Detroit: Become Human Official Discussion Thread
The official thread to talk about anything related to the upcoming "Detroit: Become Human" game.
Detroit: Become Human: Detroit is interactive drama taken to the next level, full of breath-taking action and tense moral dilemmas. Find your courage, trust your emotions and immerse yourself in a unique narrative experience. Your choices will shape their world and their destiny.
How Far Will You Go To Be Free?
To resist? For love? To be loyal?
Available 05.25.18
Demo currently available
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I really hope this is an improvement to Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls. Heavy Rain had a good story and a great choice system but average voice acting, plot holes, unrelatable characters and horrible twist. Beyond Two Souls has amazing performances of Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe but the game is full of horrible QTEs, going in non-chronological order of the timeline seemed like a good idea that didn't work and the choices don't seem to matter until you reach the endings.
So looking forward to this. The story seems super interesting and the characters are really interesting as well. I'm especially looking forward to Connor. It's just really interesting to me for there to be this story of a revolution where Androids are pushing for freedom and to have an Android who is very much pro-human. I love some of his more aggressive lines where he's angry about Androids turning on humans. "Look at what you did! You were designed to serve humans not kill them!"
I am really interested in Kara and Marcus as well though!
QUESTION: Between Connor, Kara and Marcus, who is your favorite so far?
I am mostly interested in Kara. She is THE main character of this game in my opinion.
Who is my favorite? Hmm... kinda hard to decide at the moment since I haven't played the whole game yet. But if I had to decide, I think it would be Kara, because of her relationship with Alice and how she looks after her.
I'm kinda interested to see how Kara's story would go if Alice is killed. Assuming that Kara isn't immediately killed afterwards.
Going by the map they showed off in the trailer as a fail state when Alice is killed I assume Todd kills Kara for not stopping him in his drugged state and her story is over.
I think my personal favorite is Markus so far. I like the idea of deciding exactly what sort of Android Revolutionary I can make him be, and whether I'll put him at odds with Connor or not. I'm also really hoping Detroit doesn't force Connor to betray his creators and become a deviant himself.
About that; My goal in this game is to keep Kara, Markus and Connor alive no matter what. I’m also going to try not to kill anyone or let anyone die if I can help it.
The Connor demo was really cool, and I can definitely see some interesting gameplay scenarios playing as his character.
I am most looking forward to Marcus's storyline, though. They sold me on this video game with Jesse Williams alone
Well I think everyone will try to keep them alive on a first playthrough.
So far, from what we have from the trailers, I would personally pick Kara and probably put Connor in 2nd place, though it helps that we've had the opportunity to play as him unlike Kara and Marcus, and the latter would be in last place.

Kara's character and things such as her relationship with Alice just seem very interesting to me. And maybe I might feel kind of a little more attached to her character, considering she was the first protagonist of the game to be revealed. Heck, she was a character before Detroit was even a thing still, what with her first appearing in that PS3 tech demo back in 2012.
I guess we'll see if this changes once I've played through the game
I'm imagining there will be a crucial point in Connor's story that will decide what path he goes down.
I'm really looking forward to a possible encounter between Connor and Marcus. Complete opposites in their beliefs. I'd love to see them collide.
One thing I love about the making of this game is that in an effort to make each character unique and distinctive, they each have their own composers, which is a great idea. You can watch a video about it here...
I might get the $70 edition so I can play heavy rain again haven’t played that since 2012
Oh wow, that's so cool! I like that.
The amount of variation in that alone fascinates me, given the possible ways Connor and Markus could be different in their feelings on the android uprising and on humanity. Maybe they will be utter polar opposites, maybe they might have more common ground than they expect, but discovering that in my first run where I go al naturale will be fun.
My first time playing the demo, I found all the clues, did not pick up the gun, managed to save Emma, stayed alive, and also saved the wounded cop. I also put the little fishy back in its tank. I do wish there could've been a way so that Daniel doesn't die.
I wonder if later after that chapter, Connor will decide how to respond to the outcome. Maybe act remorseful, aggressive, or even indifferent.
It's worth noting that some sort of reputation meter goes up if you save the cop.
How do you save the cop? It’s the only thing I didn’t do. I didn’t even know you could.
How do you save him? I looked at him but there didn’t seem to be a way of doing anything for him.
I’ll just be over here... playing state of decay 2 when it comes out... on my Xbox One... does someone want to lend me a PS4 lmao.
Go over to where he is when confronting Daniel, you should have a scene where Connor tries to apply a bandage and Daniel threatens to kill you if you help the cop, you need to refuse his order.
Derek's got it right. You simply need to walk towards him and an interaction will happen where Daniel orders you to let him die. You can then choose to obey or ignore him.
I've still got some doubts on this game, as I don't want to be funnelled down the path of "deviant" as Connor, so as long as they can avoid that/give me some choice in the matter I'd be very pleased. Considering this game seems to be revolving around the idea that the robots/AI are being unfairly treated and a rebellion will occur, I hope I have choice in that some robots would stay loyal, and others would destroy their ties.
Based on the Hostage demo, the choices seem to look good. There's what, 6 or 7 endings to that one scene alone? I had a few gripes with it: like having to go through the whole process of the investigation each time, though I think that might be tied to some choices later on since one clue has you pick up a gun or not; another was the sudden effect of being given an ending I did not agree to (Sacrifice Self). Out of nowhere, my Connor tackles the deviant and falls to his death (?) alongside him. That was kind of strange considering the next playthrough I had the option to do so, whereas the previous time I was not prompted.
So, yeah, this looks really good, but I hope the story and choices can live up to what the demo and trailers are saying.
In other news, I think the "death" stuff of this first scene might be misleading. If Connor is a robot, I doubt they'd make them exactly like humans where if you shoot the brain, they're dead since that's where all the information is stored. I'd expect the robot to have failsafes and extra memory cards or whatever implanted in other parts of him. Plus, falling off a building? I think he'd be fine. Just a broken body, but he can get a new one, since I'm sure the cops have tons of inactive new husks.
Considering when I got shot in the head one playthrough [pull out gun, Intimidate/Don't shoot] but the HUD still decided to tell me "anomaly detected" or something to that effect (btw, what do you guys think that even means?) I don't think that would have been the end for Connor. Why would after he got shot the game decide to have some crucial cryptic info update for his character? Plus, looked more like he stiffened up after he was shot, and was maybe still conscious? The police chief or anyone else didn't seem to treat him as a dead body. He was probably in a preservation mode.
I think with Connor I'm hoping one doesn't have to be a total jerk to androids to stay loyal to the humans, and we can have a healthy balance option.
Thought I'd stick up this short yet awesome tv trailer, by the way. (FYI bit of a spoiler for Markus' story if you watch it, though I imagine most guessed it was on the cards...)
I must have been thinking of a different cop than. I was talking about the cop that was sitting up injured inside the house.
Detroit has inspired me to write my novel so I love it already. Unfortunately I can't buy it because of different consoles but I was inspired by Kara's 2017 trailer to write my novel, so for that, I thank you Quantic Dream.
Oh that guy is probably fine. We're talking about a wounded cop who is in danger of bleeding out over on the left side on the approach to Daniel.
I think he means the cop who gets wounded in the house if you wait too long, which I think affects public opinion about androids somewhat, but I don't believe anything else. I assume the stat of public opinion does ultimately play into the full game though about how much humans trust or fear androids.
It's not just about fear. There's that element of" Those androids are taking our jobs!"
One thing that's weird is that the guy who plays Mr. Krabs is going to be in this game.
I find it more ironic that Lance Henrikson, aka Bishop, is playing the one nice human in the game.
I'm actually very much looking forward to this game. I remember hearing countless times while researching that the hostage is the first scenario of the game, and if that's the case Connor can die in over half the endings of the scenario...Very head scratching but incredibly interesting.
We are only one week away before the game releases.
And as the release day draws closer, there is the possibility of spoilers being on the internet, so until then, try to avoid them from any and all sources, and please,
No spoiling on this thread.
That cheeky spoiler tag...
20 minute interview with the producer showing off various scenes with Kara, Connor and Markus (mostly the two former) with some level of I assume early game spoilers, so heads up, but they don't show all the scenes off though. But a nice display of how each character plays out.
I'm really looking forward to it myself. It probably says a lot about me but while I'm looking forward to the game and story, I'm more geeking out about the flowchart. I'd like to write my own interactive story eventually, which I guess explains it. And according to a Gameinformer video, the flowchart just expands as you go through the game. So it's not like you'll just be looking at one scene's flowchart at a time, from what I can make out. And I believe they said each character gets their own flowchart or section of it. (i imagine things will crossover)
The only fault I can find in the demo, really, is that Daniel doesn't ask you about having a gun if you don't pick it up. It would make sense for Daniel to still query you about it.
I remember when they first put out the teaser for this game when it was called Kara. This android plotline has some chance to be interesting
We are now only 3 days away.

Launch Trailer
Countdown to Launch Trailer
An awesome prequel sequence shot in the same engine as Detroit and setting up the world just got released.