The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • i actually don't even think teen titans go is that bad tbh. like it's a dumb kids show that pales in comparison to original yeah, but remove the original completely and what you're left with is a cute little show with goofy jokes and fun and bouncy animation.

    it's not fantastic and arguably not even good but it's serviceable at least and it's certainly not offensively bad like the powerpuff girls reboot. like obviously it's always gonna live in the shadow of the original but it's not TRYING to be the original. it's trying to be a doofy kids cartoon that you watch for fun. that's all. and i certainly don't think a doofy kids cartoon is a valid comparison to bring up in a discussion about serious television programming.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Yep, it looks more like a horror series than a superhero show though. Might be worse than Teen Titans Go.

  • Found the tweets. Not even that bad, laughed at some of them. So what if some of the jokes tackled controversial topics? Why does any of this matter? These are years old and the guy has already bended over to match todays political correctness. Firing someone over politically incorrect jokes they made years ago is retarded as hell. Guardians 3 is lost without him.

    AChicken posted: »

    I know. I'm stunned. Good for Disney in taking him off the project, as the tweets people keep finding of his are seriously inexcusable.

  • edited July 2018


    I feel bad for him. Especially since he had just finished writing GotG Vol. 3. It doesn't help that he was the head of the cosmic side of the MCU. I mean, I understand why Disney decided to do what they did (he made A LOT of those inappropriate jokes) but it's been a decade since he made those tweets. I don't know, I feel like there seems to be more to this than just the tweets.

    AChicken posted: »

    I know. I'm stunned. Good for Disney in taking him off the project, as the tweets people keep finding of his are seriously inexcusable.

  • edited July 2018

    Pretty much this. Political Correctness is horrid when it comes to situations such as this. 'You did something half a lifetime ago and might have changed drastically? Welp, that don't matter, once horrible, always horrible.' And like you say, it is not even that bad in my opinion. He tried to be provocative, and he regrets it. Move on I say.

    LUCKILY though, he has at least finished the script for Volume 3. So I am hoping they will stay that course at least.

    James Gunn basically IS Guardians of the Galaxy. And while I get the decision from Disney's part, it's not the right one.

    And to this guy who had nothing better to do than to dig up 10-year old tweets, Fuck. You. Essentially what this guy wants is to destroy Gunn's career, and I think that is bloody wrong.

    Found the tweets. Not even that bad, laughed at some of them. So what if some of the jokes tackled controversial topics? Why does any of thi

  • I like the animation used in the trailer it looks really nice :smiley: I am so looking forward to watching Dragon Ball Super: Broly :smiley:

    Dex-Starr posted: »


  • edited July 2018

    This post was originally a funny Rick and Morty video however I watched it again and I don't think it would be suitable to be posted here because of the content within it. I forgot a lot of the stuff that happened in it....

  • edited July 2018

    Yeah, and James does seem like a much different guy now than how he's depicted in those tweets from 8+ years ago. There are a number of factors at play here. I can still be disappointed and disgusted at Gunn, but still feel bad for him given that these comments happened at a different time, right?

    I don't think an artist's work should be judged based on who they are, so movie-wise I'm still all for the Guardians films.

    LUCKILY though, he has at least finished the script for Volume 3. So I am hoping they will stay that course at least.

    I've got this funny feeling that it will changed in some way. I don't think that can be stopped though if they're changing directors, regardless of the reason...

    Apparently, we knew of this behaviour 6 years ago when this old, crass blog of his was dug up, to which James did apologize for and was before he made the GOTG movies, so... Disney why?

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Pretty much this. Political Correctness is horrid when it comes to situations such as this. 'You did something half a lifetime ago and migh

  • edited July 2018

    That link at the end there just goes to show what political correctness has done to the world in the past 2-3 years. Insane development in the wrong goddamn way.

    The man has apologized for YEARS, but now all of a sudden, because of someone on TWITTER of all places, tweeted out this, all hell breaks loose.

    I cannot believe it. I stand behind James Gunn here., I really do, after apologizing for 6 fucking years, he should be forgiven, not bloody punished.

    Edit: Supposed to be a reply to @AChicken

  • I feel like Disney was looking for a excuse to fire him. Like if Disney knew(and they did ineed knew these tweets where there I have a STRONG feeling about it)when James Gunn made these tweets and after looking at them. They are very very disgusting and stupid of him tweeting them? But it kinda has a weird feeling about it.

    I don't think James Gunn is this person,but he acts like a idiot and I was watching one of Grace's reviews (Beyond The Trailer YouTube channel)about this a few hours ago and she said that it was both political and basically a Twitter mob reaction towards him. Also this is basically political correctness on a whole new level. Nobody is safe from political correctness on Twitter these days.

    AChicken posted: »

    Yeah, and James does seem like a much different guy now than how he's depicted in those tweets from 8+ years ago. There are a number of fact

  • edited July 2018

    . #CloneWarsSaved :lol:

    Come to think of it, I need to get finish up Rebels at some point.

    @strwar3 posted: »
    OMG!!!!! Did you guys see the fuckin disgraceful trailer of new DC comic movies?????? Lol I think DC mobvies are losing their minds here. I mean look at Kevin Smith right now. Lol I mean WOW!!! Btw? OMG that Teen Titans movie looks bad!!!! I can't wait to see RedLetterMedia ripes this to shreds.

    Okay, not gonna lie, thought this was about the GO movie until I saw replies.

    @lupinb0y posted: »
    Just so you know Titans is a tv series that'll be on DC's streaming service, it's not a movie. If that was an actual movie then people would go absolute apeshit. Even more so I mean.

    That would explain why it looks a little low budget-y compared to the movies.
    As dark as those tend to be, anyway.

    @strwar3 posted: »
    James Gunn Fired From The Guardians Of The Galaxy Franchise Over Offensive Tweets HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!

    Why the fuck can't people with significant public presence keep their goddamn mouths shut?

    @AChicken posted: »
    I know. I'm stunned. Good for Disney in taking him off the project, as the tweets people keep finding of his are seriously inexcusable. (not gonna post links to them here since they're really really ugly. Go find em yourself if you're desperate) Still, tweets aside, I am kinda sad that he won't be able to complete the whole Guardians trilogy. They're great movies. Taika Watiti (Thor: Ragnarok; Korg) definitely needs to take over. Seems like the perfect type of movie for him. EDIT: James has responded. He agrees with the decision.
    Taika Watiti (Thor: Ragnarok; Korg)

    They're making a Korg movie?

    bruzdaa posted: »

    Holy shit! Yes, yes, YES!!!

  • Oh. No. No, no... Sorry. I misspoke.

    I meant to say that Watiti directed Thor 3 ; or you'd know him as Korg.
    No Korg movie (unfortunately :p)
    Yeah the way I wrote it wasn't clear. I was just throwing stuff out there that you'd know him from/as. Will edit right away.

    DabigRG posted: »

    . #CloneWarsSaved Come to think of it, I need to get finish up Rebels at some point. @strwar3 posted: » OMG!!!!! Did you guys s

  • So I have to eat A LOT of shit right now.

    Last year, Metallica was touring with Avenged Sevenfold across the US. Me and a friend of mine from school had tickets to different shows, his in Philly and mine in Jersey. It was announced hours before his show that Avenged had to cancel because the guitarist’s wife had gone into labor and he wanted to be there for the birth of their first child. He is a huge Avenged fan, probably more than a Metallica fan, and while he still had a great time, he was upset that he couldn’t see them. My show was not impacted, as it occurred a few days later, the guitarist was back, and Avenged did their set no problems. In jest, and he knew I was just messing with him, I mocked him over how I got to see them and he missed out.

    Cut to today, I have a ticket to see Avenged Sevenfold next Wednesday in New York. Spent a hundred bucks on the ticket, already told my boss at work I wouldn’t be available that day, and was super excited...the entire tour gets cancelled. The band’s singer has a blood blister on his vocal folds and must go three months of rest. Obviously my main concern is for the singer, hoping he gets well soon and he hasn’t done any damage to his voice, but now I got to deal with some mocking from my friend.

    What goes around comes around, let that be a lesson for all of you.

  • you know when you accidentally sleep the whole day and wake up not knowing what day it is

  • Good question.

    I'll leave it up to your discretion.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Yeah, monky people help. But for me or you?

  • edited July 2018

    I use to do that... a lot. I've got a reason not to sleep all day now: noisy housemates.

    MegaXD posted: »

    you know when you accidentally sleep the whole day and wake up not knowing what day it is

  • For all about the James Gunn: While I definitely have my opinion on this matter (I love his directing and those movies...) and didn't want him to be fired, remember, political correctness and stuff aren't supposed to be discussed. However, just don't mention those two little words and carry on.

    The lesson to "be careful what you post online" is 100% important and correct today. It's a shame in some regards, but I guess since we are random people most of the time it's okay. Frankly, I try to be careful what I say here too, because who knows if that can come back to bite me.

    strwar3 posted: »

    I feel like Disney was looking for a excuse to fire him. Like if Disney knew(and they did ineed knew these tweets where there I have a STRON

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2018

    I don't know how far you got, but I'll respond anyway.

    Rebels is very good in its later seasons. They bring in the best of Legends, explore the mystery of the Force, all sorts of cool and interesting characters. It was all always a little kid-friendly at times, but I think that changed as it went on, with some brutal kills. I am glad it was toned down. Season 4 especially good at this.

    I also really liked the Rogue One connections. Very neat. I am sad that it is over, but I am glad it got its proper ending. Clone Wars never got that, but now it does. Clone Wars references in Rebels were always the best, I am excited to see the actual Siege of Mandalore.

    DabigRG posted: »

    . #CloneWarsSaved Come to think of it, I need to get finish up Rebels at some point. @strwar3 posted: » OMG!!!!! Did you guys s

  • Oh, that's right! My misunderstanding.

    AChicken posted: »

    Oh. No. No, no... Sorry. I misspoke. I meant to say that Watiti directed Thor 3 ; or you'd know him as Korg. No Korg movie (unfortunatel

  • Yeah, I started Season 4 a month or so ago with an episode involving some Mandalorian superweapon and haven't had a chance to get back to it.

    Generally speaking, I have definitely enjoyed what Rebels has done as it went on, but I'll admit that not only did I carelessly watch a few earlier episodes due to boredom and disinterest in Empire/Rebel-era shit, but I honestly found most of the characters to be on the blandish/nicer-word-for-cliched side. And while Season 2 did spice things up with the first Fulcrum and the Inquisitorius Duo(or really, just the "leader") among other things, I couldn't help but feel they were partially wasting some interesting characters/plotlines and relying a little too heavily on the "wrong" type of fanservice. Thankfully, Season 3 finally hit a better balance and told a stronger story overall.

    Having finally seen Rogue One a few weeks ago, I have something else to potentially look forward to, it seems.

    I don't know how far you got, but I'll respond anyway. Rebels is very good in its later seasons. They bring in the best of Legends, explo

  • this new Broly looks like he can take on Jiren

  • edited July 2018

    Okay, so I saw the trailer for that new Titans TV show.

    I've just got these thoughts of "...Why??"

    My opinion on the matter: way too dark, aesthetically and thematically. It's almost cheesy how dark they want to spin this.
    Granted, I've never seen any of the Teen Titan shows or specials or what have you (so basically I know next to nothing), but from what I saw of this trailer, it just feels so wrong.

    • 'Fuck Batman'... Uh, no? Why? (oh wait thats right there's no way the Bat would ever appear on this show, they can't afford Affleck!)
    • That fight scene looked atrocious.
      Every sound effect sounded like a sound effect. None of them sounded real or even relevant to the fight that was going on... (Ough! Aaauh! Ougah!)

    • The budget doesn't seem like its enough to support this show. Some of the CGI looks really bad, and the acting and storytelling (based on just a few snippets) seems pretty cheesy.

    • And yeah, again, needlessly dark and gory.

    Why can't you get a good Live-action Show/Movie, DC??! (well, wonder woman was good but still )

  • Just found out that James Gunn, the director of the Guardians of the Galaxy series, was fired by Disney over the offensive jokes he had tweeted many times a decade ago.

    I'm pretty conflicted about the entire situation, since I feel that both parties are wrong on this.

    But what I do know is that this is an example of what can happen if a person decides to post several less-than savoury jokes on the Internet, and not expect them to come back to haunt you in some way.

  • Wait what universe is this


  • How's the quality of them? I've been considering picking them up myself after I saw them for $9 on Amazon.

    AChicken posted: »

    Yeah! Finally got figures of my two favourite characters of GOTG!

  • i guess the universe where people get off their high horse and learn how to have fun watching a goofy cartoon

    AChicken posted: »

    Wait what universe is this

  • Hey just want to say you guys are great and I have fun chatting with you all

    Okay you guys take care now :smile:

  • This movie looks so fuckin' sick. That shot at the end with the US Air Force in formation around Godzilla is radical as fuck.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2018

    My gosh, the Phantom Menace is so much worse than I had remembered. Jar Jar in 5 minutes has already broken my patience. And just the Boss Nass Richard Nixon impersonation...

    Why am I doing this to myself. Why am I rewatching this crap.

  • .

  • edited July 2018

    Aaaaand Groening made another one!

    Looks great!

  • I dunno why people are counting only on Rotten Tomatoes just to see what movie is good or bad. Those fucking assholes gave Home Alone a 62% score and that is one of the best Holiday movies everyone watches every year, it's a 95% at the best. Also, The Emoji Movie for some reason has a 8% and that movie is such a garbage piece of shit, so bad it doesn't even deserve a score. THERE IS NOTHING GOOD ABOUT IT.


  • Ehh, I can still watch that movie more than The Last Jedi. Episode 8 gives me no reason to rewatch it because the whole movie is just Resistance getting kicked in the ass by First Order.

    My gosh, the Phantom Menace is so much worse than I had remembered. Jar Jar in 5 minutes has already broken my patience. And just the Boss Nass Richard Nixon impersonation... Why am I doing this to myself. Why am I rewatching this crap.

  • edited July 2018

    Eh, I can still watch that movie more than Empire Strikes Back. Episode 5 gives me no reason to rewatch it because the whole movie is just Rebels getting kicked in the ass by the Empire./s

    jk don't hurt me pls i beg u

    AronDracula posted: »

    Ehh, I can still watch that movie more than The Last Jedi. Episode 8 gives me no reason to rewatch it because the whole movie is just Resistance getting kicked in the ass by First Order.

  • edited July 2018

    Why was the Otter building a spaceship?

    Because he wanted to go to Otter space.

  • I don’t know... Futurama and seasons 2-9 of The Simpson’s are really hard to top. Especially since Netflix animated shows tend to have small budgets.

    AChicken posted: »

    Aaaaand Groening made another one! Looks great!

  • Looks good from the trailer to me!
    Whatever the budget is, it doesn't seem like they've skimped on it. There are a number of big, detailed shots in there...

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    I don’t know... Futurama and seasons 2-9 of The Simpson’s are really hard to top. Especially since Netflix animated shows tend to have small budgets.

  • Well, Episode 5 didn't repeat itself. It didn't use the same scene over and over again. Most of the time in Episode 8 is First Order chasing after Resistance and trying to shoot them down.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Eh, I can still watch that movie more than Empire Strikes Back. Episode 5 gives me no reason to rewatch it because the whole movie is just Rebels getting kicked in the ass by the Empire./s jk don't hurt me pls i beg u

  • Just finished Portal 2 and for me, it's my favorite PC game and better than Half Life games.

  • Shark Week! Shark Week!

    Shaq! Shark Week! I love Shark Week. 30th anniversary, yay!

    Unfortunately, a thunderstorm has just interrupted me watching Bear vs. Shark (Bear being Bear Grylls). It's been really cool.

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