The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited July 2018

    Who's the genius that can tell me how to have videos play in a thread at specific times? I've looked everywhere online and couldn't get the right answer

  • edited July 2018

    You should be able to add -> ?t=#m#s <- to the end of the YouTube link.
    (# should be the number of the minutes/seconds; m being minutes, s being seconds, of course)

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Who's the genius that can tell me how to have videos play in a thread at specific times? I've looked everywhere online and couldn't get the right answer

  • And if you don't want to remember that, note there is a "Share" link by the video. If you click it, it makes a link, and you can check a box to tell it where to start. It will adjust the link accordingly.

    AChicken posted: »

    You should be able to add -> ?t=#m#s <- to the end of the YouTube link. (# should be the number of the minutes/seconds; m being minutes, s being seconds, of course)

  • I did that and it didn't work. It kept playing the video from the beginning.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    And if you don't want to remember that, note there is a "Share" link by the video. If you click it, it makes a link, and you can check a box to tell it where to start. It will adjust the link accordingly.

  • whoa dude you need to smoke some weed or light some scented candles and chill a bit. it's just a movie rating website. not to mention you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding on how it's ratings work. idk if it's your weird hate boner for teen titans go that drove such a vitriolic response or if you actually just hate a website that much but dude all the anger is bad for your health.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I dunno why people are counting only on Rotten Tomatoes just to see what movie is good or bad. Those fucking assholes gave Home Alone a 62%

  • the funny thing is you're absolutely right sarcasm or not. like *****almost***** all of the shit people call out the last jedi for is still present in empire. albeit empire obviously does everything better on a filmmaking level, but you can't call out one and make exceptions for the other. that's a braindead way of thinking. which in itself is an ironic statement thinking about it.

    (highlighted "almost" so a certain two people cough doesn't get on my ass about it as if i'm trying to discredit the valid criticisms of the film)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Eh, I can still watch that movie more than Empire Strikes Back. Episode 5 gives me no reason to rewatch it because the whole movie is just Rebels getting kicked in the ass by the Empire./s jk don't hurt me pls i beg u

  • It's a great game, plus easter eggs.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Just finished Portal 2 and for me, it's my favorite PC game and better than Half Life games.

  • I didn't have a problem with the resistance getting their asses kicked in The Last Jedi so I won't speak there, but Empire could get away with wild subversion tricks because the continuity was a leveled sandbox. Being the sequel trilogy, the movies had to respect prior characterizations, continuity and what fans love about Star Wars while at the same time subverting expectations and putting it's own spin on the mythos.

    Both TFA and TLJ clearly got different sides of that equation nailed down, but imo neither manage to strike that balance. They're decent movies with some strong highlights (most of them featuring Kylo Ren in some way since he's by far the most intriguing character) but they still fall short from what I imagined Star Wars movies could be like with Disney level production values and screenwriters that are not George Lucas.

    the funny thing is you're absolutely right sarcasm or not. like *****almost***** all of the shit people call out the last jedi for is still

  • Tony Hawk who?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video!

  • I was just informed that tomorrow will be my first day at my very first job!! I will be working at a warehouse machinery manufacturer that specialises in creating customisable forklifts, straddle carriers and sideloader forklifts :smile:

  • You see this shit is some good ass criticism. This is well thought out, explains the point well and makes me completely understand where you're coming from. Thank you SO much for this. It's insanely refreshing to get a take on The Last Jedi that isn't useless "MUH SJW" or "PREQUELS ARE BETTER" babble.

    I do completely agree that the continuity and mythos do seem to have been disrespected/ignored to a certain degree in The Last Jedi. I don't think it affects the move on an objective level but it damages the enjoyment in the context that it's a sequel to a pre-existing series. The balance in the force, pun very much intended, seems uneasy and wobbly. The Last Jedi very much could have done what it did while respecting the mythos, and to an extent I believe they somewhat did, but they could have done a lot better than what they had done. Disney could have done a lot better than what they had done with the gargantuan budget they had.

    Hell Rian Johnson himself could have done far better because he has literally proved himself to be a great director and competent writer in the past, but it just seems like TLJ kinda wants to do it's own thing (which is perfectly fine to an extent!) instead of stick to the things Star Wars has set up. Which is a rough thing to do in the 8th movie in your massive generation spanning franchise.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I didn't have a problem with the resistance getting their asses kicked in The Last Jedi so I won't speak there, but Empire could get away wi

  • If anyone is interested in a Visual Novel with puzzle segments that are reminiscent of games such as 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors, then you may want to check out Exit/Corners.

    So far, 22 out of 30 chapters are released and are all free to play. The rest of the chapters will be available around September.


    This is really nice to see. All the actors uniting behind Gunn!

    "We are a Family" legit makes me smile. Some have been carefully given their support, and then we got the big guns, Dave Bautista, calling out on Disney's bullshit and to that guy who dug up the tweets. And also, Michael Rooker is so fucking pissed off he LEFT TWITTER! That is dedication right there.

    And also, the petition to have Gunn re-hired is just about to hit 210 000 names. There is still some hope for humanity after all :smile:

  • edited July 2018

    When you got nothing better to do in life so you resort to ruining peoples careers and leaving them jobless regardless of if they're innocent or not. (Looking at you Mike Cernovich)

    thanks for the gif Poogs

    captainivy1 posted: » This is really nice to see. All th

  • And just the Boss Nass Richard Nixon impersonation...

    OMG, I never saw that before! :joy:

    My gosh, the Phantom Menace is so much worse than I had remembered. Jar Jar in 5 minutes has already broken my patience. And just the Boss Nass Richard Nixon impersonation... Why am I doing this to myself. Why am I rewatching this crap.

  • This game (+YDKJ of course) has me sold on the next Jackbox Party Pack 5. It looks (and sounds) so hilarious!

    Mad Verse City, a game where you must rhyme your own rap verses to randomly generated intro lines.

  • edited July 2018

    Just watched the first episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and wow, I love it. That opening is my jam!

  • edited July 2018
    Looks like Demi Lovato went to the hospital over a apparent heroin overdose. If the Mods want? Maybe we can talk about Drug overdose and talk about where we can donate money to a charity of ppl who went through there things.

  • Hell yeah, dude.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Just watched the first episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and wow, I love it. That opening is my jam!

  • if i may pitch in, here are my thoughts on drug overdose and usage of dangerous medicine in general. don't do it. don't do any kind of drugs that will have serious long lasting results. smoke some weed, eat some nummy snacks and be content with that. stop doing drugs like heroin that literally actively puts you in harms way every second you do it. you as a human are beautiful and wonderful and deserve more than that. obviously some people go through some serious shit in their lives where they think that's their only option, but it's not, and it's scary how many people suffer from shit like this. remember, winners don't do drugs.

    strwar3 posted: » Looks like Demi Lovato went to the hospital over a apparent he

  • What is even the point of drugs? Why are people obsessed with them?

    if i may pitch in, here are my thoughts on drug overdose and usage of dangerous medicine in general. don't do it. don't do any kind of drugs

  • Well my gf had some family problems like drug overdose and she doesn't want to remember horrible family problems like that and I do want to share things like her family problems on here. They are personal for her. I understand ppl suffer depression and feel like the world hates them and they feel like they don't want to live. In Demi Lovato's case? She does feel like she is fighting hard to overcome whatever she is doing with herself. She was alone by herself,but it is very very strange for her friends to keep her alone.

    I feel like charities over drug overdose are not enough these days and once in a while ppl give money everytime they see someone at a charity station and they do donate a couple hundred dollars. But you know I feel like it is not enough . Ppl need to be there for those who ppl love and care for. I hope she is fine . Demi Lovato's faces problems these days and I hope she gets help from friends and family too.

    if i may pitch in, here are my thoughts on drug overdose and usage of dangerous medicine in general. don't do it. don't do any kind of drugs

  • don't do any kind of drugs that will have serious long lasting results

    I don't understand it. Everyone knows what heroin, crack, meth, and all the super bad drugs can do to you. Why would she even do it?

    if i may pitch in, here are my thoughts on drug overdose and usage of dangerous medicine in general. don't do it. don't do any kind of drugs

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited July 2018

    Psychostimulants. They make you feel good. Only with super bad drugs like meth, cocaine, crack, heroin, etc. do people develop a dependence on them and become addicted. People who don't take said drugs after a certain amount of time go through withdrawal symptoms, and from what i've heard, it can become quite excruciating. Weed is the only safe "drug" there is. You could literally smoke 20 blunts in a day and not experience any type of mental or physical damage.

    AronDracula posted: »

    What is even the point of drugs? Why are people obsessed with them?

  • The start of a drug addiction is practically always a sign of a deeper, underlying mental issue. Some people, when they feel they hit rock bottom, use drugs to temporarily fill the emotional void that their depression left, or sometimes their parents or other mentors neglected to teach them the true value of a human life and they've concluded that reaching that high is the only thing worth living for, maybe even both. They value the high over their own life because life hasn't given them a sign that it has better things in store for them.

    It's not that different from dissuading someone from suicide really, because it is suicide in essence. We can say "It's not worth it" or "you deserve better than that" but you're trying disprove years of damaging life experience with little more than condemnation, and odds are they've already been shamed like a drug addict many times to believe becoming one wouldn't be beneath them.

    If we want to help these people get through their addictions, we have to be willing to take the time to understand the trauma that took them down that road and prove to them that there is a better life out there that is worth the effort.

    strwar3 posted: » Looks like Demi Lovato went to the hospital over a apparent he

  • They make ya feel betta

    AronDracula posted: »

    What is even the point of drugs? Why are people obsessed with them?

  • So far I've been accomplishing my goal of going out more and making new friends.

    Doesn't sound like a true "goal"? Wait til you're in your mid 30's, your friends are mostly all either married or moved away, and see how you feel.

  • Thats good. I know how hard it is to make friends, so you're doing better than me.

    Can I ask where you go to meet and connect with people? Because the only place I seem to be able to meet and make friends at is at the course I'm studying. I dont know how/where else to try.

    Johro posted: »

    So far I've been accomplishing my goal of going out more and making new friends. Doesn't sound like a true "goal"? Wait til you're in your mid 30's, your friends are mostly all either married or moved away, and see how you feel.

  • So excited to see this and hear that AMC's investigation vindicated him at least in some way.

    strwar3 posted: »

    Chris Hardwick Returns To AMC Talking Dead after Investigation YES!!!! Thank You God!!!! I am happy!

  • I know I saw it all over Twitter especially seeing a bunch of people shit on her for taking drugs in the first place.

    My thoughts on it is that we all learnt in elementary/primary school what kinds of drugs are and what the negative side effects are to them. We know their bad although they make us feel good for a couple of minutes. It's then up to the us if we wanna do them or not, we know full well we can get addicted. However it's her body and we don't know what she was dealing with which she felt like she needed drugs as a coping mechism. I'm not gonna judge her for doing it, I drink and smoke both weed and ciggarets when I'm dealing with stress or when I'm sad. And it's annoying seeing the same people who call her a loser and make shitty memes about her overdose are the same people who are hardcore fans of soundcloud rappers who take xanax for their morning breakfast.

    strwar3 posted: » Looks like Demi Lovato went to the hospital over a apparent he

  • Mostly just friends of friends which I didn't usually hang out with before and co-workers and their friends. I'm not the type whom can walk into a room of strangers and strike up a conversation. :/

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Thats good. I know how hard it is to make friends, so you're doing better than me. Can I ask where you go to meet and connect with people

  • So my mom brought me to get a facial done because of my acne and... I cannot believe HOW MUCH IT HURT.

    Like HOLY SHEEEEIITT it was pretty much agony for like an hour and a half to two hours then when they put a face mask on me I pretty much passed out from exhaustion.

    Now parts of my face are super red are a bit sore.

  • Why'd it hurt so much? Were they using the cheesegrater method?

    For reals tho, did it work? I got pretty bad acne and I dont really know what else to try to get rid of them.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    So my mom brought me to get a facial done because of my acne and... I cannot believe HOW MUCH IT HURT. Like HOLY SHEEEEIITT it was pretty

  • They'd poke the pimples with needles and squeeze out the puss along with blackheads and whatnot, which is where most of the pain comes from. From the amount of pain I went through I might as well have used the cheesegrater method. They also used this electric thing to shock my face to kill off some of the bacteria (this one didn't really hurt though just felt kinda funny).

    It's only been a few hours and my face is all red so I won't really see the results for the next few days once I've applied all the stuff they gave me to clear up the redness and remaining pimple so I'll get back to you on that. But it should help clear my face up for a while. Technically I'm supposed to do them regularly (at least once a month) but I won't be able to because of my studies overseas.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Why'd it hurt so much? Were they using the cheesegrater method? For reals tho, did it work? I got pretty bad acne and I dont really know what else to try to get rid of them.

  • I find it annoying when people ask me where I see myself in two years. I mean, I don't have 2020 vision.

  • I had to go to the hospital today to get my left eye checked. I felt some irritation under my upper eyelid on my left eye which disrupted my work. I wear glasses as I am very short-sighted but my left eye is my stronger eye. Doctors concluded that it was a clump of dirt that got into my eye so they used saline to wash out my eyelids. My eyes are a lot more sensitive than others so while they were applying the saline to my eye I started to panic and had to be held down. I was given an ointment that I have to use for a week as well as having to wear a bandage for a couple of days. I look like Kenny from Walking Dead Season Two :joy:

  • Hope you get better soon! (same thing happened to a friend of mine a few years ago)

    I look like Kenny from Walking Dead Season Two

    Yo I hope you look badass, too!

    I had to go to the hospital today to get my left eye checked. I felt some irritation under my upper eyelid on my left eye which disrupted my

  • Thank you for the kind words :smile: I am sorry to hear that happened to your friend. It sucks a lot...

    AChicken posted: »

    Hope you get better soon! (same thing happened to a friend of mine a few years ago) I look like Kenny from Walking Dead Season Two Yo I hope you look badass, too!

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