EA deserves to watch Dartigan's video. GCN is just gonna make a bunch of shitty jokes and throw out petty insults with barely any criticism. Dartigan is much better when it comes to this shit, I'm betting his video will be far better.
EA deserves to watch Dartigan's video. GCN is just gonna make a bunch of shitty jokes and throw out petty insults with barely any criticism. Dartigan is much better when it comes to this shit, I'm betting his video will be far better.
He doesn't need to. Multiplayer is just the standard bullshit you'd expect from EA's FPS games. The main focus on any video criticizing this game should be it's Campaign and the scummy business shit.
Man, the middle schooler's in Melbourne sure are a bunch of assholes. Threw a bottle next to me, played loud music at max and jumping around and yelling like monkeys in the tram.
He doesn't need to. Multiplayer is just the standard bullshit you'd expect from EA's FPS games. The main focus on any video criticizing this game should be it's Campaign and the scummy business shit.
What ruined the game is a very large mixture of things, not just microtransactions. Yes, microtransactions are what everybody is fixated on, but this game has made a lot worse offenses.
As for sinning the microtransactions, those are very much involved in the scummy business shit category.
i am glad i am off for 2 weeks holiday because one of my asshat coworkers tried to blame me for someone writhing his name on a till i didnt even know that his dumb name was even on there just because he got his supervisor test passed he thinks he is superior and managers wont do anything about it because he has been there longer than i have
Just finished watching WWE Survivor Series. First half of the show was great, with Lesnar vs AJ easily being Match of the Night, until the main event happened. It was lazy booking to make Triple H look good. In the end, it was all about the McMahon’s, including Triple H. 7/10.
It’s about damn time, that fucker had been living off Californian tax dollars for nearly half a century. They should have fried his ass long ago for his crimes and be done with it. On the bright side, at least we still have Marilyn Manson.
It's exactly what I would have wanted from a Punisher series! Great characters, villains, lots of violence, etc. It's just so fucking good! Fingers crossed that a second season is just as good as this.
Since when did people take CinemaSins seriously? I think most CinemaSins haters are just mad that CinemaSins made a “Everything wrong with” video on their favorite movie or something. Also, I’m pretty sure any normal adult person knows that CinemaSins is just Internet junk food for kiddies.
Nearly finished season two of Mr. Robot. And I just gotta say...
OH MY GOD. This show is so good! I thought it wouldn’t be able to live up to the first season but so far it is just as good.
There’s so much going on in the story. So many amazing twists, complex characters, intriguing mysteries...
Also, it astounds me how they were able to create an episode that was both super hilarious and really dark at the same time. You know which one I’m talking about...
Just got 3 more episodes to go, then I’ll be (im)patiently awaiting season 3...
Just finished the Punisher series.
It's exactly what I would have wanted from a Punisher series! Great characters, villains, lots of violence, etc. It's just so fucking good! Fingers crossed that a second season is just as good as this.
Since when did people take CinemaSins seriously? I think most CinemaSins haters are just mad that CinemaSins made a “Everything wrong with” … morevideo on their favorite movie or something. Also, I’m pretty sure any normal adult person knows that CinemaSins is just Internet junk food for kiddies.
After months of putting it off, I’ve finally started watching Stranger Things. Got through two episodes so far, and it’s pretty good. Lot of weird shit is happening, the acting is terrific, and there’s a good sense of mystery and suspense.
After months of putting it off, I’ve finally started watching Stranger Things. Got through two episodes so far, and it’s pretty good. Lot of weird shit is happening, the acting is terrific, and there’s a good sense of mystery and suspense.
Not really. Most of it just boils down to the fact that the author just hates that CinemaSins is mainstream and doesn’t find them funny or appealing but instead of moving on, he just makes a thirty minute video outlining the problems with CinemaSins even though internet film analysis and critical thinking is moving along just fine with or without CinemaSins.
Saying CinemaSins is “destroying” critical thinking and film analysis is like saying Cheese-Its are destroying vegetables.
Not really. Most of it just boils down to the fact that the author just hates that CinemaSins is mainstream and doesn’t find them funny or a… moreppealing but instead of moving on, he just makes a thirty minute video outlining the problems with CinemaSins even though internet film analysis and critical thinking is moving along just fine with or without CinemaSins.
Saying CinemaSins is “destroying” critical thinking and film analysis is like saying Cheese-Its are destroying vegetables.
I have watched both seasons of Stranger Things and love them both, there is great attention to the 80s detail and i also agree about the acting being really good. Normally i find child protagonists a bit annoying but i think the kids from ST are great.
After months of putting it off, I’ve finally started watching Stranger Things. Got through two episodes so far, and it’s pretty good. Lot of weird shit is happening, the acting is terrific, and there’s a good sense of mystery and suspense.
But I don't think Dartigan is going to sin the multiplayer
He doesn't need to. Multiplayer is just the standard bullshit you'd expect from EA's FPS games. The main focus on any video criticizing this game should be it's Campaign and the scummy business shit.
I've just now discovered Alan Becker's cool Animation vs. Animator series. They're pretty impressive, and it's interesting to see how his talents evolved over a long period of time.

Animator vs. Animation I
Animator vs. Animation II
Animator vs. Animation III
Animator vs. Animation IV
Animation vs. Minecraft
Animation vs. YouTube -- The latest, and best one yet!
This Coco movie thing just makes me wish we had another Grim Fandango game.
Where did that take place?
Logan is the only X-Men movie worth watching. And it is fantastic.
But he really needs to sin the microtransactions cause that's what ruined the game and made it have the lowest user score in Metacritic.
What ruined the game is a very large mixture of things, not just microtransactions. Yes, microtransactions are what everybody is fixated on, but this game has made a lot worse offenses.
As for sinning the microtransactions, those are very much involved in the scummy business shit category.
Do I need to watch daredevil before it though?
i am glad i am off for 2 weeks holiday because one of my asshat coworkers tried to blame me for someone writhing his name on a till i didnt even know that his dumb name was even on there just because he got his supervisor test passed he thinks he is superior and managers wont do anything about it because he has been there longer than i have
There are a few connections with it so it's probably best to do so. You should watch it either way since it's really good :P
Just finished watching WWE Survivor Series. First half of the show was great, with Lesnar vs AJ easily being Match of the Night, until the main event happened. It was lazy booking to make Triple H look good. In the end, it was all about the McMahon’s, including Triple H. 7/10.
for minor plot points and understanding character motivations, yeah. but it stands fine on it's own.
Well, Charles Manson died.
I'll miss all the parole hearing news that would pop up every 5-10 years.
That's about it.
It’s about damn time, that fucker had been living off Californian tax dollars for nearly half a century. They should have fried his ass long ago for his crimes and be done with it. On the bright side, at least we still have Marilyn Manson.
I took a pic of this bug walking by my house. It's like the godzilla of crickets.

Here's a super good and well done video.
God bless bobvids
Just finished the Punisher series.
It's exactly what I would have wanted from a Punisher series! Great characters, villains, lots of violence, etc. It's just so fucking good! Fingers crossed that a second season is just as good as this.
I love living in a world where defenestration has it's own word.
English: We Have A Word For That!
Thank god it doesn't have wings. It would be unstoppable.
I love how all this fits together when the VA for CinimaSins makes his speech about the lack of creativity in america. Soooo hypocritical!
Fucking hell, the bugs are like my worst nightmares.
It IS a super good and well done video.
Accurately shows exactly what's wrong with CinemaSins.
Since when did people take CinemaSins seriously? I think most CinemaSins haters are just mad that CinemaSins made a “Everything wrong with” video on their favorite movie or something. Also, I’m pretty sure any normal adult person knows that CinemaSins is just Internet junk food for kiddies.
It looks like a cricket bred with a lobster.
thank god we dont have bugs like that in the u.k because i would have squished it i hate bugs
Nearly finished season two of Mr. Robot. And I just gotta say...
OH MY GOD. This show is so good! I thought it wouldn’t be able to live up to the first season but so far it is just as good.
There’s so much going on in the story. So many amazing twists, complex characters, intriguing mysteries...
Also, it astounds me how they were able to create an episode that was both super hilarious and really dark at the same time. You know which one I’m talking about...
Just got 3 more episodes to go, then I’ll be (im)patiently awaiting season 3...
Good to know I'm not the only person here that watches that show...
I believe your exact type of argument was shut down in the video.
So what's with this terrible update
You don’t want to know.
It reminds me of a shitty early 2000s chat room.
After months of putting it off, I’ve finally started watching Stranger Things. Got through two episodes so far, and it’s pretty good. Lot of weird shit is happening, the acting is terrific, and there’s a good sense of mystery and suspense.
First season?
Not really. Most of it just boils down to the fact that the author just hates that CinemaSins is mainstream and doesn’t find them funny or appealing but instead of moving on, he just makes a thirty minute video outlining the problems with CinemaSins even though internet film analysis and critical thinking is moving along just fine with or without CinemaSins.
Saying CinemaSins is “destroying” critical thinking and film analysis is like saying Cheese-Its are destroying vegetables.
eh shrug. opinions and such.
People finally get to see that microtransactions in 60$ triple A games was always a terrible decision. Get rekt, EA, you pieces of shit!!!
I have watched both seasons of Stranger Things and love them both, there is great attention to the 80s detail and i also agree about the acting being really good. Normally i find child protagonists a bit annoying but i think the kids from ST are great.