially when you’re waiting on a text from a friend.

    Btw, add me on Snapchat :)

  • I finally got the chance to watch Spider-Man Homecoming and what can I say? Best Spider-Man movie since Spider-Man 2. Tom Holland is easily one of the best casting choices MCU has chosen, best portrayal of Spider-Man and Peter Parker. They got it so right.

    They also chose the best cast of choice for one of the most iconic Spider-Man villains, the Vulture, being Michael Keaton who also played Batman/Bruce Wayne in Tim Burton's Batman movies (1989 and Returns), another actor who appeared in both Marvel and DC movies besides Ryan Reynolds.

    Things I loved about this movie
    * The performances.
    * The action sequences.
    * The humor. The one we deserve. I don't remember anything from The Amazing Spider-Man movies that made me laugh.
    * The Spider suit. Even if the CGI was unnecessary, they still managed to get it right. I don't mind the CGI if they get it right and make it unnoticeable. Probably my favourite Spider costume in big screen.

    Things I didn't like about this movie
    * The villains' screentime and development could have been done better, especially the Shocker.
    * It didn't make it feel like a Spider-Man solo movie, more like a MCU movie because Tony Stark appeared in this movie, had like 15 minutes and saved Spider-Man multiple times
    * The trailers kind of ruined my expectations with this movie, especially the second one which made me stop watching the final trailers.
    * Most of the dialogue and scenes weren't like in the first trailer of this movie. We never saw Spider-Man and Iron Man traveling together.

    Overall, this is the first Spider-Man movie that I've enjoyed since Spider-Man 3 (Yes, I liked that movie, its flaws didn't affect me at all) and I've never liked The Amazing Spider-Man movies. Most people say that Andrew Garfield is the best portrayal of Spider-Man but none of his moments are memorable, did nothing as badass as Toby Maguire, didn't act like Peter Parker who is a nerd boy, not a skater, and I couldn't stand his acting in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, so terribly written.

    Here my ranking of the Spider-Man movies:

    1. Spider-Man 2 (10/10)
    2. Spider-Man (9/10)
    3. Spider-Man Homecoming (8/10)
    4. Spider-Man 3 (7.5/10)
    5. The Amazing Spider-Man (6/10)
    6. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2/10)
  • So... Can we get an expansive list of all avaliable emoticons here?
    It's hard to tell what is and isn't avaliable, especially if you're trying to remember a certain emotion but don't know the code for it.. I just noticed a few new ones that I hadn't seen before the update.
    :pensive: :pensive:
    :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
    :warning: :warning:
    :grey_question: :grey_question:
    :error: :error:(this is probably an actual error with the code)
    :trollface: :trollface:
    :cookie: :cookie:

    @Blind Sniper Yeah... Sorry if I blew the lid off this thing and make people use it a lot more.

  • I remember pensive being around. :trollface: this is my new emoji now. Thank you for sharing it. :cookie: and this

    AChicken posted: »

    So... Can we get an expansive list of all avaliable emoticons here? It's hard to tell what is and isn't avaliable, especially if you're try

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2017


    W h a t
    h a v e
    y o u
    u n l e a s h e d

    AChicken posted: »

    So... Can we get an expansive list of all avaliable emoticons here? It's hard to tell what is and isn't avaliable, especially if you're try

  • :trollface:

    o o p s :lol:

    :trollface: W h a t h a v e y o u u n l e a s h e d

  • Sonic Forces character creation

  • Wait... what would be the point in using a troll face emoji if we can’t troll here. That must mean trolling is now legal :trollface:

    :trollface: W h a t h a v e y o u u n l e a s h e d

  • Huh, seems like Wolfenstein 2 is a disappintment coming from fans of TNO and TOB. Apparently the sequel is shorter, has worse level design, and way too much emphasis on cinematics.

    It also seems as though the writing got worse like it’s very “try hard”, obnoxious, and really stupid in a bad way where it just comes across as embarrassing.

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