What are your Expectations on Life Is Strange 2?
1) Will we see Max once more or Would there be a crossover between the LiS 2, LiS 1 & Captain Spirit?
2) A little off topic: Do you like the relationship that blossomed between Rachel & Frank?
apparently i didn't really dig into the details or easter eggs in-game, but i never thought Rachel would fall for a guy like Frank. And besides, her relationship with Chloe as seen in Before the storm was a hella insane solid one.
3) Do you like the idea that the main protagonists switched from females to males?
4) Will one of the main characters in LiS 2 turn out to be LGBTQ+? & Will 1 of the brothers perish (determinant)?
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it seems the little brother is the one with powers. idk
my prediction is that one of them dies right before then Game ends. 49% the Little Brother, 51% our character.
Not sold on this yet....but we will see. Do not care too much that it is a story about brothers...We will see Max again...The feels will be strong....doubt we have an LGBT main....
As for Rachel and Frank....Rachel could blend in with anyone...I doubt Rachel really ever felt love for any of the characters like Chloe or Jefferson or Frank...She was her father's daughter even though she would have denied it. She easily made friends that would be useful to her. She may like those people...but I am not sure she was capable of knowing real love outside her family.
Plus there is some evidence that she may have helped Jefferson and gotten lil Prescott jealous of her. She was caught bringing drugs into the school...the nature of those drugs are never revealed...I am thinking she was bringing Jefferson the proper drugs to do his work.
I'm hoping we see Max, Chloe, and Chris in LiS2. I wanna know how they'd all meet, especially with Chris since he's a little kid. Also, if these two brothers go to the Two Whales Diner, it'd be so awesome if we saw Chloe and Max sitting at a table in the back, out of focus. It'd make for a cool cameo
apparently i didn't really dig into the details or easter eggs in-game, but i never thought Rachel would fall for a guy like Frank. And besides, her relationship with Chloe as seen in Before the storm was a hella insane solid one.
Did I miss something? I played BTS but didn't really notice anything between Rachel and Frank, just saw their relationship as neutral. In my game, she never got to meet Sera, so idk if that has an effect on their relationship or not. Her relationship with Chloe felt forced imo. Wasn't feeling the vibe.
I like the idea, however I wanted to play as Max again with Chloe to my side. I LOVED LiS and everything about it. They're the best videogame duo right now.
Probably not. I just don't see any of them being gay.
There is potential for it to be much better than LiS 1 and the prequel. The theme and premis alone is much more engaging for me and the game seems to tackle more serious subjects outside of the ones you'd find in the first game due to the highschool setting.
With the premise of the main characters being on the run, it will definetly feel like a coming-of-age road-trip movie and it could give the narrative the urgency, momentum, tension and a tighter overall plot-progression it mostly lacked in the previous games. We will probably visit much more new and different places and since it doesn't take place in one city, we hopefully won't have to visit the same places more than once.
However, neither the trailer nor the gameplay demo could win me over just yet. I absolutely loved the cinematography of the more calm moments in the first game and those are still here, but I really disliked the direction of the more action packed scenes from the first game and those are also still here, too. There may be even more now due to the premise of always being on the run and judging by the scenes we saw, they haven't been improved by much. I also found the graphic-style to be surprisingly jarring, because I liked it in the previous games. It definetly looks better, but not by that much. I could've been spoiled thanks to The Walking Dead: The Final Season, which I think looks rather great, and seeing those two side by side makes me realise, that Life is Strange's more minimalistic and dreamy approach doesn't hold up as much as I thought. Primarily the character-models. The lighting is still excellent, though.
But I have to say that my biggest problems with the first game aren't really tied to the technicle side of things. It's the writing that puts me off and some of the design-decisions that often annoyed me, especially in the final episode.
I guess we have to wait and see if they've managed to improve on that front. I just wonder how long the pauses are going to be between episodes. It would be cool, if they followed Telltale's trend and release them every 6 weeks or so, instead of every two or three months.
i hope they'll come up with a new idea with the story otherwise it would feel like a TWD Final Season or Season 1 replica- Where the concept is the main character teaching the younger one.
by the way guys, in the gameplay, was the police's response the S.O.P. for actual police officers in real life?
why didn't the police officer call 911 or at least prioritized the dying kid's life and rushed him to the hospital instead? since he already called for back-up. idk
i hope i never see max again.
I think race will be the major theme as opposed to LGBTQ. Given the game takes place around the time of the Trump election, and the main characters are Mexican, there's probably plenty to work with.
It is also seems that Sean is the Mexican Warren.
The picture tho.
I imagine it like A Way Out. Always on the run from the police and being Bear Grylls.
I expect it to be really good. Not as good as LiS one since Max and Chloe are the greatest duo to ever exist in LiS, but I expect it to be almost as good as that.
To make me feel something unlike Before the Storm.
OMG thankyou!!!!

you should probably go to the doctor because i think you might be dead inside.
I did, he suggested I play a game, so I bought Before the storm.
Needless to say all I felt was buyer’s remorse.
by the way guys, where can i buy a CD of this?
My husband is looking for a CD for his new car. Something he can play when he picks me up.
im surprised it wasnt included on the soundtrack. guess you'll have to burn your own. like a pirate.
No more Max and Chloe. Just please. I want to see these characters thrive on their own without relying on past cameos. I'm most definitely going to play the first episode at least, but a bit hesitant on the writing and direction the story is going after what I've seen so far. Will be remaining optimistic since captain spirit was done quite well.
Fear not, for Deck Nine, the makers who brought us the terrible installment to the LiS series known as BTS, aren't developing Life is Strange 2. DontNod is making this one
Can you spell "Blasphemy"?
By "these characters" you mean Max & her somewhat trusty sidekick Chloe, or the two brothers?
The brothers of course, and I found Decknine's writing leagues better than dontnod but opinions sminions yadda yadda yaaada.
Yes because episode 3 of BtS is definitely great writing.
And the season 1 finale is GOLD? I'll take a weak finale over garbage thanks lmao.
Oh burn!! What you did not enjoy all the padding they put in the final of season 1?
heartless. all of you. ?
i did. i wasnt even aware it was considered padding until i saw other people saying it.
How about the developers making Rachel drugging Victoria come off as funny and comedic when in the original the game clearly came off as it being a very bad and taboo thing to do. The finale for LiS 1 may have been bad, but at least the episodes before it were amazing. I liked Before the Storm, but in reality it’s just a bunch of unneeded fanfiction that completely contradicts the plot of LiS 1.
Why is Victoria even at Blackwell in BtS? Because I’m pretty sure in LiS 1 she said she was only there because of Jefferson, who wasn’t even at Blackwell at the time of BtS. How can the developers screw up something so simple as that? Good writing my ass.
Honestly, the entirety of BTS just felt pretty dry. I'd rather play LiS1 56 times in a row without breaks than play BTS again. Actually, I was more entertained throughout Captain Spirit than I was in BTS. I don't hate it or anything though
It was horribly blatant padding...running through the school several times...the avoid puzzle parts...the padding actually added 40 minutes to the game. Though that is not to say I did not love the over all game...but yeah...I wish I could kick the person at DONTNOD who thought that was a good idea in the nuts.
That's it...Angry Joe and Other Joe for the LiS2 Live action Movie!!!
By the way guys, in BTS did you notice the hand of Chloe while she looks at the picture of Rachel? it reads ansia. What does it mean?
I don't know if this is an easter egg or a glitch.
Does anyone one still remember LiS1? I was just wondering, in what part of Max's Nightmare can Max see the Homeless Lady and hear her say:
Max, "Thanks for that warning, Max. You treated me like a human, not like trash. I sure hope you do that for everybody in town." n- if warned
Max, "I've already lived forever... maybe you can help others live too..." -if not warned
I don't think i've seen it anywhere in my playthrough, and not even in the Youtubers' playthroughs.
Can you please point the exact location, or post a video link? thanks
I also hope they don't fall into the trap again, where they want us to care for a certain character, who acts so unsympathetic it breaks the whole story.
Life is Strange 1's narrative doesn't really work if you dislike Chloe, especially in the last two episodes. Sure, there's the supernatural and murder-mystery subplots, but the former is by far the weakest part of the game, by being demoted into a mere plot-device most of the time, while the latter is pretty underdeveloped, since Chloe's character gets the center-stage.
Don't make the little brother be a piece of shit, please.
I honestly don’t have idea of what LiS 2 is gonna be about, apparently one of the 2 brothers has powers and they ran away and now they’re living in the woods? I watched the trailers and everything still seems confusing.
I have none, and I'll probably still be disappointed by it.
Because of BTS, right?
Nah, my disappointment and dislike towards this series started with the first episode of the original. My hatred only grew with BtS.
I expect plot holes, terrible villain, an ending that destroys all our past choices and cringe dialogues.
We get it, you hate the LiS franchise. Got the memo from you making an entire playthrough on both games simply just shitting on them, as well as multiple comments on YouTube doing so as well. ^^
i enjoyed lis (plus max is the type of girl i fall for cute nerdy types) i hsve bts but have only played up to episode 3 as i keep forgetting to play it im just hoping season 2 can make me feel as emotional as lis has done before