Does anyone prefer PS over PC?
I grew up with PC's and gaming brings me a lot of fun. I'm thinking to switch to console as I'm tired of constantly upgrading my PC's system, especially my memory card.Another drawback is that games start running slower and slower so that I need to pay out again and again. I guess the best option is to switch to console as it has one price for all. The problem is that I'm an old bucket and dont know which console to pick. they all seem alright, so I'll appreciate if you help to decide. Want to get experienced users feedbacks. THNX
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Well if you do it right....a PC will last you longer than a is not the time to get a PS4 or Xbox1....PS5 will be shown at the E3 behind closed to hold off until 2019/2020 and see what is going on.
Whoa you're getting a bit ahead of yourself brother. PS5 is still probably quite far off and anything that says otherwise is just a rumor based on anecdotal information, I especially doubt this due to the release of the PS4 Pro being quite recent.
Anyway I personally game on PC and PS4. Obviously I'm biased towards the PS4 due to owning one but before buying it I always couldn't deny that sony had the best exclusives for someone who enjoys narrative driven adventures like me. With the PS4 Pro and XBO Scorpio it is definitely the time to get into consoles.
Sony said they won't start thinking about a PS5 until at least 2020.
PS4 Pro came out in 2016 that isn't very recent and 2019 would be 3 years directly after that if it launches in November 2019.
PS4 2013 > PS4 Pro/Slim 2016 > PS5 2019... It makes sense that's a 6 year console cycle which is normal lol.
PS3 2006 > PS3 Slim 2009 > PS3 super slim 2012... One year extra in this scenario due to the financial crisis. 7 year cycle.
PS2 2000 > PS2 Slim 2004 > PS3 2006... Again another 6 year cycle.
PS1 had a 5 year gap and the PS One slim came out the same year as the PS2.
By comparison look at nintendo Wii U came out in 2012 and the switch came out in 2017... a 5 year gap.
The PS5 coming out in 2019 or 2020 is a safe assumption no way in hell are they going to push this console cycle to 8 years or more they have never done that before. There are rumours of the PS5 dev kits already going out to some developers tbh. Sony had patent filed recently for backwards compatibility so thats probably how they'll convince everyone to jump over to PS5.
You're fooling yourself if you don't think they are already developing their next console right now lol.
I prefer the PS just for gameplay because I find it much easier to control, but when I want to mess around with the game and look into mods then I’d go on my pc
See you're thinking about this in a purely mathematical way but it's not all about cycles, the next console doesn't have to release a set amount of time after the last one, that's all just decided by sony. There really is no reason to ditch the PS4 right now for a shiny new console. None of the other generations have had mid generation consoles like this one so speaking from your mathematical standpoint the cycle has changed and we really have no idea what sony's next move is. Rumors really mean nothing since anybody can perpetuate them, we shouldn't assume anything. And as you can see everybody seems to have their own rumors supporting their own arguments, it really is ridiculous.
Well I'll put it this way there is no way sony will let microsoft get a head start that was their downfall during the 360 era due to the xbox's head start and the PS3 being a much higher price.
I wouldn't exactly call it a downfall. I mean, from PS2, sure, it sold a lot less. But today 360 and PS3 has sold more or less the same amount, despite 360's headstart. I think that says a thing or 2.
And if we check XONE and PS4 we can see that XONE haven't even sold half as many consoles as PS4, so I don't think Sony worries to much to be honest.
Well it is their most profitable division and actually helped put the company back into profitable so I think they do want to keep nailing it. Arguably though that Xbox conference destroyed their rep from the beginning of the generation.

I grew up with PlayStation and still prefer it, I just love the plethora of exclusive titles it has to offer, PC is great of course but my niche lies in console gaming.
Well, it depends on the game. If you're looking at a game like Minecraft, I prefer PC because of the updates. If you're looking at Exclusives, then I prefer Playstation.
Yeah they say that..but now I have heard 2019 or early whether it is a year or a year and a half...PS5 is coming fast. CDProjekt Red has seen Cyberpunk 2077 running on PS5 Dev Kits at Sony. The way I see it....PS5 is going to be 500 when it hits...and then will go down when XboxNxt hits.
Systems yes..but the 360 Sold Way more software that the PS3 was the big sony games that allowed them to fight back...The Last of Us...Drake where they real money is made...Microsoft ate Sony's lunch....Sony will not make that mistake again.
Nah I reckon it will be $399 dollars again I think they've realised that is the sweet spot for a console price. The crowd was cheering and everything when they realised it was $100 cheaper than the xbox one. It could be 500 I suppose if the specs are good but they'll never go as high as $600 again after PS3 lol.
i like both equally tbh
One thing is certain...I think Microsoft will be more aggressive in taking on Sony....they have set the groundwork for their own collection of exclusives for the next gen....about time I say....should be an interesting fight.
I don't have a high end PC so I usually only use PC to play either old classics or indie games. Whenever I want to play a AAA game or a Telltale game I'll usually go for the PlayStation. It is a very decent console all things considered.