And! Did anyone else feel Bowie (or whatever name you picked) was totally forgotten? Because we saw him twice and I don't know about you but I was hoping more. Maybe that's stupid I don't know but I liked the little fella. I've been so busy this week I feel like I'm now just spamming this whole section with stupid shit lmao.
Yeah I feel like that was a wasted opportunity. I thought he's have some significance or an added bonus to action scenes, but no. I wanted to see him in a fight.
Last episode I was going to abandon him, because I figured he was truly "Obviously A Death Trap", but I figured: What if he did help? Fought off the Kree and things like that? I kept him for that one reason, and it didn't deliver. Now I'm carrying a bunch of dead weight, then.
And! Did anyone else feel Bowie (or whatever name you picked) was totally forgotten? Because we saw him twice and I don't know about you but… more I was hoping more. Maybe that's stupid I don't know but I liked the little fella. I've been so busy this week I feel like I'm now just spamming this whole section with stupid shit lmao.
Loved the whole series, it's been a wonderful ride, though I will agree that the focus was more on the relationships than the villain, but honestly I don't think that was a bad thing. I'm definitely going to replay the game and keep the Infinity Forge this time since it sounds like you can get a lot of interesting scenes in the end that way, but I didn't regret the chance for Peter to see his Mom one last time via the destroyed ending. I'm impressed how well they made Hala a sympathetic villain by the end of my playthrough, and I liked the parallels of her losing focus as Peter's mom did in the final flashback.
I really hope this gets a second season, it's easily one of the most underrated games Telltale has done and how if you liked Tales from the Borderlands you honestly should like this too. As for the mysterious ending, I think they're either suggesting the Black Order, Thanos' loyal legion of warriors, or maybe a powerful entity like the Grandmaster? Would be open to more Marvel Telltale games as well.
Okay, here's a few general thoughts on what I thought of Episode 5 (...really more like basic notes I wrote while playing the episode) Note this is just for my first save file. One path only:
The recap was interesting... but I don't really understand why they did it. Artistic purposes, maybe. But, using the clips of them would have worked just the same.
The beginning was cool to see: having two paths converge on each other already. (w/ Rocket ; w/ Gamora + Super Hala ; Bal-Dinn)
The Groot flashback was not what I expected (I expected his origins) but it was still fun to see "Stache-Lord"
The mind interaction choices were cool. That's a new way of interacting with things (different choice selector: use left/right to navigate list of choices) and a new way of displaying them.
I always like it whenever the game analyses your choices. Unfortunately for me, Mantis said for each Guardian that I have mixed feelings or decisions contradict each other. I really thought I was one-sided for at east one of them... like Rocket for instance.
Different way of solving problems! Woo! [Rocket blow up lab/ Talk him out of it]
The hub section, while good to have (and many characters to talk to) it missed something crucial. Peter's Room. We could comment on whatever we left behind, we could look at that AWESOME poster!! If not that, let us play with the determinant Tape Deck!
The role assignment of each character sounded cool at the time. Unfortunately it amounted to just dialogue, no control over those events or even a visual cue as to what was going on.
The choose-your-own speech was great. Hilarious, even. That was a proud moment for both myself and the characters. It was fun.
The next section should have taken a cue from MCSM. Include a running segment (or, for this: flying) where you'd need to avoid asteroids and the like to get to the ship.
While the plan wasn't as visual as I expected, the dialogue was good. At least for the roles I assigned. Maybe because it was all out of whack and not who you'd expect (Groot being hacker, Rocket being Distraction) but that was nice to hear.
The fight scene was well-crafted. The music, while not what I expected (I expected a bit more hardcore rock) it was still really good.
I found that the [Camping with Meredith] choice didn't have much finality to it. It made me sad, and almost brought me to tears... but I didn't cry. I thought it'd be a bit more dramatic. Have Meredith collapse or something near the end. But no, just sad memory loss. Maybe it would have been more effective in the hospital scenario, or with another choice's effect. I've heard Hala's corruption path is a good parallel.
Hala being brought into the Nova Corps I had no choice on. I didn't mind it because that's what I would have chosen, but I'm sad I didn't get to choose.
There was this huge inconsistency though, when Gamora mentioned "Hala's dead"... no... she's locked up in jail now.
The revival choice was tearing me apart. That almost brought me to tears. I didn't want anyone to feel left out, but I had to, and I wanted to make someone happy... While the Meredith revival would have maybe given me the finality I longed for, I didn't choose that. I chose Lylla. And I'm fine with that.
The Season 2 tease was surprising. I don't think it'll happen, but we'll see on that.
Regardless of finality or not, this episode's end really gave me the feels. It made me sad, happy, giddy with joy (Mantis is the best, guys!)... What a roller coaster of emotions.
All in all, I thought it was pretty good, and seemed to have a lot of stuff put into it.. Bravo. [Too bad the team had to be broken apart, I think.] So if I were any good at rating things I'd probably give this one a 9/10
Okay, here's a few general thoughts on what I thought of Episode 5 (...really more like basic notes I wrote while playing the episode) Note … morethis is just for my first save file. One path only:
* The recap was interesting... but I don't really understand why they did it. Artistic purposes, maybe. But, using the clips of them would have worked just the same.
* The beginning was cool to see: having two paths converge on each other already. (w/ Rocket ; w/ Gamora + Super Hala ; Bal-Dinn)
* The Groot flashback was not what I expected (I expected his origins) but it was still fun to see "Stache-Lord"
* The mind interaction choices were cool. That's a new way of interacting with things (different choice selector: use left/right to navigate list of choices) and a new way of displaying them.
* I always like it whenever the game analyses your choices. Unfortunately for me, Mantis said for each Guardian that I have mixed feelings or decisions co… [view original content]
It didn't lock me out exactly. Rocket brought it up and it gave me a chance to say okay or to refuse. I refused and Rocket basically says, "You had your chance" and then had Drax rip it out of the wall anyway.
Only things I kept were the picture and the gift from Yondu.
Huh. The only things I kept were the picture, the toy ray gun, and the Centaurian spirits. That's gotta be heavier than what you kept...
(What I meant about "locking you out" was that it prevented you from keeping it, even though you said you wanted to)
Are you sure you refused? It sounds like (based on what you said) you missed the prompt and was silent. Rocket said "You had your chance" -- implying you did not make a decision -- and threw it out. Strange.
When you were looking for the rocket engines, did you interact with the Radio (call button)? At one point, you can tell Rocket to empty the bathroom because no one cleaned it yet. I don't think it matters because it's super easy to miss, but that's the only reason that logically fits with your situation.
It didn't lock me out exactly. Rocket brought it up and it gave me a chance to say okay or to refuse. I refused and Rocket basically says, "… moreYou had your chance" and then had Drax rip it out of the wall anyway.
Only things I kept were the picture and the gift from Yondu.
I absolutely, 100% told Rocket no to throwing out the radio. Rocket saying "You had your chance" was in a tone that sounded like Rocket was telling me that I could have done it the easy way and say yes. But since I said no, Drax was going to do it himself. And yes, i talked to Rocket about the bathroom.
Huh. The only things I kept were the picture, the toy ray gun, and the Centaurian spirits. That's gotta be heavier than what you kept...
(W… morehat I meant about "locking you out" was that it prevented you from keeping it, even though you said you wanted to)
Are you sure you refused? It sounds like (based on what you said) you missed the prompt and was silent. Rocket said "You had your chance" -- implying you did not make a decision -- and threw it out. Strange.
When you were looking for the rocket engines, did you interact with the Radio (call button)? At one point, you can tell Rocket to empty the bathroom because no one cleaned it yet. I don't think it matters because it's super easy to miss, but that's the only reason that logically fits with your situation.
I absolutely, 100% told Rocket no to throwing out the radio. Rocket saying "You had your chance" was in a tone that sounded like Rocket was … moretelling me that I could have done it the easy way and say yes. But since I said no, Drax was going to do it himself. And yes, i talked to Rocket about the bathroom.
I take back what I said in the past. It is not a bad game but it's not good either. Most of the parts are forgettable, Thanos (One of the best Marvel villains) was just thrown in the trash and have someone we never met before (Correct me if I'm wrong) and the story is predictable and cliched. The finale of this series wasn't that good, the boss fight with Hala wasn't a good one at all and Telltale still thinks putting a cliffhanger at the end will make me people want Season 2 but it sold SOOO poorly.
Guardians of the Galaxy is average at the best just like Back to the Future and other old Telltale games.
I'll be surprised if Guardians has a second season, and I'm a big fan of the characters. I really wish it'd been opened up with something more threatening, or that felt more threatening than Hala. Mephisto, Brood, if they were going to use the Kree, maybe Ronan the Accuser. Then again, Batman didn't have the strongest first entry, and it's second game in the series is one of my favorites of TellTale's to date. They might surprise me.
Well to pull off Mephisto they would Ghost Rider as he is Ghost Rider's villain. I think in season 2 we will see an even more powerful Thanos perhaps one that could easily defeat the heroes causing them to try to find a way to defeat him. Maybe they will encounter Peter's dad as it is shown that he hasn't met his father yet.
I'll be surprised if Guardians has a second season, and I'm a big fan of the characters. I really wish it'd been opened up with something mo… morere threatening, or that felt more threatening than Hala. Mephisto, Brood, if they were going to use the Kree, maybe Ronan the Accuser. Then again, Batman didn't have the strongest first entry, and it's second game in the series is one of my favorites of TellTale's to date. They might surprise me.
Well to pull off Mephisto they would Ghost Rider as he is Ghost Rider's villain. I think in season 2 we will see an even more powerful Thano… mores perhaps one that could easily defeat the heroes causing them to try to find a way to defeat him. Maybe they will encounter Peter's dad as it is shown that he hasn't met his father yet.
Well I believe that the movies do not have anything to do with this version of Guardians of the Galaxy. However, I think that they will have it be the comic version of StarLord's father I forgot his name I think its Jason or something like that. I think that if Meredith is resurrected than Starlord's father and Meredith will have a scene where it will explain why he left Peter and Meredith. I just hope that TellTale doesn't sideline or kill off the resurrected characters.
And! Did anyone else feel Bowie (or whatever name you picked) was totally forgotten? Because we saw him twice and I don't know about you but I was hoping more. Maybe that's stupid I don't know but I liked the little fella. I've been so busy this week I feel like I'm now just spamming this whole section with stupid shit lmao.
If anyone wants to know the name of the new song featured in Episode 5, it's called "Crazy on You" by Heart.
Yeah I feel like that was a wasted opportunity. I thought he's have some significance or an added bonus to action scenes, but no. I wanted to see him in a fight.
Last episode I was going to abandon him, because I figured he was truly "Obviously A Death Trap", but I figured: What if he did help? Fought off the Kree and things like that? I kept him for that one reason, and it didn't deliver. Now I'm carrying a bunch of dead weight, then.
Heart's in the game? Cool. Classic Heart too, not 80's pop Heart.
I'm putting it here: The Origin of Groot's plant

Loved the whole series, it's been a wonderful ride, though I will agree that the focus was more on the relationships than the villain, but honestly I don't think that was a bad thing. I'm definitely going to replay the game and keep the Infinity Forge this time since it sounds like you can get a lot of interesting scenes in the end that way, but I didn't regret the chance for Peter to see his Mom one last time via the destroyed ending. I'm impressed how well they made Hala a sympathetic villain by the end of my playthrough, and I liked the parallels of her losing focus as Peter's mom did in the final flashback.
I really hope this gets a second season, it's easily one of the most underrated games Telltale has done and how if you liked Tales from the Borderlands you honestly should like this too. As for the mysterious ending, I think they're either suggesting the Black Order, Thanos' loyal legion of warriors, or maybe a powerful entity like the Grandmaster? Would be open to more Marvel Telltale games as well.
Oops, never mind.
Okay, here's a few general thoughts on what I thought of Episode 5 (...really more like basic notes I wrote while playing the episode) Note this is just for my first save file. One path only:
All in all, I thought it was pretty good, and seemed to have a lot of stuff put into it.. Bravo. [Too bad the team had to be broken apart, I think.] So if I were any good at rating things I'd probably give this one a 9/10
The tape deck is determinant? They threw it out no matter what I said.
I thought it always was... Cool that it can lock you out of that decision. Maybe you just didn't give enough away?
It didn't lock me out exactly. Rocket brought it up and it gave me a chance to say okay or to refuse. I refused and Rocket basically says, "You had your chance" and then had Drax rip it out of the wall anyway.
Only things I kept were the picture and the gift from Yondu.
Huh. The only things I kept were the picture, the toy ray gun, and the Centaurian spirits. That's gotta be heavier than what you kept...
(What I meant about "locking you out" was that it prevented you from keeping it, even though you said you wanted to)
Are you sure you refused? It sounds like (based on what you said) you missed the prompt and was silent. Rocket said "You had your chance" -- implying you did not make a decision -- and threw it out. Strange.
When you were looking for the rocket engines, did you interact with the Radio (call button)? At one point, you can tell Rocket to empty the bathroom because no one cleaned it yet. I don't think it matters because it's super easy to miss, but that's the only reason that logically fits with your situation.
I absolutely, 100% told Rocket no to throwing out the radio. Rocket saying "You had your chance" was in a tone that sounded like Rocket was telling me that I could have done it the easy way and say yes. But since I said no, Drax was going to do it himself. And yes, i talked to Rocket about the bathroom.
Weird... Because I know you can keep it. I'm pretty sure about that.
Thats pretty interesting, I had 2 runs:
1st - throw all
2nd - try to keep all (I said no to throwing tape deck, but they threw it anyway)
I take back what I said in the past. It is not a bad game but it's not good either. Most of the parts are forgettable, Thanos (One of the best Marvel villains) was just thrown in the trash and have someone we never met before (Correct me if I'm wrong) and the story is predictable and cliched. The finale of this series wasn't that good, the boss fight with Hala wasn't a good one at all and Telltale still thinks putting a cliffhanger at the end will make me people want Season 2 but it sold SOOO poorly.
Guardians of the Galaxy is average at the best just like Back to the Future and other old Telltale games.
I'll be surprised if Guardians has a second season, and I'm a big fan of the characters. I really wish it'd been opened up with something more threatening, or that felt more threatening than Hala. Mephisto, Brood, if they were going to use the Kree, maybe Ronan the Accuser. Then again, Batman didn't have the strongest first entry, and it's second game in the series is one of my favorites of TellTale's to date. They might surprise me.
Well to pull off Mephisto they would Ghost Rider as he is Ghost Rider's villain. I think in season 2 we will see an even more powerful Thanos perhaps one that could easily defeat the heroes causing them to try to find a way to defeat him. Maybe they will encounter Peter's dad as it is shown that he hasn't met his father yet.
They might do that considering the movie had an encounter with Peter's dad, but the question remains :: who will TellTale use as StarLord's father?
Well I believe that the movies do not have anything to do with this version of Guardians of the Galaxy. However, I think that they will have it be the comic version of StarLord's father I forgot his name I think its Jason or something like that. I think that if Meredith is resurrected than Starlord's father and Meredith will have a scene where it will explain why he left Peter and Meredith. I just hope that TellTale doesn't sideline or kill off the resurrected characters.
Whole lotta meh from me.