If bitten, what would be your next move? (Personally)
We've seen multiple scenarios where he or she is on the verge of turning, and desperately pondering on the best solution, instead of doing the obvious.
- Killing themselves (or yourself).
- Getting executed by some "lucky" person who's chosen to do it.
- Or being left alone to turn where no one can see.
Like the title says, what would ultimately be you guys' decision??
Me personally, if bitten, it may be kinda dark, but I'd settle for a sneak attack. Like a surprise birthday party
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If we're being realistic I'd probably just kill myself to end the terrible pre-turn suffering.
I wouldn't have the guts to lol. I'd probably just procrastinate to a point where I just end up turning.
Bitten by what? A werewolf?
Because I'd totally let myself turn into a werewolf.
"Dude, why the fuck did you bite me?"
Okay, but seriously. I'd find a pal and be like, "Shoot me, homeskillet."
If I or anyone else with me had a gun I'd just shoot myself/get them to shoot me. If not I guess I'll just lie against a wall and die :P
Seems pretty Twilightish
don't make me relive it again! Lol
Lol I mean this may just be me personally, but idk it might sound weird, but I don't wanna watch.. I'm chicken >_<
I read this meme in the most casual way I've ever read anything
And eat some little glass crystals
You guys are pretty tough lol only way I'd shoot myself is by accident.
Like Jim and the tree
Oh, God no. Not Twilight!
I was thinking more about the werewolves from Dog Soldiers. The film had the best prosthetic and make-up design that I've seen at the time.
Keep moving forward/fighting until I'm too sick to even stand. If you're gonna die, you might as well do whatever you can to prevent whoever you're with from suffering the same fate, right?
After that's all done, I'd just say my goodbyes to whoever I'm with, go off on my own with a gun, and I think you know what happens next.
Tbh I don't have a fucking idea of what I woud do.
It's easy to talk about what you would do, now living a desperate moment like this and knowing what to do is difficult.
I agree, its like literally the one thing you reeeally really wanna prevent from happening and have it happening. Especially when you don't prepare for it and never planned for the outcome. Like everything around you just stops and you're caught pants down lol.
Yep, aside from my way of handling it I think that'll be the best way to go out. I feel like the worst way of dealing with it, is letting yourself turn. Like you'll never be at peace and your group'll never be at peace. They'll always find a way to fault themselves.
Haha freaking Twilight
Now that would be pretty cool
How would you know right when your about to turn? Every second you spend that time with someone is another risk of you turning around and biting them on the neck.
You could be feeling okay one minute then the next minute your friend starts to look real tasty...
I get what you're saying. But I guess it'll be obvious once you see them becoming lethargic or their inability to do certain things. Kinda like Bob. We've seen how he changed physically. Always tired, restless, going in and out of consciousness etc.
Well, if we're going by Walking Dead rules, you have to full-on die before you reanimate. And the bite slowly kills you. You can't predict exactly when you're gonna die, but it should become pretty obvious when you're about to. Take Lee in the jewelry store. When he's up against that radiator, he knows he's on his last few minutes.
Yes, but that is after he unexpectedly passes out, which he might not have woken up from.
I think I'm the only person who got that amazing reference.

fuk yea they do
</3 i..i wasn't ready ._.
I'm sorry... should I remove it?
Lol no it's ok, just caught me off guard
You just made my fave meme even better
I'd try to cut off the part that was bitten, first of all. Then just hope for the best.
As long as I have nothing important to do before my time comes, I would just accept my fate. Drink any alcohol I can find, bash a few more walker's heads in with my remaining strength, and try to think of happy thoughts in my final moments.
If i was in a group then try to find them and have them cut off the bitten spot ((If it was the Leg or arm.)) if not then id just put myself out of my misery.
Honestly if it's your leg, you'd probably have a better chance of surviving.. coughs Hershel However your arm? Nah
Go down swinging!
I'm with ya on that.
Unfortunately, When Lee started to pass out before his amputation it was already too late. The infection had spread to the rest of his body. There was really nothing he could've done at that point.
Ah yes, that makes sense.
If lee had cut his arm off before looking for Clem he probably would have survived
damn it Clementine.
I would take the hide the bite and slip into the orphanage choice....yeah...sorta a bitch move...but I like It.