so for the past 2 and a half days i've been without my PC because i was working on cleaning out a house from 9 am to 12 am, and in the time i was gone i was hospitalized, found my old artwork from 2009, my grandfather had 2 seizures and bulma's actress fucking died
i am never leaving my PC again. only bad things happen.
EDIT: oh but now that i'm back, fuck EA and fuck everyone who chooses to support their shitty business practices by buying star wars: battlefront 2 and encouraging this shitty behavior. go play one of their good games instead like the OG need for speed, please just don't buy this fucking game.
so for the past 2 and a half days i've been without my PC because i was working on cleaning out a house from 9 am to 12 am, and in the time … morei was gone i was hospitalized, found my old artwork from 2009, my grandfather had 2 seizures and bulma's actress fucking died
i am never leaving my PC again. only bad things happen.
EDIT: oh but now that i'm back, fuck EA and fuck everyone who chooses to support their shitty business practices by buying star wars: battlefront 2 and encouraging this shitty behavior. go play one of their good games instead like the OG need for speed, please just don't buy this fucking game.
so for the past 2 and a half days i've been without my PC because i was working on cleaning out a house from 9 am to 12 am, and in the time … morei was gone i was hospitalized, found my old artwork from 2009, my grandfather had 2 seizures and bulma's actress fucking died
i am never leaving my PC again. only bad things happen.
EDIT: oh but now that i'm back, fuck EA and fuck everyone who chooses to support their shitty business practices by buying star wars: battlefront 2 and encouraging this shitty behavior. go play one of their good games instead like the OG need for speed, please just don't buy this fucking game.
well if you'd consider counting the seconds until i go into work tomorrow and mop the entire floor, get yelled at more and come home to do nothing for a few hours and go to sleep as "alright" then i'm doing pretty great.
On a separate note: The world sucks and a bunch of people have been affected by nature's wrath. Hurricanes, Earthquakes, it's horrible.
Do you want to support relief efforts to help those in need, and get something in return? Then buy the Humble Care Package Bundle! 100% of proceeds go to the charities American Red Cross (for General Disaster Relief), Doctors Without Borders (for Mexico Earthquake and General Disaster Relief), GlobalGiving (for Hurricane Irma and Maria Relief), Direct Relief (for Hurricane Maria Relief) and Save the Children (for Hurricane Harvey Relief).
It starts at a price of 30$ (so each charity would get 6$), but you can donate more if you would like. We have raised almost 1 million dollars [about 999,695$ at time of writing], and Humble have agreed to match proceeds up to a total of 300,000$ (which we have obviously blown over by now. But maybe because of our generosity they'll be even more humble and donate more... we'll see.)
It's available for 4 more days, so act quick! 30$ for 27 games that go to a good cause.
well if you'd consider counting the seconds until i go into work tomorrow and mop the entire floor, get yelled at more and come home to do nothing for a few hours and go to sleep as "alright" then i'm doing pretty great.
This is old news, so you may have already seen it, but for those who have not:
Stranger Things fans! How are you doing? Enjoying season 2?
… more In the days leading up to season 2, Netflix's promotion for it was big. So big, there's this cool IRL thing involved.
Those in New York, LA, or in other large cities in North America (I don't know the specifics), you may have seen this ad:
Of course, this is for the secret lab in the show. Take note of the phone number 1-888-355-8703 in the corner, and call it. Insight into "the company" and full little tidbits about the new season. It's nothing new if you've already seen it, but as a little preview beforehand, it's cool.
more like it's the family business and it's either this or working another soul shattering job with a bunch of assholes i don't know and will likely hate
Aw man, I must have just missed it when I first called it.
Edit: No, wait... I do remember it saying something about "Please state your name and address", though at the time I questioned it legitimacy or even if it was recording me. Listening to the phone address now, I can't even find it. It must have been removed. I am so going to kick myself over this. (sure it's just free stuff, but c'mon... Free Stranger Things stuff? Who can say no to that?)
Apparently if people called they could leave their address and they would then get sent some Hawkins power and light stuff.
From Reddit: … moreLast month I saw a poster advertisement on the metro for 'Hawkins Laboratory' with a number on it. Today this arrived!
Link to pics
I'm glad, in a selfish way, that shit is hitting the fan with Battlefront 2.
Speeding up unlocks and delaying micro-transactions are changes they've already made. I guess we'll have to see what they mean by tweaking the ingame micro-transactions.
Why am I glad?
Bioware's Anthem is coming...which is a multiplayer game with a single player campaign published by EA. So, yeah. It's the next "one" and I don't want it to be all messed up like this.
I couldn't care less about what they do with multiplayer, but they messed with single player in Battlefront 2 and I don't want that carrying over.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 became the lowest user scored game in Metacritic.
I think EA deserves it for thinking it would be okay to put microtransactions in AAA games. We shouldn't blame DICE because this wasn't their intention they say, so we all know all the blame belongs to Electronic Assholes.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 became the lowest user scored game in Metacritic.
I think EA deserves it for thinking it would be okay to put mi… morecrotransactions in AAA games. We shouldn't blame DICE because this wasn't their intention they say, so we all know all the blame belongs to Electronic Assholes.
Watched Justice League today. It's uhh... fine I guess. It isn't certainly nowhere near as bad as Suicide Squad but it's nowhere near as goo… mored as Wonder Woman. I'd say it's just above BvS and that's not saying much at all.
The editing is really bad, the CGI is absolutely awful in most places, Cyborg looks like crumpled up aluminium foil, Flashes costume is messily designed and just looks really shit, Batman's character is a complete 180 from BvS to the point where he's pretty snarky and wisecracks quite a bit, most of the fight scenes are nothing to write home about, Aquaman and Cyborg aren't particularly well developed, conflict between the heroes at one point in the movie feels VERY forced, Stephenwolf is a terrible villain and the plot in general isn't that great.
However, Wonder Woman is really fantastic especially in her opening scene near the beginning of the movie, the first 10-20 minutes of the movie is really great in general wh… [view original content]
I saw this image on reddit and liked it. Within 6 hours it went from a small score in the art section, to the top page of reddit. Might as well share it.
HUNGER // Colin Stuart
oh i get how you wouldn't know. to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand shadow the hedgehog (2005). the action is extremely subtle and without a solid grasp of early 2000's grunge most of the plot will go over the average player's head. there's also shadow's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from the fact that his goth gf maria died, for instance. sonic fans (like chris-chan) understand this stuff, they have the mental capacity to truly appreciate the depths of his swearing. to realize that they are not just "edgy", they say something deep about LIFE. as a consequence people who dislike shadow the hedgehog (2005) truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the importance in shadow's iconic catchphrase "where's that DAMN fourth chaos emerald?!" which itself is a cryptic reference to the holy bible itself. i’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as crush 40's genius wit unfolds itself on their CRT screens. what fools.. how I pity them.
and yes, by the way, i DO have a rogue the bat tattoo. and no, you cannot see it. it’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. nothin personnel kid ?
I just came back from Justice League and I honestly loved the film. It brought back so many memories of when I was younger and I'd wake up early to watch the animated cartoon. The characters were great and I personally even liked the villain. Steppenwolf isn't that interesting in the comics either, he's just in the movie because it'd be stupid to use darkseid in the first JL movie so they used his general. The movie got the characters right and made all of us excited for the future of the dceu. The second post credit scene was pure gold and it made me and my friends speculate about the future of the franchise, it definitely hyped us even more for the next films. I'm so happy with how this movie turned out.
Got pulled over for the first time today. I was at a red light, and there was nothing on the road, so I ran it. Unfortunately, despite not being on the road, there was a Cop that just got in his cruiser from a Wendy's across the street.
"How are you today?"
"Eh, I was doing alright. You kinda killed my mood, to be honest."
He laughed, I laughed, he shot me for resisting arrest. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
Malcolm Young, co-founder of the legendary rock band AC/DC, has passed away at the age of 64. Time to blast AC/DC music loud and proud today in memory of a rock legend. Malcolm, you have rocked, and for that, we salute you.
Got pulled over for the first time today. I was at a red light, and there was nothing on the road, so I ran it. Unfortunately, despite not b… moreeing on the road, there was a Cop that just got in his cruiser from a Wendy's across the street.
"How are you today?"
"Eh, I was doing alright. You kinda killed my mood, to be honest."
He laughed, I laughed, he shot me for resisting arrest. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
Well then, I think I'd rather be completely oblivious to it than to have such a deranged understanding and have to live with that burden for the rest of my life.
But that's just me... all of me. ?
oh i get how you wouldn't know. to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand shadow the hedgehog (2005). the action is extremel… morey subtle and without a solid grasp of early 2000's grunge most of the plot will go over the average player's head. there's also shadow's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from the fact that his goth gf maria died, for instance. sonic fans (like chris-chan) understand this stuff, they have the mental capacity to truly appreciate the depths of his swearing. to realize that they are not just "edgy", they say something deep about LIFE. as a consequence people who dislike shadow the hedgehog (2005) truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the importance in shadow's iconic catchphrase "where's that DAMN fourth chaos emerald?!" which itself is a cryptic reference to the holy bible itself. i’m smirking right now ju… [view original content]
Well then, I think I'd rather be completely oblivious to it than to have such a deranged understanding and have to live with that burden for the rest of my life.
But that's just me... all of me. ?
It depends. They each have their own merits and vary from person to person, mood to mood.
I'm not so sure myself. I like each for different reasons.
TFTB might be my favourite in that it's some of the best comedy writing (and first) since the dreary run 2012 onwards, while adapting the world and canon of the original Borderlands games really well. Its episodes just keep getting better in quality through the season (in my own opinion), despite the budget problems they had.
Batman S1 was good, but looking back at it now, it doesn't compare to Season 2. They set up such a wonderful world in Season 1 and expanded it for Season 2, with new takes on memorable villains, and the quality getting better and better. If these layoffs don't affect the development of the rest of the season, I think we'll have a new champion (if I like where they take the story).
As an honourable mention, I'd like to add [dare I say] Minecraft: Season 2. Not really in terms of story (I really hate the villain of the season. It's one big excuse to break the established rules) but I want to commend it for what themes it tackles. There is some pretty dark and heavy stuff in the new season that pushes the limit of what "family friendly" content it claims to be, but gets away with it by using the "family friendly" lens through which it's portrayed.
You definitely have to go with Tales From the Borderlands. Both that and The Wolf Among Us (Fables) have great stories, and TWAU does have the mystery factor working for it, but Tales wins out for its characters and humor. You can't really go wrong with either of those games.
It will be a tie between The Wolf Among Us and Tales from the Borderlands, with maybe a slight amount of more people saying Tales.
In terms of IP selection, Wolf is probably closer to something that classic era Telltale would do, but with the sensibilities of a modern Telltale game. The art style/presentation is definitely the best and most timeless out of all the modern Telltale games.
In terms of writing quality, however, I would say that Tales from the Borderlands feels surprisingly evocative of classic Telltale in terms of humor (but with more adult humor obviously).
If you want a good time, I'd pick Tales. If you want something artsy and hauntingly ethereal in some areas, I would pick Wolf. But, just heads up - both Tales and Wolf kind of deal with more mature themes after the success of TWD S1. I'm sure you don't mind, since you are an older user yourself, but I mention this anyways in the context of whether you prefer a lighter-hearted tone or a more adult tone.
I'm almost glad I'm going back to work on Monday. I've been going a bit crazy, sitting at home, isolated, for 9 days. All my friends have full time jobs, so they're busy. It's really just been myself and you folks. People say they'd love to never work again. Yeah, if your friends didn't either. Just you, isn't good for me. That said, I'll still miss you come Monday.
EA deserves to watch Dartigan's video. GCN is just gonna make a bunch of shitty jokes and throw out petty insults with barely any criticism. Dartigan is much better when it comes to this shit, I'm betting his video will be far better.
so for the past 2 and a half days i've been without my PC because i was working on cleaning out a house from 9 am to 12 am, and in the time i was gone i was hospitalized, found my old artwork from 2009, my grandfather had 2 seizures and bulma's actress fucking died
i am never leaving my PC again. only bad things happen.
EDIT: oh but now that i'm back, fuck EA and fuck everyone who chooses to support their shitty business practices by buying star wars: battlefront 2 and encouraging this shitty behavior. go play one of their good games instead like the OG need for speed, please just don't buy this fucking game.
Are you doing alright now?
I'm with Johro on this... are you okay?
Sounds like a terrible few days, so I hope you're doing well.
well if you'd consider counting the seconds until i go into work tomorrow and mop the entire floor, get yelled at more and come home to do nothing for a few hours and go to sleep as "alright" then i'm doing pretty great.
i'm existing so i guess that's a thing
On a separate note: The world sucks and a bunch of people have been affected by nature's wrath. Hurricanes, Earthquakes, it's horrible.
Do you want to support relief efforts to help those in need, and get something in return? Then buy the Humble Care Package Bundle! 100% of proceeds go to the charities American Red Cross (for General Disaster Relief), Doctors Without Borders (for Mexico Earthquake and General Disaster Relief), GlobalGiving (for Hurricane Irma and Maria Relief), Direct Relief (for Hurricane Maria Relief) and Save the Children (for Hurricane Harvey Relief).
It starts at a price of 30$ (so each charity would get 6$), but you can donate more if you would like. We have raised almost 1 million dollars [about 999,695$ at time of writing], and Humble have agreed to match proceeds up to a total of 300,000$ (which we have obviously blown over by now. But maybe because of our generosity they'll be even more humble and donate more... we'll see.)
It's available for 4 more days, so act quick! 30$ for 27 games that go to a good cause.
That's fine. I don't want you to un-exist so... good. Keep on keepin' on I guess. I hope you feel better soon, that's all.
thanks my dude
Soul shattering job eh? I've been there.
Nothing better around?
Apparently if people called they could leave their address and they would then get sent some Hawkins power and light stuff.
From Reddit: Last month I saw a poster advertisement on the metro for 'Hawkins Laboratory' with a number on it. Today this arrived!
Link to pics
more like it's the family business and it's either this or working another soul shattering job with a bunch of assholes i don't know and will likely hate
Aw man, I must have just missed it when I first called it.
Edit: No, wait... I do remember it saying something about "Please state your name and address", though at the time I questioned it legitimacy or even if it was recording me. Listening to the phone address now, I can't even find it. It must have been removed. I am so going to kick myself over this. (sure it's just free stuff, but c'mon... Free Stranger Things stuff? Who can say no to that?)
I'm glad, in a selfish way, that shit is hitting the fan with Battlefront 2.
Speeding up unlocks and delaying micro-transactions are changes they've already made. I guess we'll have to see what they mean by tweaking the ingame micro-transactions.
Why am I glad?
Bioware's Anthem is coming...which is a multiplayer game with a single player campaign published by EA. So, yeah. It's the next "one" and I don't want it to be all messed up like this.
I couldn't care less about what they do with multiplayer, but they messed with single player in Battlefront 2 and I don't want that carrying over.
Thank you so much Naughty Dog.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 became the lowest user scored game in Metacritic.

I think EA deserves it for thinking it would be okay to put microtransactions in AAA games. We shouldn't blame DICE because this wasn't their intention they say, so we all know all the blame belongs to Electronic Assholes.
More like Egocentric Assholes.
Remember, If you’ve got a mom named Martha then Batman will immediately become your best friend and idolize you when you’re dead.
I’m honestly only seeing Justice League because I feel I ought to owe Zack Snyder something given what he went through with his family.
shadow the hedgehog is the best game of all time
I saw this image on reddit and liked it. Within 6 hours it went from a small score in the art section, to the top page of reddit. Might as well share it.
HUNGER // Colin Stuart
How so?
oh i get how you wouldn't know. to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand shadow the hedgehog (2005). the action is extremely subtle and without a solid grasp of early 2000's grunge most of the plot will go over the average player's head. there's also shadow's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from the fact that his goth gf maria died, for instance. sonic fans (like chris-chan) understand this stuff, they have the mental capacity to truly appreciate the depths of his swearing. to realize that they are not just "edgy", they say something deep about LIFE. as a consequence people who dislike shadow the hedgehog (2005) truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the importance in shadow's iconic catchphrase "where's that DAMN fourth chaos emerald?!" which itself is a cryptic reference to the holy bible itself. i’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as crush 40's genius wit unfolds itself on their CRT screens. what fools.. how I pity them.
and yes, by the way, i DO have a rogue the bat tattoo. and no, you cannot see it. it’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. nothin personnel kid ?
I just came back from Justice League and I honestly loved the film. It brought back so many memories of when I was younger and I'd wake up early to watch the animated cartoon. The characters were great and I personally even liked the villain. Steppenwolf isn't that interesting in the comics either, he's just in the movie because it'd be stupid to use darkseid in the first JL movie so they used his general. The movie got the characters right and made all of us excited for the future of the dceu. The second post credit scene was pure gold and it made me and my friends speculate about the future of the franchise, it definitely hyped us even more for the next films. I'm so happy with how this movie turned out.
Go watch Justice League.
Got pulled over for the first time today. I was at a red light, and there was nothing on the road, so I ran it. Unfortunately, despite not being on the road, there was a Cop that just got in his cruiser from a Wendy's across the street.
"How are you today?"
"Eh, I was doing alright. You kinda killed my mood, to be honest."
He laughed, I laughed, he shot me for resisting arrest. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
Malcolm Young, co-founder of the legendary rock band AC/DC, has passed away at the age of 64. Time to blast AC/DC music loud and proud today in memory of a rock legend. Malcolm, you have rocked, and for that, we salute you.
Well, jeez, talk about quick escalation. 0.0
Well then, I think I'd rather be completely oblivious to it than to have such a deranged understanding and have to live with that burden for the rest of my life.
But that's just me... all of me. ?
? also happens to have a forum emoji
type B) to display it
B) It didn't work!
Just being an ass. It works.
Getting back into ESO. I just can't play it for hours on end like I used to.
It's been too long...

So which game, post TWD1, has the best story? Fables? I've asked before and that seemed to be the consensus, but that was a few games ago.
It depends. They each have their own merits and vary from person to person, mood to mood.
I'm not so sure myself. I like each for different reasons.
TFTB might be my favourite in that it's some of the best comedy writing (and first) since the dreary run 2012 onwards, while adapting the world and canon of the original Borderlands games really well. Its episodes just keep getting better in quality through the season (in my own opinion), despite the budget problems they had.
Batman S1 was good, but looking back at it now, it doesn't compare to Season 2. They set up such a wonderful world in Season 1 and expanded it for Season 2, with new takes on memorable villains, and the quality getting better and better. If these layoffs don't affect the development of the rest of the season, I think we'll have a new champion (if I like where they take the story).
As an honourable mention, I'd like to add [dare I say] Minecraft: Season 2. Not really in terms of story (I really hate the villain of the season. It's one big excuse to break the established rules) but I want to commend it for what themes it tackles. There is some pretty dark and heavy stuff in the new season that pushes the limit of what "family friendly" content it claims to be, but gets away with it by using the "family friendly" lens through which it's portrayed.
You definitely have to go with Tales From the Borderlands. Both that and The Wolf Among Us (Fables) have great stories, and TWAU does have the mystery factor working for it, but Tales wins out for its characters and humor. You can't really go wrong with either of those games.
It will be a tie between The Wolf Among Us and Tales from the Borderlands, with maybe a slight amount of more people saying Tales.
In terms of IP selection, Wolf is probably closer to something that classic era Telltale would do, but with the sensibilities of a modern Telltale game. The art style/presentation is definitely the best and most timeless out of all the modern Telltale games.
In terms of writing quality, however, I would say that Tales from the Borderlands feels surprisingly evocative of classic Telltale in terms of humor (but with more adult humor obviously).
If you want a good time, I'd pick Tales. If you want something artsy and hauntingly ethereal in some areas, I would pick Wolf. But, just heads up - both Tales and Wolf kind of deal with more mature themes after the success of TWD S1. I'm sure you don't mind, since you are an older user yourself, but I mention this anyways in the context of whether you prefer a lighter-hearted tone or a more adult tone.
Guess I should play both. I do own them.
I'm almost glad I'm going back to work on Monday. I've been going a bit crazy, sitting at home, isolated, for 9 days. All my friends have full time jobs, so they're busy. It's really just been myself and you folks. People say they'd love to never work again. Yeah, if your friends didn't either. Just you, isn't good for me. That said, I'll still miss you come Monday.
8 episodes into Punisher and it's fucking amazing. Please go watch it.
EA removes the microtransactions from Battlefront 2 "temporarily" after the fan backlash. Even Disney wasn't okay with what they are doing.
Are we sure Disney had a hand in that? As far as I know, they haven't gotten involved yet.
Yong says so
Good News
Both Dartigan and GCN are going to sin Star Wars Battlefront 2. EA deserves to watch their videos.
EA deserves to watch Dartigan's video. GCN is just gonna make a bunch of shitty jokes and throw out petty insults with barely any criticism. Dartigan is much better when it comes to this shit, I'm betting his video will be far better.