That does pose an interesting question about the world... can someone have an android who looks exactly like a famous person, or as with the controversy today about people mapping celeb faces onto nudes would it be a big no no?
But anyway, just waiting for the inevitable Westworld/Detroit fanfic crossovers to start...
Oh man, Connor continues to be who I'm the most interested in. "How do I know you're not a deviant?" THIS! That's what has me so interested. The internal struggle that will likely be with Connor. Trying to remain loyal to humanity against his own kind.
Yes, as we can see each android is dealing with conflicting issues - Kara has issues of empathy with her human charge as she sees the difficult situation she lives in, Markus has the sufferings of rejection and loss which lead him into the role of leader in an uprising, and Connor has the question of loyalty as he becomes more self-aware and possibly conflicted in his role.
Oh man, Connor continues to be who I'm the most interested in. "How do I know you're not a deviant?" THIS! That's what has me so interested.… more The internal struggle that will likely be with Connor. Trying to remain loyal to humanity against his own kind.
I have been looking forward to this since the Kara teaser back in 2012 when I was practically crossing my fingers that it would become its own game in due time. Flash forward to 2015, the game is official and I'm elated.
I'm rambling a bit but I am incredibly excited for this. Reviews have mostly been positive so far, which is a good sign.
Too late for this, but I bring a tip for future releases.
I forgot that Detroit was being hyped up by Playstation as a big release. For the past few months, the big releases got their own channel streams of non-stop ads and interviews released on With these channel streams, there are a number of quests associated with them that unlocks exclusive digital content for your account. Usually, it's avatars or static themes.
However, for Far Cry 5 and God of War, there were 20% off Playstation Store codes given out to people who completed certain tasks on the website. Detroit had one, too. Unfortunately, that time is long gone, and all the codes have been claimed.
Watch out for the next big Playstation release, and go to when it draws near. You could snag a discount code for your next purchase.
Oh hey this comment finally got approved. I kind of gave up on it after 3 tries. Each time I would Submit it, it always ended up in my Drafts folder, so I just thought it never made it through, or was denied.
Cool... Reap those discounts for the future, folks!
Too late for this, but I bring a tip for future releases.
I forgot that Detroit was being hyped up by Playstation as a big release. For t… morehe past few months, the big releases got their own channel streams of non-stop ads and interviews released on With these channel streams, there are a number of quests associated with them that unlocks exclusive digital content for your account. Usually, it's avatars or static themes.
However, for Far Cry 5 and God of War, there were 20% off Playstation Store codes given out to people who completed certain tasks on the website. Detroit had one, too. Unfortunately, that time is long gone, and all the codes have been claimed.
Watch out for the next big Playstation release, and go to when it draws near. You could snag a discount code for your next purchase.
Man I really wished I had a ps4. Why can't all games be released on the every console damnit. By the way, I don't want to hear any game console wars in this thread. This is about Detroit, not game consoles.
Man I really wished I had a ps4. Why can't all games be released on the every console damnit. By the way, I don't want to hear any game console wars in this thread. This is about Detroit, not game consoles.
I´m sure that eventually it will get added to Playstation Now. So in theory you will be able to play it on your pc atleast. If you´re willing to jump through some hoops (subscription, controller etc.) that is.
Man I really wished I had a ps4. Why can't all games be released on the every console damnit. By the way, I don't want to hear any game console wars in this thread. This is about Detroit, not game consoles.
PlayStation have certainly made a better effort with exclusivity stuff than XBox have. Spider-Man is the next game I definitely want to pick up when it comes out in September...
Really enjoyed this game felt like a return to form in terms of choice for Quantic Dream. For me Beyond Two Souls was a bit a step backwards cause there was barely any choice which affected the story. I've only done one play through plus repeating the last chapter a few times for different outcomes.
Will need to try to go Pacifist on my next play through, throughout my first I was trying to please North with the violent options so the public hated me haha. But boi some of the endings are dark:
Setting off a nuke in a Detroit and abandoning Alice to get dismantled felt so evil but very well done in terms of emotion.
I have managed to save everyone without dying once and I got the best ending. I feel like I got real lucky at some moments. I did have to shoot the gun a few times, when it came to saving myself and my companions. (Plus, I may have used the Mind Palace too much. I didn't wanna miss anything. Yet, a few minor things managed to slip through. I'll find them when I replay the chapters.
Connor: Starting off in the game, I did not expect The Hostage chapter to be the prologue. But anyways, I like Hank. He's such an old grump, but he's a good cop. (And he's voiced by Clancy Brown, so that's cool.) When I first met him, I was worried my partnership with him was going to be like Jayden and Blake's in "Heavy Rain". But the two of us got along very well, despite the fact he hates androids. The most laugh I got out from him was when I sobered him up and when he sucker-punched that motherfucker Perkins. I also had to save Hank multiple times. He scared me at one point when he held a gun to my head. I thought he was gonna shoot me, but he didn't. Every time I had the choice to shoot a deviant, I refused, and spared them. Like this pair of Traci deviants who were in love with each other, for example. And even Kamski's Chloe android, and I wish I could've told him that Hank told me no, so, therefore, I followed orders and I didn't. Hank approves my decisions, but that Amanda lady kept being disappointed at me for not killing the deviants. Eh, to hell with her. Oh, and I met the cop that I saved from the Hostage chapter. When the time came to decide, I chose for Connor to become a deviant. That fight against his copy was nuts. I'm glad I got to know about Hank and learned about his son. Amanda's last ditch attempt to kill Markus was suck a dick move. But I managed to get free from her control and put the gun away in time. That final cutscene where Hank and Connor hugged was so touching.
Kara: Fuck that Todd guy. And Zlatko can suck it. Okay, now that I got that off my chest, my first instinct after becoming deviant was to get out with Alice immediately, and we bailed together on that bus. I met Ralph. Boy, was he creepy. But at least he didn't hurt Alice and gave us shelter. I chose to give Kara white hair after changing her appearance. I really like Luther. He's such a gentle giant. Seeing Alice on that merry-go-round was a sweet moment. You know what really takes the cake in Kara's storyline for me? Alice was actually an android all along. Holy crap. That's what Luther was trying to tell me the whole time. But you know what? I didn't care about that. Alice and Luther are Kara's family. That's what I really liked about her storyline. With pure luck, I was able to reach the border with all three of them. I chose not to sacrifice anyone, and it pulled off. The guy saw the peaceful protest and allowed us into Canada. Thank goodness. Now, they're really free to live happily ever after.
Markus: I really liked his owner Carl, and the portrait of "Hope for Humanity" I painted. (I may have spent a little too long playing piano. Didn't know when I was supposed to stop.) Shame that Leo gave him a heart attack and got me shot. That chapter where he comes back from the dead was creepy as hell. What I really liked was deciding how I wanna lead the protest, and despite everything, I was persistent on remaining a pacifist and maintain a peaceful protest. Those "preconstruct scenario" moments were nice. At one point when North and I were climbing the tower to the broadcast room, I saw the sign show the word "RISE", and I was like, "Oh, ha ha. Very funny." I saved everyone at Jericho during the attack and the demonstration. I didn't really expect North to become Markus' lover, but they do seem cute together.
I enjoyed playing through the story. My favorite part was "Crossroads" and "Battle for Detroit". Transitioning from each android as their paths crossed and they were all working to finish what they start was cool. In the Extras section, there is a survey to take. One of the questions was "Who is your favorite character?" My top three would be Kara, Connor and Markus. Another one was "What was the toughest choice you faced?" and the answers were "Accepting Alice's identity with Kara", "Being Pacifist with Markus", and "Deciding to shoot Chloe with Connor". Now, these weren't that hard for me to decide. I didn't care that Alice was also an android, I wanted my protest to be peaceful, and I didn't want to kill. But if I had to decide, I think my answer would be "Being Pacifist or Violent." I try so hard to remain peaceful, but the riot police's actions makes it hard to resist the temptation to fight back.
It has the Best of Both. Good Story and Great Choices like Heavy Rain, as well as Good Performances on top of it. Also, when I look at the choices tree it reminds me a lot of the Butterfly Effect System in Until Dawn, so that's pretty neat. It also has Meaningful QTEs that have a Serious Impact on the progression of the story.
I really hope this is an improvement to Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls. Heavy Rain had a good story and a great choice system but average v… moreoice acting, plot holes, unrelatable characters and horrible twist. Beyond Two Souls has amazing performances of Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe but the game is full of horrible QTEs, going in non-chronological order of the timeline seemed like a good idea that didn't work and the choices don't seem to matter until you reach the endings.
Funny thing about Alice being an Android, I actually Did feel at one point that she Could have been an Android, and Low and Behold, it turned out to be True in the end. I liked that. It was very interesting and it made perfect sense.
Just played my second playthrough without Kara(killed her as fast as I could), and I have to say her story is nothing but filler. The story flows much better with just Markus and Connor.
Just played my second playthrough without Kara(killed her as fast as I could), and I have to say her story is nothing but filler. The story flows much better with just Markus and Connor.
Does her story somehow become more relevant to the overarching story? Like with Markus and Connor, their stories always connected with the revolution that was going to take place. But with Kara it was, " I have to protect Alice ". Her entire story revolves around Alice. Her Becoming a deviate depends on Alice. Her story can't proceed without the girl.
I think Kara´s role in the story is to put a "human" face on androids, to show you who it is that Markus and friends are fighting for. So, she's relevant to the story in that way.
Does her story somehow become more relevant to the overarching story? Like with Markus and Connor, their stories always connected with the r… moreevolution that was going to take place. But with Kara it was, " I have to protect Alice ". Her entire story revolves around Alice. Her Becoming a deviate depends on Alice. Her story can't proceed without the girl.
Will be playing the game for the first time tomorrow. Scared and curious about this one. I love Heavy Rain but the same can't be said for Beyond Two Souls at all. How are you guys finding it?
Will be playing the game for the first time tomorrow. Scared and curious about this one. I love Heavy Rain but the same can't be said for Beyond Two Souls at all. How are you guys finding it?
I´m sure that eventually it will get added to Playstation Now. So in theory you will be able to play it on your pc atleast. If you´re willing to jump through some hoops (subscription, controller etc.) that is.
He is mine as well, and I love his running sections in the game. The dialogue between him and Anderson everytime he catches Connor putting blood evidence in his mouth is priceless lol.
Those are some big action figures.

That does pose an interesting question about the world... can someone have an android who looks exactly like a famous person, or as with the controversy today about people mapping celeb faces onto nudes would it be a big no no?
But anyway, just waiting for the inevitable Westworld/Detroit fanfic crossovers to start...
Oh man, Connor continues to be who I'm the most interested in. "How do I know you're not a deviant?" THIS! That's what has me so interested. The internal struggle that will likely be with Connor. Trying to remain loyal to humanity against his own kind.
Yes, as we can see each android is dealing with conflicting issues - Kara has issues of empathy with her human charge as she sees the difficult situation she lives in, Markus has the sufferings of rejection and loss which lead him into the role of leader in an uprising, and Connor has the question of loyalty as he becomes more self-aware and possibly conflicted in his role.
The second of four prequel videos, in 2024 KNC has the first interview with Chloe, Cyberlife's first personal assistant android...
I'll have to wait until June 1st to get this but 'i'm really looking forward to it.
Here's a couple more

I love that line of there being no evil characters. Just characters with different agendas.
Connor will be my favorite. Just like Nahman Jayden Eff Bee Eye.
It's nearly time, but just holddddddd on, just a little while longer...
Here's something to keep in mind as you play.
I have been looking forward to this since the Kara teaser back in 2012 when I was practically crossing my fingers that it would become its own game in due time. Flash forward to 2015, the game is official and I'm elated.
I'm rambling a bit but I am incredibly excited for this. Reviews have mostly been positive so far, which is a good sign.
The day has come at last. Have fun everyone, and good luck.

I just finished my first playthrough. Overall I enjoyed it, but there are way too many underdeveloped characters for my liking.
I won't spoil anything, but I just reached a scene which is almost identical to one in TWD S1E2. It was, however, nowhere near as powerful.
Too late for this, but I bring a tip for future releases.
I forgot that Detroit was being hyped up by Playstation as a big release. For the past few months, the big releases got their own channel streams of non-stop ads and interviews released on With these channel streams, there are a number of quests associated with them that unlocks exclusive digital content for your account. Usually, it's avatars or static themes.
However, for Far Cry 5 and God of War, there were 20% off Playstation Store codes given out to people who completed certain tasks on the website. Detroit had one, too. Unfortunately, that time is long gone, and all the codes have been claimed.
Watch out for the next big Playstation release, and go to when it draws near. You could snag a discount code for your next purchase.
Out of the three protagonists, Markus is the one I like the most.
Oh hey this comment finally got approved. I kind of gave up on it after 3 tries. Each time I would Submit it, it always ended up in my Drafts folder, so I just thought it never made it through, or was denied.
Cool... Reap those discounts for the future, folks!
Man I really wished I had a ps4. Why can't all games be released on the every console damnit. By the way, I don't want to hear any game console wars in this thread. This is about Detroit, not game consoles.
Because what would be the point of consoles if they're just gonna release every video game on PC anyway?
I´m sure that eventually it will get added to Playstation Now. So in theory you will be able to play it on your pc atleast. If you´re willing to jump through some hoops (subscription, controller etc.) that is.
PlayStation have certainly made a better effort with exclusivity stuff than XBox have. Spider-Man is the next game I definitely want to pick up when it comes out in September...
Really enjoyed this game felt like a return to form in terms of choice for Quantic Dream. For me Beyond Two Souls was a bit a step backwards cause there was barely any choice which affected the story. I've only done one play through plus repeating the last chapter a few times for different outcomes.
Will need to try to go Pacifist on my next play through, throughout my first I was trying to please North with the violent options so the public hated me haha. But boi some of the endings are dark:
Setting off a nuke in a Detroit and abandoning Alice to get dismantled felt so evil but very well done in terms of emotion.
I have completed my first playthrough of Detroit.
I have managed to save everyone without dying once and I got the best ending. I feel like I got real lucky at some moments. I did have to shoot the gun a few times, when it came to saving myself and my companions. (Plus, I may have used the Mind Palace too much. I didn't wanna miss anything. Yet, a few minor things managed to slip through. I'll find them when I replay the chapters.
Connor: Starting off in the game, I did not expect The Hostage chapter to be the prologue. But anyways, I like Hank. He's such an old grump, but he's a good cop. (And he's voiced by Clancy Brown, so that's cool.) When I first met him, I was worried my partnership with him was going to be like Jayden and Blake's in "Heavy Rain". But the two of us got along very well, despite the fact he hates androids. The most laugh I got out from him was when I sobered him up and when he sucker-punched that motherfucker Perkins. I also had to save Hank multiple times. He scared me at one point when he held a gun to my head. I thought he was gonna shoot me, but he didn't. Every time I had the choice to shoot a deviant, I refused, and spared them. Like this pair of Traci deviants who were in love with each other, for example. And even Kamski's Chloe android, and I wish I could've told him that Hank told me no, so, therefore, I followed orders and I didn't. Hank approves my decisions, but that Amanda lady kept being disappointed at me for not killing the deviants. Eh, to hell with her. Oh, and I met the cop that I saved from the Hostage chapter. When the time came to decide, I chose for Connor to become a deviant. That fight against his copy was nuts. I'm glad I got to know about Hank and learned about his son. Amanda's last ditch attempt to kill Markus was suck a dick move. But I managed to get free from her control and put the gun away in time. That final cutscene where Hank and Connor hugged was so touching.
Kara: Fuck that Todd guy. And Zlatko can suck it. Okay, now that I got that off my chest, my first instinct after becoming deviant was to get out with Alice immediately, and we bailed together on that bus. I met Ralph. Boy, was he creepy. But at least he didn't hurt Alice and gave us shelter. I chose to give Kara white hair after changing her appearance. I really like Luther. He's such a gentle giant. Seeing Alice on that merry-go-round was a sweet moment. You know what really takes the cake in Kara's storyline for me? Alice was actually an android all along. Holy crap. That's what Luther was trying to tell me the whole time. But you know what? I didn't care about that. Alice and Luther are Kara's family. That's what I really liked about her storyline. With pure luck, I was able to reach the border with all three of them. I chose not to sacrifice anyone, and it pulled off. The guy saw the peaceful protest and allowed us into Canada. Thank goodness. Now, they're really free to live happily ever after.
Markus: I really liked his owner Carl, and the portrait of "Hope for Humanity" I painted. (I may have spent a little too long playing piano. Didn't know when I was supposed to stop.) Shame that Leo gave him a heart attack and got me shot. That chapter where he comes back from the dead was creepy as hell. What I really liked was deciding how I wanna lead the protest, and despite everything, I was persistent on remaining a pacifist and maintain a peaceful protest. Those "preconstruct scenario" moments were nice. At one point when North and I were climbing the tower to the broadcast room, I saw the sign show the word "RISE", and I was like, "Oh, ha ha. Very funny." I saved everyone at Jericho during the attack and the demonstration. I didn't really expect North to become Markus' lover, but they do seem cute together.
I enjoyed playing through the story. My favorite part was "Crossroads" and "Battle for Detroit". Transitioning from each android as their paths crossed and they were all working to finish what they start was cool. In the Extras section, there is a survey to take. One of the questions was "Who is your favorite character?" My top three would be Kara, Connor and Markus. Another one was "What was the toughest choice you faced?" and the answers were "Accepting Alice's identity with Kara", "Being Pacifist with Markus", and "Deciding to shoot Chloe with Connor". Now, these weren't that hard for me to decide. I didn't care that Alice was also an android, I wanted my protest to be peaceful, and I didn't want to kill. But if I had to decide, I think my answer would be "Being Pacifist or Violent." I try so hard to remain peaceful, but the riot police's actions makes it hard to resist the temptation to fight back.
So far, I'd say it IS.
It has the Best of Both. Good Story and Great Choices like Heavy Rain, as well as Good Performances on top of it. Also, when I look at the choices tree it reminds me a lot of the Butterfly Effect System in Until Dawn, so that's pretty neat. It also has Meaningful QTEs that have a Serious Impact on the progression of the story.
Funny thing about Alice being an Android, I actually Did feel at one point that she Could have been an Android, and Low and Behold, it turned out to be True in the end. I liked that. It was very interesting and it made perfect sense.
Just played my second playthrough without Kara(killed her as fast as I could), and I have to say her story is nothing but filler. The story flows much better with just Markus and Connor.
It may not feel like filler if you let Connor capture her. I deliberately tried not to in my first play through when Connor was chasing after her.
Does her story somehow become more relevant to the overarching story? Like with Markus and Connor, their stories always connected with the revolution that was going to take place. But with Kara it was, " I have to protect Alice ". Her entire story revolves around Alice. Her Becoming a deviate depends on Alice. Her story can't proceed without the girl.
I think Kara´s role in the story is to put a "human" face on androids, to show you who it is that Markus and friends are fighting for. So, she's relevant to the story in that way.
Will be playing the game for the first time tomorrow. Scared and curious about this one. I love Heavy Rain but the same can't be said for Beyond Two Souls at all. How are you guys finding it?
Best Quantic Dream game made so far. Way better than both Heavy rain, indigo prophecy, and beyond 2 souls.
I watched Swingpoynt playing this game and I gotta say, it's way better than Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls in every way:
I dunno if it's better than Until Dawn, I still remember the characters from that game more than this one, even if some of them were assholes.
Who said I'm playing on pc.
That's a relief to hear! I did quite like Heavy Rain now, so I'm cautiously optimistic about it now.
Connor is my favorite character in this game. His story is basically a buddy cop film. I am really, really enjoying the dynamic so far.
Controls are stupid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
He is mine as well, and I love his running sections in the game. The dialogue between him and Anderson everytime he catches Connor putting blood evidence in his mouth is priceless lol.
Hopefully picking the game up this week. Miraculously, I've managed to avoid spoilers.
I'm most looking forward to Kara's story, followed by Connor. then Markus.
Really love the game