Games you're excited for, have played recently or remember very fondly from childhood memories, etc?
So my day is gonna be super slow and I'm gonna be bored out of my mind so I kinda wanted to get a discussion rolling (as well as bring a little optimism to the forums) and just talk about some dang ol good video games. I just wanna interact with you fellas and get a gauge on games you're super into and discuss said games. Would be a fun time.
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Fallout 76 and Starfield although Starfield probably won't come out this year. I hope it does.
I'm excited for Spider-Man, the last game that I'm going to play this year. According to its latest news, it has NO reason to fail. Finally a Spider-Man game we deserve in this generation.
I'm still playing Bloodborne recently, trying to upgrade my character to be invincible. It's a pain in the ass that I have to spent a lot of hours collecting Blood Echoes and the only way to earn a lot of those is defeating more NG+ campaigns.
Nice, nice. Any particular build you're going for in Bloodborne? You participate in PvP at all?
I know everyone's knocking Fallout 76 because it's not a "true fallout game" but I mean come on. We already have 3 perfect true to form fallout games, I think we can have a little goofy nonsense on the side, and I'm very excited for the goofy nonsense Fallout 76 is shaping out to be.
Here is my current status:
75 Vitality
50 Endurance
84 Strength
50 Skill
30 Bloodtinge
40 Arcane
I'm now trying to upgrade the Strength until it reaches 99 cause I heard it's going to do a lot of damage to bosses and enemies from the Right Weapon, does it? I dunno, I just wanna be as OP as Bloody Mary.

Unfortunately, no. My PS plus expired a long time ago and I don't think I'll be online anytime soon.
fuckin nice dude. i've never invested in arcane at all in past playthroughs. is it useful at all?
ah, shame. well if you ever try and get into the pvp stratosphere let me know, would love to go a few rounds and size up your character a bit.
It's quite useful, I guess. I just wanted to unlock all the arcane powers. I used the star explosions on Micolash and Gehrman but doesn't do a lot of damage.
I read your title as “upcoming games that bring back childhood memories” so I’ll go with these:
Super Mario Party and Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom remake( all but confirmed)
Most of my childhood games were mostly on the XBOX, they were all either licensed/movie tie-ins (Spongebob: BFBB and the Spongebob Movie game, Wallace and Gromit: Project Zoo, Sharktale, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and whatnot) or those games from popular series made right after the original developers left so everyone hates them (i.e. Crash: Wrath of Cortex and Spyro: A Hero's Tale), oh and Fusion Frenzy lol
All of them were actually much more enjoyable than you'd expect them to be as long as you weren't expecting anything extraordinary.
Well, games that I'm excited for would be Resident Evil 2 Remake, and The Last of Us Part 2.
I just started REmake for the first time, so I'm playing that, and it also brings back childhood memories, so that kills two ravens with one bullet (heh...heh).
Im mostly excited for two games

1) Metro Exodus
I loved both metro 2033 and last light to death and in preparation for exodus I decided to read the books (which turned out to be amazing), Im currently on the third and final book. Metro has become my favorite post apocalyptic universe, I love the hopelessness and the bleak world that both the games and the books present to you
2) Cyberpunk 2077

I know im riding a bandwagon but just the fact that this is developed by the same team behind the witcher 3 is enough to get me excited. Also, im not really all that familiar with the cyberpunk world so this should be interesting to say the least.
cyberpunk is gonna be wicked cool dude. i'm super excited. not as excited about metro but shit any new big budget horror themed games that come out always get me pumped.
"It looks like he was killed by A CROW or something."