The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • December can't come soon enough!

    New Star Wars thing

  • I keep forgetting it comes out in December. It's just too soon. Too good to be true.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    December can't come soon enough!

  • Sportsball news.

    Houston won the baseballs. All the baseballs.

  • edited November 2017

    Is anyone under the impression that Telltale will eventually fall due to genre stagnation?

    I was a TT follower since day 1, back when they released the Sam and Max episode 1, I loved it since I'm a big fan of classic point&click adventure games.
    I was also a fan the Walking Dead when it 1st came out since it introduced a new genre that would eventually become a staple of TTG, the choice storytelling.

    The reason I'm bringing this up is that variety is good, it keeps things from going stale and TTG brought the dying breed back from extinction. What worries me now, however, is the fact that TTG seemingly decided to toss one of the only 2 genres they had been known for and is now focusing only on choice storytelling.

    Remember how in the 2000s, there was an avalanche of series featuring "idiot dad" because they wanted to ride off the success of Family Guy and they overcrowded the market so much that people got sick and tired of that trope? I'm afraid the same will eventually happen to Telltale, since they've not released a new point&click adventure game in 10 years now and every single game that's come out since then is the same player choice storytelling with the same UI design and mechanics.

  • Oh yes definitely. But they had revealed that Walking Dead S4 and Wolf S2 will change up the gameplay a bit. So hopefully it's different enough to be new and fresh but familiar enough to not alienate the current fanbase.

    Jshadow posted: »

    Is anyone under the impression that Telltale will eventually fall due to genre stagnation? I was a TT follower since day 1, back when the

  • OMG, those trailers so far show that Rey is going to turn to the dark side. It's gonna piss the world off if she kills Luke. I hope I'm wrong.

    New Star Wars thing

  • I just want them to go back to making p&c adventure games as well.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Oh yes definitely. But they had revealed that Walking Dead S4 and Wolf S2 will change up the gameplay a bit. So hopefully it's different enough to be new and fresh but familiar enough to not alienate the current fanbase.

  • You're not alone, but unless this cash cow keels over, I wouldn't hold your breath.

    Jshadow posted: »

    I just want them to go back to making p&c adventure games as well.

  • pulls out a shotgun
    Get the keys, little buddy.

    Johro posted: »

    You're not alone, but unless this cash cow keels over, I wouldn't hold your breath.

  • Well, I know what I'm getting my sister for christmas! :smile:

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Went back to the TWD forum again. Yup, still as salty as the Dead Sea. In other news Telltale announced The Walking Dead Collection featu

  • edited November 2017

    I think the biggest problem in today's world - to put in a word - is disatisfaction. Specifically not being satisfied with what you have.

    Everyone, especially here in America, is nearly obsessed with having all the latest stuff, with all its fancy upgrades. And if they don't have them, they feel lesser, like they have somehow failed, and if someone else has them and they don't, then they feel jealous of that person.

    In fact, that's one of the main reasons why many people are so intent on having the latest and very best, so to show off to others how well they're doing, as it gives them a sense of superiority.

    Well I say:

    "It doesn't matter if you have the most luxorious house, the latest vehicle/phone/computer with all the latest upgrades, or the best paying job in the world.

    But as long as you have a roof over your head, a reliable car that's able to get you wherever you need to go, and a job that makes it possible for you to put food on the table, clothes on your back, and pay your bills on time, I say you're successful.

    Many don't have those things. People in a lot of these 3rd-world countries earn less than a dollar a day, go to bed hungry, or risk getting killed due to civil war, or guerilla fighters - and all because they're of another tribe - though still a member of the same race, or religion.

    Be thankful for what you do have, even if it's not much. Don't worry that someone else has more than you, because it will rob you of your joy.

    In other words, learn to appreciate and be satisfied with what you have. Don't worry about what you don't have, or that maybe someone has more than you do, but instead be happy that person has those things.

    I believe if people could learn to to do those things - be appreciative of what they have, not worry about what they don't, and be happy for those who do have more than them; instead of being jealous of them, I honestly think a good majority of the world's problems would be solved."

    Call me crazy, stupid, naïve, or whatever you want, but that is what I believe with all my heart.

  • edited November 2017

    Yah I agree. And that's coming from someone who just bought a new smartphone for a $1000 last night. It only makes me want more. :D And just a few days ago was was stuck in a powless house having to read books by candle light and playing boardgames for entertainment. All I can say is having all sorts of cool shit can take your life away in it's pursuit. I did things with the power out that I wouldn't even think of doing while the power was on, and I still found some enjoyment from it even though it wasn't coming from any of the three TV's I have set up in my room, or my gaming pc, or my ps4 pro. Having it all taken away from you like that for a short time showed me this, but I'm probably going to forget about it and continue playing with my cool shit, until the next time the power goes out and my mind reopens to this concept.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I think the biggest problem in today's world - to put in a word - is disatisfaction. Specifically not being satisfied with what you have.

  • edited November 2017

    Can we just talk about this for a second?

  • No... no NO NO! Why does there cast made with so many celebrities!? That's always a recipe for disaster.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Can we just talk about this for a second?

  • I think the cast is great! Donald Glover, Beyoncé, James Earl Jones (THE ORIGINAL MUFASA), Seth’s gonna be amazing! Not to mention the main leads are stars in the music industry as well.

    No... no NO NO! Why does there cast made with so many celebrities!? That's always a recipe for disaster.

  • Off, Disney keeps making live action cash grabs.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Can we just talk about this for a second?

  • Maybe. It's just that I've seen more movies that had many celebrities in it that were very cringy/disappointing than I have of ones that were good. I bet even if the movie is disappointing, it will still be one of the best-selling movies of the year.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    I think the cast is great! Donald Glover, Beyoncé, James Earl Jones (THE ORIGINAL MUFASA), Seth’s gonna be amazing! Not to mention the main leads are stars in the music industry as well.

  • I REALLY hope this isn't live action. If this was a broadway show that would be fine, but NOT a live action movie.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Off, Disney keeps making live action cash grabs.

  • Or, in the case of this movie, entirely-CGI cash grab. :p
    It would be pretty hard to make a full "live action" Lion King movie.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Off, Disney keeps making live action cash grabs.

  • There’s a new lion king?

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    I think the cast is great! Donald Glover, Beyoncé, James Earl Jones (THE ORIGINAL MUFASA), Seth’s gonna be amazing! Not to mention the main leads are stars in the music industry as well.

  • Summer 2019

    Well, that gives me plenty of time to build my fallout shelter before the movie releases. I'll stay there until it's popularity dies out.

    Melton23 posted: »

    There’s a new lion king?

  • Last time my house had no power i had to play uno with my family with that annoying machine that pukes cards at you

    Yah I agree. And that's coming from someone who just bought a new smartphone for a $1000 last night. It only makes me want more. And just

  • No performance can replace Jeremy Irons as Scar, I wonder why he isn't in the cast. I wouldn't blame him to be honest, he understands the Hollywood machine.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Can we just talk about this for a second?

  • edited November 2017

    Last time I was on FOS there was a deathclaw attack as soon as I closed the app. When I get back my vault is gonna be so screwed

    Summer 2019 Well, that gives me plenty of time to build my fallout shelter before the movie releases. I'll stay there until it's popularity dies out.

  • It's not. It's gonna be like Jungle Book where it's entirely CGI minus Mowgly.

    I REALLY hope this isn't live action. If this was a broadway show that would be fine, but NOT a live action movie.

  • I mean, you're clearly not gonna watch it anyway regardless of its quality. Why would you care? :P

    Summer 2019 Well, that gives me plenty of time to build my fallout shelter before the movie releases. I'll stay there until it's popularity dies out.

  • The music, Man. The Music! if it's anything like "Let it go" it will take forever for their songs to stop being passed around. :s

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I mean, you're clearly not gonna watch it anyway regardless of its quality. Why would you care? :P

  • Aw, Jedi don't stay dead. :)

    AronDracula posted: »

    OMG, those trailers so far show that Rey is going to turn to the dark side. It's gonna piss the world off if she kills Luke. I hope I'm wrong.

  • worst fucking cast in anything ever

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Can we just talk about this for a second?

  • Are you seriously saying James Earl Jones is a terrible cast? :tongue:

    worst fucking cast in anything ever

  • Bad News for Switch owners

    L.A. Noire will not fit on the Switch Hard Drive. I don't think it's cancelled but it will not be released along with PS4 and Xbox One.

  • Woah, hold on James Earl Jones is one of the best in acting and voice acting. Seth Rogan is really good too

    worst fucking cast in anything ever

  • edited November 2017

    It sounds like it's still coming out for the Switch on Nov. 14. Still advertised on their official site and everything. You just need a micro SD storage to download it.
    This isn't new for Nintendo. I bought my mom Lego City Undercover for her Wii U and that didn't fit on the system either(with nothing on it). I had to buy an external drive for her.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Bad News for Switch owners L.A. Noire will not fit on the Switch Hard Drive. I don't think it's cancelled but it will not be released along with PS4 and Xbox One.

  • just because the cast is bad doesn't mean everyone in it is, obviously. i'm glad james earl jones and donald glover are on the team, but nearly everyone else fucking sucks. especially fucking seth rogen. the fact that people defend that fat piece of unfunny shit is beyond me.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Are you seriously saying James Earl Jones is a terrible cast?

  • I mean... it's just gonna be the same music from 1994. Which people do still sing to this day.

    The music, Man. The Music! if it's anything like "Let it go" it will take forever for their songs to stop being passed around.

  • I don't mind the original songs. I just don't want to hear any of the 2019 remake's.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I mean... it's just gonna be the same music from 1994. Which people do still sing to this day.

  • It would have been weird had James Earl Jones not been cast in the Lion King remake, considering Mufasa and Darth Vader are his most iconic voice acting roles.

  • To any Moderators who read this message.

    I know I probably will have this message removed after saying my piece, but please hear me out.

    I'm passionate about things I feel are full of potential and have become angry and hard to let go of various movies, video games and tv shows that I feel have been given the short end of the stick due to bigwigs in corporations who don't think things through or have any consideration to fans and storytelling.

    I've mentioned being a Puppet Master fan (Full Moon B movie series), and upon news of the upcoming film The Littlest Reich being a reboot, I somehow view this as somewhat of an opportunity and wish to be a part of helping the film series in some way. Script writing or pitching ideas. I'm hoping somehow to go to college and get an associates degree in some sort of film art and somehow, make my voice heard and contribute.

    It seems like a long shot but I want to do it. And if possible however, I've so desperately want to write a sequel script/story concept to Dreamworks Animation for Monsters VS Aliens.

    Is there anyone or anywhere besides Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (I'm checking various forum posts) I can find and make connections?

    Please, I'm asking for help to point me in the right direction.

  • edited November 2017

    I think what she is saying is that remakes these days are hard please audiences even if the cast is good. I mean I think the cast is good,but remakes these days have never been successful like Ghostbusters 2016,Star Wars Rogue One(I know that's not a remake,but it felt really difficult to like it) and there's The Mummy with Tom.... Ugh Cruise.

    I think that is what she meant.I hope I'm wrong and I hope it is good,but remake,man. Ugh I don't know.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Woah, hold on James Earl Jones is one of the best in acting and voice acting. Seth Rogan is really good too

  • If you want to make professional connections, that's what LinkedIn is for. Not everyone takes it seriously, and most people don't bother until they have some college experience to put in it, but it may be worth a look.

    For a specific film, the people working on it probably won't want you to submit ideas, because they won't want to pay you, and they'll be afraid of you suing them if they use something similar to an idea you submit.

    Why not try something on your own? They have this thing called YouTube, and anyone can upload video to it. Write something, find some actors willing to be in it, and then you'll have something to point at when someone asks you to demonstrate your writing abilities.

    MaconMajr posted: »

    To any Moderators who read this message. I know I probably will have this message removed after saying my piece, but please hear me out.

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