(PC talk)
Somehow I've come to the point where, not only is my storage dual drive(OS on SSD/mass on HDD), but now my media is as well. I have some PAL discs and don't have a region-free player, but I did have an extra media drive around. So now I have one drive on NTSC and one drive on PAL.
Yes, my PC is huge.
"Internet connection not required once downloaded."
- From Google Play app store.
Um... There are some interesting reviews regarding bugs. I'd check recent reviews before committing to see if they're fixed(easier to do from the app than the website).
Since I’ve gotten into Mr. Robot, I’ve been thinking of buying the Telltale Mobile game thing, but I was wondering...
Do I need to be connected to the internet to play it? Or can I download it then play it offline?
Thank you.
Alright. I'm going to ask.
What's with the dog videos? Not really complaining, I love dogs.
Heh. Nice alt.
...Before anyone says… more anything: I'm on staycation and no, I don't have anything better to do. Watching TV, playing games, and just hanging out.
It's lucky you get a day's notice when you're called into work. I usually get two hours at the most. So I've gotten used to wearing my uniform even at home.
i once got a 30 minutes notice for work once i live about 10-20 minutes away because someone decided to not bother their ass because it was their last day
It's lucky you get a day's notice when you're called into work. I usually get two hours at the most. So I've gotten used to wearing my uniform even at home.
Well, tonight I'm going to break my streak(?) of not completing a Telltale game since The Walking Dead season 1. I'm going to finish Batman season 1. I'm in the mood.
You know... When you play episodes back to back, the episode recaps are a tad annoying. Oh, not because they're there, but because wording changes. THAT'S NOT WHAT THEY SAID!!!!
Well, tonight I'm going to break my streak(?) of not completing a Telltale game since The Walking Dead season 1. I'm going to finish Batman… more season 1. I'm in the mood.
You know... When you play episodes back to back, the episode recaps are a tad annoying. Oh, not because they're there, but because wording changes. THAT'S NOT WHAT THEY SAID!!!!
Of the fixed mythos, it's fine. I'll even say it's pretty good. I religiously followed the 90's cartoon, the 80's-90's comics and the New 52 comics, so I have a strong opinion of who the characters should be. With that, only really Zsasz bothered me. He is a man, whom even in his lucid moments, you know something is terribly wrong with him. That didn't convey really well in the game. His motivations did and were handled well though.
The villain, whom they drastically altered, was never really an interesting character until recently. I was fine with that change too.
As for the choices... Ehhh. I feel some of the options had a bit too much fan service and exactly how many people did you have the option of revealing yourself to? 3? 4? That was a bit crazy. I didn't hate them though as there were very clearly some Batman fans(beyond the Nolan universe) involved with the game. There was almost always an option I agreed with(as to what my idea of Batman would do/say).
We also have the basic plot of Deadpool 2: After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry’s hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste. Searching to regain his spice for life, as well as a flux capacitor, Wade must battle ninjas, the yakuza, and a pack of sexually aggressive canines, as he journeys around the world to discover the importance of family, friendship, and flavor – finding a new taste for adventure and earning the coveted coffee mug title of World’s Best Lover.
[grr giphy is being evil. Can't post the required "it's happening" gif]
Edit: To anyone enjoying the strange marketing of this film, there's more! Deadpool himself has Guest-edited a recent issue of Good Housekeeping -- giving anyone interested tips on making the Holiday Season better:
We also have the basic plot of Deadpool 2: After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade… more Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry’s hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste. Searching to regain his spice for life, as well as a flux capacitor, Wade must battle ninjas, the yakuza, and a pack of sexually aggressive canines, as he journeys around the world to discover the importance of family, friendship, and flavor – finding a new taste for adventure and earning the coveted coffee mug title of World’s Best Lover.
EA made Reddit history today by having the most downvoted comment of all time on Reddit with over 250K downvotes.
On the Battlefront subr… moreeddit, people are in outrage with the stupid ass shit that EA is doing with Battlefront 2. Someone on there made a thread titled "Seriously? I paid $80 to have Vader locked?"
Also it takes 40 hours of grinding to unlock ONE character. I'm not joking.
And an EA representative on the account EACommunityTeam replied with, "The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes."
This also isn't the case of everyone piling their complaints on "the poor PR guy". The dude that controls the account ranted on Twitter about the complaints and called the people criticising EA "armchair developers."
Fuck you EA.
We also have the basic plot of Deadpool 2: After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade… more Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry’s hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste. Searching to regain his spice for life, as well as a flux capacitor, Wade must battle ninjas, the yakuza, and a pack of sexually aggressive canines, as he journeys around the world to discover the importance of family, friendship, and flavor – finding a new taste for adventure and earning the coveted coffee mug title of World’s Best Lover.
It's not looking too good. Star Wars games were best as linear RPGs and that's... Not the direction EA likes to go. Short of lightning in a bottle that gives us another Alien Isolation scenario(a game that the publisher didn't care too much about until it was hyped by fans), the only other foreseeable outcome would be if they gave Bioware KOTOR 3 with free rein(two words EA forgot a few years ago).
Well that's insanely cool.
"We're sorry this took so long to ship, so to make up for it we got Robert Kirkman himself sign the hat." That's really nice.
Watched Justice League today. It's uhh... fine I guess. It isn't certainly nowhere near as bad as Suicide Squad but it's nowhere near as good as Wonder Woman. I'd say it's just above BvS and that's not saying much at all.
The editing is really bad, the CGI is absolutely awful in most places, Cyborg looks like crumpled up aluminium foil, Flashes costume is messily designed and just looks really shit, Batman's character is a complete 180 from BvS to the point where he's pretty snarky and wisecracks quite a bit, most of the fight scenes are nothing to write home about, Aquaman and Cyborg aren't particularly well developed, conflict between the heroes at one point in the movie feels VERY forced, Stephenwolf is a terrible villain and the plot in general isn't that great.
However, Wonder Woman is really fantastic especially in her opening scene near the beginning of the movie, the first 10-20 minutes of the movie is really great in general which gave me high hopes for the movie, the character interactions are pretty funny at times, I honestly think this movie has the Superman that we should have gotten because he actually fucking smiles in this, I think Flash is pretty alright in this (funny and charismatic) but I've heard people call him extremely annoying, and I thought the first after credits scene was pretty neat (nothing important to the plot but just a cool character interaction scene that I liked).
Overall it was just really mediocre. It's not terrible but not really good. It's an "eh".
Watched Justice League today. It's uhh... fine I guess. It isn't certainly nowhere near as bad as Suicide Squad but it's nowhere near as goo… mored as Wonder Woman. I'd say it's just above BvS and that's not saying much at all.
The editing is really bad, the CGI is absolutely awful in most places, Cyborg looks like crumpled up aluminium foil, Flashes costume is messily designed and just looks really shit, Batman's character is a complete 180 from BvS to the point where he's pretty snarky and wisecracks quite a bit, most of the fight scenes are nothing to write home about, Aquaman and Cyborg aren't particularly well developed, conflict between the heroes at one point in the movie feels VERY forced, Stephenwolf is a terrible villain and the plot in general isn't that great.
However, Wonder Woman is really fantastic especially in her opening scene near the beginning of the movie, the first 10-20 minutes of the movie is really great in general wh… [view original content]
Do you think DC should have introduced these other characters (Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash) before this movie? [What I mean is: Did they try to explain and characterise these new movie members too much?]
I haven't seen it yet, I don't want to, and I have this horrible feeling of DC trying to jump on the "Superhero Team-up" bandwagon way too early.
Watched Justice League today. It's uhh... fine I guess. It isn't certainly nowhere near as bad as Suicide Squad but it's nowhere near as goo… mored as Wonder Woman. I'd say it's just above BvS and that's not saying much at all.
The editing is really bad, the CGI is absolutely awful in most places, Cyborg looks like crumpled up aluminium foil, Flashes costume is messily designed and just looks really shit, Batman's character is a complete 180 from BvS to the point where he's pretty snarky and wisecracks quite a bit, most of the fight scenes are nothing to write home about, Aquaman and Cyborg aren't particularly well developed, conflict between the heroes at one point in the movie feels VERY forced, Stephenwolf is a terrible villain and the plot in general isn't that great.
However, Wonder Woman is really fantastic especially in her opening scene near the beginning of the movie, the first 10-20 minutes of the movie is really great in general wh… [view original content]
so apparently final fantasy xv has a multiplayer dlc out today havent got the chance to play it yet but im kinda worried that it seems rushed considering the release dates of the previous dlc was months apart guess ill try it later
Shit like this is why I hate Metacritic now. This used to be the place for honest opinion, now it's where people go to down or up vote... just because. I haven't played BF2, but I highly doubt it belongs with the other games that share it's rating. Unless you're Nintendo, Metacritic users hate you. Sad.
Shit like this is why I hate Metacritic now. This used to be the place for honest opinion, now it's where people go to down or up vote... just because. I haven't played BF2, but I highly doubt it belongs with the other games that share it's rating. Unless you're Nintendo, Metacritic users hate you. Sad.
Yeah, I hate seeing a few terrible low-scored reviews in good games, fuck those assholes. I wonder how many people who gave Battlefront 2 a 0/10 score bought the game.
Shit like this is why I hate Metacritic now. This used to be the place for honest opinion, now it's where people go to down or up vote... j… moreust because. I haven't played BF2, but I highly doubt it belongs with the other games that share it's rating. Unless you're Nintendo, Metacritic users hate you. Sad.
@Psychokinesis said:
Well that's pretty freakin' awesome!
Thank you! It is. I still haven't assimilated how much this thing is worth.
@lupinb0y said:
Hey that's really cool! What was this for if I may ask?
Thanks! And, sure.
Around June, Skybound hosted a Twitch stream for A New Frontier's EP4 and EP5; they announced they had some hats to give away, and they tossed out a trivia question at chat, about a variant comic cover or something like that. I was lucky enough to be the first to type and send the answer. So I won the Clem hat! But around Septemeber, they told me the hat allegedly "must've gotten lost" in traffic, and it still hadn't made it here—I'm pretty sure they just forgot to send it though—and that they'd ship another one.
After some six months of wait and countless amounts of pegging Skybound PR on Twitch PMs, I had long accepted that they wouldn't send me shit. Surprisingly, they did. Even more surprisingly, it had Kirkman's signature.
@AChicken said:
Well that's insanely cool. "We're sorry this took so long to ship, so to make up for it we got Robert Kirkman himself sign the hat." That's really nice.
I know right? It's crazy. I'm kinda glad it took this long.
Well that's insanely cool.
"We're sorry this took so long to ship, so to make up for it we got Robert Kirkman himself sign the hat." That's really nice.
@Psychokinesis said:
Well that's pretty freakin' awesome!
Thank you! It is. I still haven't assimilated how much this thing is wo… morerth.
@lupinb0y said:
Hey that's really cool! What was this for if I may ask?
Thanks! And, sure.
Around June, Skybound hosted a Twitch stream for A New Frontier's EP4 and EP5; they announced they had some hats to give away, and they tossed out a trivia question at chat, about a variant comic cover or something like that. I was lucky enough to be the first to type and send the answer. So I won the Clem hat! But around Septemeber, they told me the hat allegedly "must've gotten lost" in traffic, and it still hadn't made it here—I'm pretty sure they just forgot to send it though—and that they'd ship another one.
After some six months of wait and countless amounts of pegging Skybound PR on Twitch PMs, I had long accepted that they wouldn't send me shit. Surprisingly, they did. Even more s… [view original content]
I mean they kinda introduced them in BvS when Bruce looks into Luthor's files (even if it was really dumb). But if you were unaware about these characters before the movie they pretty much explain what they do as soon as they come on screen.
It's very obvious that DC are trying to play catch-up with Marvel. The movie in general is lighter in tone and characters are surprisingly quippy (especially Batman weirdly enough). They even started doing after credits scenes despite Christopher Nolan saying that DC won't be doing them because "a real movie wouldn't do that."
Do you think DC should have introduced these other characters (Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash) before this movie? [What I mean is: Did they try to e… morexplain and characterise these new movie members too much?]
I haven't seen it yet, I don't want to, and I have this horrible feeling of DC trying to jump on the "Superhero Team-up" bandwagon way too early.
This is old news, so you may have already seen it, but for those who have not: Stranger Things fans! How are you doing? Enjoying season 2?
In the days leading up to season 2, Netflix's promotion for it was big. So big, there's this cool IRL thing involved.
Those in New York, LA, or in other large cities in North America (I don't know the specifics), you may have seen this ad:
Of course, this is for the secret lab in the show. Take note of the phone number 1-888-355-8703 in the corner, and call it. Insight into "the company" and full little tidbits about the new season. It's nothing new if you've already seen it, but as a little preview beforehand, it's cool.
(PC talk)
Somehow I've come to the point where, not only is my storage dual drive(OS on SSD/mass on HDD), but now my media is as well. I have some PAL discs and don't have a region-free player, but I did have an extra media drive around. So now I have one drive on NTSC and one drive on PAL.
Yes, my PC is huge.
Since I’ve gotten into Mr. Robot, I’ve been thinking of buying the Telltale Mobile game thing, but I was wondering...
Do I need to be connected to the internet to play it? Or can I download it then play it offline?
Thank you.
"Internet connection not required once downloaded."
- From Google Play app store.
Um... There are some interesting reviews regarding bugs. I'd check recent reviews before committing to see if they're fixed(easier to do from the app than the website).
Alright. I'm going to ask.
What's with the dog videos? Not really complaining, I love dogs.
Heh. Nice alt.
...Before anyone says anything: I'm on staycation and no, I don't have anything better to do. Watching TV, playing games, and just hanging out.
I find them on my adventures through the front page of Reddit and I want to share them :P
great so now work calls me in to work tomorrow so much for having a lie in
It's lucky you get a day's notice when you're called into work. I usually get two hours at the most. So I've gotten used to wearing my uniform even at home.
i once got a 30 minutes notice for work once i live about 10-20 minutes away because someone decided to not bother their ass because it was their last day
It's National Pickle Day today, so I watched Pickle Rick. Pretty fitting.
Well, tonight I'm going to break my streak(?) of not completing a Telltale game since The Walking Dead season 1. I'm going to finish Batman season 1. I'm in the mood.
You know... When you play episodes back to back, the episode recaps are a tad annoying. Oh, not because they're there, but because wording changes. THAT'S NOT WHAT THEY SAID!!!!
Apparently Tales from the Borderlands is free for Xbox Gold subscribers this month. If you haven't played this game yet... WHY
What do you think of Telltale's take on the Batman mythos?
Of the fixed mythos, it's fine. I'll even say it's pretty good. I religiously followed the 90's cartoon, the 80's-90's comics and the New 52 comics, so I have a strong opinion of who the characters should be. With that, only really Zsasz bothered me. He is a man, whom even in his lucid moments, you know something is terribly wrong with him. That didn't convey really well in the game. His motivations did and were handled well though.
The villain, whom they drastically altered, was never really an interesting character until recently. I was fine with that change too.
As for the choices... Ehhh. I feel some of the options had a bit too much fan service and exactly how many people did you have the option of revealing yourself to? 3? 4? That was a bit crazy. I didn't hate them though as there were very clearly some Batman fans(beyond the Nolan universe) involved with the game. There was almost always an option I agreed with(as to what my idea of Batman would do/say).
Overall, I'd say I liked it.
We also have the basic plot of Deadpool 2: After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry’s hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste. Searching to regain his spice for life, as well as a flux capacitor, Wade must battle ninjas, the yakuza, and a pack of sexually aggressive canines, as he journeys around the world to discover the importance of family, friendship, and flavor – finding a new taste for adventure and earning the coveted coffee mug title of World’s Best Lover.
[grr giphy is being evil. Can't post the required "it's happening" gif]
Edit: To anyone enjoying the strange marketing of this film, there's more! Deadpool himself has Guest-edited a recent issue of Good Housekeeping -- giving anyone interested tips on making the Holiday Season better:
This came in the mail today.
We will never get a good Star Wars game ever again if EA owns it forever. Lucas did a terrible mistake.
I have a question: Have you watched Logan? I'm not a huge fan of X-Men but the trailers got me into this movie and I loved it.
It's not looking too good. Star Wars games were best as linear RPGs and that's... Not the direction EA likes to go. Short of lightning in a bottle that gives us another Alien Isolation scenario(a game that the publisher didn't care too much about until it was hyped by fans), the only other foreseeable outcome would be if they gave Bioware KOTOR 3 with free rein(two words EA forgot a few years ago).
I have not watched Logan, nor any of the X-Men movies.
Well that's pretty freakin' awesome!
Hey that's really cool! What was this for if I may ask?
Well that's insanely cool.
"We're sorry this took so long to ship, so to make up for it we got Robert Kirkman himself sign the hat." That's really nice.
Having cheesecake and wine.
Not because I'm highbrow, but because I happened to be drinking wine and eating a piece of cheesecake. Love cheesecake.
Watched Justice League today. It's uhh... fine I guess. It isn't certainly nowhere near as bad as Suicide Squad but it's nowhere near as good as Wonder Woman. I'd say it's just above BvS and that's not saying much at all.
The editing is really bad, the CGI is absolutely awful in most places, Cyborg looks like crumpled up aluminium foil, Flashes costume is messily designed and just looks really shit, Batman's character is a complete 180 from BvS to the point where he's pretty snarky and wisecracks quite a bit, most of the fight scenes are nothing to write home about, Aquaman and Cyborg aren't particularly well developed, conflict between the heroes at one point in the movie feels VERY forced, Stephenwolf is a terrible villain and the plot in general isn't that great.
However, Wonder Woman is really fantastic especially in her opening scene near the beginning of the movie, the first 10-20 minutes of the movie is really great in general which gave me high hopes for the movie, the character interactions are pretty funny at times, I honestly think this movie has the Superman that we should have gotten because he actually fucking smiles in this, I think Flash is pretty alright in this (funny and charismatic) but I've heard people call him extremely annoying, and I thought the first after credits scene was pretty neat (nothing important to the plot but just a cool character interaction scene that I liked).
Overall it was just really mediocre. It's not terrible but not really good. It's an "eh".
Fun Fact: Wonder Woman was directed by a woman who had it figured out while other DCEU movies were directed by men with no smart brains LOL.
If you liked the R rating of Deadpool and loved The Last of Us, I would recommend this movie.
Damn, look at this heartless score.
Do you think DC should have introduced these other characters (Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash) before this movie? [What I mean is: Did they try to explain and characterise these new movie members too much?]
I haven't seen it yet, I don't want to, and I have this horrible feeling of DC trying to jump on the "Superhero Team-up" bandwagon way too early.
so apparently final fantasy xv has a multiplayer dlc out today havent got the chance to play it yet but im kinda worried that it seems rushed considering the release dates of the previous dlc was months apart guess ill try it later
Shit like this is why I hate Metacritic now. This used to be the place for honest opinion, now it's where people go to down or up vote... just because. I haven't played BF2, but I highly doubt it belongs with the other games that share it's rating. Unless you're Nintendo, Metacritic users hate you. Sad.
Yeah, I hate seeing a few terrible low-scored reviews in good games, fuck those assholes. I wonder how many people who gave Battlefront 2 a 0/10 score bought the game.
Thank you! It is. I still haven't assimilated how much this thing is worth.
Thanks! And, sure.
Around June, Skybound hosted a Twitch stream for A New Frontier's EP4 and EP5; they announced they had some hats to give away, and they tossed out a trivia question at chat, about a variant comic cover or something like that. I was lucky enough to be the first to type and send the answer. So I won the Clem hat! But around Septemeber, they told me the hat allegedly "must've gotten lost" in traffic, and it still hadn't made it here—I'm pretty sure they just forgot to send it though—and that they'd ship another one.
After some six months of wait and countless amounts of pegging Skybound PR on Twitch PMs, I had long accepted that they wouldn't send me shit. Surprisingly, they did. Even more surprisingly, it had Kirkman's signature.
I know right? It's crazy. I'm kinda glad it took this long.
Good things come to those hat wait...
Maybe: Kirkman comes to those who wait?
I mean they kinda introduced them in BvS when Bruce looks into Luthor's files (even if it was really dumb). But if you were unaware about these characters before the movie they pretty much explain what they do as soon as they come on screen.
It's very obvious that DC are trying to play catch-up with Marvel. The movie in general is lighter in tone and characters are surprisingly quippy (especially Batman weirdly enough). They even started doing after credits scenes despite Christopher Nolan saying that DC won't be doing them because "a real movie wouldn't do that."
This is old news, so you may have already seen it, but for those who have not:

Stranger Things fans! How are you doing? Enjoying season 2?
In the days leading up to season 2, Netflix's promotion for it was big. So big, there's this cool IRL thing involved.
Those in New York, LA, or in other large cities in North America (I don't know the specifics), you may have seen this ad:
Of course, this is for the secret lab in the show. Take note of the phone number 1-888-355-8703 in the corner, and call it. Insight into "the company" and full little tidbits about the new season. It's nothing new if you've already seen it, but as a little preview beforehand, it's cool.