The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited December 2017

    Do what you need to do for you. I've been there(REALLY been there). I found that chatting on a forum helped me more than being left alone with my own thoughts, but I'm not you(this was before texting and social media, so options were limited). Take care of yourself. I wish you the best here. Depression can be a rough road and "not thinking about it" isn't always a decision you can make.

    Be excellent.

    I'm trying to be on here more but my depression gets so bad I can barely move sometimes.

  • truer words have never been spoken

    Johro posted: »

    Some times working retail really sucks. Really really sucks.

  • I like how the Minecraft: SM section is actually pretty calm and friendly. Not at all like how people were saying it would be when the original game was announced.

  • edited December 2017

    You wanna know how you can tell a game is bad or disappointing? When CrowbCat uploads a video about it (Except for DOOM which was for convincing people who thought DOOM release version looks different compared to the E3 2015 trailer that it's not true what they said)

  • edited December 2017

    Ok, this is no joke right here. Marvel's Avengers Infinity War trailer hit 100 million views in just 2 WEEKS. That is insane. It even beat the trailer for The Force Awakens.

  • Welp, Hello Neighbor turned out to be a good idea that just didn't work, a fucking disappointment. It's short, it's buggy, it has nonsensical puzzles, it's not scary and the ending just gives you a lot of questions. How come it started being interesting beginning with Alpha 1 only to end up disappointing in later updates? It's another copy of Firewatch and No Man's Sky, which is ironic because all three games use art styles.

    Do not buy that shithole, you will not plan on playing it over 5 times.

  • It's short, it's buggy, it has nonsensical puzzles, it's not scary and the ending just gives you a lot of questions.

    Oh? I was under the impression that it was a play and replay kind of game. An infinite series of procedurally generated houses where your one objective was to get inside the basement. I didn't know there was a story attached. I haven't been following the game a lot, and I've never played it, so I have no idea how it is today (apart from what you just said) but I was pretty interested in it in its early stages.

    On a separate note:

    Please tell me I'm not the only one who is shocked to hear the Shooting Stars meme only really originated this year. I swear this was a meme that erupted years ago, with the space background and all. Turns out that only started this year.

  • edited December 2017

    I've had some time to sit on it and I think TWAU and TFTB are both great stories. I took leave after playing half of TWD S2 and these games blew that franchise out of the water. That's coming from a horror fanatic. They're both very different and I don't think I could say one or the other is my favourite modern Telltale game.

    I don't know if I'd even want TFTB to get a sequel. Where would they go.. with everything? The ending was pretty meh with throwing every trope at you, from deus ex machina to the mysterious briefcase. They felt like the right directions to go, but I still felt a little underwhelmed that I called all the events once the battle started. It was a pretty great story though and again, to me, it's much more about the journey.

  • Finished the Not a Hero DLC for Resident Evil 7. It lasted an hour and a half and it's pretty good especially for a free DLC so I'm happy it's overall quality. But it's a bit underwhelming in terms of story and it's very action oriented but it does have a few spooky bits in it.

    Now onto End of Zoe. Hopefully it brings a satisfying conclusion to the Baker story.

  • Finished the Not a Hero DLC for Resident Evil 7. It lasted an hour and a half and it's pretty good especially for a free DLC so I'm happy it's overall quality. But it's a bit underwhelming in terms of story and it's very action oriented but it does have a few spooky bits in it.

    Yeah, it too action packed but it still gave me the creeps, especially the maze one with spores and it could have been better when it comes to the story but still a good DLC because it's free. And thank God that

    Lucas died, I would have been pissed if he was left unknown. He and Eveline deserved to die.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Finished the Not a Hero DLC for Resident Evil 7. It lasted an hour and a half and it's pretty good especially for a free DLC so I'm happy it

  • She’s a rude sarcastic bitch who blames others for her problems but I guess people somehow relate to her.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Alrighty. It's a pretty long episode and Chloe has a decent amount of jokes and moments with other characters (e.g. ''Nathan'' situation, not spoiling anything). I think it should make you at least realize why so many people like her.

  • well this is really pissing me off my pay statement came through today and my pay is wrong again how does a multi billion company fuck up something so simple every month

  • Remember a few weeks ago when some forum members were talking about Disney buying Fox. Well, looks like it happened.

    Included in the deal are Fox's movie studios, the network Nat Geo, Asian pay-TV operator Star TV, stakes in Sky and Hulu and regional sports networks. Excluded is Fox Sports, Fox News, and Fox Business. It’s meant to bolster Disney’s attempts to create a streaming service to compete with Netflix.

  • Disney was a mistake.

  • edited December 2017

    How could anyone be okay with this? This whole monopoly is so absurd and has dangerous implications for the rest of the industry but I guess that doesn’t matter because “Muh X-Men in MCU” is just too important compared to healthy competition of creative expression instead of safe homogenized nonsense.

    Remember a few weeks ago when some forum members were talking about Disney buying Fox. Well, looks like it happened.

  • Riddle me this:

    What will happen to the next X-Men movies? Deadpool 2 and the next X-Men sequel?

    Do you think it was a good idea for Lucas to sell Star Wars to Disney? There is one advantage and one disadvantage. The advantage is that they make better special effects, better writing and better dialogues in the movies and the disadvantage is that we get shitty Star Wars games because Disney handed the gaming license over EA which will use it as a slot machine and they fucking cancelled Amy Hennig's Star Wars.

    Remember a few weeks ago when some forum members were talking about Disney buying Fox. Well, looks like it happened.

  • Well, Christmas is coming and I'm struggling to come up with some ideas on what to get my parents. My mum doesn't like asking for anything as she'd rather give than take presents, and my dad spoils himself with buying basically everything on eBay.

    So I thought, screw it, and bought a box of specialized cupcakes to be delivered to the door. It'll be a nice surprise, considering that I did the same for my mum's birthday.

    Sometimes the perfect present is something good to eat on your special day.

  • With that in mind, with stuff like the X-Men now being Disney property, how is that going to affect a movie like Deadpool 2? A character like Deadpool is too violent and extreme for what Disney usually produces, should viewers be worried that they'll make them tone down on the violence, gore, and language?

    J-Master posted: »

    How could anyone be okay with this? This whole monopoly is so absurd and has dangerous implications for the rest of the industry but I guess

  • I think the quality of the games is more of EA's fault, rather than Disney.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Riddle me this: What will happen to the next X-Men movies? Deadpool 2 and the next X-Men sequel? Do you think it was a good idea for L

  • I know there was a discussion a few weeks back that Disney would just produce the movie through Fox Studios (or some other subsidiary) as a separate entity, so that it isn't directly linked to them.
    "Marvel Studios" still makes their own movies, but the cash flow always comes back to Disney.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm worried as well, but it should work out fine if Disney themselves aren't the ones producing it.

    With that in mind, with stuff like the X-Men now being Disney property, how is that going to affect a movie like Deadpool 2? A character lik

  • I know but it was a mistake for Disney to hand it over EA, they were disappointed for what EA has done to Battlefront 2 but somehow still gives them chances.

    I think the quality of the games is more of EA's fault, rather than Disney.

  • edited December 2017

    Just got back from watching Star Wars: The Last Jedi! It's a really good movie that had some of my enjoyment sucked out because of a bunch of stupid ass motherfuckers behind us that wouldn't shut the fuck up throughout the whole movie. As well as narrowly avoiding spoilers from two assholes talking about the movie in the toilet while I was trying to take a piss literally a couple minutes before entering the cinema.

    Now back to the movie. I can happily say that it is NOT Empire Strikes Back 2 (I don't know why people were saying it was gonna be in the first place). It's very different from the previous movies in the saga in terms of it's story and the scale of the events taking place, and it ends in a very "... what will they do now?" way (the only part of the movie that's similar to Empire. Which is apparently a bad thing now because I've seen a weird amount of hate on it being too different but yet still claiming that it's playing safe. Lol what?

    The characters are great with Luke, Rey and Kylo getting lots of character development with each of them displaying a grand performance throughout the film. However, Finn and Rose (the new addition to our gang of heroes) receive fairly little development despite the amount of screen time they receive. Also the Porgs are adorable, but they're in it a little too much.

    The humour in this is weaker than Force Awakens as it doesn't feel as natural. Some of the humour feels forced. I've seen some criticism where the movie practically has a joke every sentence. I don't know if this is just people hating to hate or what but the characters don't joke anywhere near that extent. There's also a few scenes that take place in a casino that look and feel very weird. These scenes in particular don't really feel or look like Star Wars so it's a minus depending on who you ask.

    Another issue I have with the movie is the weird refusal to showcase any alien races (same with Force Awakens) seen in any of the previous trilogies. But we do get a whole bunch of new alien species.

    The visuals and cinematography were excellent which was to be expected and audio design was fantastic as well.

    Overall it's a really good movie but I'm gonna have to rewatch it because my enjoyment was ruined by the dumbfucks sitting behind me.

  • do you know if this is out on ps4 yet?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Finished the Not a Hero DLC for Resident Evil 7. It lasted an hour and a half and it's pretty good especially for a free DLC so I'm happy it

  • It is

    do you know if this is out on ps4 yet?

  • thanks i didnt know as i havnt been online for a while ill have to download it

    AronDracula posted: »

    It is

  • well this is really pissing me off my pay statement came through today and my pay is wrong again how does a multibillion coropration screw something simple up thankfully its been sorted and added to my next paycheck in january

  • edited December 2017

    If anyone's looking for some Star Wars game nostalgia, Steam is having a big sale on all those retro titles! They're all 1/3 of their orignal price, and the sale goes until next Friday!

    ...Including great ones like Jedi Knight, KOTOR, and the best Battlefront 2 [2005] (with active servers as well!)
    I know I'm gonna get into the Battlefront once more.

    The full bundle to peruse your selection

    The Best Battlefront 2 [2005]

  • My opinion: KoTOR, KoTOR2, Jedi Knight Academy and Jedi Knight Jedi Outcast are the best of the bunch.

    AChicken posted: »

    If anyone's looking for some Star Wars game nostalgia, Steam is having a big sale on all those retro titles! They're all 1/3 of their origna

  • edited December 2017

    And I've finished the End of Zoe DLC for Resident Evil 7. Now this was just straight up dumb fun! An hour and a half of you just punching your way through enemies with the big beefy fists of Joe Baker and it was just a blast. It also has a relatively satisfying conclusion to the Baker story but the ending feels a little abrupt. Now I wish the main campaign would allow you to use your fists in the same way along with that awesome little toy at the end that you get to use. Also Zoe has boob physics which was a bit weird.

    This is easily my favourite of the DLC :)

  • You can like a character without agreeing with their outlook on life and decisions. Why do people like, uhh, Handsome Jack? Or some evil character? They're interesting.

    But it is true that some people in the fandom defend her actions too much. It's obvious that she stupidly blames others, especially Max in the original game when we as the player refuse her suggestions. I dislike people doing that in real life.

    xxplvb posted: »

    She’s a rude sarcastic bitch who blames others for her problems but I guess people somehow relate to her.

  • edited December 2017

    ... Found out someone I knew from primary and secondary school died today in a car accident. In the time I knew him he was pretty much.. uhh... well a prick. No other way to describe it honestly. But it appears he really turned around in the past few years which is good to hear.

    I don't really know what to feel about this. It just feels weird and unreal. This was someone I went to school with and knew for years. Regardless of how he behaved during that period this is just a horrible turn of events. He was only 21 years old.

    May he rest in peace.

  • edited December 2017

    Since Disney now owns 20th Century Fox, they also own a small piece of DC Comics that being Batman, Mainly the TV rights. Disney has the rights to the 1960s Batman series and the Gotham tv show. That’s crazy!

  • s i get called into wirk early again and have to work on ny day off again because same person is magically ill again

  • Here's hoping they don't fucking cancel Gotham. It has truly never been better than now.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Since Disney now owns 20th Century Fox, they also own a small piece of DC Comics that being Batman, Mainly the TV rights. Disney has the rights to the 1960s Batman series and the Gotham tv show. That’s crazy!

  • played episode ignis on final fantsay 15 gotta say its good but too short with it finished in about 2 hours (with the wierd area captures completed fully) it gives a decent backstory abd a couple of scenes from the kingsglaive movie plus also played a bit of the comrades dlc its not too bad

  • The Last Jedi....was kind of crap.

  • Hey, just wanted to make sure.

    Is the “Spoliers for Mr. Robot season finale and after credits scene discussion” thread about season one or season three? Not gonna take any chances...

  • edited December 2017

    Three, if those are the choices. The poster relates something to season 1, so they're talking about a different season.

    Edit: Yes, it's season 3 finale spoilers. I looked up what they were talking about.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Hey, just wanted to make sure. Is the “Spoliers for Mr. Robot season finale and after credits scene discussion” thread about season one or season three? Not gonna take any chances...

  • Just got back from seeing The Last Jedi. I am so glad I managed to avoid spoilers.

  • Was doing that new doomsday heist with my friend, made it to the final heist, and right at the end my internet lags out and he had to do the whole finale all over again and it was soooo hard ? we did it eventually but it was a huge pain in the ass.

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