The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Wait, what do you mean by that?

    Hahaha I wish :,)

  • What tha heck? I just discovered that you can actually like your own posts?! That doesn't make sense!!

  • I honestly don't think the animation is that bad. It's pretty good for what it is honestly. The only real problem I have with it is the visuals. It can get REALLY ugly.

    aside from some grating and obnoxious voice acting that'd put tom kenny's spongebob voice to shame, the animation is extremely dated and jan

  • Killing Marko was wrong. I like Alana but he was my favourite character. Killing Prince Robot IV in previous issue was enough. Now Marko. What the Hell is this, Red Wedding no. 2?! Ffff Will! Never really liked this spiderfff lover. I hope he'll have slow and painful.

  • edited August 2018

    Hmm okay. I wasn't really a religious watcher of that show (Fairly Odd Parents was my jam), but from what I can recall, the animation was decent enough. I think it still looks weird no matter what time period you're in though. least it gives us some really weird jokes and memes nowadays!

    aside from some grating and obnoxious voice acting that'd put tom kenny's spongebob voice to shame, the animation is extremely dated and jan

  • That was reported when they first moved to this new version of the forums, and they were supposed to have fixed it, but either they didn't, or it broke again. Oh well. At least you can't like your own posts 9000 times.

    What tha heck? I just discovered that you can actually like your own posts?! That doesn't make sense!!

  • So that's how Poogs get's all those likes...

    What tha heck? I just discovered that you can actually like your own posts?! That doesn't make sense!!

  • Well, at the time of writing this, I have 996 posts... so if I could be bothered and I wanted to prove that I had no life, I could give myself an extra 996 likes...

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    That was reported when they first moved to this new version of the forums, and they were supposed to have fixed it, but either they didn't, or it broke again. Oh well. At least you can't like your own posts 9000 times.

  • I want the old version of the forums, just because everyone is used to it doesn’t mean they like it

    What tha heck? I just discovered that you can actually like your own posts?! That doesn't make sense!!

  • Oh god XD How have you been?

    well i still think you're super lovely. unless you like killed somebody while you were gone in which case uh... don't do that?

  • 2017-18 has been an extremely difficult year for me sadly

    Wait, what do you mean by that?

  • eh, had my ups and downs lately. downs being super low ones, but at the moment i can't complain. how bout you?

    Oh god XD How have you been?

  • I've been neglecting you(forum) by spending too much time with my girlfriend. I'm sorry.

  • The past few years haven't exactly been happy or lovely for me either...

    Here, I baked a cookie for you; :cookie: I hope you like chocolate because it's chocolate-chip. Seriously, I hope you really like chocolate because there was a smudge on the recipe book and I misread the quantity of chocolate chips - I thought it seemed odd, but as usual, I trusted my book before my intuition - so it's more chocolate than cookie. To be fair, I can't even see any trace of cookie left; it's basically a big pile of chocolate. But I hope you enjoy it. :)

    2017-18 has been an extremely difficult year for me sadly

  • ...Can't deny the view though.

    eh, had my ups and downs lately. downs being super low ones, but at the moment i can't complain. how bout you?

  • okay that just put the doofiest smile on my face. real good use of that quote good heavens.

    ...Can't deny the view though.

  • Holy shit! Do you mean to say... that was a motherfucking tlou reference?!

    okay that just put the doofiest smile on my face. real good use of that quote good heavens.

  • Same.

    2017-18 has been an extremely difficult year for me sadly

  • edited August 2018

    As famous philosophers Rascal Flatts once said.

    "Life is a highway, and I want to ride it all night long."


  • They actually had fucking honeymoon suites at this place. a resort designed for children. What, is having sex under the watchful eye of Spongebob arousing to some people, does the nose get people off or something?

  • Person gets called out for being an asshole.

    Person: Am I really am asshole? No, it’s everyone else who’s wrong.

  • It’s been ehh

    eh, had my ups and downs lately. downs being super low ones, but at the moment i can't complain. how bout you?

  • Thank you so much! :,)

    The past few years haven't exactly been happy or lovely for me either... Here, I baked a cookie for you; I hope you like chocolate becau

  • Just waiting for it to end.

    TheFurryOne posted: »


  • I've got you covered:

    You don't have to listen to it, I'm just being a geek. :D

    Just waiting for it to end.

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited August 2018

    I'm not a genius when it comes to physics. To say I know very little about physics is an huge understatement. I am aware wormholes are completely theoretical, and that no one can actually know for sure what they're like. But if anyone has any knowledge that can help answer my question, even in the slightest bit, I'd be very grateful. My question is:
    Would the speed one is traveling inside this wormhole be the same once they have exited it, causing them to shoot straight out, or would they exit at the same speed they had entered? I ask this because I don't know if gravity would have any effect on this, assuming there's gravity in a wormhole, or if the velocity of the "flow" would affect the speed at which one would be traveling the moment they exit this wormhole.

    To my understanding, I think it would probably be similar to a marble that's been placed in a water current that's traveling through of a tube, where the flow velocity is really high.
    I was trying to wrap my head around how teleportation would work and had some questions :D

  • Yo i shit you not I just watched this exact video like an hour ago
    I guess they were trying to appeal to a more adult audience? But like he said later, there wasn't a whole lot to do for adults at the resort so I'm not really sure WHAT the goal was on that one

    They actually had fucking honeymoon suites at this place. a resort designed for children. What, is having sex under the watchful eye of Spongebob arousing to some people, does the nose get people off or something?

  • does the nose get people off or something?


    They actually had fucking honeymoon suites at this place. a resort designed for children. What, is having sex under the watchful eye of Spongebob arousing to some people, does the nose get people off or something?

  • ...

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    does the nose get people off or something? well

  • "For some reason, these rooms didn't last too long."
    "And neither did he!"
    ~What she said

    They actually had fucking honeymoon suites at this place. a resort designed for children. What, is having sex under the watchful eye of Spongebob arousing to some people, does the nose get people off or something?

  • Congrats. I must admit, I'm guilty of the same crime.

    Better to socialise with people in real life than people on a screen.

    Johro posted: »

    I've been neglecting you(forum) by spending too much time with my girlfriend. I'm sorry.

  • Whatever boats your float I guess :) :|

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Congrats. I must admit, I'm guilty of the same crime. Better to socialise with people in real life than people on a screen.

  • This is honestly pretty cool!

    Uncharted or TLOU VR when?

  • Naughty Dog really would make amazing VR games. Something tells me they aren't interested in developing one but if they ever were I could see PS VRs sales skyrocketing at the announcement that they were making a VR game.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    This is honestly pretty cool! Uncharted or TLOU VR when?

  • Hell, I'd probably buy one just for it, everything else would be a bonus. But yeah, unless they maybe considered doing something of an experimental smaller scale project, I can't really see them making a VR game. Still, I think their games' graphical quality + body and facial animation of their would be pretty amazing to see in VR (well, on the base PS4 and probably the Pro they'd likely have to cut down on the quality, they could probably still maintain it on a PS5, then again they are tech wizards).
    For a VR game set in TLOU's universe though, I'm not sure I'd like to see a clicker or a bloater in VR haha.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Naughty Dog really would make amazing VR games. Something tells me they aren't interested in developing one but if they ever were I could see PS VRs sales skyrocketing at the announcement that they were making a VR game.

  • Okay... small, tiny, problem I have with myself. I wrote it in French because it's not of too much importance. Move along if you'd like. Translate if you're interested

    Ce week-end ma famille m'a emmèné à Montréal. On est arrivé aujourd'hui, et puis on va faire... Beaucoup de choses? Je ne sais pas quel est notre horaire spécifique.
    Problème: j'aime pas faire du voyage. J'aime des endroits que je connais, que je suis familier avec, que je me sens en sécurité...
    Avez vous des recommandations pour que je me sens à l'aise? Ou, y'a quoi de cool à faire à Montréal? La dernière fois que j'étais ici, j'étais très jeune, donc je ne me souviens pas beaucoup de la ville.

  • It'd probably make you feel more at ease if you actually had a schedule and had an idea of what to expect. Maybe talk to your family about what you'd all like to do and make some sort of plan.

    Also... look at the sky; no matter where you are on Earth, the sky is always there.

    AChicken posted: »

    Okay... small, tiny, problem I have with myself. I wrote it in French because it's not of too much importance. Move along if you'd like. Tr

  • I accidentally wandered into wild kangaroo territory today- less than an hour away from my home and with residential houses across the road.

    I was trying to take photos of some dead and broken trees and turned my head to see two kangaroos sat in the grass, roughly ten metres away from where I was standing. One of them was just laying in the sun but the other stood upright and appeared genuinely confused as he stared at me, his beady little eyes saying "wot the fuk does she think she's doin?"

  • It's normal to be uncomfortable with new places like that. You lose control when change happens and if you're not hyped up for it and have a clear plan on what you're going to do you can easily feel like a fish out of water.

    One thing I like to do when I'm on vacation is pretend like I've changed with the scenery while on it, like a chameleon. It's like the new location is a chance to absorb a new perspective. It's not a drastic or permanent change (unless you liked it) but it's a temporary experiment with your world view. Whenever I'm on a cruise ship for example I like to try to be as extroverted and loose as I can just for the fun of it. I'm not going to see these people again so who cares what they think, right? I know it's often not that easy, but to me absorbing the atmosphere and acting like you belong really helps. Vacations are suppose to be fun though so if you want to keep to your self and do your own thing there's nothing wrong with that; make the best of it however you can.

    AChicken posted: »

    Okay... small, tiny, problem I have with myself. I wrote it in French because it's not of too much importance. Move along if you'd like. Tr

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