The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Finally gathered up enough energy to finish Westworld season 2. What a complete disappointment. Desperately convoluted to give an illusion of being "smart", a boring plot with little to no reason for the audience to care, weak and unmemorable characters, corny and overly pretentious dialogue, and a pathetic, dragged out finale.

    The only good episodes were 4 and then 8, which was, in all honesty, pretty good and it wasn't even focused on the main cast.

  • Canker sores are the worst. Salting the hell out of mine

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2018

    Late response, but you have excellent taste.

    take that! taste the pain!
    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Anyone else here a fan of Xavier: Renegade Angel??

  • Thanks! Does this mean i'm exempt from bans now?

    Late response, but you have excellent taste. take that! taste the pain!

  • We don't cotton to freaks who ask for ban exemptions 'round these parts...

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Thanks! Does this mean i'm exempt from bans now?

  • "I killed him hard, pulled out his heart and showed it to him, and he was like 'nice'." :D :D :D :D :D :D

    Late response, but you have excellent taste. take that! taste the pain!

  • So far, my first week at my new college has been going pretty well. Of course, apartment life is going to take some getting used to.

  • at least you're optimistic about going back to school. I'm dreading it.

    J-Master posted: »

    So far, my first week at my new college has been going pretty well. Of course, apartment life is going to take some getting used to.

  • I’ve heard of Alita: Battle Angel. Not going to see it, and never heard of this, but is my taste still okay?

    Late response, but you have excellent taste. take that! taste the pain!

  • Xavier is some weird adult swim comedy - it's not an actual fantasy show. Think of something like Tim and Eric or Eric Andre, but in the form of a (deliberately off putting) CGI show. It's... it's an acquired taste. You either love it or hate it.

    I’ve heard of Alita: Battle Angel. Not going to see it, and never heard of this, but is my taste still okay?

  • "Now, when you wake up, you have something reasonable to be afraid of" :D :D Tim and Eric has been my life.

    You saw the Bro-oche?

    Xavier is some weird adult swim comedy - it's not an actual fantasy show. Think of something like Tim and Eric or Eric Andre, but in the form of a (deliberately off putting) CGI show. It's... it's an acquired taste. You either love it or hate it.

  • edited August 2018

    Noice. @javoris767 [youtuber InfernoKun] has organized a li'l Telltale podcast for tomorrow.

    Part of me is thinking: Yeah! Glad he can get a discussion going on into people's ears now hehehe.

    another part of me is thinking: noooo i had an idea of organizing this on the forums but have no resources or equipment to do anything about it... yet... maybe... i dont know it was just an idea i've had for a bit okay?

    Whatevs. It's cool. I know I'll be tuning in tomorrow.

    edit: as it is, there's already been a telltale review podcast, but it was just two guys talking about the choices they made, and they played all their episodes many months after the original release. Plus it hasn't been active for over a year.

  • using what little free time i have to watch twin peaks. i like it and i'm not sure why.

  • I finally finished my assignment 8 minutes before the submission time.

    Why yes I do like to live dangerously.

  • edited August 2018

    Just came back from watching the Happytime Murders. I enjoyed it and thought it was pretty alright. I like the two main characters (Phil in particular is great) and a lot of the jokes revolving around the muppets are great for the most part. There's also some muppet genitalia which made my friend gag so that was pretty funny. Personally I think the reviews are being too harsh on it.

    However, these moments don't happen as much as I would have liked. They really don't push the muppet aspect all too much. Most of the movie is just generic detective stuff and let me tell you is it generic. If they do make a sequel I hope they more muppet stuff. I really like the muppets. It felt weirdly brutal to see some of the deaths in this movie considering they're just filled with fluff.

    Overall it's not gonna win any awards but if the tickets in your area aren't too pricey and you think you'll enjoy some raunchy muppet humour I think it'd be worth it to see in the cinema.

  • We all know that Connor from DBH is super attractive. And I just remembered about my tutor from summer camp last year, whose name was also Connor and he was smoking hot. I'm starting to think there's some sort of conspiracy around this name. Any Connors on this forum? I need you for... scientifical purposes.

  • If people from a certain Discord server would stop doing organized troll attacks, that would be helpful to keep the morale in the forums. It's actually draining to see people just having satisfaction from a whole drama start just for entertainment's sake. :neutral:

  • what in tarnation

    We all know that Connor from DBH is super attractive. And I just remembered about my tutor from summer camp last year, whose name was also C

  • Just finished Lis:BTS. Overall, I give it a 1.5 out of 5. Wasn't my cup of tea. Fell very short of my expectations. Wasn't horrible, just wasn't good. The ending cutscenes were my favorite part of the game

  • on top of everything that's happened in the past 2-3 weeks my entire family is likely about to be homeless so that's super cool

  • I wanna ask why, but I don't think that's something you'd want to share with someone you don't know. Then again, you did post this on a forum. I'll leave it up to you.

    on top of everything that's happened in the past 2-3 weeks my entire family is likely about to be homeless so that's super cool

  • What--what discussion did you create? What have you unleashed?!

    DabigRG posted: »


  • I am but my second n was stolen from me at birth.

    We all know that Connor from DBH is super attractive. And I just remembered about my tutor from summer camp last year, whose name was also C

  • Then why is your avatar a picture of Marcus??

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I am but my second n was stolen from me at birth.

  • edited August 2018

    Come to think of it, all the androids are pretty hot.

    Hmm, what do you call attraction to robots?

    We all know that Connor from DBH is super attractive. And I just remembered about my tutor from summer camp last year, whose name was also C

  • edited August 2018

    "Robot fetishism", "Robosexuality", or "Technosexuality" is the sexual attraction of androids or humanoid robots.

    "Agalmatophilia" is the sexual attraction of manaquins, dolls, or statues.

    "Fictiophilia" is the sexual attraction of fictional characters.

    "Gameophilia" is the sexual attraction of video game characters.

    I hope that helps you. Good luck with figuring out your sexuality.... :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Come to think of it, all the androids are pretty hot. Hmm, what do you call attraction to robots?

  • I'm now going to always refer to this game as "The game that turns all its players into Technosexual Gameophiles".

    No one is exempt from its lure...

    "Robot fetishism", "Robosexuality", or "Technosexuality" is the sexual attraction of androids or humanoid robots. "Agalmatophilia" is the

  • Am I the only one who still thinks Disney was retarded for firing James Gunn over bad tweets that were posted a decade ago? Robert Downey Junior did worse things than Gunn which resulted going to jail, yet he wasn't fired from playing Iron Man. It's like getting fired from delivering pizza because you used to be a huge bully in High School.

    I have a feeling that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is going to be another shitty threequels in great franchises cliche.

  • edited August 2018

    I understand Disney's decision, but I think it was way too knee-jerk (heck, many people only started seeing the tweets for the first time because of his firing, not the other way around.)

    So, I'm on the side that it wasn't the right move. They really should have waited a week or two, have Gunn issue an apology for his comments (which he actually already did 6 years ago Pre-Guardians), and move on knowing that Gunn has changed since then.
    Guardians Vol. 3 is on hold, by the way. Might because they'll be re-writing Gunn's script and I'm saddened by that.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Am I the only one who still thinks Disney was retarded for firing James Gunn over bad tweets that were posted a decade ago? Robert Downey Ju

  • The movie's on hold to look for a new director. They're keeping Gunn's script.

    AChicken posted: »

    I understand Disney's decision, but I think it was way too knee-jerk (heck, many people only started seeing the tweets for the first time be

  • I'm honestly not entirely sure. In fact, the last one I made only got 20 comments.

    That number is most likely due to replies throughout a bunch of threads over the last week.

    AChicken posted: »

    What--what discussion did you create? What have you unleashed?!

  • Because I wanna fuck North.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Then why is your avatar a picture of Marcus??

  • When you go from thread-to-thread so much that you don't need notifications to keep up to speed with people who replied to you.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I'm honestly not entirely sure. In fact, the last one I made only got 20 comments. That number is most likely due to replies throughout a bunch of threads over the last week.

  • Ah. Okay. Right.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The movie's on hold to look for a new director. They're keeping Gunn's script.

  • Not that I give a flying fuck, but John McCain died like 3 hours ago.

  • Watched Black Klansman today. I thought it was really fucking good. It's funny, dramatic, at times even horrifying and not at all subtle with the message it's giving. The last part of the movie just had my theatre dead silent, which was completely unexpected. Everyone's performance was excellent, especially John David Washington and Adam Driver. Topher Grace was also fantastic as well.

  • I had to do a double take before realizing what you're talking about.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Watched Black Klansman today. I thought it was really fucking good. It's funny, dramatic, at times even horrifying and not at all subtle wit

  • What did you think I was talking about?

    DabigRG posted: »

    I had to do a double take before realizing what you're talking about.

  • A confusing ghost cosplay.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    What did you think I was talking about?

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