Call of Duty was never good so not surprised it keeps getting worse but stupid people still fall for that crap. Sure the first games didn't seem bad but COD is one of the worst enemies in gaming for many reasons.
Not to mention COD abandoning the Single Player Campaign altogether in Black Ops 4 in favor of a Battle Royale Mode and Zombies. I have no i… morenterest in the concept and will only be getting Red Dead 2 if they keep the single player content as the focal point.
I think Spoony put it best that when the series became popular with a certain trope of anime fans thanks to the success of VII it abandoned its traditional routes and got progressively worse and worse. His reviews on Final Fantasy 8, 10, 10-2 and 13 do a good job poking fun at their worst qualities.
Terrible writing, cringeworthy dialogue, lackluster and uninteresting story, numerous inconsistencies, shoddy pacing, gaping plot holes, lack of explanation concerning your time powers, forced and somewhat abusive/manipulative friendship, the rules are made up as the game goes on, poor impacts of choices, unappealing art style, (at best) average voice acting, huge potential in regards to characters and story that is plagued by flawed execution, bad lip syncing, one of the most boring and bland PC's in recent memory, one dimensional/stereotypical high school characters, head-bashing pseudo-intellectual thinking, symbolism, and themes that try to be subtle but are so infuriatingly on the nose, AND, acting as the rotten cherry on top of the shit cake, the most insufferable, annoying, entitled, selfish, good for nothing, reckless, moronic, disrespectful, hypocritical, and infuriating character that I have ever had the displeasure of coming across in any form of media...Chloe Price. This little shithead plays the victim card at every single possible moment in this game because she can't ever bring herself to see that everything wrong with her life is brought on by her decisions and through her own fault. She blames everyone else and expects them to feel pity for her, and guess what, they often times do, especially with Max, who is more than happy to oblige Chloe at every possible turn and do everything that she asks. If I had to sum up Chloe's character, I would use a couple of quotes from Dr. Jordan Peterson:
But not everyone who is falling is a victim, and not everyone at the bottom wishes to rise, although many do and many manage it. Nonetheless, people will often accept or even amplify their own suffering, as well as that of others, if they can brandish it as evidence of the world's injustice...Are you so sure the person crying out to be saved has not decided a thousand times to accept his lot of pointless and worsening suffering, simply because it is easier than shouldering any true responsibility? Are you enabling a delusion? Is it possible that your contempt would be more salutary than your pity?...It is far more likely that a given individual has just decided to reject the path upward because of its difficulty.
If I had to describe Max and Chloe's friendship, it would be:
If I stay in an unhealthy relationship with you, perhaps its because I'm too weak willed and indecisive to leave, but I don't want to know it. Thus, I continue helping you, and console myself with my pointless martyrdom.
The Last of Us, definitely. I mean, the game's fine, but I don't get all this hype. The story isn't original nor interesting, Joel-Ellie relationship... Well, nothing new. Sure, the game looks really good and have an amazing OST but I can't see what's so special about it. To each his own, I suppose.
But not everyone who is falling is a victim, and not everyone at the bottom wishes to rise, although many do and many manage it. Nonetheless, people will often accept or even amplify their own suffering, as well as that of others, if they can brandish it as evidence of the world's injustice...Are you so sure the person crying out to be saved has not decided a thousand times to accept his lot of pointless and worsening suffering, simply because it is easier than shouldering any true responsibility? Are you enabling a delusion? Is it possible that your contempt would be more salutary than your pity?...It is far more likely that a given individual has just decided to reject the path upward because of its difficulty.
I'd argue that those like Chloe who have fallen and given up are victims in a way. Either by authority figures who conditioned them to believe they were hopeless due to their inability to overcome their mental anguish rather than help build them up, enablers who (inadvertently or not) condoned or rewarded self pity instead of encouraging self improvement and/or an emotionally negligent/abusive support system. As much as I dislike Chloe, she had all of these. David constantly talked down to her like she was a lowlife for her coping habits, Max pretty much ghosted her IIRC and her Mother was clearly too passive with her failing grades and drug usage. I don't believe that responsibility is always so clear cut, even if Chloe blatantly had a part to play in her downfall. I'm don't mean to object against a certified psychologist but that's just my two cents on it.
cracks knuckles
Terrible writing, cringeworthy dialogue, lackluster and uninteresting story, numerous inconsistencies, shoddy pacing, gap… moreing plot holes, lack of explanation concerning your time powers, forced and somewhat abusive/manipulative friendship, the rules are made up as the game goes on, poor impacts of choices, unappealing art style, (at best) average voice acting, huge potential in regards to characters and story that is plagued by flawed execution, bad lip syncing, one of the most boring and bland PC's in recent memory, one dimensional/stereotypical high school characters, head-bashing pseudo-intellectual thinking, symbolism, and themes that try to be subtle but are so infuriatingly on the nose, AND, acting as the rotten cherry on top of the shit cake, the most insufferable, annoying, entitled, selfish, good for nothing, reckless, moronic, disrespectful, hypocritical, and infuriating character that I have ever had the displeasu… [view original content]
But not everyone who is falling is a victim, and not everyone at the bottom wishes to rise, although many do and many manage it. Nonetheless… more, people will often accept or even amplify their own suffering, as well as that of others, if they can brandish it as evidence of the world's injustice...Are you so sure the person crying out to be saved has not decided a thousand times to accept his lot of pointless and worsening suffering, simply because it is easier than shouldering any true responsibility? Are you enabling a delusion? Is it possible that your contempt would be more salutary than your pity?...It is far more likely that a given individual has just decided to reject the path upward because of its difficulty.
I'd argue that those like Chloe who have fallen and given up are victims in a way. Either by authority figures who conditioned them to believe they were hopeless due to their inability to overcome their mental anguish rather … [view original content]
Obviously I can't delve inside the mind of Dr. Peterson and try to respond in a way only he could, which would sound a lot better and be more concise and professional than what I can muster, but I'll try.
She is a victim in some ways, in that she is a victim of a great loss, that being the death of her dad. However, there has been little to nothing personally stopping her from rising up against that perception of victimhood other than herself. She is the way she is because she has continually rejected the help of others around her, and then she goes and complains about how everyone doesn't help her ("Are you so sure the person crying out to be saved has not decided a thousand times to accept his lot of pointless and worsening suffering"). How much longer can she use it as a crutch? The answer is, so long as she has people like Max around that will continue to let her use it as such. Peterson acknowledges that many have risen above the sense of victimhood, some have done it with the help of others and people who truly want the best for them, and others maybe have done it through their own volition to not see themselves as such. The point I'm making is that Chloe doesn't have to continue thinking this way, but she willingly chooses so, and thus, that is the source of many of her problems.
Now of course you can argue that there are external factors that play role, I just gave you one with Max being Chloe's personal cheerleader and "friend." And while David (who's honestly one of the more well thought out and complex characters in the game) doesn't necessarily have the best methods, both the original and Before The Storm showed him attempting to try and help Chloe. It may not have been the most effective, mind you, but there is an actual sense of care with his character. I'd even go so far as to say, and I think Peterson might agree with me to an extent, that David cared more about Chloe than Max ever did. He wanted her to be able to mature and accept what has happened and be able to live a fulfilling life, even in the absence of her father. Again, the methods may not have been the best, but that was ultimately the root cause of most of them, and in a way, he truly wanted what was best for Chloe. That was the point of the chapter in Peterson's book that I ripped those quotes from, "Make Friends With People Who Want The Best For You."
But not everyone who is falling is a victim, and not everyone at the bottom wishes to rise, although many do and many manage it. Nonetheless… more, people will often accept or even amplify their own suffering, as well as that of others, if they can brandish it as evidence of the world's injustice...Are you so sure the person crying out to be saved has not decided a thousand times to accept his lot of pointless and worsening suffering, simply because it is easier than shouldering any true responsibility? Are you enabling a delusion? Is it possible that your contempt would be more salutary than your pity?...It is far more likely that a given individual has just decided to reject the path upward because of its difficulty.
I'd argue that those like Chloe who have fallen and given up are victims in a way. Either by authority figures who conditioned them to believe they were hopeless due to their inability to overcome their mental anguish rather … [view original content]
AND, acting as the rotten cherry on top of the shit cake, the most insufferable, annoying, entitled, selfish, good for nothing, reckless, moronic, disrespectful, hypocritical, and infuriating character that I have ever had the displeasure of coming across in any form of media...Chloe Price
Are you okay man ?
i don't think i've seen someone who hated a character this much before lol
but yeah it's a great post good job.
cracks knuckles
Terrible writing, cringeworthy dialogue, lackluster and uninteresting story, numerous inconsistencies, shoddy pacing, gap… moreing plot holes, lack of explanation concerning your time powers, forced and somewhat abusive/manipulative friendship, the rules are made up as the game goes on, poor impacts of choices, unappealing art style, (at best) average voice acting, huge potential in regards to characters and story that is plagued by flawed execution, bad lip syncing, one of the most boring and bland PC's in recent memory, one dimensional/stereotypical high school characters, head-bashing pseudo-intellectual thinking, symbolism, and themes that try to be subtle but are so infuriatingly on the nose, AND, acting as the rotten cherry on top of the shit cake, the most insufferable, annoying, entitled, selfish, good for nothing, reckless, moronic, disrespectful, hypocritical, and infuriating character that I have ever had the displeasu… [view original content]
She is a victim in some ways, in that she is a victim of a great loss, that being the death of her dad. However, there has been little to nothing personally stopping her from rising up against that perception of victimhood other than herself. She is the way she is because she has continually rejected the help of others around her, and then she goes and complains about how everyone doesn't help her ("Are you so sure the person crying out to be saved has not decided a thousand times to accept his lot of pointless and worsening suffering"). How much longer can she use it as a crutch?
I can see that but learned helplessness is still a mental disorder. Yeah it's understandable to say she's at fault for behaving that way but mental disorders still need to be handled with tact if recovery for the "victim" is what's intended.
Peterson acknowledges that many have risen above the sense of victimhood, some have done it with the help of others and people who truly want the best for them, and others maybe have done it through their own volition to not see themselves as such.
Which is why I believe treatment should always be tailored to temperament. No two people are going to react to the same style of support in the same way. Some people have the resilience to overcome their demons on their own and others need carefully planned guidance that suits their personality.
And while David (who's honestly one of the more well thought out and complex characters in the game) doesn't necessarily have the best methods, both the original and Before The Storm showed him attempting to try and help Chloe. It may not have been the most effective, mind you, but there is an actual sense of care with his character. I'd even go so far as to say, and I think Peterson might agree with me to an extent, that David cared more about Chloe than Max ever did. He wanted her to be able to mature and accept what has happened and be able to live a fulfilling life, even in the absence of her father. Again, the methods may not have been the best, but that was ultimately the root cause of most of them, and in a way, he truly wanted what was best for Chloe.
David was one of the only three I truly enjoyed in LiS (Frank and Kate being the other two.) Even though it was clear by the end of the game that he did love Chloe the methods that stemmed from his concern are what made her feel resentful and caused her to shut down his attempts to help. If the victim doesn't feel genuinely supported that isn't completely their fault, feelings should never be dismissed after all. That doesn't mean I completely absolve Chloe from the path she went down but David did play a big role in her behavior regardless of his intent.
That was the point of the chapter in Peterson's book that I ripped those quotes from, "Make Friends With People Who Want The Best For You."
I'll definitely look into it, it sound interesting
Obviously I can't delve inside the mind of Dr. Peterson and try to respond in a way only he could, which would sound a lot better and be mor… moree concise and professional than what I can muster, but I'll try.
She is a victim in some ways, in that she is a victim of a great loss, that being the death of her dad. However, there has been little to nothing personally stopping her from rising up against that perception of victimhood other than herself. She is the way she is because she has continually rejected the help of others around her, and then she goes and complains about how everyone doesn't help her ("Are you so sure the person crying out to be saved has not decided a thousand times to accept his lot of pointless and worsening suffering"). How much longer can she use it as a crutch? The answer is, so long as she has people like Max around that will continue to let her use it as such. Peterson acknowledges that many have risen above the sens… [view original content]
I'm not saying it isn't silly, but it's something that happens within the first 5 minutes of a 30-40 hour long game. Honestly, it's surprising that's what they chose to emphasize during the tutorial, KoTOR is notoriously unforgiving if you build your character wrong during those first few hours, regardless of difficulty. Damn though, talking about map markers has me thinking about how long I spent looking at the map that came with Morrowind in the case, trying to find where the house I'd bought was. I don't think I ever did lol
I’ve been gaming longer than you realise ? also no game ever should do that, ever. Nearly every game I played as a child did it and it would… more annoy the holy hell out of me cos it ruins the experience when it could have just showed up as dialogue at the top or bottom, maybe even centre of the screen.
I hate the Call of Duty franchise. Every game is the exact same as the last with new maps (which are so closed in its all about reaction time and who has the better gun instead of actual skill). Battlefield is much better in just about... everything, but it doesn't have as much players or fans just because Call of Duty is more popular.
Funny story actually, morrowind is the only game without quest markers I have played that I can actually figure out where the quest wants me to go without any trouble. KOTOR though is another story ?
I'm not saying it isn't silly, but it's something that happens within the first 5 minutes of a 30-40 hour long game. Honestly, it's surprisi… moreng that's what they chose to emphasize during the tutorial, KoTOR is notoriously unforgiving if you build your character wrong during those first few hours, regardless of difficulty. Damn though, talking about map markers has me thinking about how long I spent looking at the map that came with Morrowind in the case, trying to find where the house I'd bought was. I don't think I ever did lol
Morrowind was hit or miss with me, sometimes I'd know exactly where to go and sometimes I'd end up combing an entire area for it. But that house, man. You buy the deed, and they tell you to head south or some direction until you find a river, follow the river, it was this whole thing and I could never find it. It's like I don't even care about your epic quests and problems, I want a house, I want to retire, and be a farmer lol. I refuse to use any guides or walkthroughs, because then the game wins, but I'm gonna load it up one day and find that house.
Funny story actually, morrowind is the only game without quest markers I have played that I can actually figure out where the quest wants me to go without any trouble. KOTOR though is another story ?
I separated the areas the journal was telling me to go to into checkpoints. Once I’d reach the river, I’d reopen the journal and see where to go next until I see another area that was being described.
Morrowind was hit or miss with me, sometimes I'd know exactly where to go and sometimes I'd end up combing an entire area for it. But that h… moreouse, man. You buy the deed, and they tell you to head south or some direction until you find a river, follow the river, it was this whole thing and I could never find it. It's like I don't even care about your epic quests and problems, I want a house, I want to retire, and be a farmer lol. I refuse to use any guides or walkthroughs, because then the game wins, but I'm gonna load it up one day and find that house.
Unpopular opinion from people I know but Saints Row: The Third. It's the first of the games I played but it didn't really sell me at all to play the previous ones. I thought the gameplay was ugly and boring, the illusion of choice was something that I felt was also dissapointing. I think the gameplay would've worked better as an RPG or something like Telltale's platform even. What do I know? I've never played the other games but I think it could've had more potential with it being in the crime genre. I know the newest game rips off the hubs from Mass Effect in almost every way. I don't know what direction the series looks like its going in, I've seen nothing so far in which they try to make their own thing.
AND, acting as the rotten cherry on top of the shit cake, the most insufferable, annoying, entitled, selfish, good for nothing, reckless, mo… moreronic, disrespectful, hypocritical, and infuriating character that I have ever had the displeasure of coming across in any form of media...Chloe Price
Are you okay man ?
i don't think i've seen someone who hated a character this much before lol
but yeah it's a great post good job.
I liked the original game but i will admit i didn't like that prequel mostly because of how episode 3 was rushed,i've seen a lot of cut contents.
It's the same for the original game Episode 5 was rushed and none of your choices fucking matters instead it's "sacrifice Chloe or sacrifice Arcadia Bay".
I only played for the soundtrack,the atmosphere of the game and the "gameplay" in third person.
The characters were meh and the story was just okay.
Fortnite is still much worse than Life is Strange because at the very least Life is Strange has it's own original concept and to be honest Life is Strange is one my favorite games.
I was never a big fan of the original God of War trilogy, I could only ever go about half-way through the first one. Crazy thing is that the hack n slash genre is one of my all-time favourites (Devil May Cry is one of my favourite game series of all time) but I just never liked God of War's overly simplistic design. But I'm really tempted to try and play through them now to try out the newest one.
Hate me all you want but I gave Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) a try and if I'm being honest, it didn't really look interesting to me, not a fan of the aiming system and the lightsaber combat just didn't feel fun. The game didn't age well so I requested a refund. I'm not a fan of EA's Battlefronts either.
Never understood why a lot of people play it constantly. I get it’s free to play without a subscription, but why is it getting so popular? It’s just a rinse and repeat of getting loot, shooting, building, and surviving. I’ll give it a few more months before it’s dead like Pokémon Go.
Fortnite. I saw it on the news as being highly popular and addictive. But it's basically like a Star Wars: Battlefront type of game. I don't know why it's so popular. It's not anything amazing.
Assassin's Creed Origins:
nothing personal against the people that like the game but it feels like a bunch of aliens made this game AC Grinding takes forever to grind. I hate how I have to grind in this game it's so damn repetitive and take forever! and the side missions DEAR God they are ''wipe out this camp/fortress'' and get me this EVERY SINGLE freaking time it doesn't help they look the same fucking thing everytime I infiltrate a fort/camp. Go get this person bring him to this place do the same thing again and again.
Ubisoft took the word ''freedom'' so serious in this game that it starts breaking immersion. Bayek can leave any mission or side quest at any moment just cause and no one seems to care ''ooh the Queen get's attacked don't worry Bayek casuelly walks away and we all just wait here and don't ever bringthis up again'' hel there is this woman in the game that wants to commit suicide and Bayek needs to get something to calm her down but than he says shit like ''I need to go get this- I have it now I should return to her OOH THERE SHE IS'' all in three seconds. Than when he brings her some he tells her that he will protect her but you can damn leave her getting beaten up by LIONS for nearly three weeks and she won't die and Bayek doesn't respond and when you return the game acts like nothing happened OKE WTF WHO DESIGNED THIS?
Also when a character is with you they get stabbed hundreds of time and take a nap and wake up WHY?.... No why I ask you why do you need my help you don't care if I leave and you survive everything anyway.
The story is objective gargabe it's even hard to explain and whose fucking idea was it to make the Origin of the Brotherhood an revenge plot for the 100th time (this is why no one starts taking the AC world serious anymore it's repetitive and get's handled like trash and the last years they ignore the ideology war between Assassin and Templars or heavy lore material because whatever Interview reason this week) but you know what I think is worse... Making a cliche story and not even making carring about it yourself: The story is broken in editing floor, half of the dialoge is written by inhuman creatures they also talk about Gods but I don't know shit about Egypt so I'm confused on whatever they talk about this moment.
There is this moment in the story with a pregnant woman and Bayek takes something and fights a giant snake and this is never brought up again even though it's a personal issue... WTF was the point.
There is no Creed Bayek throws the word random around because a foundation which doesn't make sense because there is no story leaping up to it and it doesn't deserve it.
As a massive lore nerd fan here I had to explain multiple times to people that the Assassin's existed before Origins because the game does such a bad job at it.
One of the reasons why I started with this franchise to begin with is because it was a fun linear story driven open world action game series and was one of my first introduction to PS3/360 era with historical and sci-fi shit combined which was inspired by Prince of Persia, Alamut Book, Da Vinci Code, Matrix, Conspiracy story's and etc but al of these are now lose elements... I don't hate this game you can like it for I care but I'm absolute not looking forward to the newer games.
-Life is Strange:
I don't understand the praise here and it's been discussed here before... But I just freaking hate this game I only bought the season pass because I was bored and holy shit I was not prepared for this.
Credit to MetallicaRules Terrible writing, cringeworthy dialogue, lackluster and uninteresting story, numerous inconsistencies, shoddy pacing, gaping plot holes, lack of explanation concerning your time powers, forced and somewhat abusive/manipulative friendship, the rules are made up as the game goes on, poor impacts of choices, unappealing art style, (at best) average voice acting, huge potential in regards to characters and story that is plagued by flawed execution, bad lip syncing, one of the most boring and bland PC's in recent memory, one dimensional/stereotypical high school characters, head-bashing pseudo-intellectual thinking, symbolism, and themes that try to be subtle but are so infuriatingly on the nose, AND, acting as the rotten cherry on top of the shit cake, the most insufferable, annoying, entitled, selfish, good for nothing, reckless, moronic, disrespectful, hypocritical, and infuriating character that I have ever had the displeasure of coming across in any form of media...Chloe Price. This little shithead plays the victim card at every single possible moment in this game because she can't ever bring herself to see that everything wrong with her life is brought on by her decisions and through her own fault. She blames everyone else and expects them to feel pity for her, and guess what, they often times do, especially with Max, who is more than happy to oblige Chloe at every possible turn and do everything that she asks. If I had to sum up Chloe's character,
-The Last of Us:
The story is predictable as fuck I wrote something like this as a kid and exist out of every cliche I could find but atleast the character interaction was fun and gameplay was nothing remarkable or memorable but I had more fun with the gameplay than story... But I Always wondered where did this sudden hate from me come from because back when I played it the first time I liked it waaaaay more still thought it wasn't something that special hell movie critics will bash it for unoriginality but atleast the characters are enjoyable enough... And than it started to hit me right on the head... It's it toxic fanbase. Back when the game was released some guy give the game a 7/10 and certain fans just kept sending him dead threads over and over and over because it was atleast an average 8.5/10 SINCE WHEN IS 8.5 AVERAGE! anyway the fans made me slowly hate the game.
Greg Miller: When you strangle someone their eyes look at you and-
Me: whoa... And?
I forced myself to play this game and I don't really hate it but just don't think it was that good never thought it was that good I'm more... Happy that it exist but I felt forced buying it because of all the bitching I would get for not buying it.
I found the multiple player lackluster and it has some good ideas and the trailers made me actually excited... But it's just money really at the end of the day in the multiplayer and the Heists are fun... For a time.
Story was just classic Parody on America nothing that Sparks my interest and the gameplay was oke yeah this series is not for me anymore... But when GTA 6 releases I want to be there because of the events jesus that was some of the most fun I had in 2013.
-Mass Effect 1:
Fun and interesting story but the gameplay is so.... Baaaaaaaaaaaaad and the level design and glitches ugh.
-Kingdom hearts (2002)
I love KH series to dead but I never ever really liked KH1.
The story is almost non existent, stupid opening which doesn't make sense but he Nomura gotta put that Destiny theme in there with giant heartless, the opening tutorial sucks, camera was bad, bad controls, bad platforming, some bad boss fights but some good. grinding everywhere for 10 hours of the 25 on normal. and doesn't tell you where to go. I'm oke with that... But just wait untill you get to ''Finding Leon in a sewer'' with no clue and Monstro.
Even though I fo love it, Overwatch is just so ftustrating. People are very toxic in competetive mode, I think they lack in variety of modes (at least ones available daily), I think some arcade modes are broken and are difficult to play certain heroes on, plus the heroes themselves continue to lack balance as there are heroes that are very situational whilst there are others that are viable in almost all situations. Plus it just lacks new content that captivates me for more than a few hours.
Another popular game I don't like is Batman Arkham Knight. Batman Arkham Origins, Arkham Asylum, and Arkham City were amazing however, Arkham Knight seemed to throw out everything great about those games. The reason why I really hate Arkham Knight is because of the terrible Batmobile sections of the game. The game's slogan should've been "Be the Batmobile" based on how many times we used the Batmobile. I thought the Batmobile was only going to be used to get from one part of the map to another quickly but nope we use the Batmobile for everything and it ruined the game to be honest.
I've had a contact with a lot of good and bad games in my life, some of them were popular some of them were not. But for what it is, I always try to at least appreciate what the developers were going for, even if it ultimately failed. I mean developers who actually care about making something good or original, not just those who want to cash in.
With all that being said, I really have grown to deeply despise the Call of Duty franchise. I used to play it a lot in the middle school but as I grew older and my expectations for games raised, COD became just a like a cheap burger that's being reheated every year. Arcade arena style multiplayer with cancerous community is one thing, but I can't even appreciate the singleplayers anymore. They rely too much on amount of explosions and brainless action rather than decent writing and interesting gameplay mechanics. Hiring hollywood writers and actors is not instantly going to make the game good, in fact most of them (maybe with an exception of Black Ops 1) are so painfully predictable that I'm surprised if anyone would gasp at these so called "plot-twists".
Call of Duty was never good so not surprised it keeps getting worse but stupid people still fall for that crap. Sure the first games didn't seem bad but COD is one of the worst enemies in gaming for many reasons.
I don't like Final Fantasy. Any of them. They bore me.
Yeah, people keep talking about that franchise, it sounds like a boring anime story.
I think Spoony put it best that when the series became popular with a certain trope of anime fans thanks to the success of VII it abandoned its traditional routes and got progressively worse and worse. His reviews on Final Fantasy 8, 10, 10-2 and 13 do a good job poking fun at their worst qualities.
cracks knuckles
Terrible writing, cringeworthy dialogue, lackluster and uninteresting story, numerous inconsistencies, shoddy pacing, gaping plot holes, lack of explanation concerning your time powers, forced and somewhat abusive/manipulative friendship, the rules are made up as the game goes on, poor impacts of choices, unappealing art style, (at best) average voice acting, huge potential in regards to characters and story that is plagued by flawed execution, bad lip syncing, one of the most boring and bland PC's in recent memory, one dimensional/stereotypical high school characters, head-bashing pseudo-intellectual thinking, symbolism, and themes that try to be subtle but are so infuriatingly on the nose, AND, acting as the rotten cherry on top of the shit cake, the most insufferable, annoying, entitled, selfish, good for nothing, reckless, moronic, disrespectful, hypocritical, and infuriating character that I have ever had the displeasure of coming across in any form of media...Chloe Price. This little shithead plays the victim card at every single possible moment in this game because she can't ever bring herself to see that everything wrong with her life is brought on by her decisions and through her own fault. She blames everyone else and expects them to feel pity for her, and guess what, they often times do, especially with Max, who is more than happy to oblige Chloe at every possible turn and do everything that she asks. If I had to sum up Chloe's character, I would use a couple of quotes from Dr. Jordan Peterson:
If I had to describe Max and Chloe's friendship, it would be:
I hope I answered your question.
The Last of Us, definitely. I mean, the game's fine, but I don't get all this hype. The story isn't original nor interesting, Joel-Ellie relationship... Well, nothing new. Sure, the game looks really good and have an amazing OST but I can't see what's so special about it. To each his own, I suppose.
I'd argue that those like Chloe who have fallen and given up are victims in a way. Either by authority figures who conditioned them to believe they were hopeless due to their inability to overcome their mental anguish rather than help build them up, enablers who (inadvertently or not) condoned or rewarded self pity instead of encouraging self improvement and/or an emotionally negligent/abusive support system. As much as I dislike Chloe, she had all of these. David constantly talked down to her like she was a lowlife for her coping habits, Max pretty much ghosted her IIRC and her Mother was clearly too passive with her failing grades and drug usage. I don't believe that responsibility is always so clear cut, even if Chloe blatantly had a part to play in her downfall. I'm don't mean to object against a certified psychologist but that's just my two cents on it.
You made a great post though, good work
Ignore pls thanks
Obviously I can't delve inside the mind of Dr. Peterson and try to respond in a way only he could, which would sound a lot better and be more concise and professional than what I can muster, but I'll try.
She is a victim in some ways, in that she is a victim of a great loss, that being the death of her dad. However, there has been little to nothing personally stopping her from rising up against that perception of victimhood other than herself. She is the way she is because she has continually rejected the help of others around her, and then she goes and complains about how everyone doesn't help her ("Are you so sure the person crying out to be saved has not decided a thousand times to accept his lot of pointless and worsening suffering"). How much longer can she use it as a crutch? The answer is, so long as she has people like Max around that will continue to let her use it as such. Peterson acknowledges that many have risen above the sense of victimhood, some have done it with the help of others and people who truly want the best for them, and others maybe have done it through their own volition to not see themselves as such. The point I'm making is that Chloe doesn't have to continue thinking this way, but she willingly chooses so, and thus, that is the source of many of her problems.
Now of course you can argue that there are external factors that play role, I just gave you one with Max being Chloe's personal cheerleader and "friend." And while David (who's honestly one of the more well thought out and complex characters in the game) doesn't necessarily have the best methods, both the original and Before The Storm showed him attempting to try and help Chloe. It may not have been the most effective, mind you, but there is an actual sense of care with his character. I'd even go so far as to say, and I think Peterson might agree with me to an extent, that David cared more about Chloe than Max ever did. He wanted her to be able to mature and accept what has happened and be able to live a fulfilling life, even in the absence of her father. Again, the methods may not have been the best, but that was ultimately the root cause of most of them, and in a way, he truly wanted what was best for Chloe. That was the point of the chapter in Peterson's book that I ripped those quotes from, "Make Friends With People Who Want The Best For You."
Are you okay man ?
i don't think i've seen someone who hated a character this much before lol
but yeah it's a great post good job.
I can see that but learned helplessness is still a mental disorder. Yeah it's understandable to say she's at fault for behaving that way but mental disorders still need to be handled with tact if recovery for the "victim" is what's intended.
Which is why I believe treatment should always be tailored to temperament. No two people are going to react to the same style of support in the same way. Some people have the resilience to overcome their demons on their own and others need carefully planned guidance that suits their personality.
David was one of the only three I truly enjoyed in LiS (Frank and Kate being the other two.) Even though it was clear by the end of the game that he did love Chloe the methods that stemmed from his concern are what made her feel resentful and caused her to shut down his attempts to help. If the victim doesn't feel genuinely supported that isn't completely their fault, feelings should never be dismissed after all. That doesn't mean I completely absolve Chloe from the path she went down but David did play a big role in her behavior regardless of his intent.
I'll definitely look into it, it sound interesting
I'm not saying it isn't silly, but it's something that happens within the first 5 minutes of a 30-40 hour long game. Honestly, it's surprising that's what they chose to emphasize during the tutorial, KoTOR is notoriously unforgiving if you build your character wrong during those first few hours, regardless of difficulty. Damn though, talking about map markers has me thinking about how long I spent looking at the map that came with Morrowind in the case, trying to find where the house I'd bought was. I don't think I ever did lol
I hate the Call of Duty franchise. Every game is the exact same as the last with new maps (which are so closed in its all about reaction time and who has the better gun instead of actual skill). Battlefield is much better in just about... everything, but it doesn't have as much players or fans just because Call of Duty is more popular.
Funny story actually, morrowind is the only game without quest markers I have played that I can actually figure out where the quest wants me to go without any trouble. KOTOR though is another story ?
Morrowind was hit or miss with me, sometimes I'd know exactly where to go and sometimes I'd end up combing an entire area for it. But that house, man. You buy the deed, and they tell you to head south or some direction until you find a river, follow the river, it was this whole thing and I could never find it. It's like I don't even care about your epic quests and problems, I want a house, I want to retire, and be a farmer lol. I refuse to use any guides or walkthroughs, because then the game wins, but I'm gonna load it up one day and find that house.
I separated the areas the journal was telling me to go to into checkpoints. Once I’d reach the river, I’d reopen the journal and see where to go next until I see another area that was being described.
Unpopular opinion from people I know but Saints Row: The Third. It's the first of the games I played but it didn't really sell me at all to play the previous ones. I thought the gameplay was ugly and boring, the illusion of choice was something that I felt was also dissapointing. I think the gameplay would've worked better as an RPG or something like Telltale's platform even. What do I know? I've never played the other games but I think it could've had more potential with it being in the crime genre. I know the newest game rips off the hubs from Mass Effect in almost every way. I don't know what direction the series looks like its going in, I've seen nothing so far in which they try to make their own thing.
I'm literally just like him! I FUCKIN HATE LIS! Including that prequel cashcow bullshit!
I liked the original game but i will admit i didn't like that prequel mostly because of how episode 3 was rushed,i've seen a lot of cut contents.
It's the same for the original game Episode 5 was rushed and none of your choices fucking matters instead it's "sacrifice Chloe or sacrifice Arcadia Bay".
I only played for the soundtrack,the atmosphere of the game and the "gameplay" in third person.
The characters were meh and the story was just okay.
Fortnite is still much worse than Life is Strange because at the very least Life is Strange has it's own original concept and to be honest Life is Strange is one my favorite games.
I was never a big fan of the original God of War trilogy, I could only ever go about half-way through the first one. Crazy thing is that the hack n slash genre is one of my all-time favourites (Devil May Cry is one of my favourite game series of all time) but I just never liked God of War's overly simplistic design. But I'm really tempted to try and play through them now to try out the newest one.
I despise The Indigo Prophecy. I hate pretty much everything about it.
Yea the gameplay was boring especially the part where you have to fight the angels or the part where you spend like half an hour dodging furniture LOL
Hate me all you want but I gave Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005) a try and if I'm being honest, it didn't really look interesting to me, not a fan of the aiming system and the lightsaber combat just didn't feel fun. The game didn't age well so I requested a refund. I'm not a fan of EA's Battlefronts either.
Metal Gear Solid series. I find it utterly pretentious.
I’m gonna get hung for this but...
Never understood why a lot of people play it constantly. I get it’s free to play without a subscription, but why is it getting so popular? It’s just a rinse and repeat of getting loot, shooting, building, and surviving. I’ll give it a few more months before it’s dead like Pokémon Go.
Fortnite. I saw it on the news as being highly popular and addictive. But it's basically like a Star Wars: Battlefront type of game. I don't know why it's so popular. It's not anything amazing.
Ooh boy:
nothing personal against the people that like the game but it feels like a bunch of aliens made this game AC Grinding takes forever to grind. I hate how I have to grind in this game it's so damn repetitive and take forever! and the side missions DEAR God they are ''wipe out this camp/fortress'' and get me this EVERY SINGLE freaking time it doesn't help they look the same fucking thing everytime I infiltrate a fort/camp. Go get this person bring him to this place do the same thing again and again.
Ubisoft took the word ''freedom'' so serious in this game that it starts breaking immersion. Bayek can leave any mission or side quest at any moment just cause and no one seems to care ''ooh the Queen get's attacked don't worry Bayek casuelly walks away and we all just wait here and don't ever bringthis up again'' hel there is this woman in the game that wants to commit suicide and Bayek needs to get something to calm her down but than he says shit like ''I need to go get this- I have it now I should return to her OOH THERE SHE IS'' all in three seconds. Than when he brings her some he tells her that he will protect her but you can damn leave her getting beaten up by LIONS for nearly three weeks and she won't die and Bayek doesn't respond and when you return the game acts like nothing happened OKE WTF WHO DESIGNED THIS?
Also when a character is with you they get stabbed hundreds of time and take a nap and wake up WHY?.... No why I ask you why do you need my help you don't care if I leave and you survive everything anyway.
The story is objective gargabe it's even hard to explain and whose fucking idea was it to make the Origin of the Brotherhood an revenge plot for the 100th time (this is why no one starts taking the AC world serious anymore it's repetitive and get's handled like trash and the last years they ignore the ideology war between Assassin and Templars or heavy lore material because whatever Interview reason this week) but you know what I think is worse... Making a cliche story and not even making carring about it yourself: The story is broken in editing floor, half of the dialoge is written by inhuman creatures they also talk about Gods but I don't know shit about Egypt so I'm confused on whatever they talk about this moment.
There is this moment in the story with a pregnant woman and Bayek takes something and fights a giant snake and this is never brought up again even though it's a personal issue... WTF was the point.
There is no Creed Bayek throws the word random around because a foundation which doesn't make sense because there is no story leaping up to it and it doesn't deserve it.
As a massive lore nerd fan here I had to explain multiple times to people that the Assassin's existed before Origins because the game does such a bad job at it.
One of the reasons why I started with this franchise to begin with is because it was a fun linear story driven open world action game series and was one of my first introduction to PS3/360 era with historical and sci-fi shit combined which was inspired by Prince of Persia, Alamut Book, Da Vinci Code, Matrix, Conspiracy story's and etc but al of these are now lose elements... I don't hate this game you can like it for I care but I'm absolute not looking forward to the newer games.
-Life is Strange:

I don't understand the praise here and it's been discussed here before... But I just freaking hate this game I only bought the season pass because I was bored and holy shit I was not prepared for this.
Credit to MetallicaRules
Terrible writing, cringeworthy dialogue, lackluster and uninteresting story, numerous inconsistencies, shoddy pacing, gaping plot holes, lack of explanation concerning your time powers, forced and somewhat abusive/manipulative friendship, the rules are made up as the game goes on, poor impacts of choices, unappealing art style, (at best) average voice acting, huge potential in regards to characters and story that is plagued by flawed execution, bad lip syncing, one of the most boring and bland PC's in recent memory, one dimensional/stereotypical high school characters, head-bashing pseudo-intellectual thinking, symbolism, and themes that try to be subtle but are so infuriatingly on the nose, AND, acting as the rotten cherry on top of the shit cake, the most insufferable, annoying, entitled, selfish, good for nothing, reckless, moronic, disrespectful, hypocritical, and infuriating character that I have ever had the displeasure of coming across in any form of media...Chloe Price. This little shithead plays the victim card at every single possible moment in this game because she can't ever bring herself to see that everything wrong with her life is brought on by her decisions and through her own fault. She blames everyone else and expects them to feel pity for her, and guess what, they often times do, especially with Max, who is more than happy to oblige Chloe at every possible turn and do everything that she asks. If I had to sum up Chloe's character,
-The Last of Us:
The story is predictable as fuck I wrote something like this as a kid and exist out of every cliche I could find but atleast the character interaction was fun and gameplay was nothing remarkable or memorable but I had more fun with the gameplay than story... But I Always wondered where did this sudden hate from me come from because back when I played it the first time I liked it waaaaay more still thought it wasn't something that special hell movie critics will bash it for unoriginality but atleast the characters are enjoyable enough... And than it started to hit me right on the head... It's it toxic fanbase. Back when the game was released some guy give the game a 7/10 and certain fans just kept sending him dead threads over and over and over because it was atleast an average 8.5/10 SINCE WHEN IS 8.5 AVERAGE! anyway the fans made me slowly hate the game.
Greg Miller: When you strangle someone their eyes look at you and-
Me: whoa... And?
I forced myself to play this game and I don't really hate it but just don't think it was that good never thought it was that good I'm more... Happy that it exist but I felt forced buying it because of all the bitching I would get for not buying it.
I found the multiple player lackluster and it has some good ideas and the trailers made me actually excited... But it's just money really at the end of the day in the multiplayer and the Heists are fun... For a time.
Story was just classic Parody on America nothing that Sparks my interest and the gameplay was oke yeah this series is not for me anymore... But when GTA 6 releases I want to be there because of the events jesus that was some of the most fun I had in 2013.
-Mass Effect 1:
Fun and interesting story but the gameplay is so.... Baaaaaaaaaaaaad and the level design and glitches ugh.
-Kingdom hearts (2002)
I love KH series to dead but I never ever really liked KH1.
The story is almost non existent, stupid opening which doesn't make sense but he Nomura gotta put that Destiny theme in there with giant heartless, the opening tutorial sucks, camera was bad, bad controls, bad platforming, some bad boss fights but some good. grinding everywhere for 10 hours of the 25 on normal. and doesn't tell you where to go. I'm oke with that... But just wait untill you get to ''Finding Leon in a sewer'' with no clue and Monstro.
-Last Guardian

Enough said wtf devs.
-Final Fantasy X:

Watch this.
More... But I'm sleepy now
Assassin's Creed
Even though I fo love it, Overwatch is just so ftustrating. People are very toxic in competetive mode, I think they lack in variety of modes (at least ones available daily), I think some arcade modes are broken and are difficult to play certain heroes on, plus the heroes themselves continue to lack balance as there are heroes that are very situational whilst there are others that are viable in almost all situations. Plus it just lacks new content that captivates me for more than a few hours.
The series or the first one?
Another popular game I don't like is Batman Arkham Knight. Batman Arkham Origins, Arkham Asylum, and Arkham City were amazing however, Arkham Knight seemed to throw out everything great about those games. The reason why I really hate Arkham Knight is because of the terrible Batmobile sections of the game. The game's slogan should've been "Be the Batmobile" based on how many times we used the Batmobile. I thought the Batmobile was only going to be used to get from one part of the map to another quickly but nope we use the Batmobile for everything and it ruined the game to be honest.
I've had a contact with a lot of good and bad games in my life, some of them were popular some of them were not. But for what it is, I always try to at least appreciate what the developers were going for, even if it ultimately failed. I mean developers who actually care about making something good or original, not just those who want to cash in.
With all that being said, I really have grown to deeply despise the Call of Duty franchise. I used to play it a lot in the middle school but as I grew older and my expectations for games raised, COD became just a like a cheap burger that's being reheated every year. Arcade arena style multiplayer with cancerous community is one thing, but I can't even appreciate the singleplayers anymore. They rely too much on amount of explosions and brainless action rather than decent writing and interesting gameplay mechanics. Hiring hollywood writers and actors is not instantly going to make the game good, in fact most of them (maybe with an exception of Black Ops 1) are so painfully predictable that I'm surprised if anyone would gasp at these so called "plot-twists".
I really really dislike any of the Call of Duty games since CoD2. Not a very popular opinion since most people like at least 1 game after that.
Hottest game right now that I can't stand is Fortnite. BR or regular. Awful games.