Yeah I find it kinda hard to believe that Telltale is still staying afloat if these last three games were all absolute bombs, idc how much money DayZ is making them
Similar to what you said, I think it’s safe to say the ANF and TEW broke even at least. MCSM s2 also probably broke even due to its improved sales on consoles and its switch release in August.
However, it’s obvious GOTG flopped on all platforms
(This data was collected by me in January, after ep5 got good reviews and was put on the front page of steam, Batman s2 was around 78k)GOTG-61k B:TEW-58k MCSM s2-38k (rip)
So it looks like Batman The Enemy Within did better the Minecraft Story Mode S2? Lol WOW hey listen I am sure everybody is kinda happy with Minecraft Story Mode S2,but? I don't think ppl are really up with Minecraft Story Mode S3. A Batman S3 is more interesting than I think will do better after The Walking Dead S4 The Final Season.
Still you gotta blame Kevin Bruner for this bullshit he did over Minecraft Story Mode S2 and Guardians Of The Galaxy.
SteamSpy recently changed its algorithms so that it’s no longer as accurate.
Before steamspy started making all their stats a ballpark ra… morenge, It was around this. (This data was collected by me in January, after ep5 got good reviews and was put on the front page of steam, Batman s2 was around 78k)
MCSM s2-38k (rip)
Here’s the full chart for reference
[Mod edit: Fixed image; image embeds must link to the direct image that will end in a file extension.
[User edit: Lmao the mods fixed it while I was PMing @Blind Sniper to fix it since I’m on mobile mods are confirmed gods
In February 2015, alongside a reported $40 million minority investment from Lionsgate, Telltale announced a live-action and interactive project it called a “super show.” Bruner explained that each episode would have both components. Whether the original IP it was based on is still active isn’t clear. However, the “super show” concept hasn’t taken off and multiple sources tell Variety that, like many Hollywood projects, it simply didn’t progress past pre-production. It was Bruner’s pet project and in many ways indicative of issues he had as an executive. He chased the idea but didn’t check financial modeling which later suggested it would never make enough money to cover its costs.
Now we officially know what happened to the "Super Show". It died with Bruner' CEO-ship.
The Final Season of TWD is expected to do worse than previous entries
The Article didn't say that. What it said was that The Final Season "Allegedly" (Key word to use) may not perform as well monetarily speaking compared to the other ones. That's not to say that it'll be bad. It just means that the staff themselves are worried that it won't make as much money as the other ones with consumer confidence being as low as it is. That does NOT necessarily mean that The Final Season will be bad. It just means that they are worried.
oh yeah and a REALLY BIG DEAL. since TFS will the last game using the TT tool and Stranger Things will be the first game using the Unity engine, it can be inferred that Stranger Things will hit the shelves before WAU S2 in 2019.
I Personally Suspect that we may very well see a Partial Shift into the Unity Engine with The Wolf Among Us S2, followed by a Full Shift with Stranger Things.
The amount of damage a bad CEO can do to a company is on full display in this article. The new course they are taking looks promising. A new engine means they have been busy building new Telltale libraries....that is always the worst part of engine changes. So say the Stranger Things Game was first into development on the new engine...TWAU2 will take advantage of the lessons learned in the production of the game. I cannot wait!
The Final Season of TWD is expected to do worse than previous entries
The Article didn't say that. What it said was that The Final S… moreeason "Allegedly" (Key word to use) may not perform as well monetarily speaking compared to the other ones. That's not to say that it'll be bad. It just means that the staff themselves are worried that it won't make as much money as the other ones with consumer confidence being as low as it is. That does NOT necessarily mean that The Final Season will be bad. It just means that they are worried.
oh yeah and a REALLY BIG DEAL. since TFS will the last game using the TT tool and Stranger Things will be the first game using the Unity engine, it can be inferred that Stranger Things will hit the shelves before WAU S2 in 2019.
I Personally Suspect that we may very well see a Partial Shift into the Unity Engine with The Wolf Among Us S2, followed by a Full Shift with Stranger Things.
Yeah that's what I meant, it's expected to do financially worse. I
Honestly if anything they all seem to be putting everything they have into making this season great, and I hope it really really is.
The Final Season of TWD is expected to do worse than previous entries
The Article didn't say that. What it said was that The Final S… moreeason "Allegedly" (Key word to use) may not perform as well monetarily speaking compared to the other ones. That's not to say that it'll be bad. It just means that the staff themselves are worried that it won't make as much money as the other ones with consumer confidence being as low as it is. That does NOT necessarily mean that The Final Season will be bad. It just means that they are worried.
oh yeah and a REALLY BIG DEAL. since TFS will the last game using the TT tool and Stranger Things will be the first game using the Unity engine, it can be inferred that Stranger Things will hit the shelves before WAU S2 in 2019.
I Personally Suspect that we may very well see a Partial Shift into the Unity Engine with The Wolf Among Us S2, followed by a Full Shift with Stranger Things.
The Final Season of TWD is expected to do worse than previous entries
The Article didn't say that. What it said was that The Final S… moreeason "Allegedly" (Key word to use) may not perform as well monetarily speaking compared to the other ones. That's not to say that it'll be bad. It just means that the staff themselves are worried that it won't make as much money as the other ones with consumer confidence being as low as it is. That does NOT necessarily mean that The Final Season will be bad. It just means that they are worried.
oh yeah and a REALLY BIG DEAL. since TFS will the last game using the TT tool and Stranger Things will be the first game using the Unity engine, it can be inferred that Stranger Things will hit the shelves before WAU S2 in 2019.
I Personally Suspect that we may very well see a Partial Shift into the Unity Engine with The Wolf Among Us S2, followed by a Full Shift with Stranger Things.
I’m pretty sure the Michonne was 100% the old engine. Telltale always makes minor tweaks in between games, but I think Michonne used the same engine as Borderlands and Minecraft
That is incorrect. If you think that, then you've been out of the loop. There are sources that indicate otherwise. TWD: Michonne used a Partial Reworking of the Telltale Tool.
I’m pretty sure the Michonne was 100% the old engine. Telltale always makes minor tweaks in between games, but I think Michonne used the same engine as Borderlands and Minecraft
That is incorrect. If you think that, then you've been out of the loop. There are sources that indicate otherwise. TWD: Michonne used a Partial Reworking of the Telltale Tool.
Its just an upgraded engine, it isnt a new engine. Every Telltale game made to date has been on the Telltale Tool, just every game they improve it. Michonne was improved from the last game just like every game, it wasn't until Batman S1 when a very large overhaul happened, and even then that was still the Telltale Tool engine, not a new engine.
Its just an upgraded engine, it isnt a new engine. Every Telltale game made to date has been on the Telltale Tool, just every game they impr… moreove it. Michonne was improved from the last game just like every game, it wasn't until Batman S1 when a very large overhaul happened, and even then that was still the Telltale Tool engine, not a new engine.
It would've been great to see them utilize the advances that come with such an engine in The Walking Dead. Zombies+Photorealism=
Check out RESIDENT EVIL 7 gameplay and tell me TWD wouldn't look great with a photorealistic engine
Games that attempt to be photo-realistic not only take more time/money but also can age poorly sometimes, whereas the stylized games are more likely to age well and are cheaper/quicker/able to run on more devices. Working within limitations can often inspire creativity, such as how Walking Dead Season 1/2 and Wolf Among Us's comicy art style was them working around the limitation of making a game to run on multiple kinds of devices.
I'm looking forward to their games running on Unity. But i wouldn't expect too much of a drastic change in visuals and performance, since it takes a lot of time and knowledge to get used to the new tech, like mentioned in the article. Especially Unity has a certain reputation in regards to performance. But if they take their time to optimise it, they should be fine. Especially because telltale games tend to be less dynamic and more scripted compared to other games.
I recently finished Detroit and that was made by AAA development team and it looked absolutely great, but again that's like close to Naughty Dog tier. A lil studio like Telltale thrives on making the best of limitations, and creating unique styles to go with their games. That charm is gone if they just ditched it all in favors of realism...which to be honest they'd never (Jurassic Park still had a bit of a style to it) pull off successfully.
I've lost interest in Telltale games years ago. Barely any innovation happening and the stories got weaker with every release. GOTG was so boring it took me months to finish it after the final episode came out (dragged myself through it for the platinum). The latest Batman game had the same faith, took me months to finish it because I just can't play the same old Telltale game anymore. I heard about the last episode being completely different depending on a key choice you make in ep4 but it's too little too late for me (I don't even feel the need to google/youtube the other ending cause I was literally mashing buttons randomly during dialog choices, that's the point I'm at: I don't even care about the choices anymore, just doing it for the trophies).
Their whole thing sounds half-assed. The decisions don't even work on the website (they never really worked, everything comes up blank).
Hopefully them going with Unity switches things up and allows them to reinvent their formula. Stuff like Detroit Become Human (I know, not comparable cause AAA vs Aa) blows the heck out of every Telltale game there is and probably ever will be. It's not even close, which makes me sad.
Because it would look beautiful in photorealism, look realistic, and the characters would feel real. Also it would actually be a little scary. TWD was none of those things, and it didn't have to be either, but it would be great to see it in photorealism.
Well, why do you play these games anymore if you still end up hating them?
It's nice that you're kind of following them, and this Unity switch might make things square again, but for the games... Why do you play them? If you don't find the stories engaging or fun or not worth your attention, why continue buying these games?
If you're not liking them, just stop. Walk away if it isn't getting any better for you.
I've lost interest in Telltale games years ago. Barely any innovation happening and the stories got weaker with every release. GOTG was so b… moreoring it took me months to finish it after the final episode came out (dragged myself through it for the platinum). The latest Batman game had the same faith, took me months to finish it because I just can't play the same old Telltale game anymore. I heard about the last episode being completely different depending on a key choice you make in ep4 but it's too little too late for me (I don't even feel the need to google/youtube the other ending cause I was literally mashing buttons randomly during dialog choices, that's the point I'm at: I don't even care about the choices anymore, just doing it for the trophies).
Their whole thing sounds half-assed. The decisions don't even work on the website (they never really worked, everything comes up blank).
Hopefully them going with Unity switches things up and… [view original content]
Dang you didn't even like Batman? Also don't even try to compare classics like Tales and TWD S1 to anything David Cage has ever done. It makes you sound stupid
I've lost interest in Telltale games years ago. Barely any innovation happening and the stories got weaker with every release. GOTG was so b… moreoring it took me months to finish it after the final episode came out (dragged myself through it for the platinum). The latest Batman game had the same faith, took me months to finish it because I just can't play the same old Telltale game anymore. I heard about the last episode being completely different depending on a key choice you make in ep4 but it's too little too late for me (I don't even feel the need to google/youtube the other ending cause I was literally mashing buttons randomly during dialog choices, that's the point I'm at: I don't even care about the choices anymore, just doing it for the trophies).
Their whole thing sounds half-assed. The decisions don't even work on the website (they never really worked, everything comes up blank).
Hopefully them going with Unity switches things up and… [view original content]
Dang you didn't even like Batman? Also don't even try to compare classics like Tales and TWD S1 to anything David Cage has ever done. It makes you sound stupid
Because it would look beautiful in photorealism, look realistic, and the characters would feel real. Also it would actually be a little scar… morey. TWD was none of those things, and it didn't have to be either, but it would be great to see it in photorealism.
I mean I wouldnt be against Telltale trying photo realism but it simply wont happen because budget. Also Telltale does like doing certain themes that make the look of the game way more unique and not seem dated. For example Wolf Among Us still looks great even though it came out in 2013.
Because it would look beautiful in photorealism, look realistic, and the characters would feel real. Also it would actually be a little scar… morey. TWD was none of those things, and it didn't have to be either, but it would be great to see it in photorealism.
Exactly and that was the biggest problem with Guardians. It didnt really have a style or a comic book feel so it just comes off as looking like ugly claymation
I mean I wouldnt be against Telltale trying photo realism but it simply wont happen because budget. Also Telltale does like doing certain th… moreemes that make the look of the game way more unique and not seem dated. For example Wolf Among Us still looks great even though it came out in 2013.
Pretty much this, sadly its been a while since Telltale made a game with a unique style that was very nice to look at visually. Batman looks nice but its kinda generic looking, but atleast it looks good. GOTG style is always going to bother me, couldnt really decide what it wanted to look like, I swear every scene with different lighting makes everyone looks different. Luckily S4 of Walking Dead has a nice looking theme to it, been a while since a Telltale game has been truly visually unique and good looking.
Exactly and that was the biggest problem with Guardians. It didnt really have a style or a comic book feel so it just comes off as looking like ugly claymation
On Forbes it says they made $40 Million off of TWD. Their earnings from that and their other games would've allowed them to buy one.
Telltale does like doing certain themes that make the look of the game way more unique
That could be a reason why they don't have the budget for photo realistic engine. A lot of people are over-the-top visual whores when it comes to games, and may turn their heads to TTG's titles because of how they look. If they could provide stunning visuals for their games, i'm sure those type of people would buy, which would send more $$$ Telltale's way. It's not like they don't have good story telling to go with it.
I mean I wouldnt be against Telltale trying photo realism but it simply wont happen because budget. Also Telltale does like doing certain th… moreemes that make the look of the game way more unique and not seem dated. For example Wolf Among Us still looks great even though it came out in 2013.
Yeah I find it kinda hard to believe that Telltale is still staying afloat if these last three games were all absolute bombs, idc how much money DayZ is making them
So it looks like Batman The Enemy Within did better the Minecraft Story Mode S2? Lol WOW hey listen I am sure everybody is kinda happy with Minecraft Story Mode S2,but? I don't think ppl are really up with Minecraft Story Mode S3. A Batman S3 is more interesting than I think will do better after The Walking Dead S4 The Final Season.
Still you gotta blame Kevin Bruner for this bullshit he did over Minecraft Story Mode S2 and Guardians Of The Galaxy.
I hope Telltale will solve their problems and The Wolf Among Us and Stranger Things game will start a better era for the company.
To be honest, I am angry, really angry that their former CEO Bruner ruined Telltale. He shouldn’t have been promoted to CEO for the company.
Now we officially know what happened to the "Super Show". It died with Bruner' CEO-ship.
The Article didn't say that. What it said was that The Final Season "Allegedly" (Key word to use) may not perform as well monetarily speaking compared to the other ones. That's not to say that it'll be bad. It just means that the staff themselves are worried that it won't make as much money as the other ones with consumer confidence being as low as it is. That does NOT necessarily mean that The Final Season will be bad. It just means that they are worried.
I Personally Suspect that we may very well see a Partial Shift into the Unity Engine with The Wolf Among Us S2, followed by a Full Shift with Stranger Things.
The amount of damage a bad CEO can do to a company is on full display in this article. The new course they are taking looks promising. A new engine means they have been busy building new Telltale libraries....that is always the worst part of engine changes. So say the Stranger Things Game was first into development on the new engine...TWAU2 will take advantage of the lessons learned in the production of the game. I cannot wait!
Everything you just said could've been shortened into one sentence: The Final Season of TWD is expected to do worse than previous entries.
Yeah that's what I meant, it's expected to do financially worse. I
Honestly if anything they all seem to be putting everything they have into making this season great, and I hope it really really is.
How exactly do you partially shift a game engine? They cant make 50% in the Telltale tool and the other 50% in Unity lmao
Never mind. I was thinking like TWD Michonne with the old and new Telltale Engine.
I’m pretty sure the Michonne was 100% the old engine. Telltale always makes minor tweaks in between games, but I think Michonne used the same engine as Borderlands and Minecraft
That is incorrect. If you think that, then you've been out of the loop. There are sources that indicate otherwise. TWD: Michonne used a Partial Reworking of the Telltale Tool.
I’m interested, can you link me your sources?
Google it yourself. It's on Wikipedia.
Its just an upgraded engine, it isnt a new engine. Every Telltale game made to date has been on the Telltale Tool, just every game they improve it. Michonne was improved from the last game just like every game, it wasn't until Batman S1 when a very large overhaul happened, and even then that was still the Telltale Tool engine, not a new engine.
That's true.
Telltale needs to work with a photorealistic game engine.
Especially for Stanger Things
It would've been great to see them utilize the advances that come with such an engine in The Walking Dead.

Check out RESIDENT EVIL 7 gameplay and tell me TWD wouldn't look great with a photorealistic engine
God no
Why not
Games that attempt to be photo-realistic not only take more time/money but also can age poorly sometimes, whereas the stylized games are more likely to age well and are cheaper/quicker/able to run on more devices. Working within limitations can often inspire creativity, such as how Walking Dead Season 1/2 and Wolf Among Us's comicy art style was them working around the limitation of making a game to run on multiple kinds of devices.
I'm looking forward to their games running on Unity. But i wouldn't expect too much of a drastic change in visuals and performance, since it takes a lot of time and knowledge to get used to the new tech, like mentioned in the article. Especially Unity has a certain reputation in regards to performance. But if they take their time to optimise it, they should be fine. Especially because telltale games tend to be less dynamic and more scripted compared to other games.
Bruner the Ruiner really did a number on this company
I recently finished Detroit and that was made by AAA development team and it looked absolutely great, but again that's like close to Naughty Dog tier. A lil studio like Telltale thrives on making the best of limitations, and creating unique styles to go with their games. That charm is gone if they just ditched it all in favors of realism...which to be honest they'd never (Jurassic Park still had a bit of a style to it) pull off successfully.
I've lost interest in Telltale games years ago. Barely any innovation happening and the stories got weaker with every release. GOTG was so boring it took me months to finish it after the final episode came out (dragged myself through it for the platinum). The latest Batman game had the same faith, took me months to finish it because I just can't play the same old Telltale game anymore. I heard about the last episode being completely different depending on a key choice you make in ep4 but it's too little too late for me (I don't even feel the need to google/youtube the other ending cause I was literally mashing buttons randomly during dialog choices, that's the point I'm at: I don't even care about the choices anymore, just doing it for the trophies).
Their whole thing sounds half-assed. The decisions don't even work on the website (they never really worked, everything comes up blank).
Hopefully them going with Unity switches things up and allows them to reinvent their formula. Stuff like Detroit Become Human (I know, not comparable cause AAA vs Aa) blows the heck out of every Telltale game there is and probably ever will be. It's not even close, which makes me sad.
Because it would look beautiful in photorealism, look realistic, and the characters would feel real. Also it would actually be a little scary. TWD was none of those things, and it didn't have to be either, but it would be great to see it in photorealism.

Well, why do you play these games anymore if you still end up hating them?
It's nice that you're kind of following them, and this Unity switch might make things square again, but for the games... Why do you play them? If you don't find the stories engaging or fun or not worth your attention, why continue buying these games?
If you're not liking them, just stop. Walk away if it isn't getting any better for you.
Dang you didn't even like Batman? Also don't even try to compare classics like Tales and TWD S1 to anything David Cage has ever done. It makes you sound stupid
His previous games weren't masterpieces, but Detroit: Become Human is actually a pretty good game with choices mattering a fuckton.
Not all studios have the luxury, engine, experience, budget, and/or experienced talent required to make photo-realistic graphics that look that good.
True, buuuuutt..

You can think Telltale should make photo realism graphics, but I’m sorry to disappoint you, it’s not gonna happen lol
we'll just have to see about that.
I mean I wouldnt be against Telltale trying photo realism but it simply wont happen because budget. Also Telltale does like doing certain themes that make the look of the game way more unique and not seem dated. For example Wolf Among Us still looks great even though it came out in 2013.
Exactly and that was the biggest problem with Guardians. It didnt really have a style or a comic book feel so it just comes off as looking like ugly claymation
Pretty much this, sadly its been a while since Telltale made a game with a unique style that was very nice to look at visually. Batman looks nice but its kinda generic looking, but atleast it looks good. GOTG style is always going to bother me, couldnt really decide what it wanted to look like, I swear every scene with different lighting makes everyone looks different. Luckily S4 of Walking Dead has a nice looking theme to it, been a while since a Telltale game has been truly visually unique and good looking.
On Forbes it says they made $40 Million off of TWD. Their earnings from that and their other games would've allowed them to buy one.
That could be a reason why they don't have the budget for photo realistic engine. A lot of people are over-the-top visual whores when it comes to games, and may turn their heads to TTG's titles because of how they look. If they could provide stunning visuals for their games, i'm sure those type of people would buy, which would send more $$$ Telltale's way. It's not like they don't have good story telling to go with it.
Imagine TWD looking like TLOU

Your brain would be like: