Let's talk about a little something called "blind hate" and why it needs to stop
Hello fellow Telltale fans. It's been a while since I've posted anything significant, and I would like to use this opportunity to express my feelings for something that's been bothering me for a while: blind hate. Blind hate is defined as strongly disliking something without knowing the facts and using false information about said thing to make even more people dislike it. This is most often seen in the media... specifically the gaming world, which is why I'm making this post today. One... actually two... games I play have been effected by this: Destiny 2, and Star Wars: Battlefront 2. Here comes the part where you either laugh or are just plain confused at the fact that I just mentioned two games considered to be some of the worst out there at the moment.
Now you probably know where this is going. I just mentioned two games that you've heard nothing but negative things about. Now stop and ponder this for a moment: why do you think that is?
At launch, I would definitely say that the hate both these titles received was justified, epsecially because of the loot boxes and huge issues with said games, but now?
Absolutely not.
These games don't deserve the hate anymore, but everyone is still hating them nonetheless. Star Wars: Battlefront 2's loot boxes have been completely redone and are purely cosmetic now. EA has apologized and has even gone as far as to remove the concept loot boxes and season passes completely from any of their future games. Destiny 2 is getting a DLC and update in September that is going to fix major issues and build on everything fans loved about the first game (sure there are loot boxes here too, but also purely cosmetic and have no significant impact on gameplay at all).
Why are people still fuming at these game developers then, both of which have promised change? Everything EA does gets stomped on by the gaming community and everything Bungie does to improve Destiny goes unnoticed or gets backlash despite there not being any bad intentions.
What I'm trying to tell all of you today is to stop and think about why you're ranting about something before you continue to keep hating. I'm tired of every Destiny 2 video I click on having an almost equal like/dislike ratio and people in the comments laugh about how "idiotic" us fans are. I'm frustrated that every time I mention Star Wars: Battlefront 2 on the Internet I'm told to "move on and play actually good games".
This needs to stop.
EDIT: Destiny 2's Forsaken DLC is $40, but the changes to the game are free. The changes are going to launch beside the DLC. Also I need to make this clear: I don't feel sympathy for EA! They are obviously getting what they deserve, but people need to give the games that actually look decent (specifically Anthem) a chance and stop saying bad stuff about them before they even come out, just because it's EA. That's my point here, and boy does everyone seem to be missing it!
Don't feel sorry for EA.
It's not EA I feel sorry for... it's Star Wars: Battlefront 2. Perfectly good game if you forget about the loot box controversy.
This is true, I've experienced the same thing with MCSM, it gets a lot of hate from people who's never even played the game, it's very frustrating.
Not meaning to attack you, but there's a difference between true "blind hate" and you just not understanding/agreeing on the aspects of those games that caused them to garner that hatred.
It wasn't just the loot boxes themselves that earned EA that hate it's the cards EA revealed when they chose to jack he xp level system for the sake of microtransactions. Their apology was only given because they were caught; they still prefer to maximise profit over balancing gameplay, and the controversy isn't going to deter them from finding new ways to shake you down for more cash.
(cough) people who hate the last Jedi (cough)
Gonna have to agree. I've experienced similar frustration with people regarding the upcoming Bioware game, 'Anthem'
Yeah I guess you're going to ignore the Destiny DLC thats suppose to fix the game cost 40 dollars. "Hey guys sorry the game sucks, just give us 40 bucks and we will make it not suck!" For EA and Battlefront a few things. First Battlefield V is going to have something called "Airdrops" which are boxes with random cosmetics. We arnt sure how they are going to work yet seeing as they will be rewarded to people who buy the deluxe edition, but it is super possible Battlefield V still fucks up in terms of micro transactions again. Just because they say they will make things better doesnt mean they will. Battlefront 2 promised no season pass and free content, and look how that turned out.
I don't know what you're talking about but FUCC the new STRANGER THINGS GAME amiright
Once again: hate without knowing the facts. The Destiny 2 DLC does cost $40 but the in-game fixes come free. The stuff you are paying for is new content, like story missions, strikes, and new destinations. Bungie has made this painfully clear but people still claim we have to "pay for changes". I can even send you a link to one of their blog posts explaining this if you like.
As for EA, I'm going to have to edit this post. Everyone thinks I feel sorry for EA, but the truth is I'm just frustrated that everyone thinks Battlefront 2 still sucks.
Im not talking about in-game fixes, that should obviously be something for free. Im talking about the DLC. One complaint about Destiny 2 was just the content the game offered in general, the fact the expansion thats suppose to bring a ton of new fresh content cost almost as much as buying Destiny 2 again is annoying. Who wants to pay 40 dollars for content that should have been in the game already? By paying for changes they mean paying for better content, things like the messed up XP, and other things that are just changes in the system and numbers is not going to change the content you go and do to receive XP. If its not fun to be playing the content, who cares about the fixes if you dont enjoy what you're actually playing?
Don't be sorry... BE BETTER
I also want to make this clear: I love Bioware, Dice and (to a lesser extent) Bungie.
Those three developers all made some of my all time favorite games, but if purchasing their games means I'm lining the pockets of those money grubbing suits at EA and Activision then unfortunately I'm going to have to say no dice
i remember the moment when GTA 4 came out and everyone saying "OMG THINS IS THE WORST GTA GAME EVER"and now we have GTA 5 and everyone saying "OMG THIS GAME SUX GTA 4 IS BETTER"i really don't understand those people.yeah,sure GTA 4 has a better story,but lets face it,GTA 5 is a great and fun game too.people always hate the current game for some dumb reasons
Nah. I saw TLJ three times and still hate it. Which is a shame because TFA was pretty well done.
It’s genuinely a heavily underrated movie. But, hey, there’s the type of people who can spot the flaws in everything, the type of people who see the flaws as actual benefits, and then the people who are normal and actually watch a movie for the sole purpose of its existence: entertainment. I’m the second one btw.
You saw all the implications Abrams made in TFA being thrown out to give us Johnsons betcha didn't expect that approach as beneficial? Bruh lol. Almost all of the buildup throughout the first film was tossed aside to shake things up and give us a dog racing scene. The big meeting with Luke ends with a comical "the lightsaber Obiwan gave to me, my fathers and the one I lost with my hand when I confronted? Comical toss!"
The entire movie culminated in that moment, and when we get back there's absolutely no weight to what it represents? And nothing about Snokes past, Luke instantly rages the second he finds out his nephew is being corrupted after all he went through and accomplished in ROTJ, he made me miss Lucas. Han shot second, stupid jabba band, Jar Jar, sand speech and all. I missed Lucas after seeing that film, and I felt terrible for Abrams.
On the subject, Destiny 2 was an improvement over the first. Better drop rates, much more to do after the game ended, better story, amazing score. And after I jokingly talked about the strike playlists we had in Destiny returning in overpriced dlcs, the return of daily/weekly missions and nightfalls for everyone, but playable if you only have the dlc, I dropped that game soon after the first "expansion" dropped. I really enjoyed the game, and hoped they had hammered down the post release issues the original had. Why lock stuff we had and paid for in the original game behind another paywall on the sequel, you're supposed to add to the experience, not slowly charge to bring it back.
I got no problem with Battlefront though. I built the star cards I had, and most of them aren't really good enough to prevent me from killing someone who isn't better than me. Bad examples of lootboxes? Pre-webuiltoursuccessonpaidbetatesters Fortnite, which was a coop game that charged 40 dollars minimum, and had special editions and upgrades charging hundreds, and threw playable characters who were locked into lootboxes with literally everything in the game, from weapon and trap schematics you needed to grind missions for materials for to non playable characters who added numbers to a spreadsheet but otherwise didn't change the gameplay experience at all. You literally threw money at lootboxes to hope you got a character or class you actually played with.
Not gonna get started on GTA lol. Free DLC, grind for hours to buy the things those kids sharkcarded their way to, and do it in CEO/Biker/Bunker/Garage missions you just spent hours of grinding 20-60 dollars for!
There's a lot of problems everywhere, man. It is what it is lol
He tossed the lightsaber away because it represented all of the dark memories of his past, his family as both a Jedi and an uncle. If I were him I would have tossed it too.
And why do we need to know Snokes past? What benefit would it have for the plot? If anything it would drag the movie down because this big bad guy wants to sit down next to the cozy fire with his new nemesis and discuss where he got his scars? Yeah, no. And Luke wasn’t going to kill kylo, he considered it, realised what he was doing, went to sheath the blade but it was too late, kylo attacked, Luke blamed himself, LIKE IT WAS STATED IN TFW, and went into hiding. You know what that scene could be paying homage to? The scene where freaking Luke skywalker went all out on Vader and nearly killed him out of rage, later realising what he was doing and putting down his weapon.
So in reality there really is nothing wrong with the movie, it just requires open mindedness as well as a lack of wanting boring backstory backstory backstory instead of what the title suggests: Star WARS, not Star Sitcom. I’m still cracking up though over the fact that people wanted Snoke to discuss his origins ? we didn’t see papa palps do it so why is Snoke any different? There are always other ways to delve into his past, such as books, a tv show, etc. As long as he doesn’t break character and tell everyone everything about himself.
Uh, no, he did it for comedic value. It's the light hearted Disney joke. He nearly gave his life trying to redeem the father he felt the good in, who wielded that same light saber in his prime. Anakin was one of the most gifted Jedi ever, Johnson had no idea how to separate the light hearted scenes from the stronger ones, like Lucas did back in the day, and even Abrams with TFA.
You can't be serious about Snoke though. This dude who was influencing Bens thoughts while he was being taught by Luke, a sith from beyond the controlled Galaxy, that spent decades in the shadows even to Luke and the renewed Jedi? And all of that was to cut him down unceremoniously and focus on daddy issues Kylo? All of that build up amounted to nothing, he basically ended the rebirth of the Jedi and he couldn't tell Kylo was manipulating the lightsaber next to him? He made Rey look like a fool, forced Luke into exile, and the guy who begged Rey to be her teacher struck him down like nothing? He's built up to be this enigmatic force who rejuvenated Palpatines Empire, proficient in the force enough to corrupt try to corrupt Ben under Lukes nose, and that's it? Kylo force activates the lightsaber Snoke just slapped Rey with? And he doesn't even recognize the beloved weapon he'd just seen, that belonged to his grandfather, when Luke "shows" up and isn't using his green lightsaber? People can complain about TFA being too similar to ANH all they want, going out of your way to make things different does not make a good movie when it comes at the expense of the story.
And "papa palps" had his origin story discussed extensively, Darth Plagueis and how Palpatine usurped the master of the sith isn't something that wasn't chronicled. What are you even on about bro?
This is why there’s no use in arguing with people who hate the last Jedi, they just won’t see reason or logic ?
No, that Luke scene wasn’t supposed to be comedic, it was to signify how he was done with the Jedi order and wanted to “KILL THE PAST”.
Also to quote another great solo, Han, that’s not how the force works. He was focusing on what kylo could have potentially done to Rey, and kylo was using this to his advantage by possessing thoughts of cutting her down, all while spinning the blade, which is exactly what Snoke saw him doing, just kylo manipulated the manipulator, nothing at all wrong with that.
And you cannot, and I mean cannot, use these arguments and still think that kylo knows what anakin’s lightsaber looks like. If you’ve seen empire then you’d know it was lost in cloud city and was never seen again until 3 decades later, I’m sorry but that’s just the truth and is why people need to actually think about prior movies instead of treating TLJ as a separate movie.
And Luke not using his green lightsaber can easily be down to the fact that the blade was the thing that ruined him, not just a representation of all lightsabers such as the one he threw, but that specific blade shamed him, why would he want to use it against his nephew, who he nearly used it on?
And what are you even on about? It took papa palps 2 decades to have his story explored, Snoke has only been around for 2 years, and people are already saying “eeewwwww no backstory” but palps gets off easy just cos he’s the OG... yaaaayyy. Fan logic. Smoke treez, innit fam, srsly tho did you consider that before bringing it up?
I'll chime in. I didn't think snoke needed his backstory explained in full detail but he didn't have an interesting enough of a character to compensate for the lack of one. He's the exact opposite of Kylo in that sense. Giving Snoke more characterization wouldn't have hurt the movie, it would've just needed to be tweaked a bit. As for what we actually got in TLJ, his character just doesn't deviate enough from Palpatine, and with how much criticism the ST gets for borrowing too heavily from the OT more needed to be done to make him stand out like Kylo. I've seen villains from Star Wars video games get more fleshing out in their main games, and I'm not even talking about KOTOR
As for Luke attacking Ben, I'm not convinced it was in character. He'd think about killing him sure but he'd never activate the lightsaber. I could see him leaving Ben with a sense of betrayal in other ways and I could also see Luke become a jaded cynical hermit (and I really loved the risk they took by making him that) but the way they did it just seemed off to me, and it disrupted my enjoyment of the film.
Ive kinda said this to you a lot so Ill keep try to keep it short
-Light Saber toss doesnt symbolize the dark times, its for a laugh, people in the audience laughed while watching. Even if you want to stretch that into being "him wanting to forget the dark times" the way its directed is not how to symbolize it. If he HAD to throw it, dont make it some comical YEET would have made more sense for Luke to ask Rey where she got it, and after hearing it to just either drop it on the grass and walk away or place it down and walk away from it. Shows that he doesnt want a part of it without it being "surprising and comical"
-We knew The Emperor was responsible for starting the Empire and were told what the universe was like before the empire. Yes, we didnt have the most backstory in the world about him, but we knew he made the Empire Rise, seduced Anakin, and was the one pulling the strings. This works in the Original Trilogy because it was everyone's induction to the universe, we were told what it was like before and that was enough. Fast forward to now and we have no clue how the First Order formed, just that Snoke (who was absent in the past) formed them. Reason this doesnt work is because we saw how the Empire was defeated in Ep 6, so the fact theres no explanation on how the First Order and Snoke rose to power is what people dont like. No one is asking for Snoke to monologue about his past either, there are actually other ways to explain past events and characters other than that person saying it themselves. (also forcing people to go buy books or invest tons of time in lore that will have no impact on the main media, that being the movies, is not how you should handle your franchise.)
-Luke and Kylo, I wouldnt say Luke fighting Darth Vader and then remembering he wants to save him is comparable to thinking about killing a sleeping kid.
Ok... I’ll keep it shorter. There’s no bigger Star Wars fan on these forums than me, I’ve watched all of the movies countless times, I’ve watched both TV shows, I’ve watched all canon material in chronological order, I’ve read many of the comics, played many canon and non canon video games, including the ones in the old republic era and to top it all off I took a media studies course, so I know how to analyse, and deconstruct movies for what they really are instead of going in and only looking for the good and the bad, sometimes I try to turn good things into bad things and vice versa. I’ve done a full and I mean FULL analysis on the OT, PT, CW and rebels and when comparing all of it to the last Jedi there is genuinely nothing wrong with the movie.
We didn’t know how palpatine started the empire until Revenge so you’ll be lying to yourself if you said the OT explained it, we didn’t know he took Anakin on board, we just assumed because he was referred to as “master” , for all we know somebody else could have seduced him to the dark and palpating could have murdered his previous master and taken over, nobody could have known for sure, only assumed by heavy hints. Snoke on the other hand, we know he founded the first under in the unknown regions about 2-3 decades after the battle of Jakku, he communicated with Luke, they formed a friendship, Snoke met kylo through this, Luke discovered he was evil, closed himself off, but Snoke had already reached kylo, thus the rest of the story unfolds. We know he was somehow heavily injured and needs to wear comfortable clothes in order to reduce any pain, he found obsidian and turned it into a ring, found under DV’s castle. Tbf it sounds to me that Snoke got way more backstory than palpatine got in his first 3 episodes...
I can go on even longer if you want, I’m determined to get you to analyse scenes properly and to realise that the entire movie is symbolism for something with a deeper meaning, with homage to both past films as well as future films yet to come, with Rose Tico being the one to start a new rebellion, perhaps Jedi order whenshe met that kid and handed him the ring, SHE was the one to save the resistance, as well as Luke, but she found the next batch.
Yeet ?
Didn't you get turned off by the KOTOR tutorials? Did you actually complete them? Dude how are you the biggest Star Wars fan here and not know how Sidious usurped Plagueis, it may have taken him two decades to be explored but he wasn't killed off in the second installment of a trilogy after being built up through the first two movies. We didn't know how Palpatine built the empire, but he was an even bigger figure than the antagonist we knew, Vader, they built him up great amazingly and he was just as imposing when he stepped into battle. Luke could not defeat him even if he tried, he was, at most, an equal a match for Vader. Rey stood toe to toe with Kylo, and he was injured but he never displayed that control Vader did facing off again Kenobi, or against Luke in Cloud City. Their first fight, he destroyed Luke. He was a master, and showed it, Ben was trained by Luke and then Snoke. He got trashed by a novice, and I wasn't ok with that, but he took a shot from Chewbacca's crossbolt. It's plausible. This dude holds the melted remains of his grandfathers helmet. Hilts and lightsabers are custom built, why wouldn't he notice his former master using not only a different color light saber than he normally does, but the same hilt as the one Rey wielded? Lightsabers are normally built by the Jedi who wields them. They're unique.
I love you Melton, you know that. I started watching the movies when VCRs were a thing, don't presume to call yourself a bigger Star Wars fan just yet man. Lucas didn't have the chance to make Han shoot first when I got into it my man.
And here I thought this discussion was going so well...

You know, this thread wasn't supposed to be about the Last Jedi. The OP did mention Star Wars, so I'll give you guys that. Perhaps you guys can please move the Last Jedi debates elsewhere, for good ol' uncle InGen? Please? I wouldn't want anyone to fall into a sarlacc pit, if you know what I mean...
And in response to the OP, you make an interesting observation. I think fundamentally if people are upset to a certain point, no good will can ever get anything back. I see a similar case with video games as with relationships between people, where one action does something so traumatic that another person feels they cannot forgive and holds the anger in their heart. I agree that we should hope for more forgiveness in this world, ending blind hate.
And as a regular Battlefront 2 player, here's where my thoughts come in. The game is definitely better than launch! I was never as mad at the loot boxes as everyone else was. I appreciate the effort made to make the game better. I have so hyped for the Clone Wars Season 3 (GENERAL GRIEVOUS!), and the skins and stuff aren't too bad. I just hope EA and Dice really do learn from this, because while I try to be forgiving, I got my limits.
We derailed this too much lol. I'm not gonna tell you to hate the movie, I liked parts of it and enjoyed seeing Hamill back, but it wasn't what I was expecting. You do you, no hard feelings on my behalf man. @InGen_Nate_Kenny that's my bad I got off topic. I like the core Destiny 2, wish they'd have incorporated more of the overall game from the first.
I have a hole in my leg now but ok