The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I think the only thing I judge is excessive piercings or face/neck tattoos... Both tell me you may not be the best at decision making.

    Exactly that, we all judge. It's just our judgements are not always negative or we do our best to suppress them, but they still happen.

    I think the important thing to remember is that even if we say we don't judge someone by something (which is a nice to do), how a person looks, sounds, smells and acts always influences our attitude towards them, and there's an element in that we can't control. It's a natural thing to judge, there's nothing wrong with that, just don't be rude to people because of your judgements of them.

    And yeah everyone has different views. You might not care about tattoos when it comes to hiring but someone else in your area might. It might be more uncommon to judge based on that where you live but everyone's different regardless of if they live in the same area.

    But anyways tattoos and piercings are still something you have to think about before putting on yourself just like anything else you use to change your appearance, like makeup or clothing.

    Johro posted: »

    True enough. I think the only thing I judge is excessive piercings or face/neck tattoos... Both tell me you may not be the best at decision

  • Everyone judges. To say you don't, is to say that you ignore your instincts.
    There are certain judgements where you have to let that go. That's where intelligence comes in.
    We are genetically(evolution) inclined to be biased. That isn't "bad", but we're now talking nurture VS nature. We are nurtured to beware of certain people whom share aspects of those we are natured to be wary of. We just have to be smart about it.

    After all, aren't we all taught to be smarter than our parents?
    Isn't that every parent's hope?

  • edited July 2018

    That isn't "bad", but we're now talking nurture VS nature.

    We can't control that either. By the time you notice the flaws in how you were nurtured it's often too late to keep them from being ingrained into your mind, and even then only the environment can shift the course of your mindset like that. We can't be smart about it unless nurture had taught us to be or if nature was kind enough to give us favorable genetics that made us hyper perceptive to those teachings. So we have to be taught how to handle our judgements responsibly just like anything else.

    After all, aren't we all taught to be smarter than our parents?
    Isn't that every parent's hope?

    Ideally but when you witness the acts of dysfunction that can and have often occurred within families, it's hard to deny that reality doesn't always play out that way.

    Johro posted: »

    Everyone judges. To say you don't, is to say that you ignore your instincts. There are certain judgements where you have to let that go.

  • Thank goodness they're starting to get those boys out of the cave in Thailand. I was getting worried as monsoon season was moving in.

  • .


  • edited July 2018

    Yeah I am glad for the Thai children being saved. But, i am very very sad to see Japanese floods killed 80 people there. ???? I hope Japan will recover.

    Thank goodness they're starting to get those boys out of the cave in Thailand. I was getting worried as monsoon season was moving in.

  • edited July 2018

    Two people I knew from school have gotten married (to different people) in the past month and a half. Both aged 22 and here I am still single :cry:

    I cri evrytim

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited July 2018

    This commercial has been stuck in my head for years

  • I feel you, bro. I'm single as well and I tried to kiss a girl who liked me just a few hours ago but she refused because I'm going to college next month.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Two people I knew from school have gotten married (to different people) in the past month and a half. Both aged 22 and here I am still single I cri evrytim

  • Woah, getting married at 22? In my opinion, that's pretty young.

    You don't have to feel left behind just because other people around you speed up.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Two people I knew from school have gotten married (to different people) in the past month and a half. Both aged 22 and here I am still single I cri evrytim

  • edited July 2018

    Two bottles of wine in one evening was too much. Last night didn't end well.
    Passed out. Yet, still barely slept because it was too hot. Feel like crap.

  • Yeah most people I know agree that it's a bit young for them to be married already. Especially since they were both surprise weddings with no buildup and that they were both in these relationships for a maximum of three years tops.

    Woah, getting married at 22? In my opinion, that's pretty young. You don't have to feel left behind just because other people around you speed up.

  • edited July 2018

    One of my classes is fucking cursed.

    1. My group ends up being the smallest group in the class with four people, while other groups have five and above.
    2. One of my group members is fucking useless and didn't do anything so we boot him out after weeks of dealing with him.
    3. Because of that we ended up with a group of three doing what was supposed to be a five man job.
    4. The teacher is useless. Doesn't properly explain things and when asking on how to improve on our assignment she gives these vague answers and doesn't actually help us.
    5. The teacher fucking failed me on an assignment for not submitting it after she told me it didn't need to be submitted (only just found out about this by the way).
    6. Two of the people we interviewed are such assholes.
    7. One of them spent two hours not answering questions and just kept plugging his business. Ended up not having much useful footage with him.
    8. Another one refused to sign the talent release form properly so we had to cut him out the day before the assignment was due.
    9. On one of the interviews we did with another interviewee, the group member in charge of bringing the camera forgot to bring a memory card so he had to quick run to the store to get one, delaying the shoot by about 40 minutes.
    10. After spending weeks putting our blood sweat and tears into this goddamn assignment the lecturer failed us anyway because we didn't properly follow some of the guidelines she so poorly explained.
    11. The days we wanted to edit the footage kept getting delayed because of unforeseen circumstances.
    12. Our lecturer hasn't contacted us at all despite the number of emails we sent her regarding our results.
    13. I received a reply from my lecturer about the first assignment, but she pretty much just said it's not her job and turned me to another person. So I emailed that person and I got an auto-reply saying he won't be available for another week. But the auto-reply included another person I should contact. Why the fuck do I need to jump through so many hurdles to fix my teachers mistake.

    Why am I still here? Just to suffer?

  • I should probably take this into consideration, since in two months I'll be able to drink as much as I please, and I generally have a hard time going at a steady pace with things I consume. Like, I get joy from finishing off things in large portions, so bad news bears when it comes to alcohol. :frowning:

    I'll try to avoid buying things in bulk, getting only small bottles and individual containers.
    Maybe it could help out with your situation?

    Johro posted: »

    Two bottles of wine in one evening was too much. Last night didn't end well. Passed out. Yet, still barely slept because it was too hot. Feel like crap.

  • I can relate to this. I had some problems like this back when I was in college.

    Keep your chin up and assert yourself. Don't let them put you down if they happen to be rubbish at their jobs.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    One of my classes is fucking cursed. * My group ends up being the smallest group in the class with four people, while other groups have

  • edited July 2018

    Well I am not single and I have a gf and I have kissed a girl. But still sad to see some you guys don't have a gf or anybody. Here is hope for you to find someone.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I feel you, bro. I'm single as well and I tried to kiss a girl who liked me just a few hours ago but she refused because I'm going to college next month.

  • melissa is the best fullmetal alchemist theme period if you disagree with that then you are a fool and a traitor

  • Is it normal to be 15, 16, or 17 years old and never have had a first kiss?

  • I think it is. I'm 19 years old and still didn't have a first kiss. Just yesterday, one of my sister's friends liked me, talked with me very much and danced at a festival but refused to let me kiss her.

    MegaXD posted: »

    Is it normal to be 15, 16, or 17 years old and never have had a first kiss?

  • That's totally normal. Anyone who makes a big deal about it usually have their own insecurities.

    I'm 19 years old and have never kissed anyone, and I don't mind. At the moment, I have a lot more (important) things to worry about. Also, I know someone who's 30 years old and has never had a partner before, simply because they're not interested; they're happy with their life as it is.

    At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who did what first; everyone goes at their own pace, and that can never be compared.

    MegaXD posted: »

    Is it normal to be 15, 16, or 17 years old and never have had a first kiss?

  • Well I am not single and I have a gf and I have kissed a girl. But still sad to see some you guys don't have a gf or anybody.

    Probably one of the most hilarious humble brags I've seen

    strwar3 posted: »

    Well I am not single and I have a gf and I have kissed a girl. But still sad to see some you guys don't have a gf or anybody. Here is hope for you to find someone.

  • dude i'm a lil over 18 and not only have i never been kissed but i have been in 2 relationships where my significant other never even once considered kissing me (long story that one is). it's completely normal to not experience that yet. the time will come when it comes. at least i'm p sure.

    MegaXD posted: »

    Is it normal to be 15, 16, or 17 years old and never have had a first kiss?

  • So does that mean you'll be turning 18...? I always thought you were 20-22 for some reason.

    I should probably take this into consideration, since in two months I'll be able to drink as much as I please, and I generally have a hard t

  • edited July 2018

    I got my first kiss when I was 16, and even then I hate the idea that there's an age you're expected to kiss. As if kissing is just a checkbox on a list. You can't rush love, especially in your teen years when you have so much else you need to hammer out in your life before you can invest your time in someone else, and a broken relationship results in an emotional wound equal to if not greater than the love you felt for that person, and that's not something a teenager needs when their emotions are naturally so sensitive at that age.

    Date when you feel ready to. Don't let anyone rush you to find the right person. You have plenty of time, no matter what anyone says.

    MegaXD posted: »

    Is it normal to be 15, 16, or 17 years old and never have had a first kiss?

  • edited July 2018

    thanks for the replies @AronDracula @Psychokinesis @ClemyClooAndBabyboo and @Cocoa2736 I’m really surprised to see people that in some way relate to me. I asked that because I’m 15 and never kissed anyone or been in a relationship, tbh I never cared about that but a few weeks ago my teacher was talking about love and asked some question about relationships and everyone was able to answer but I was the only one who didn’t participate. And a few months ago my friends started to talk about how their first kiss was, all of them have had a first kiss but I lied saying I did kiss someone too. Thanks again for your replies, I don’t want to care about this anymore.
    Edit: also, my parents and family always talk about when I’m going to have a date and I’m feeling ashamed because I think they expect me to date someone...

  • edited July 2018

    tbh I never cared about that but a few weeks ago my teacher was talking about love and asked some question about relationships and everyone was able to answer but I was the only one who didn’t participate.

    Strange that your teacher would talk about something so personal like that lol

    And a few months ago my friends started to talk about how their first kiss was, all of them have had a first kiss but I lied saying I did kiss someone too.

    How much you wanna bet some of them were lying too? :tongue: I'm kidding but yeah a kiss doesn't mean too much if you don't know the relationship behind it. For all we know their first kiss could've been from an abusive relationship and they regret ever giving it to that person.

    also, my parents and family always talk about when I’m going to have a date and I’m feeling ashamed because I think they expect me to date someone...

    Next time they ask you could say you're trying to focus on yourself and other priorities before you put time into someone else and you don't want to rush anything. I don't know what your family is like but they could understand. Either way finding love should for the sake of your happiness not theirs.

    MegaXD posted: »

    thanks for the replies @AronDracula @Psychokinesis @ClemyClooAndBabyboo and @Cocoa2736 I’m really surprised to see people that in some way r

  • edited July 2018

    Strange that your teacher would talk about something so personal like that lol

    I know, we were reading a book about love and she wanted to talk about relationships with us, she assumed all of us had one at this point.

    How much you wanna get some of them were lying too? :tongue: I'm kidding but yeah a kiss doesn't mean too much if you don't know the relationship behind it. For all we know their first kiss could've been from an abusive relationship and they regret ever giving it to that person.

    Haha no they weren’t lying, I was there when some of them had their first kiss, and the others are in a relationship right now.

    Next time they ask you could say you're trying to focus on yourself and other priorities before you put time into someone else and you don't want to rush anything. I don't know what your family is like but they could understand. Either way finding love should for the sake of your happiness not theirs.

    Thanks, it’s more like a joke for them “hey so when are we going to meet your date? Haha” but sometimes it bothers me. I don’t even know if I want to have kids and they are always talking about my future and that they want to be grandparents.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    tbh I never cared about that but a few weeks ago my teacher was talking about love and asked some question about relationships and everyone

  • edited July 2018

    I'm 20 and haven't kissed anyone, so don't worry about it. Honestly, dating and all that stuff has never been one of my top priorities, hell it's really not even a priority at all. If something is meant to be, than it will happen, but something like that is not always something you can plan for, so don't try to put too much emphasis onto it.

    And don't ever let anyone, whether it be your teacher, friends, or even family try and dictate your life. And never be ashamed about who you are, always wear it proudly and unapologetically.

    MegaXD posted: »

    Is it normal to be 15, 16, or 17 years old and never have had a first kiss?

  • Oh I forgot, drinking ages are different in other parts of the world. Here, the legal drinking age is 21. And they recently increased the smoking age to 21, too, for some reason.

    So does that mean you'll be turning 18...? I always thought you were 20-22 for some reason.

  • edited July 2018

    I know, we were reading a book about love and she wanted to talk about relationships with us, she assumed all of us had one at this point.

    Oh well assuming she's an English teacher, she can't give professional relationship advice, so her views aren't any higher than ours. She might even agree that you don't need to experience love at this age and just sees many teen that do at this point.

    And yeah many teens get into love as quickly as they can cause they want the thrill that comes with it, doesn't mean it's the smart thing to do at their age, and teens are infamous for not thinking things through lol

    Haha no they weren’t lying, I was there when some of them had their first kiss, and the others are in a relationship right now.

    From my experience the painful memories often overpower the joyous ones when the relationship is over. It's easy for them to say "oh yeah I've been in a relationship" doesn't mean they'll be proud of all the investment they put into it when it's all said and done. If you really want to find the right person and not just the "love" itself taking things slow is a good bet.

    Thanks, it’s more like a joke for them “hey so when are we going to meet your date? Haha” but sometimes it bothers me. I don’t even know if I want to have kids and they are always talking about my future and that they want to be grandparents.

    Just because love isn't your main concern rn doesn't mean you'll never find it, and they should be patient and understand that. If they don't tell them you're focusing on more important things before finding someone. If they have their priorities in check they'll respect that, and if they don't the best part about growing into an adult is that if you're not obviously hurting yourself you don't have to listen to everything they expect you to do. Part of growing up is learning that your parents are just flawed people like anyone else.

    And you have SO much time to consider being a parent that there's no need to worry about what your parents want rn, and by the time you are at that age you'll have the right to disregard everything your parents say at that point if you feel like it.

    MegaXD posted: »

    Strange that your teacher would talk about something so personal like that lol I know, we were reading a book about love and she wan

  • Whoa this thread just became the Whatever's on your Heart Megathread or something.

    But still sad to see some you guys don't have a gf or anybody.

    Smh I'm 19 and I don't care. I like my lonesome. Never had a relationship yet, and it'll happen when it happens. I always thought friends and classmates were crazy to have some in the final years of High School because it was obvious it wouldn't last. Like... Is it really love, or is it simply because you want a BF/GF? To be honest, I don't really get the craze. I'd like to know what it's like, sure, but it's not something I'd die without anytime soon.
    (P.S.: Probably getting hit by a bus tomorrow for saying that)


    So does that mean you'll be turning 18...?

    • [Assumes age 18 is start of legal drinking age]
      ...So, are you not American? I always thought you were, for some unknown reason. Must've been some sort of unspoken, default answer.

    [to Zombiekiller] I always thought you were 20-22 for some reason.

    I always thought you were 27+


    I'm 20 and haven't kissed anyone, so don't worry about it. Honestly, dating and all that stuff has never been one of my top priorities

    Call me crazy but I'm surprised. Granted this is allll through the internet and I truly know nothing of you, but as a face-value thing you don't strike me as the type. You... seem like the cool ladies man type? I guess? I mean that as a good thing. At least I think so. That's what everyone always says is a good thing.
    geez this is kinda awkward now. Why do you have to talk about this stuff, Chicken? You know nothing of what you speak.

    Yeah, while on the subject, to everyone here:
    Don't worry about love. It's not a requirement to life, and it's not like there's a specific checklist in how to get it or when.
    I know I'd be considered pretty "weird" -- 'socially' or 'age/historically' speaking -- I'm 19. Everyone I know has had their Driver's Licenses since they were 16, I don't like alcohol despite the fact I'm of legal drinking age, and even though it's totally fine, it feels really really weird to still be dependant on my parents and only now finally getting a summer job with hourly pay.
    It's fine.

  • but as a face-value thing you don't strike me as the type. You... seem like the cool ladies man type?

    Oh God no, I'm extremely introverted, have a crippling fear of rejection, and almost no confidence. I have a difficult time talking to people normally, regardless of sex, let alone being able to ask someone out on a date. Being actively social in a casual setting has never been one of my strengths. In a formal setting, that's different, I actually excel at that, but I just can't seem to do it otherwise. Even if all that wasn't the case, it still wouldn't really be a huge priority for me as I want to focus more on myself, figure out what I want to do and get set on that path, before I even start going down that road.

    AChicken posted: »

    Whoa this thread just became the Whatever's on your Heart Megathread or something. But still sad to see some you guys don't have a gf

  • Sees all the romance comments

    Lol what have I done.


    GET HYPE. This DEAL is NOT getting worse all the time.

  • I have trouble with it too, but I've learned that confidence isn't really a skill. It's a leap over the ominous pit of failure. Anyone who isn't disabled can jump, it just depends on if you feel like you have the skills to make the landing. You're not going to make it perfectly the first time, and you might not make it at all, but even if you don't you'll find that while the fall hurts it doesn't kill you, and the pit isn't usually too hard to climb out of, so you come out with practice under your belt and time to think up a plan to succeed next time, so unless you don't have the will to climb out you'll never be stuck there. It's a learning process for everyone.

    You get to decide which pitfalls are worth the leap and when you are ready though, not anyone else, so if you want to take time to focus on yourself first that's great too.

    but as a face-value thing you don't strike me as the type. You... seem like the cool ladies man type? Oh God no, I'm extremely intro

  • You helped pave the way for the new Vent thread 2! Congratulations :smiley:

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Sees all the romance comments Lol what have I done.

  • last week I was playing cards with some friends at school and one of them came up with the amazing idea that the losers would have to kiss each other, as soon as I heard that, I didn’t want to play anymore but yeah they made me stay. I’m pretty good so I didn’t lose, there were 4 boys and 3 girls, and 2 girls lost so they had to kiss.
    I’m not playing this anymore, if I’m going to have a first kiss I want it to be with someone I like. I was lucky I didn’t lose tbh. Thanks now I feel better, I don’t want to care about this anymore.
    (Also my question turned this thread into a love thread or something lmao)

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I know, we were reading a book about love and she wanted to talk about relationships with us, she assumed all of us had one at this point.

  • Gotta give credit to Telltale. At least their games don't have microtransactions

  • woah Metalica wasn’t expecting you to reply but thanks anyway. You are pretty popular in the forums so for some reason I thought you were the expert in relationships lmao

    I'm 20 and haven't kissed anyone, so don't worry about it. Honestly, dating and all that stuff has never been one of my top priorities, hell

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