The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Let's go dancing in the dark.

  • Lol. CoD: WW2 is getting review bombed on Steam by people playing the game for 10 minutes (sometimes less) then refunding it instantly with a majority of the reviews having fine criticisms such as "why is there a PPSH in Normandy?! LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE" and people crying about there being a health bar instead of having auto health regeneration.

    10 outta 10 would read again.

  • reviews having fine criticisms such as "why is there a PPSH in Normandy?! LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE"

    actually i think that specific one might be just a meme

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Lol. CoD: WW2 is getting review bombed on Steam by people playing the game for 10 minutes (sometimes less) then refunding it instantly with

  • Might be but they're written too seriously to sound sarcastic.

    reviews having fine criticisms such as "why is there a PPSH in Normandy?! LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE" actually i think that specific one might be just a meme

  • Also did they cast Childish Gambino as Simba mainly because he made a lyric referencing The Lion King in one of his songs?
    "Girl why is you lying? Girl why you Mufasa?"

    I mean I get it he's immensely talented, as are the rest of the cast, but it just gives me a feeling of 'If it isn't broke don't fix it'. I'd be more forgiving if it was a sequel to one of the movies, but these reboots had no reason to be made other than to make lots of money, and frankly the new Beauty & The Beast only made things worse rather than replicate or even improve it. People use the argument that 'Its providing a Lion King story for newer audiences', I don't really get this saying as its not like Disney will take the original movie and its merchandise away from retail any time soon. Sorry for the rant but Blockbusters nowadays are so unoriginal. I'm hoping but I highly doubt the new Star Wars will be anything other than a copy of Empire Strikes Back. These films make such a ton of money and great sequels like Blade Runner 2049 just fly under the radar in the box office.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Can we just talk about this for a second?

  • it's easy to write that way on the internet though, because not a lot of people can easily tell sarcasm over text. nobody in their right mind would say something like that and deem the game unplayable for that, it's probably just a minor nitpick they have and decided to make a joke about it.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Might be but they're written too seriously to sound sarcastic.

  • I beat Ethan Must Die DLC in Resident Evil 7 in one run without dying at all. I beat that mode for the third time.

  • Congrats. :)

    I haven't even bought the game yet myself, I'm still waiting for every DLC to be released before I get the final product.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I beat Ethan Must Die DLC in Resident Evil 7 in one run without dying at all. I beat that mode for the third time.

  • edited November 2017

    Thanks, I thought you already did but didn't you already watch John Wolfe playing the game? Cause I saw you in the comments.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Congrats. I haven't even bought the game yet myself, I'm still waiting for every DLC to be released before I get the final product.

  • How come, on driving perspective shots in film, the camera is usually driving on the center line?

  • Maybe it's more visually appealing?

    Johro posted: »

    How come, on driving perspective shots in film, the camera is usually driving on the center line?

  • Things like that are normally done so the viewers can see everything that is going on from a wider perspective or something along those lines

    Johro posted: »

    How come, on driving perspective shots in film, the camera is usually driving on the center line?

  • edited November 2017

    Omg I was looking through my older games today and I stumbled on Star Wars the old republic, so I decided to p,ya it for the first time in forever and today, out of all days I could have came back I landed on a special give away, 2 dlc’s and a mount, so I say cool and I’m going to download them for free, so I type the code, and the event ends on November 8th btw, and when I type in the code I click enter and nothing happens... I’m soooo pisssed I’m gonna see how I can download it cos everyone else is getting it but me
    Edit: nvm, my stupid ass didn’t see the box u had to tick for the whole license thing -.-
    To be continued —>

  • That's right, I did.

    I'm still hoping to get the Gold Edition when it's released. I'm eager to learn more about Not A Hero and End of Zoe.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Thanks, I thought you already did but didn't you already watch John Wolfe playing the game? Cause I saw you in the comments.

  • Good to hear. RE7 is easily my personal GOTY 2017. Hopefully they'll reveal Resident Evil 2 Remake when they're done with 7.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    That's right, I did. I'm still hoping to get the Gold Edition when it's released. I'm eager to learn more about Not A Hero and End of Zoe.

  • I'm a little anxious about the RE 2 Remake, considering that I would like to see it done in the same manner as the RE Remake was.

    It would feel a little jarring if it was either first person ala RE7, or over-the-shoulder ala RE4-5-6 when RE Remake wasn't either of those.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Good to hear. RE7 is easily my personal GOTY 2017. Hopefully they'll reveal Resident Evil 2 Remake when they're done with 7.

  • I agree, it should stay to its roots, it's what made REmake so successful. The only thing they're going to change is the voice-acting, hopefully they'll get it right.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I'm a little anxious about the RE 2 Remake, considering that I would like to see it done in the same manner as the RE Remake was. It woul

  • I want RE2 with better controls and a large gap between you and the zombies at the start. That's it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I agree, it should stay to its roots, it's what made REmake so successful. The only thing they're going to change is the voice-acting, hopefully they'll get it right.

  • Anyone else brush their teeth in the shower? No? Just me? Okay.

  • edited November 2017

    Talked into watching my first UFC PPV tonight. I'm not an MMA or boxing fan, although I love sports.

    The women's fight was good. Love an underdog win... A huge underdog win to boot. Canada has our superhero back too. GSP!

  • I was in the late Halloween mood tonight, and figured I'd watch a scary movie. I really didn't watch as many as I expected to last month, so I figured why not?
    I got and saw Get Out. (The horror movie written by sketch comedian Jordan Peele? Ring any bells?)
    And man... Was it good. Also, bad.. For my sanity.
    Now, I don't watch many horror movies for good reason, (I mean, have you seen my username?) but the ones I have watched [usually older ones] didn't scare me that much. But in this movie? Man, the psychological thriller dial is turned up to 11. Also, the extreme tension dial is broken. This movie was pretty freaky, with uneasy white/black relationships, strange hypnotism-type behaviour, and not really knowing who's in on the plan, and who's not. Man, this was a really good movie, it deserves a lot of its merits (though I will say the answer to the mysterious events is a bit wacky), but it really gets under your skin.
    Good horror movie, succeeded and surpassed in chickening me out. :scream: By the time the credits came on screen, I was done. Turned it off in a flash.

    Then to ease my freaked out mind and calm down, I saw the Lego Batman Movie (which I also had not seen) and it was pretty good. A nice "family movie" for the kids, but also for the older viewers: referencing and making fun of older Batman media, while parodying the character of Batman himself. It had heart, it had wit, and was well put together.
    It was fun.
    P.S.: I will say the plot involving villains from plenty of other mediums of fiction was really cool. Made the fan inside me squeal with joy.

    (basically, it involves Joker recruiting a bunch of villains locked in the Phantom Zone, including but not limited to: Daleks, Voldemort, The Eye Of Sauron, Godzilla, King Kong)... Cool stuff.

  • I saw The Happening when it first came out. I just watched a random 15min of it again and all the hatred came rushing back. Now, it's not technically the worst movie made that I've seen... Not by a long shot, but I can't recall another film that I got so enraged at the ending. I remember actually yelling, OH @#$% YOU, after it ended the first time. Those feelings all came rushing back.
    *breathes into a paper bag*

  • I saw lego Batman on premiere (Sweden) in february. I really enjoyed it, but for the last 20 minutes or so a little kid and a mother entered the saloon.

    And I have some opinions on that, because firstly, the kid didn't care shit for the movie, he just talked and talked. But the mother gave no shits about the kid, staring down, playing, like Hay Day or something.

    Also, who.enter the cinema for a movie that there is about 20 minutes left of?
    Anyhow, that completely yook me out of the immersion. But it was a good movie, O really enjoyed it.

    AChicken posted: »

    I was in the late Halloween mood tonight, and figured I'd watch a scary movie. I really didn't watch as many as I expected to last month, so

  • So I’ve just officially turned my wall into a pickle rick meme page ??

  • edited November 2017

    the fact that you've harnessed such a gigantic amount of concentrated autism to put into one telltale wall either means you watch a lot of rick and morty and are hyper intelligent, or you were born a god that didn't need to watch rick and morty to gain a massive IQ

    EDIT: just clarifying i mean literally no offense with that. i'm on the spectrum myself and i would never insult someone for being in the same position. it was just joke good comrade.

    Melton23 posted: »

    So I’ve just officially turned my wall into a pickle rick meme page ??

  • I’m hyper intelligent, am a god and do not watch Rick and Morty but view a lot of Rick and Morty memes

    the fact that you've harnessed such a gigantic amount of concentrated autism to put into one telltale wall either means you watch a lot of r

  • so you've become a being beyond even godhood

    Melton23 posted: »

    I’m hyper intelligent, am a god and do not watch Rick and Morty but view a lot of Rick and Morty memes

  • Correct

    so you've become a being beyond even godhood

  • I watched Wes Craven's New Nightmare. Just like other Nightmare sequels besides Dream Warriors, I felt like I was wasting my time watching this movie but it wasn't as bad as Elm Street 2, 4 and 5, at least Wes Craven was the director of that movie, I don't understand why he didn't direct the whole franchise, RIP Wes Craven. New Nightmare was just okay but it could have been done better. It's a shame because A Nightmare on Elm Street is my favourite horror movie of all time and the only sequel that was worth watching was A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors.

  • If you think that's bad, try watching The Last Airbender.

    Johro posted: »

    I saw The Happening when it first came out. I just watched a random 15min of it again and all the hatred came rushing back. Now, it's not

  • Nickelodeon did this. Help it hurts so much.

  • I really liked it when I first saw it. Now, it's more just "okay". It's still my favourite sequel after 3.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I watched Wes Craven's New Nightmare. Just like other Nightmare sequels besides Dream Warriors, I felt like I was wasting my time watching t

  • edited November 2017

    Here's an odd piece I'm about to write. I saw an ad for The Howling and it inspired me to do it.

    Back when I was a young teenager('95-'97), channels in the high 30's and 40's were added as affordable tier 3 cable. Sure, channels like Super Channel and Family Channel previously existed, but they were specialty channels which few households splurged on. Cable, as a word, didn't conjure up the same definition as it does now. Having cable, meant you got to watch more than the "movie of the week", it meant you knew what Shark Week was, and it meant that if you stayed up real late, you could hear swearing and maybe see some side-boob.

    Movies! Movies were on TV! Movies that you didn't have to rent; Movies that weren't educational nor historic. Set your VCR, fill up a VHS tape, and pull a marathon on the weekend. This was my life. Now enters the first werewolf movie I saw, The Howling III.

    The Howling III was PG, therefore, on TV. Do you have a movie which you know is not a good movie, but it still has a place in your heart? This, is that movie for myself. The film is all over the place with plot. Protagonists become antagonists, antagonists become protagonists, and the primary subjects aren't even werewolves, they're were-marsupials. Yeah! Damned kangaroo people. If you're imagining one hop-kicking someone through a wall, you'll be disappointed. They don't have the legs, just the pouch.

    This film, like the first installment(which I later saw), The Howling, humanizes werewolves. They're not romanticized, they're not out plotting world domination, they're just trying to live and get caught in the middle of circumstance. That's how I like my werewolf movies. In The Howling, a reporter takes a vacation after an encounter with a killer, whom may or may not be dead. In The Howling III, a woman leaves her small village, where she has spent her whole life, to live in the big city. Both films heavily involve werewolves, but they aren't the only reason there's a story happening.

    While The Howling is a cult classic that I also love, The Howling III will always have that special place. A very strange movie that I remember fondly. If you read this, I thank you. This was just a memory I wanted to reminisce about once again.

  • edited November 2017


  • edited November 2017

    Finally watched Blade Runner 2049 yesterday. When I first walked out of the cinema, I was really frustrated because the movie left so many questions unanswered. But then I spent the rest of the evening thinking about that movie... and realised how goddamn amazing it is. Not a masterpiece, but still the best movie that I saw recently in theatres and a rare example of a good sequel. Everything - the music, the setting, the framework - is cinematically perfect, the actors are great - not to mention an introguing plot combined with important moral lessons. Funnily, even though the movie was almost 3 hours long, it still felt faster than the original Blade Runner. As much as I love it, the first movie had bad pacing IMO.
    Also Blade Runner 2049 got me weirdly emotional in the end. I usually never cry at movies, especially at the ones like these, but I was genuinely touched by Deckard's story. I was on the verge of tears in the end.
    My major disappointment was Jared Leto's character - his personality was done quite poorly. Even Tyrell in the first movie was developed better. I expected Wallace to have more screentime rather than just being an episodic evil corporation guy who says philosophical shit all the time :/

    Plus, despite that I felt like the ending was pretty solid and said that it expressed everything the movie should've, some details aren't clear enough so they spoil my impression of the movie. How the hell do replicants even reproduce? I get that it's a miracle, but still... There must be a scientifical explanation and no one cared to give it to me. Is Deckard a replicant or not? It's implied that he's a human, although Wallace mentions that he was "programmed" to fall in love with Rachel which is impossible for a human. How did Kay figure out that this designer woman was Deckard's daughter? Did I miss any significant hits?!

    Anyway, I'm glad that cyberpunk is slowly coming back to life, with the recent Blade Runner 2049 and Ghost in the shell... okay, the last one is not the best example, but it's something!

  • So 21st Century Fox is in talks about selling their company to Disney. If that happens, Disney will be dominating all of media. All they need to buy now is Warner Bros and they’ll be the biggest thing on Earth.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2017

    I don't know if this was just damage control or not, but word has since come out that there were indeed talks at some point, but they stopped soon after.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    So 21st Century Fox is in talks about selling their company to Disney. If that happens, Disney will be dominating all of media. All they need to buy now is Warner Bros and they’ll be the biggest thing on Earth.

  • If a deal like that were to go through, it's important to note that Disney would not be purchasing ALL of Fox. It would acquire it's movie studio, FX, and National Discovery, but due to laws on the books, would exclude the Fox broadcast network, Fox Sports, Fox News, Fox Business, and local Fox affiliates.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    So 21st Century Fox is in talks about selling their company to Disney. If that happens, Disney will be dominating all of media. All they need to buy now is Warner Bros and they’ll be the biggest thing on Earth.

  • Well, the deal is on the table once again. It’s actually all over the news when you search it up. This deal alone will make Disney a mega company. Not to mention it’ll get tons of money alone by having the X-Men universe and the MCU crossover.

    I don't know if this was just damage control or not, but word has since come out that there were indeed talks at some point, but they stopped soon after.

  • I figured that. Owning all of Fox will probably be too much money for them, not to mention it really wouldn’t do anything for their company besides expanding.

    If a deal like that were to go through, it's important to note that Disney would not be purchasing ALL of Fox. It would acquire it's movie s

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