The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited September 2018

    Hey, as a girl, let me tell you that I wouldn't date someone before becoming friends.

    If having an authentic, loving relationship is what you want, you have to be prepared to put in a lot of time and effort; it's not just a matter of finding someone that likes you.

    Above all, you have to be able to love yourself in order for someone else to truly love you. You have to be happy within yourself, because it is the only true happiness that there is; having someone else that loves you is a compliment to that, not a requirement.

    why does life suck so hard first of all no girl ever seems interested in me then a girl i used to speak to on psn goddamn ignores me she was online as well i dont fucking get it am i such a freak that no one seems interested in me

  • You’re a girl? I thought you were a boi this whole time

  • I'm trying to figure out what new games I would like I'm not much of a gamer but what I really liked the uncharted series, the last of us, both evil within's, pretty much any cinematic game I'll probably like; sorry if I misspell anything I've been having a few glasses of whiskey lol.

  • Women are human first before their gender; there's much more value in them than their ability to give birth. Pregnancy isn't a necessity since there's no rush to increase the population or to start a family for the sake of having one. A lot of family dysfunction would be avoided if more parents were wise enough to appreciate that parenting is an ultimate test of character and not just another perk of being an adult.

    (I don't mean to attack your post tho lol)

    All jokes aside, women and relationships are overrated. They're not a necessity. Try getting pregnant as a guy then.

  • Pregnancy isn't a necessity since there's no rush to increase the population or to start a family for the sake of having one

    There’s no need to have one at all.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Women are human first before their gender; there's much more value in them than their ability to give birth. Pregnancy isn't a necessity sin

  • As anyone noticed the LIS season 2 pre-order price? Like I was looking at that price and like Holy Shit! It is $40. Like what?????? $40!!!! For 5 episodes? Telltale wouldn't never ever put $40 for a season game especially if it was only 5 episodes. Do can someone explain to me which company owns the product? Like I want to know.

  • Square Enix publishes the game and DontNod is developing it. The rights belong to Square Enix.

    strwar3 posted: »

    As anyone noticed the LIS season 2 pre-order price? Like I was looking at that price and like Holy Shit! It is $40. Like what?????? $40!!!!

  • Square Enix? Oh that makes sense.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Square Enix publishes the game and DontNod is developing it. The rights belong to Square Enix.

  • The reply button would be handy there.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    You’re a girl? I thought you were a boi this whole time

  • edited September 2018

    Haha, wow, that's quite bold of you to say. I appreciate your frankness... :D

    I'm curious as to what gave you the impression that I was a guy?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    You’re a girl? I thought you were a boi this whole time

  • I totally agree with you, and I appreciate you adding in your thoughts. :)

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Women are human first before their gender; there's much more value in them than their ability to give birth. Pregnancy isn't a necessity sin

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited September 2018

    Your avatar is the firefly logo and then your profile name is "psychokinesis". I don't know, but those just seem like something a guy would have. :D

    Haha, wow, that's quite bold of you to say. I appreciate your frankness... I'm curious as to what gave you the impression that I was a guy?

  • Well, that seems pretty gender-neutral to me...

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Your avatar is the firefly logo and then your profile name is "psychokinesis". I don't know, but those just seem like something a guy would have.

  • I thought you were a guy because it wasn't obvious you are actually a girl. From my perspective, you could still very much be a guy for all I know :D

    Well, that seems pretty gender-neutral to me...

  • I need to start reading so I can really extend my vocabulary. I feel really dumb? Like when I speak, it’s in standard english and i’m easily understood, but it seems so...level 1, so to speak.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited September 2018

    Guys, I found almost Heaven.

    Everyone in the world deserves to see this video:

    It's so beautiful and yet funny I'm impressed. Kudos to people who spend their time making art like this.

  • Still alive.

    Living with the girlfriend. Just had to replace a drain assembly in the bathroom. Joy.

  • this just in: video games cost money. more at 11

    strwar3 posted: »

    As anyone noticed the LIS season 2 pre-order price? Like I was looking at that price and like Holy Shit! It is $40. Like what?????? $40!!!!

  • Aaah, women, one of life’s greatest mysteries. Relationships are heavily overrated, extremely difficult to find loyalty these days. Look for girls who find themselves unattractive (but perhaps you don’t) that way they’ll be more likely to be your partner and less likely to leave you. Hehehe take advantage.

    why does life suck so hard first of all no girl ever seems interested in me then a girl i used to speak to on psn goddamn ignores me she was online as well i dont fucking get it am i such a freak that no one seems interested in me

  • You’re a girl? Well... in that case...

    I’m joking, pls don’t call the police

    Hey, as a girl, let me tell you that I wouldn't date someone before becoming friends. If having an authentic, loving relationship is what

  • This is the best thing ever ?

    Guys, I found almost Heaven. Everyone in the world deserves to see this video: It's so beautiful and yet funny I'm impressed. Kudos to people who spend their time making art like this.

  • Look for girls who find themselves unattractive, that way they’ll be more likely to be your partner and less likely to leave you.

    I mean, that's pretty low, but that does work. :D

    You’re a girl? Well... in that case...



    Melton23 posted: »

    Aaah, women, one of life’s greatest mysteries. Relationships are heavily overrated, extremely difficult to find loyalty these days. Look for

  • I didn't click the video, but I'm scared.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Try getting pregnant as a guy then. That's IF you want a kid in the first place

  • Click it. Now.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I didn't click the video, but I'm scared.


    What did we say about being creepy?

    Melton23 posted: »

    You’re a girl? Well... in that case... ?????? I’m joking, pls don’t call the police

  • Yeah im not doing the gay thing but the other bit seems good

    Acheive250 posted: »

    And that is when you need to turn gay. For real tho, desperate people are creepy, and if you seem desperate, you will scare any potential

  • Okay so ive decided if she wants to go dark shes not worth the hassle theres tis girl who comes into store from time to time and always speaks to me first maybe getting to know her could be a good start im going to ask her number next i see her plus she dosnt live over 18,000 miles away (yeah ghostgirl lives in america and i am in britain)

  • I'm thinking like should i buy PS4 if i have PC already. There are some games on consoles that i can't play on pc.
    I don't know is that good idea.

  • Those $300+ you spend will always come back. I'd do it.

    Bruno113 posted: »

    I'm thinking like should i buy PS4 if i have PC already. There are some games on consoles that i can't play on pc. I don't know is that good idea.

  • You actually learn more English by writing than reading. You can start by writing a story with simple sentences, like "He ran for the door." That seems kind of blah, so on the editing pass, you decide to change it to "He bolted for the exit." Much more exciting. As you get more experience doing that, your vocabulary skills improve, and you can write better things to begin with.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I need to start reading so I can really extend my vocabulary. I feel really dumb? Like when I speak, it’s in standard english and i’m easily understood, but it seems so...level 1, so to speak.

  • Don't feel bad if you get the signals wrong though. It's a learning experience everyone has to go through, myself included. Relationships are never worth making you constantly feel like you're not good enough, so do your best to be comfortable in your skin and with what you say when asking her out, and if it left you more uncomfortable with how you presented yourself anyways, note how you can improve those things for next time.

    Okay so ive decided if she wants to go dark shes not worth the hassle theres tis girl who comes into store from time to time and always spea

  • Lol Marvel finally makes a female superhero movie and all the crazy people are coming out of the woodwork going "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

  • It seems everyone on the forum are getting together ;)

    AChicken posted: »

    MMEEELLLTTTOOONNN!!!! What did we say about being creepy?

  • head hung low, his true love doesn't know/does not requite his feelings

    Acheive250 posted: »

    It seems everyone on the forum are getting together

  • Is anyone here is dreadfully bored out of their mind, have literally nothing else to do, and couldn't possibly be making much better use of their time? Perhaps you just need an excuse to not do what you should be doing, like studying for upcoming exams or watching your kids to make sure they don't hurt themselves. Whatever the case may be, I've recorded some of my gameplay of RE7 from the Banned Footage DLC called "Nightmare", where I, a guy named Clancy, have to survive being killed by monsters called "molded" until morning. Now, you either have a slightly entertaining video to keep you from being less bored than you already are, or actually have an excuse to avoid your responsibilities :D :)

  • Mia Winters
    Zoe Baker

    Zoe is my favorite character from RE7

  • i haven't even started re7 yet. i feel like it's gonna take forever to beat. looks fun tho!

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Is anyone here is dreadfully bored out of their mind, have literally nothing else to do, and couldn't possibly be making much better use of

  • i haven't even started re7 yet

    Oh you poor thing. You're life hasn't even begun yet.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    i haven't even started re7 yet. i feel like it's gonna take forever to beat. looks fun tho!

  • Previous post openly says how relationships with women is overrated and to take advantage of them

    Proceeds to flirt with me when he found out I was a woman


    Melton23 posted: »

    You’re a girl? Well... in that case... ?????? I’m joking, pls don’t call the police

  • edited September 2018

    What can I say? I’m on the top 10 anime charmers list

    Previous post openly says how relationships with women is overrated and to take advantage of them Proceeds to flirt with me when he found out I was a woman ...smooth.

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