[Star Wars] Do you think Mace Windu is alive?
With the Han Solo movie coming out in 2 months and the movie expected to be set between episodes 3 and 4 but much closer to 3, a lot of people are thinking about an Obi Wan Kenobi movie, a Yoda movie and I think these Jedi are cool and all but the one Jedi that everyone is speculating on is Mace Windu. I have speculated about his "death" too and I have come to the conclusion that he might still be alive. In one of the recent Darth Vader comics a Jedi in a hood is shown saying that Vader is Anakin Skywalker, we don't actually get to see that Jedi because he is wearing a hood but I do think that the Jedi could be Mace. What do you guys think?
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Well, if they could bring Darth Maul back, Mace Windu is probably even more realistic. I just don't know if there's a lot of demand to bring him back. He's kinda that guy who acts better than you and always tells you what you should be doing, and who wants to hang around that guy? Though I suppose having both your arms cut off and being flung out a window might change your personality somewhat.
Yeah, no he dead.
Tbh I thought it was mace too. Jedi have survived way worse as well, and with Jedi as powerful as mace it is extremely likely he is alive
I feel like bringing him back would make Anakin's decision to attack him less impactful. Killing Mace was his final step to succumbing to the dark side.
Well, same happened to Darth Maul as well and way worse cause he lost his legs and fell all the way to the bottom.
It’s the attempt that matters. Mace surviving would have probably been worse than him dying, he lost an arm, lost his entire lievelihood with likely nowhere else to go and everyone he knows is probably now dead because of a decision HE made. Remember, if he would have tried to grant anakin the rank of master and if the rule about no relationships wasn’t there in the first place then anakin wouldn’t have turned. In other words Mace windu, and probably a few members of the council but especially mace, indirectly caused the jedi’s downfall and he’d have to live with that. And that’s a dark concept that could be interesting if done right.
Jedi have survived force lightning from Return of the Jedi and The Clone Wars, They have also survived falling from great heights like in Attack Of The Clones.
Mace was a) struck by lightning, b) had his arms chopped off, and c) thrown from a ledge. There is only one instance in the entire Star Wars universe where one of these has truly killed someone, The Emperor being thrown off the ledge at the end of return of the Jedi. I think it's still possible he's alive.
There isn't much speculation on if the Emperor is still alive but in the Legends universe I think the Emperor survived the fall and transferred his soul into the body of a Clone Trooper, something along those lines.
That Jedi is totally Quinlan Vos, not Windu. We know Vos survived Order 66 and with his tracking abilities and popularity it would make sense to bring him in. Making Windu survive would totally depreciate that character in my opinion, and it would not nearly be as cool as when they brought back Darth Maul, since it's only a comic. Now if there was a Vader movie/animated series and they brought him back, I'd be okay with it, but not with a comic.
Also that new Inquisitor is awesome looking, like a Mortal Kombat character.
Quinlan Vos never knew that Vader was Anakin. I also thought that the Inquisitor looked like a character from Mortal Kombat, in my opinion he kinda looks like a mix of Smoke and Kenshi.
He survived that in a non canon comic but yeah if they brought him back just give him the badass angry Samuel L Jackson attitude and make it somewhat a redemption story of him in the underworld. I would enjoy one last battle with him vs Vader with Mace Windu accepting his fate.

They could make him look like this with one arm, lost eye etc:
The lightning and ledge throw could kill him. However losing a limb from a lightsaber cut won't kill you due to the heat instantly sealing the wound, which explains why there is no blood also that's why Maul was able to survive with the help of his anger/the dark side
The thing about no relationship's is the Jedi were totally allowed to have sex (and potentially create a new generation of jedi) they are just not allowed to love/marry or have attachments. Anakin should of left the order and offered to help the republic on a mercenary basis but I'm going off topic tbh lol.
I thought that was only for special cases like Ki-Adi-Mundi because his species had a low birthrate?
Nah they aren't forced to remain celibate the thing that is forbidden is passion and possessive relationships. George Lucas said it himself somewhere unless Disney decide to change the lore. The only line in the Jedi code from wookiepedia that seems to reference relationships is "There is no passion". A one off fling doesn't break the code but I suppose if you kept passionately meeting the same person like Anakin, which could lead to love then it breaks the code. In the now (non canon) old republic there were quite a few with children like Satele Shan a master jedi. But obviously the jedi children grow up without seeing their Jedi parent and without love from that parent.
Somebody send in these deigns to Disney! man, I am really loving these designs, I personally think that the fourth one suits him best along with the purple robes that mach his robotic eye and his Lightsaber. If this actually becomes the design for the movie (I really hope it does) then get ready for a bunch of memes that are going to be calling him something like purple man or the purple Jedi.
It's concept art from a cancelled Battlefront 4 lucasart game basically they were already planning Battlefront 4 before Lucasart was closed by Disney which also led to the cancellation of Battlefront 3 however they were already in the pre planning stage for a 4th entry. Basically for Battlefront 4's story they had a alternate universe campaign planned you can view all the concept images here: https://imgur.com/a/k3N2d#0geSB99

Here are some noteworthy favourites though:
That looks like a star wars spin on injustice.
Wow! I did not know that they had released concept art for a Battlefront 4! the dark Alec Guinness Obi-Wan reminds me a lot of Kratos from God Of War and the Emperor Vader looks pretty interesting, the version on the right looks like it could be a "Vader that has been turned to the light side once again" scenario type of suit. If Battlefront 4 came out it probably would be/still be the best Star Wars game of all time, think about it, you would have been able to play an alternative campaign mode that would include a Shattered Mace Windu, 2 dark Obi-Wans, a Dark Leia, a Jedi Asaj Ventress and an Emperor Vader. In my opinion it would probably be the best Star Wars game of all time.
As @CrazedRabbit mentioned an Injustice style alternate timeline would be amazing for star wars check out the full gallery I linked there was other cool art like Count Dooku remains a jedi, General Grevious doesn't get cybernetic enhancements, darth maul becomes a jedi instead of becoming Palpatine's apprentice.
From the little information that was shared all we know is that the story would of been about Palpatine revealing himself straight away back in Episode 1 instead of becoming a senator. Obi Wan becomes a sith maybe Palpatine's apprentice? The droid army wins the battle for Naboo in episode 1. Anakin kills Padme on Naboo instead of Mustafar in episode 3. Anakin doesn't lose his limbs on mustafar and kills Yoda in a duel. Vader becomes the Emperor but somehow ends up with cybernetics minus the burns at a later date in the timeline. Luke and Leia are trained as sith, somehow Darth Vader returns to the light and is forced to kill Luke in a duel. Endor is destroyed and the rebellion fail to destroy Death Star II resulting in Admiral Ackbar's death. That's all the details given story wise we can only hope an alternate universe star wars game gets made in the future.

Yeah I went to the link you sent me and Wow! so much of the stuff they had planned would have been amazing to play. My favorite design is probably the redeemed Vader or the shattered Mace Windu, I just think that they are so cool and I love the addition of the robotic arm for the redeemed Vader along with the Purple robes and eye for Windu. It is kinda sad that they never actually got to release the game because firstly who wouldn't want this game? and secondly the closest thing we have ever gotten to an alternative universe Star Wars game is probably Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith the movie game because if you remember the ending for that game then you will know what I mean. Obi-Wan loses the battle on Mustafar and Anakin wins and with so much anger and rage inside him he kills Palpatine and he becomes the Emperor. Unfortunately I cant remember if there is a way to access it or if it is just part of the story.
Revenge Of The Sith on PS2/Xbox is still one of the greatest star wars games haha it was such a fun fighting game. Yeah once you completed the story you could replay the duel as Anakin to beat Obi Wan.
I'm not sure Mace Windu would of fit into this story but I'm guessing he would of been beaten by Palpatine which causes him to take a dark turn.
That is the game that introduced me to Star Wars. So underrated
I’m genuinely sure it also introduced me to star wars
I never knew anything about the franchise until my step dad downloaded this game for my PS2.
As much as people didn't like Revenge Of The Sith you have to admit that the movie tie in game for it is a classic alongside both KOTOR games and all 4 Lego Star Wars games.
Some people do like Revenge of the sith... The sequel trilogy from disney so far has been worse than the prequels.
I am one of the people who like Revenge Of The Sith, I thought Hayden Christenson improved on playing Anakin a lot since Attack Of The Clones and overall I thought it was a pretty sad but awesome movie because it shows the fall of the Jedi and the emotional rise of Darth Vader. Watching the entire Jedi order fall, Anakin and Padme die and everything else bad that happened becomes even sadder if you watch The Clone Wars or even read the comics because you get to know these characters a lot more and see these sides to them that you never do in the movies. Also I do agree that the sequels are not the best right now but you never know, the could get better with the anthology movies or something.
I have finally read the next issue of Vader. The Jedi Master who both I and a lot of people were speculating on being a really classic character return didn't happen, of all the classic Jedi from the Clone Wars who died and could have possibly made their return didn't and I was really hoping that the Jedi might have been Mace Windu but no, it turned out to be Master Barr who was a Jedi Master from The Clone Wars and I have never heard of him before so I looked him up and I literally found nothing about him other than a screen rant article which was talking about him from the comic, oh well...
I've witnessed the powers of plot armor, so there's always a possibility.
If darth maul can survive being cut in half, anything is possible really.