The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Why is Jesse Pinkman such a dickhead? I don't understand him, especially in that episode where he threw a 3-day long party and ordered like 50 pizzas and gave away free meth. I know he's making way more money for that to not even matter, but come on, he really should be raising the bar, not lowering it. Actually, I think he let the bar hit the floor. He can't get any lower than where he's at. It's like, he has more than enough money to live a better lifestyle.

  • There are a lot of great games on PS4 and I can name a lot.

    • The Last of Us
    • Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection + Uncharted 4
    • Bloodborne
    • Persona 5
    • Horizon Zero Dawn
    • Until Dawn
    • Detroit Become Human
    • InFamous Second Son (Even though it's mediocre compared to the first games in my eyes)
    • Spider-Man
    • God of War

    And the upcoming titles like:

    • Death Stranding
    • The Last of Us Part 2
    • Ghost of Tsushima
    Bruno113 posted: »

    I'm thinking like should i buy PS4 if i have PC already. There are some games on consoles that i can't play on pc. I don't know is that good idea.

  • edited September 2018

    Watched Christopher Robin today, and like most things I thought it was really good :P

    It's cute, fluffy, sad and heartbreaking especially the first fifteen minutes which has a fantastic opening. Everything to do with the Hundred Acre Woods is great as well as whenever Pooh and Christopher Robin are interacting, the voices for the characters (especially Pooh) are really really good, and the cinematography was excellent. However, the third act is when things do kinda drag on and become pretty mediocre. The story itself isn't exactly groundbreaking either but it's serviceable and it takes a pretty dramatic shift in tone about half way through.

    Overall I really liked it. It's not doing anything really new like but if you're a fan of Winnie the Pooh and aren't too particularly cynical I'd definitely recommend it.

  • ya goof

    real talk who the hell says guys dislike the color purple tho .-.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Your avatar is the firefly logo and then your profile name is "psychokinesis". I don't know, but those just seem like something a guy would have.

  • Its great fun even better in vr

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    i haven't even started re7 yet. i feel like it's gonna take forever to beat. looks fun tho!

  • I wanted PSVR but there aren't a ton of games for it that are actually good

    Its great fun even better in vr

  • Many may have forgotten him, but I haven't.

  • I got one cheap on ebay there are some good games coming for it soon so its worth keeping an eye on

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I wanted PSVR but there aren't a ton of games for it that are actually good

  • "They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing, and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody posts a Harambe meme for the last time..."
    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Many may have forgotten him, but I haven't.

  • I was actually watching Dawn of the Planet of the Apes today, and he did cross my mind.

    I also own two Harambe T-shirts, one is just Harambe 1999-2016, but the other is "If you are reading this, then it's too late - Harambe". People always comment on them.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Many may have forgotten him, but I haven't.

  • i love jesse he's adorable. he just kept having breakdowns because he's not a total sociopath like walt and killing ppl actually affects him.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Why is Jesse Pinkman such a dickhead? I don't understand him, especially in that episode where he threw a 3-day long party and ordered like

  • Color is simply just perceptions of reflections of light; any meaning assigned to a color is purely subjective and heavily influenced by culture, for example: in Western cultures, the color white represents purity, cleanliness, and peace; however, in some Asian countries, white represents death, mourning, and bad luck. White is technically a shade, not a color, but I wanted to use it as an example of contrasting meanings in different cultures.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    ya goof real talk who the hell says guys dislike the color purple tho .-.

  • edited September 2018

    That's true but certain colors still have some inherent associations based on human nature and it's instinctive reactions to the environment alone. Brown and brownish green/yellow colors are associated with disease and filth. Red is a color typically associated with blood which means danger or battle. Pure green points towards the existence of life due to healthy plant life being the foundation of a solid ecosystem. Blue is a calming color because it indicates clear skies and fresh water. Yellow and orange are lively and energetic because of the sun. Purple can be considered a royal and mystique color due to it's relative rarity in nature, and so on. Culture plays a part but so does the properties of the creatures and objects that (seemingly) possess these colors.

    Color is simply just perceptions of reflections of light; any meaning assigned to a color is purely subjective and heavily influenced by cul

  • l4d 2 disc next to a ps4 controller?
    i do like the wallet though

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Many may have forgotten him, but I haven't.

  • There is an XBO present in my bedroom :D

    l4d 2 disc next to a ps4 controller? i do like the wallet though

  • ok XD

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    There is an XBO present in my bedroom

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited September 2018

    i love jesse he's adorable

    ** Me looking to find where he's adorable **

    he just kept having breakdowns

    I felt bad for him when he had to kill Eugene or whatever tf that guy's name was :D :D I mean, I felt bad for the guy too. His life was already sad and then he went and got killed.

    not a total sociopath like walt and killing ppl actually affects him

    I mean, you gotta keep a strong mind if you wanna survive, right?

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    i love jesse he's adorable. he just kept having breakdowns because he's not a total sociopath like walt and killing ppl actually affects him.

  • Trying to avoid ? season be like

  • When I went on vacation in Florida, I went to the Universal Orlando Resort for Harry Potter World. It was the best attraction the resort had to be honest. I got Voldemort's wand and the chocolate frog keychain.

    Here are some pictures I took when I was at Harry Potter World

  • My little sister got the exclusive wand they give out at that ride? attraction? where it's like a wand shop at Universal. It was real cool when she got picked and they did it.

    Glad you enjoyed it. Personally, my favorite Universal attraction is the Simpsons Ride. I freaking love it so much. It's awesome. Even waiting in line is great. Jurassic Park is pretty good too, and I was also a fan of the late Jaws Ride.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    When I went on vacation in Florida, I went to the Universal Orlando Resort for Harry Potter World. It was the best attraction the resort had

  • Personally, my favorite Universal attraction is the Simpsons Ride. I freaking love it so much. It's awesome. Even waiting in line is great.

    I went on the Simpsons ride too. I gave it a 7/10. The Harry Potter ride was great, the Shrek ride was the BEST ride hands down imo. Did you go to the Krusty Burger restaurant they had? Their burgers were disgusting??

    My little sister got the exclusive wand they give out at that ride? attraction? where it's like a wand shop at Universal. It was real cool w

  • True, true. There are many virtually universal meanings associated with colors; it is still all subjective. A color alone cannot have any meaning without a human to assign one to it, and a human associates a meaning to a color based on their experiences with it.

    Time for a pressing question though: do you like the color purple? ^_^

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    That's true but certain colors still have some inherent associations based on human nature and it's instinctive reactions to the environment

  • uhm achktually ur not allowed to like it because i thought it was bad for these very particular and subjective reasons. in this 4 hour long unscripted video essay/attack on people who disagree with me im gonna--

    jokes aside i'm super glad you enjoyed it! i've been a big winnie the pooh fan since i was 2, i love everything about the world of the hundred acre woods, also i love ewan mcgreggor so like this movie is an instant 10 let's be real. but i enjoyed it immensely and i'm glad to see somebody else did.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Watched Christopher Robin today, and like most things I thought it was really good :P It's cute, fluffy, sad and heartbreaking especially

  • I got motion sickness on the Simpsons ride so could only ride once ?, my personal favourite at Universal was Revenge of the Mummy.

    My little sister got the exclusive wand they give out at that ride? attraction? where it's like a wand shop at Universal. It was real cool w

  • That makes sense but that doesn't mean color is inherently meaningless. Life gives the world it's own meaning, it doesn't need anything else to validate that.

    It's hard to think of many instances where purple isn't pleasant to look at (I know there are some shut up). I'm wearing a purple shirt right now actually lol My favorite color is green though since it's a very welcoming and imposing color.

    True, true. There are many virtually universal meanings associated with colors; it is still all subjective. A color alone cannot have any me

  • im feeling really miserable for some reason probably just lonely

  • You know a review is gonna be good when it's twice as long as the movie.

    Yeah I grew up watching Winnie the Pooh too, though it's been a while since I've actually seen it.

    uhm achktually ur not allowed to like it because i thought it was bad for these very particular and subjective reasons. in this 4 hour long

  • i watched a couple of old winnie the pooh cartoons shortly before seeing Christopher Robin, it DEFINITELY holds up. good stuff.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    You know a review is gonna be good when it's twice as long as the movie. Yeah I grew up watching Winnie the Pooh too, though it's been a while since I've actually seen it.

  • edited September 2018

    Personally, @4k60fpsHDR, your Telltale server is borked. Too busy. I'm sorry.

    Got pinged, looked at the server and its unrecognizable. It's like walking into a virtual crowd and everyone's talking with each other. It's just too much. 500+ people. 120+ are active right now.

    This is kinda why I don't use discord. The big groups are too big.

    Nothing against you, I'm just expressing a general opinion I've got. I don't mean to direct it at you and mean anything negative.

  • For anyone who had a ban but was confused by the lack of ban duration/messages, this issue should now be fixed. If you've been banned recently and were confused at seeing no ban message/duration, you were likely not permanently banned, so you should now be able to log on and see how long you were banned for and why.

  • Hey hey hey, Krusty Burger was great! They had a massive foot long hot dog, it was delicious. So much tasty food.

    Harry Potter was fun, and the Shrek ride was excellent, I agree there.

    Did you get one of those cake sized pink donuts in the Simpsons area? It was phenomenal, easily one of the best food I've ever had. And it was such much, it lasted my family days, and it was still great!

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Personally, my favorite Universal attraction is the Simpsons Ride. I freaking love it so much. It's awesome. Even waiting in line is great.

  • For the record, purple is my favorite color, and I am a guy. Mystery, royalty, hey now.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    ya goof real talk who the hell says guys dislike the color purple tho .-.

  • That sucks about the motion sickness.

    Also, Revenge of the Mummy had no line when we were there, so we went on it like 5 times. It's a great ride, really funny. Good choice for your favorite.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I got motion sickness on the Simpsons ride so could only ride once ?, my personal favourite at Universal was Revenge of the Mummy.

  • Did you get one of those cake sized pink donuts in the Simpsons area? It was phenomenal, easily one of the best food I've ever had

    Does this answer your question :D ? It was flawless.

    Hey hey hey, Krusty Burger was great! They had a massive foot long hot dog, it was delicious. So much tasty food. Harry Potter was fun, a

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited September 2018

    It was heaven...

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Did you get one of those cake sized pink donuts in the Simpsons area? It was phenomenal, easily one of the best food I've ever had Does this answer your question ? It was flawless.

  • I was going to ask a really stupid question, but I have another question that's not really stupid at all, so i'll ask it instead. Where do all the really old surnames go? How come there's no one with the last name Jenkins, Perkins, Hoover, Ainsworth, and Dalton anymore ? All I know is through marriage the woman takes her husband's surname, so that's basically like tying up her family name.

  • I think I remember these! ?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Did you get one of those cake sized pink donuts in the Simpsons area? It was phenomenal, easily one of the best food I've ever had Does this answer your question ? It was flawless.

  • just got off the phone with my psychiatrist apparently my worry levels have gotten better so thats an improvement ive mesaged ghostgirl and given her one last chance to respond if not then her loss

  • My mom's maiden name is dying off this generation due to everyone having girls, and no one caring enough to go against the take-husband's-surname trend. It's a complicated name that always has to be spelled out when giving it to businesses by voice or over the phone, so that might also have something to do with it.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I was going to ask a really stupid question, but I have another question that's not really stupid at all, so i'll ask it instead. Where do a

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