The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited November 2017

    Yay, hopefully this sends a message to big publishers of what they shouldn't control in games (in reality, it shouldn't be anything but we've got a while until it gets to that).

    On a different front, I do feel bad for anyone who made this game. All the hard work they put into making it a Star Wars game was heavily overshadowed and manipulated for money, putting gamers off from the concept of it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    People finally get to see that microtransactions in 60$ triple A games was always a terrible decision. Get rekt, EA, you pieces of shit!!!

  • Yes, the first season. Also, mods, I didn’t get this reply in my inbox. I got Ozzy’s, but not AChicken’s.

    AChicken posted: »

    First season?

  • I knew they would screw it up since they shut down Visceral Games and turns Amy Hennig's Linear Story-Driven Star Wars game into a Destiny style game. Even Disney wasn't okay with what EA was doing with Battlefront 2, they should fire them for destroying the Star Wars gaming.

    AChicken posted: »

    Yay, hopefully this sends a message to big publishers of what they shouldn't control in games (in reality, it shouldn't be anything but we'v

  • edited November 2017

    Today our world lost an amazing person. Dmitri Hvorostovsky, world famous Russian opera singer with an extraordinary talent, died after struggling with brain tumor for 2,5 years. He was a great man, an outstanding singer, a good father and someone who always acted as an example for others. People donated money for his chemotherapy but he didn't accept a coin because he believed that other sick people need it more. He kept performing until the last days. It's a shame that Lord takes away such people... May he rest in peace now.

  • Luckily, Steam is selling the original Battlefront 2 with a working, active multiplayer base.
    I might pick it up and see how it is now that I know how the game would work... Something my 6-year old self never learnt. (I would always play a space battle, steal an enemy ship, and try to shoot down my own team's ships. It was so much fun back then.)

    AronDracula posted: »

    I knew they would screw it up since they shut down Visceral Games and turns Amy Hennig's Linear Story-Driven Star Wars game into a Destiny s

  • Mafia franchise reached its 15th anniversary and as a celebration, the first game has been re-released on Steam! This is definitely one of my most favourite games, so glad that those who haven't had a chance to play it before might now enjoy it as well. :)

  • I watched the single player campaign of Star Wars Battlefront 2 and guess what? It makes NO fucking sense, the trailers for the story were misleading as FUCK.

    We were expecting to be on the Empire side and fight against Rebels through the entire game but Iden Versio chose to betray the empire and she never said what she said in the first trailer of the game "We'll avenge our lord".
    This story isn't even something new. It's just another "The Fall of the Empire" story which is what actually happens in Return of the Jedi. The Empire was supposed to be torn apart after the destruction of Death Star and they still keep coming for some reason. Why couldn't they have made a story that is like a set up for The Force Awakens? Like Rise of the First Order, Kylo Ren's backstory or Luke, Leia and Han's story between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens? EA even confirmed that the game is canon to the movies but the story makes no advantage to the main storyline
    The character models for Luke and Leia suck. They look nothing like Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher. Han Solo is the one that made sense because he's got a beard but the voice-acting for the whole SW cast was awful.
    This character, Iden Versio, came out of nowhere and never did something related to the movies. She had no character in herself and is probably one of the worst characters of the franchise.
    The last chapter of the game was nothing but a fanservice. Just have Kylo Ren kill some stuff and that's it.

    Now I'm 100% glad that I didn't buy this game, they couldn't even manage to make a good Star Wars story. Fuck you EA, you heartless retarded bastards.

  • Okay so I'm through 4 episodes of Stranger Things now, and I'm beginning to notice some parallels.

    • A character who loves photography and has a desire to capture the moment.
    • A character with mystical powers who suffers from nosebleeds every time they use them too much.
    • A story revolving around a missing person and young kids who have a close connection to them trying to figure out what happened.
    • A town with a mysterious cover up going on.
    • The word Strange in the title (okay, this one if the most reaching of the comparisons, but still noticeable).

    Oh my God, Stranger Things is Life is Strange, but with compelling characters, a talented cast of actors/actresses, a much more suspenseful story, great writing, pacing, and atmosphere, and doesn't get bogged down by the euphemisms and behaviors of its time period to the point where it feels dated and cringy.

  • edited November 2017

    I hate it when mediocre to terrible directors and fanboys keep blaming Rotten Tamatoes for a film’s under performance instead of owning up to the fact that what they made or like is probably not very good.

  • Never played the first one but I loved Mafia 2, it had a great story, it's so detailed and it's probably the first game where I learned a lot of cussed words. I was excited for Mafia 3 but it's nothing but a broken game.

    Pipas posted: »

    Mafia franchise reached its 15th anniversary and as a celebration, the first game has been re-released on Steam! This is definitely one of m

  • If I hear one more cover of 'Santa Baby' on the radio I'm gonna lose my marbles

  • edited November 2017

    I've only heard the original. I'll consider myself lucky.
    I'm not a Christmas music kind of guy.

    On a different note:
    My vacation ended with me working 10/11 days. Our staff Christmas party was accidentally booked on Black Friday.... In the biggest mall in North America(now you can stalk me!). So that'll be... Interesting.

    If I hear one more cover of 'Santa Baby' on the radio I'm gonna lose my marbles

  • edited November 2017

    The Mall of America huh? Please tell me you booked your party in the nickelodeon amusement park section. Best work party ever!

    Johro posted: »

    I've only heard the original. I'll consider myself lucky. I'm not a Christmas music kind of guy. On a different note: My vacation en

  • My favourite review of Star Wars Battlefront 2.

  • In the biggest mall in North America(now you can stalk me!)

    West ed? lol

    Johro posted: »

    I've only heard the original. I'll consider myself lucky. I'm not a Christmas music kind of guy. On a different note: My vacation en

  • Finally, we've been waiting for this.

  • YEEEESSSS. I'm so happy.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Finally, we've been waiting for this.

  • edited November 2017

    Wait a minute, why didn't your reply appear on my notification box?

    EDIT: Nevermind

    YEEEESSSS. I'm so happy.

  • Never played the first one

    If you don't mind slightly outdated graphics by today's standards, I'd definitely recommend it. Lots of unforgettable moments and missions. I still remember fondly of the game to this day.

    I loved Mafia 2

    Yeah, Mafia 2 was good, but unfortunately for me, I've been following the development since they announced it and they cut a lot of things they promised the game would have. (namely different endings, side missions, obtaining gun licence, etc.) So when it came out, I was a bit bummed out those things didn't make it and couldn't enjoy it as much as others. Still a good game though.

    I was excited for Mafia 3 but it's nothing but a broken game.

    Yeah, I was pretty excited too. I didn't mind the bugs in Mafia 3 (or mostly didn't encounter them). I had problem with the same kind of missions repeating over and over. And those weren't even the side missions or anything, you had to do them to progress the story. Bleh, couldn't even finish it. Such a shame, the story seemed interesting.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Never played the first one but I loved Mafia 2, it had a great story, it's so detailed and it's probably the first game where I learned a lot of cussed words. I was excited for Mafia 3 but it's nothing but a broken game.

  • If you don't mind slightly outdated graphics by today's standards, I'd definitely recommend it. Lots of unforgettable moments and missions. I still remember fondly of the game to this day.

    I probably get it when I buy a new PC.

    Yeah, Mafia 2 was good, but unfortunately for me, I've been following the development since they announced it and they cut a lot of things they promised the game would have. (namely different endings, side missions, obtaining gun licence, etc.) So when it came out, I was a bit bummed out those things didn't make it and couldn't enjoy it as much as others. Still a good game though.

    Oh really? I knew there was something not right about it cause it's not a free roam open world.

    Yeah, I was pretty excited too. I didn't mind the bugs in Mafia 3 (or mostly didn't encounter them). I had problem with the same kind of missions repeating over and over. And those weren't even the side missions or anything, you had to do them to progress the story. Bleh, couldn't even finish it. Such a shame, the story seemed interesting.

    And it's a shame that Mafia 2 is MUCH more detailed than the "next generation".

    Pipas posted: »

    Never played the first one If you don't mind slightly outdated graphics by today's standards, I'd definitely recommend it. Lots of u

  • As always, OK GO's music videos are really fucking cool:

  • That would be the one. At least Black Friday isn't American-Walmart-level crazy over here. It'll still be packed though.

    In the biggest mall in North America(now you can stalk me!) West ed? lol

  • it's videos like this where i like cinemasins, because regardless of his weird and inaccurate format, these are just blatantly terrible movies where facts and info do not matter, and jeremy does best with this. just straight up making fun of the film.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Finally, we've been waiting for this.

  • Five is an honorary even number.

  • it's videos like this where i like cinemasins

    Ah now I get it.

    because regardless of his weird and inaccurate format, these are just blatantly terrible movies where facts and info do not matter, and jeremy does best with this. just straight up making fun of the film.

    What I hate about this video is that the movie didn't manage to destroy the sin counter like it did in his Fate of the Furious video.

    it's videos like this where i like cinemasins, because regardless of his weird and inaccurate format, these are just blatantly terrible movi

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2017

    Just a random note, since I've had a few people ask about this as of late - you guys are still allowed to flag your own posts if you want them to be deleted, or if you feel that you need to have a moderator look into your own self-flagged thread. We removed that bit from the guidelines to trim down on the fluff, but you are still allowed to.

  • I didn't know that was a thing, but thanks!

    Just a random note, since I've had a few people ask about this as of late - you guys are still allowed to flag your own posts if you want th

  • edited November 2017

    hey man the sin counter's been through too much lately let him have a break you meanie >:(((

    AronDracula posted: »

    it's videos like this where i like cinemasins Ah now I get it. because regardless of his weird and inaccurate format, these ar

  • Fuck the sin counter. Win counter was always the win here.

    hey man the sin counter's been through too much lately let him have a break you meanie >:(((

  • shit u rite

    AronDracula posted: »

    Fuck the sin counter. Win counter was always the win here.

  • hey guys so this is gonna be two random questions but i dont know where else to ask them since this IS whatever thread.
    so first question is can i play newly released planet of the apes last frontier without my phone?i know it a playlink title for ps4 but in summary on ps4 store it says it requires dualshock 4?did anyone buy the game ?if you did please try with a controller(i need 1 player only cause im lonely)and let me know.
    2.other question is:My friend in school is always saying stuff to me like:,,you really wanna fuck me,,?,he is sometimes touching me and other guys,he has a best friend which is a girl but he is always kissing her in the cheeck touching her behind her back...they say they are best friend ,and i have gotten a gay vibes from the dude,so how can i find out if he is because i think she is his ,,beard,,(im gay too) so im interested. THANKS :)

  • I've just recently gotten into Spelunky, and oh my God that game is so addicting! It's hard, but fair, and there's something charming that keeps me repeatedly coming back to the game despite it's difficulty.

  • edited November 2017

    I just saw Your Name.
    OHMYGOD better than I expected! I just want to hug someone!
    It was deeper and more heartwarming than I thought it would be. It was beautiful, funny, depressing and tense. A really great anime movie that deserves its praise!
    If you haven't seen this yet (why not?) and are a fan of such animation, go see it!
    The plot really delved into spiritual themes and traditions on Mitsuha's/Taki's side to great effect, and the movie wouldn't be the same without it, something that Hollywood will probably manage to screw up. The movie came out last year and you want to remake it? In live action no less? You can't. It can't get any better than it is and it will surely lose its beauty. Leave. It. Alone.

    This is going in my book as one of the greats. Now can someone point me to another good one? I've heard of the movie "A Silent Voice", is that any good? The premise sounds like a recipe for tears.

  • How can i find out if he is(gay)?

    I know it's harder to do than say when school is involved, but I'd just ask if you're really interested. Ask either him or one of his friends. Again, I know it's easy to say "Go for it and forget what everyone else thinks or says" when you're removed from school already. I get that people commonly feel trapped by the whole school clique and that alienated yourself from that feels like the end of the world. It's not, but that's easier said than done when I now have a choice of whether I want to see someone again or not. So that's all the advice I've got.

    I would just ask somebody. If I made a joke about it or something where the person would respond "you know he's gay right?" or something to that end, you'd know. Even if it came off as fishing, then you know and someone knows you're interested.

    hey guys so this is gonna be two random questions but i dont know where else to ask them since this IS whatever thread. so first question i

  • I've heard that A Silent Voice is good but it has some problems. I read the manga long before the movie came out and it is indeed depressing but it's really really good.

    AChicken posted: »

    I just saw Your Name. OHMYGOD better than I expected! I just want to hug someone! It was deeper and more heartwarming than I thought it wo

  • I'm almost not surprised this thread is still active.

  • One decade down*, more to go.

    *If you include the predecessor

  • I beat RE7 Ethan Must Die DLC for the sixth freaking time. I wish Capcom added more maps in it for the ones who are used to this mode.

  • edited November 2017

    Spending the day listening to my Weird Al boxset.
    I thought the CD version would be smaller than the vinyl... I was wrong. F'n huge.
    squeeze box art
    One thing I love about Weird Al songs, is all the unintentional foreshadowing he did.
    Listening to "Cable TV" and he mentions cable costing $50/month and having satellite in his car. Both of these things were ridiculous jokes at the time.

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