One could say that Kenny and Chloe are almost the same character.
Except one of them is arguably still just a child with some serious unt… morereated mental health problems (borderline personality disorder possibly), while another is a fully grown adult who has serious anger issues with a violent streak.
I don't hate Chloe, but I wouldn't want to be her friend in real life either. I'd advise her to get some counselling and do so some serious self-reflection without getting drugs involved.
she's not immoral. idk why you'd think that. she never got a chance to accept responsibility and move on because terrible things keep happening to her. her father dies, then before having a chance to grieve her best friend leaves immediately after the funeral, meanwhile her mom starts dating an abusive dick, she's getting bullied at her new school and doesn't have any real friends until she meets rachel. rachel disappears, she gets drugged by some psycho, megabitch max shows up, then the game ends after a week. there's literally no time for her to deal with any of this craziness that life keeps throwing at her. it's constantly something else. all this happened in a span of only like 5 years.
if you played the farewell episode and remember the flashback to when she was a kid from s1 or even the alternate reality chloe you can see her true nature, which is very kind and relatively upbeat and happy. kinda excluding paralyzed chloe there but she still seems a lot happier there than in the real timeline. but still very lonely because maximum asshole max still refuses to keep in contact with her in that reality too.
Because understanding why a person does something is not the same as excusing them for their actions. Numerous characters in fiction can hav… moree understandable or even sympathetic reasons for doing what they do, it doesn't magically make it right or mean that I have to agree with it. Me saying I understand them is saying I get their line of reasoning, I just don't agree with the conclusion they reach.
How much longer can we excuse Chloe for her actions? I get it, her dad died, her best friend left, her new best friend disappeared. I know this sounds heartless, but sometimes it needs to be said, how much longer can we tally her decision making up to this stuff and not up to her own recklessness and immoral character? When do we say, "I get that things haven't been easy for you, but at some point, you need to accept responsibility, move on, and learn to live a good and healthy life."
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people either mak… [view original content]
Blames others for her actions, wants to steal from Blackwell's handicap fund, plans on committing murder, steals her stepfather's gun, underage drinking and drug use, skips classes. None of these are necessarily upright and moral things to do.
she never got a chance to accept responsibility and move on because terrible things keep happening to her.
And again, the making of excuses. I've already addressed many of those issues in a previous comment. And as you mentioned, the death of her dad occurred 5 years ago. Yes it's a hard thing for anyone to go through, but 5 years is a long time. You cannot stay in a perpetual state of grief, otherwise, you will cause great harm to yourself, and we see that in Chloe. And if we continue to give this excuse to her, than she'll continue to brandish it.
I know what Chloe used to be like and what she could have been, the first 40 or so minutes of Ep. 4 from the original is honestly the best part of the game, and that Chloe is actually a very likable and sympathetic character. But that's not who she is now, she's changed as a result of her own actions. If Chloe is a victim of anything, she's a victim of herself, not what has happened to her. She lets the past dictate and control her future, which prevents her from moving on and maturing.
she's not immoral. idk why you'd think that. she never got a chance to accept responsibility and move on because terrible things keep happen… moreing to her. her father dies, then before having a chance to grieve her best friend leaves immediately after the funeral, meanwhile her mom starts dating an abusive dick, she's getting bullied at her new school and doesn't have any real friends until she meets rachel. rachel disappears, she gets drugged by some psycho, megabitch max shows up, then the game ends after a week. there's literally no time for her to deal with any of this craziness that life keeps throwing at her. it's constantly something else. all this happened in a span of only like 5 years.
if you played the farewell episode and remember the flashback to when she was a kid from s1 or even the alternate reality chloe you can see her true nature, which is very kind and relatively upbeat and happy. kinda excluding paralyzed chloe there but she… [view original content]
omg so judgmental ? those aren't excuses, they're reasons for why she acts like the way she does. who she is deep inside is still the same sweet person she always was, she's just dealing with tons of drama. like in BTS you can see things through her perceptive or whatever. it's been like 2 years since her father dies but she still has recurring nightmares about it so clearly she's still dealing with it. she probably has a bunch of undiagnosed mental issues like depression that she's working with so to fault her for not acting all happy and cheery all the time is crazy to me. you can't just say someone should move on and expect that to magically happen. you need more sympathy with people.
there's also this huge gap from the end of BTS to the start of LiS where we can't see how she is now that she's with rachel. we only catch up in LiS when chloe is basically losing her mind over losing rachel and putting up those missing posters everywhere. having rachel go missing and basically being alone again then her former best friend showing up out of nowhere acting negligent as ever has gotta bring back a ton of bad emotions for chloe.
she's not immoral. idk why you'd think that
Blames others for her actions, wants to steal from Blackwell's handicap fund, plans on c… moreommitting murder, steals her stepfather's gun, underage drinking and drug use, skips classes. None of these are necessarily upright and moral things to do.
she never got a chance to accept responsibility and move on because terrible things keep happening to her.
And again, the making of excuses. I've already addressed many of those issues in a previous comment. And as you mentioned, the death of her dad occurred 5 years ago. Yes it's a hard thing for anyone to go through, but 5 years is a long time. You cannot stay in a perpetual state of grief, otherwise, you will cause great harm to yourself, and we see that in Chloe. And if we continue to give this excuse to her, than she'll continue to brandish it.
I know what Chloe used to be like and what she could have been, the first 40 or so minu… [view original content]
I don't excuse anything Chloe's done, but you're saying she should've gotten over her Dad's death when she just wasn't taught how. Grief management is still a skill that has to be learned, and there weren't many people in her life to teach her that, which is why she immediately clung onto Rachel's "fuck the world for forcing me through this shit" mentality. Her parents seemed very conflict avoidant and just kindof overall pushovers even if very likable and respectable, Max was a stereotypical wallflower, which isn't a bad thing but she couldn't be much of a role model in that regard, and David's parenting style and tough love approach clashed too much with how William and Joyce raised her, that's not his fault just that compatibility barrier meant he couldn't help her get on the right path in the way she needed. That's the touchy thing about free will I feel like, we're in control of our own actions but they can't exist in a vacuum, everything's cause and effect and that's especially true with how we treat each other. No one's immune to that despite how complex we are.
You're right that there's no excuse for stealing from the handicap fund, but you still always have to see the actions of people like her as part of a bigger dysfunctional picture.
she's not immoral. idk why you'd think that
Blames others for her actions, wants to steal from Blackwell's handicap fund, plans on c… moreommitting murder, steals her stepfather's gun, underage drinking and drug use, skips classes. None of these are necessarily upright and moral things to do.
she never got a chance to accept responsibility and move on because terrible things keep happening to her.
And again, the making of excuses. I've already addressed many of those issues in a previous comment. And as you mentioned, the death of her dad occurred 5 years ago. Yes it's a hard thing for anyone to go through, but 5 years is a long time. You cannot stay in a perpetual state of grief, otherwise, you will cause great harm to yourself, and we see that in Chloe. And if we continue to give this excuse to her, than she'll continue to brandish it.
I know what Chloe used to be like and what she could have been, the first 40 or so minu… [view original content]
Before you help someone, you should find out why that person is in trouble. You shouldn't merely assume that he or she is a noble victim of unjust circumstances and exploitation.
If you buy the story that everything terrible just happened on its own, with no personal responsibility on the part of the victim, you deny that person all agency in the past (and, by implication, in the present and future, as well). In this manner, you strip him or her of all power.
Dr. Peterson is not only a professor of psychology, he is a clinical psychologist, he's been dealing and treating real life Chloe's and other people that have been worse off than her for decades. He has more knowledge on this type of stuff than you and I put together, and if Chloe was one of his patients, he'd probably be more in line with what I've been saying.
I have found out why Chloe is "in trouble," and not all of it is because her dad is dead and her friend is missing, a lot of it is self-attributed. No where have I ever denied bad things have happened in Chloe's life, but you are denying that, at the very least, some of it is her fault and her own responsibility. I'm the one saying that she is responsible for her own actions, how is that being judgmental?
she probably has a bunch of undiagnosed mental issues like depression that she's working with so to fault her for not acting all happy and cheery all the time is crazy to me.
No where did I ever say she has to be cheery and happy all the time. What I have said is that, whenever someone does actually try to help her, she continuously shuts them out or refuses to listen, and after several and constant attempts by Chloe at doing this, yeah, one is going to grow sick and tired of her when she demands people feel bad for her or say how no one wants to help her.
you can't just say someone should move on and expect that to magically happen.
Immediately after the onset of it, no I can't. After 5 years have passed, I think it's safe to say that the ability to claim victimhood over something like this has passed. The Kubler-Ross Model, otherwise known as 5 Stages of Grief, goes Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. After 5 years, Chloe has still not reached Acceptance, she's still fluctuating between Grief, Anger, and Depression. Again, this is not healthy for a person to be still there after that long a period of time.
you need more sympathy with people.
I do, when there is something to sympathize with them with. Chloe losing her dad, I feel bad for her, her brandishing it as a weapon to guilt people 5 years after it happened, I lose it immediately.
omg so judgmental ? those aren't excuses, they're reasons for why she acts like the way she does. who she is deep inside is still the same s… moreweet person she always was, she's just dealing with tons of drama. like in BTS you can see things through her perceptive or whatever. it's been like 2 years since her father dies but she still has recurring nightmares about it so clearly she's still dealing with it. she probably has a bunch of undiagnosed mental issues like depression that she's working with so to fault her for not acting all happy and cheery all the time is crazy to me. you can't just say someone should move on and expect that to magically happen. you need more sympathy with people.
there's also this huge gap from the end of BTS to the start of LiS where we can't see how she is now that she's with rachel. we only catch up in LiS when chloe is basically losing her mind over losing rachel and putting up those missing posters everywhere. h… [view original content]
Grief management is still a skill that has to be learned, and there weren't many people in her life to teach her that
Yeah, because she either shut out people who were trying to help her, or surrounded herself with people who supported her downward spiral, as you correctly pointed out with why she clung onto Rachel.
It's certainly an interesting argument you've made, one that holds more validity than anything else I've read, even if I don't completely agree with everything you said.
I don't excuse anything Chloe's done, but you're saying she should've gotten over her Dad's death when she just wasn't taught how. Grief man… moreagement is still a skill that has to be learned, and there weren't many people in her life to teach her that, which is why she immediately clung onto Rachel's "fuck the world for forcing me through this shit" mentality. Her parents seemed very conflict avoidant and just kindof overall pushovers even if very likable and respectable, Max was a stereotypical wallflower, which isn't a bad thing but she couldn't be much of a role model in that regard, and David's parenting style and tough love approach clashed too much with how William and Joyce raised her, that's not his fault just that compatibility barrier meant he couldn't help her get on the right path in the way she needed. That's the touchy thing about free will I feel like, we're in control of our own actions but they can't exist in a vacuum, everythin… [view original content]
Well one thing I'm now expecting is for the episodes to actually be longer than I thought they'd be. I skimmed through a 90 minute was all in the same prologue chapter they showed off at Gamescom. I was thinking they simply cut like ~20 minutes of it, but nope, they cut out ~70 minutes worth of content.
Would be crazy if every chapter was 90 minutes long like the prologue, if you do and look at everything, but I doubt all of them will be as long as that. Still looking like at least episode 1 might last 3 hours or more depending on your playstile (rushing through it vs exploring as much as possible and doing things like reading texts, getting the collectibles, etc.). Long episodes with alternate paths would go a long way to justify the price of the season pass.
Wow. I didn't expect to read something about that idiot Jordan Peterson here. That's disappointing.
To get back on topic, I really hope the episodes are actually as long as they seem to be.
Jup. I was confused about that 40$ price tag at first, but it would make sense if these episodes are this gigantic. But I hope you can at least buy the first episode seperatly from the season pass. I'd rather test it first before buying the whole season.
Would be crazy if every chapter was 90 minutes long like the prologue, if you do and look at everything, but I doubt all of them will be as … morelong as that. Still looking like at least episode 1 might last 3 hours or more depending on your playstile (rushing through it vs exploring as much as possible and doing things like reading texts, getting the collectibles, etc.). Long episodes with alternate paths would go a long way to justify the price of the season pass.
All I'll say is that, having skimmed through the leaks in the past, at least 2 or 3 other chapters have the potential to be 60 - 90 minutes long (if they are then it could last 6 hours with these 4 chapters alone which would be kinda insane) while others seem more linear. Those numbers are purely speculation based on the info that had been provided combined with the footage from the trailer and dev diary though, so take it with a huge grain of salt.
Hopefully it'll be like season 1 and BTS: Buy the season pass, buy episode 1 and then a discounted season pass for eps 2-5 or buy each individually.
Jup. I was confused about that 40$ price tag at first, but it would make sense if these episodes are this gigantic. But I hope you can at le… moreast buy the first episode seperatly from the season pass. I'd rather test it first before buying the whole season.
Yeah. The episodes for both LiS and BTS were already pretty long compared to Telltale's output at that time, so I don't think I need to worry about length now.
All I'll say is that, having skimmed through the leaks in the past, at least 2 or 3 other chapters have the potential to be 60 - 90 minutes … morelong (if they are then it could last 6 hours with these 4 chapters alone which would be kinda insane) while others seem more linear. Those numbers are purely speculation based on the info that had been provided combined with the footage from the trailer and dev diary though, so take it with a huge grain of salt.
Hopefully it'll be like season 1 and BTS: Buy the season pass, buy episode 1 and then a discounted season pass for eps 2-5 or buy each individually.
4) Will one of the main characters in LiS 2 turn out to be LGBTQ+?
@MetallicaRules I'll respond to your post in a bit, but if there's anything you disagree with in my post please feel free to let me know. I like getting good arguments on how my viewpoints can improve a lot more than just being right
Psychologists still have their own interpretations of human behavior based on the facts, and even then the argument is based more in free will vs determinism since it's a matter of personal responsibility, which is a philosophical debate. It's like quoting a famous nihilist and saying he has credentials in philosophy so his opinion shuts down the opposing argument. It's true that his opinion holds weight. but there are other philosophers with vastly different, personally held philosophies who can have objectively equal credentials.
Yeah, because she either shut out people who were trying to help her, or surrounded herself with people who supported her downward spiral, as you correctly pointed out with why she clung onto Rachel.
With the free will vs determinism aspect, did Chloe choose to shut out those people by her own voilition or was that just what her life was inevitably leading up to? Both are technically correct, she made her own choices and no one forces her down that path but they were still influenced by how she was raised and how her friends and family molded her (even if indirectly), it just depends on how much grey area you think there is in between.
omg so judgmental
Again, to quote Dr. Peterson:
Before you help someone, you should find out why that person is in trouble. Yo… moreu shouldn't merely assume that he or she is a noble victim of unjust circumstances and exploitation.
If you buy the story that everything terrible just happened on its own, with no personal responsibility on the part of the victim, you deny that person all agency in the past (and, by implication, in the present and future, as well). In this manner, you strip him or her of all power.
Dr. Peterson is not only a professor of psychology, he is a clinical psychologist, he's been dealing and treating real life Chloe's and other people that have been worse off than her for decades. He has more knowledge on this type of stuff than you and I put together, and if Chloe was one of his patients, he'd probably be more in line with what I've been saying.
I have found out why Chloe is "in trouble," and… [view original content]
For me the game is losing points for this detail that was data mined.
If you saved Chloe....Max and Chloe will be met in the game....If you saved the Bay...Max and Warren are an item...what fucking bullshit that Max would end up with that creep!
there sure is. I mean like the game all you want I'm still gonna hate aspects of season 1. I'm hopeful season 2 can win me over though I'll say that much.
Also have they even mentioned anything regarding season importing? I know they mentioned captain spirit but haven't heard anything about season 1. I guess there could be a generator.
Fellas, can’t we all agree that both Warren and Eliot are creeps?
Also, @Cocoa2736 I’ll get to your comment eventually, it’s just that, where I am, it’s almost midnight, I’m about to go to bed, and I’m typing on an iPad. Needless to say I’m not in the best spot to respond.
i never totally hated him but i rejected all his advances and tried avoiding him because he gave off a weird vibe that made me uneasy being around him.
i guess im glad hes dead just so i dont have to deal with him anymore ?
he always seemed too pushy even after you p much make it clear u have no romantic feelings toward him. and that night of the vortex club party was rly uncomfortable bcuz he was acting so weird. and its like he was using the fact he got beat up by nathan to kinda guilt you. same after he beat nathan up. like he expected u to immediately fall for him or something. theres also his overall mannerisms which always seem so awkward. and the way he talks. and the fact he has a folder on his flash drive called "max".
eliot from BTS totally outdid warren on the creeper level to the point of stalker but yah they're both obsessive weirdos.
I think Warren is cool actually. He just wanted to love somebody and he got beaten up for it. And then he helped Max once again by beating Nathan. Also when he realized that Max loves Chloe he was so chill and cool while being drunk, he could have easily become aggresive so yeah i think hes actually cool.
he didn't just want someone, he wanted max. if he would've been fine with anybody he'd have gotten with brooke who actually crushed on him. but warren stayed super clingy to max even if he and brooke went out.
and what he was feeling wasn't love, it was some creepy obsession.
I think Warren is cool actually. He just wanted to love somebody and he got beaten up for it. And then he helped Max once again by beating N… moreathan. Also when he realized that Max loves Chloe he was so chill and cool while being drunk, he could have easily become aggresive so yeah i think hes actually cool.
he didn't just want someone, he wanted max. if he would've been fine with anybody he'd have gotten with brooke who actually crushed on him. … morebut warren stayed super clingy to max even if he and brooke went out.
and what he was feeling wasn't love, it was some creepy obsession.
The many aliases Max goes by that are my favorite are The Blackwell Ninja, Time Warrior, Max Power, Maximum Overdrive, Maximus, Mass Max, Mystic Max, and Heisenberg of Blackwell
I could never get into TFTB for some reason. I played the first three episodes and was bored out of my mind. LiS was boring at first too, but by the end of episode 2 I was hooked. Can’t say the same for TFTB.
Ok multiple endings for LiS2...hopefully they avoid the bullshit endings for LiS....getting pumped...LiS2 and is going to be a very good few months.
Ok multiple endings for LiS2...hopefully they avoid the bullshit endings for LiS....getting pumped...LiS2 and is going to be a very good few months.
In BTS...she had a boyfriend...well more like someone she had grown up with...hell he might have known Max. But things were changing..even her dreams were about women more and when she was "rubbing one out" She was thinking of Deckard from Blade Runner but then Priss came and stole the show. So I think there was a natural progression...and through photos and small remarks you can infer that Chloe always loved Max...and Max being the socially awkward girl she was...only felt fully alive when with the bonus episode of BTS...Max tells Chloe that she is afraid she will not be ok when she moves from Chloe. It is entirely possible that Max had no real clue she loved Chloe...but somewhere deep her mind knew it.
I think the worst thing DONTNOD has done is not to explain what Max went through in the years of her seperation from Chloe.
In BTS...she had a boyfriend...well more like someone she had grown up with...hell he might have known Max. But things were changing..even … moreher dreams were about women more and when she was "rubbing one out" She was thinking of Deckard from Blade Runner but then Priss came and stole the show. So I think there was a natural progression...and through photos and small remarks you can infer that Chloe always loved Max...and Max being the socially awkward girl she was...only felt fully alive when with the bonus episode of BTS...Max tells Chloe that she is afraid she will not be ok when she moves from Chloe. It is entirely possible that Max had no real clue she loved Chloe...but somewhere deep her mind knew it.
I think the worst thing DONTNOD has done is not to explain what Max went through in the years of her seperation from Chloe.
She and I are nothing alike, but I’d love to take Max’s place as her bff
she's not immoral. idk why you'd think that. she never got a chance to accept responsibility and move on because terrible things keep happening to her. her father dies, then before having a chance to grieve her best friend leaves immediately after the funeral, meanwhile her mom starts dating an abusive dick, she's getting bullied at her new school and doesn't have any real friends until she meets rachel. rachel disappears, she gets drugged by some psycho, megabitch max shows up, then the game ends after a week. there's literally no time for her to deal with any of this craziness that life keeps throwing at her. it's constantly something else. all this happened in a span of only like 5 years.
if you played the farewell episode and remember the flashback to when she was a kid from s1 or even the alternate reality chloe you can see her true nature, which is very kind and relatively upbeat and happy. kinda excluding paralyzed chloe there but she still seems a lot happier there than in the real timeline. but still very lonely because maximum asshole max still refuses to keep in contact with her in that reality too.
Blames others for her actions, wants to steal from Blackwell's handicap fund, plans on committing murder, steals her stepfather's gun, underage drinking and drug use, skips classes. None of these are necessarily upright and moral things to do.
And again, the making of excuses. I've already addressed many of those issues in a previous comment. And as you mentioned, the death of her dad occurred 5 years ago. Yes it's a hard thing for anyone to go through, but 5 years is a long time. You cannot stay in a perpetual state of grief, otherwise, you will cause great harm to yourself, and we see that in Chloe. And if we continue to give this excuse to her, than she'll continue to brandish it.
I know what Chloe used to be like and what she could have been, the first 40 or so minutes of Ep. 4 from the original is honestly the best part of the game, and that Chloe is actually a very likable and sympathetic character. But that's not who she is now, she's changed as a result of her own actions. If Chloe is a victim of anything, she's a victim of herself, not what has happened to her. She lets the past dictate and control her future, which prevents her from moving on and maturing.
omg so judgmental ? those aren't excuses, they're reasons for why she acts like the way she does. who she is deep inside is still the same sweet person she always was, she's just dealing with tons of drama. like in BTS you can see things through her perceptive or whatever. it's been like 2 years since her father dies but she still has recurring nightmares about it so clearly she's still dealing with it. she probably has a bunch of undiagnosed mental issues like depression that she's working with so to fault her for not acting all happy and cheery all the time is crazy to me. you can't just say someone should move on and expect that to magically happen. you need more sympathy with people.
there's also this huge gap from the end of BTS to the start of LiS where we can't see how she is now that she's with rachel. we only catch up in LiS when chloe is basically losing her mind over losing rachel and putting up those missing posters everywhere. having rachel go missing and basically being alone again then her former best friend showing up out of nowhere acting negligent as ever has gotta bring back a ton of bad emotions for chloe.
I don't excuse anything Chloe's done, but you're saying she should've gotten over her Dad's death when she just wasn't taught how. Grief management is still a skill that has to be learned, and there weren't many people in her life to teach her that, which is why she immediately clung onto Rachel's "fuck the world for forcing me through this shit" mentality. Her parents seemed very conflict avoidant and just kindof overall pushovers even if very likable and respectable, Max was a stereotypical wallflower, which isn't a bad thing but she couldn't be much of a role model in that regard, and David's parenting style and tough love approach clashed too much with how William and Joyce raised her, that's not his fault just that compatibility barrier meant he couldn't help her get on the right path in the way she needed. That's the touchy thing about free will I feel like, we're in control of our own actions but they can't exist in a vacuum, everything's cause and effect and that's especially true with how we treat each other. No one's immune to that despite how complex we are.
You're right that there's no excuse for stealing from the handicap fund, but you still always have to see the actions of people like her as part of a bigger dysfunctional picture.
Again, to quote Dr. Peterson:
Dr. Peterson is not only a professor of psychology, he is a clinical psychologist, he's been dealing and treating real life Chloe's and other people that have been worse off than her for decades. He has more knowledge on this type of stuff than you and I put together, and if Chloe was one of his patients, he'd probably be more in line with what I've been saying.
I have found out why Chloe is "in trouble," and not all of it is because her dad is dead and her friend is missing, a lot of it is self-attributed. No where have I ever denied bad things have happened in Chloe's life, but you are denying that, at the very least, some of it is her fault and her own responsibility. I'm the one saying that she is responsible for her own actions, how is that being judgmental?
No where did I ever say she has to be cheery and happy all the time. What I have said is that, whenever someone does actually try to help her, she continuously shuts them out or refuses to listen, and after several and constant attempts by Chloe at doing this, yeah, one is going to grow sick and tired of her when she demands people feel bad for her or say how no one wants to help her.
Immediately after the onset of it, no I can't. After 5 years have passed, I think it's safe to say that the ability to claim victimhood over something like this has passed. The Kubler-Ross Model, otherwise known as 5 Stages of Grief, goes Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. After 5 years, Chloe has still not reached Acceptance, she's still fluctuating between Grief, Anger, and Depression. Again, this is not healthy for a person to be still there after that long a period of time.
I do, when there is something to sympathize with them with. Chloe losing her dad, I feel bad for her, her brandishing it as a weapon to guilt people 5 years after it happened, I lose it immediately.
Yeah, because she either shut out people who were trying to help her, or surrounded herself with people who supported her downward spiral, as you correctly pointed out with why she clung onto Rachel.
It's certainly an interesting argument you've made, one that holds more validity than anything else I've read, even if I don't completely agree with everything you said.
Well one thing I'm now expecting is for the episodes to actually be longer than I thought they'd be. I skimmed through a 90 minute was all in the same prologue chapter they showed off at Gamescom. I was thinking they simply cut like ~20 minutes of it, but nope, they cut out ~70 minutes worth of content.
Wow. I didn't expect to read something about that idiot Jordan Peterson here. That's disappointing.
To get back on topic, I really hope the episodes are actually as long as they seem to be.
Would be crazy if every chapter was 90 minutes long like the prologue, if you do and look at everything, but I doubt all of them will be as long as that. Still looking like at least episode 1 might last 3 hours or more depending on your playstile (rushing through it vs exploring as much as possible and doing things like reading texts, getting the collectibles, etc.). Long episodes with alternate paths would go a long way to justify the price of the season pass.
Jup. I was confused about that 40$ price tag at first, but it would make sense if these episodes are this gigantic. But I hope you can at least buy the first episode seperatly from the season pass. I'd rather test it first before buying the whole season.
All I'll say is that, having skimmed through the leaks in the past, at least 2 or 3 other chapters have the potential to be 60 - 90 minutes long (if they are then it could last 6 hours with these 4 chapters alone which would be kinda insane) while others seem more linear. Those numbers are purely speculation based on the info that had been provided combined with the footage from the trailer and dev diary though, so take it with a huge grain of salt.
Hopefully it'll be like season 1 and BTS: Buy the season pass, buy episode 1 and then a discounted season pass for eps 2-5 or buy each individually.
Yeah. The episodes for both LiS and BTS were already pretty long compared to Telltale's output at that time, so I don't think I need to worry about length now.

@MetallicaRules I'll respond to your post in a bit, but if there's anything you disagree with in my post please feel free to let me know. I like getting good arguments on how my viewpoints can improve a lot more than just being right
Psychologists still have their own interpretations of human behavior based on the facts, and even then the argument is based more in free will vs determinism since it's a matter of personal responsibility, which is a philosophical debate. It's like quoting a famous nihilist and saying he has credentials in philosophy so his opinion shuts down the opposing argument. It's true that his opinion holds weight. but there are other philosophers with vastly different, personally held philosophies who can have objectively equal credentials.
With the free will vs determinism aspect, did Chloe choose to shut out those people by her own voilition or was that just what her life was inevitably leading up to? Both are technically correct, she made her own choices and no one forces her down that path but they were still influenced by how she was raised and how her friends and family molded her (even if indirectly), it just depends on how much grey area you think there is in between.
Listen, Life is Strange was the BEST game of its time, there's no arguing that. DontNod WILL recreate their success.
For me the game is losing points for this detail that was data mined.
If you saved Chloe....Max and Chloe will be met in the game....If you saved the Bay...Max and Warren are an item...what fucking bullshit that Max would end up with that creep!
there sure is. I mean like the game all you want I'm still gonna hate aspects of season 1. I'm hopeful season 2 can win me over though I'll say that much.
wowzers that fan pandering.
Also have they even mentioned anything regarding season importing? I know they mentioned captain spirit but haven't heard anything about season 1. I guess there could be a generator.
Warren wasn't a creep. That dude in BTS that kept stalking Chloe was a creep
Keep telling yourself that.
Fellas, can’t we all agree that both Warren and Eliot are creeps?
Also, @Cocoa2736 I’ll get to your comment eventually, it’s just that, where I am, it’s almost midnight, I’m about to go to bed, and I’m typing on an iPad. Needless to say I’m not in the best spot to respond.
thats kinda messed up. idk what data mined is tho. does that mean its def gonna be in the game?
Oh well...
I'm glad I'll not be seeing him in my playthrough. He can "go ape" with Satan.
i never totally hated him but i rejected all his advances and tried avoiding him because he gave off a weird vibe that made me uneasy being around him.
i guess im glad hes dead just so i dont have to deal with him anymore ?
Why is everyone sayin' Warren's a creep? It's been quite a while since I last played, but from what I remember, he didn't seem creepy at all
he always seemed too pushy even after you p much make it clear u have no romantic feelings toward him. and that night of the vortex club party was rly uncomfortable bcuz he was acting so weird. and its like he was using the fact he got beat up by nathan to kinda guilt you. same after he beat nathan up. like he expected u to immediately fall for him or something. theres also his overall mannerisms which always seem so awkward. and the way he talks. and the fact he has a folder on his flash drive called "max".
eliot from BTS totally outdid warren on the creeper level to the point of stalker but yah they're both obsessive weirdos.
But what about Tales from the Borderlands?
I and a lot of other people enjoyed that way more than LiS.
I think Warren is cool actually. He just wanted to love somebody and he got beaten up for it. And then he helped Max once again by beating Nathan. Also when he realized that Max loves Chloe he was so chill and cool while being drunk, he could have easily become aggresive so yeah i think hes actually cool.
he didn't just want someone, he wanted max. if he would've been fine with anybody he'd have gotten with brooke who actually crushed on him. but warren stayed super clingy to max even if he and brooke went out.
and what he was feeling wasn't love, it was some creepy obsession.
time to go ape
The many aliases Max goes by that are my favorite are The Blackwell Ninja, Time Warrior, Max Power, Maximum Overdrive, Maximus, Mass Max, Mystic Max, and Heisenberg of Blackwell
I could never get into TFTB for some reason. I played the first three episodes and was bored out of my mind. LiS was boring at first too, but by the end of episode 2 I was hooked. Can’t say the same for TFTB.
Ok multiple endings for LiS2...hopefully they avoid the bullshit endings for LiS....getting pumped...LiS2 and is going to be a very good few months.
was Chloe's sexuality in LiS & BTS forced? or was it believable?
In BTS...she had a boyfriend...well more like someone she had grown up with...hell he might have known Max. But things were changing..even her dreams were about women more and when she was "rubbing one out" She was thinking of Deckard from Blade Runner but then Priss came and stole the show. So I think there was a natural progression...and through photos and small remarks you can infer that Chloe always loved Max...and Max being the socially awkward girl she was...only felt fully alive when with the bonus episode of BTS...Max tells Chloe that she is afraid she will not be ok when she moves from Chloe. It is entirely possible that Max had no real clue she loved Chloe...but somewhere deep her mind knew it.
I think the worst thing DONTNOD has done is not to explain what Max went through in the years of her seperation from Chloe.
i thought Max liked Warren
She most of the time just humored him...but you can romance him...he just comes off as creepy at times.
I still remember being creeped out when I found this easter egg.
Yeah that’s pretty uh...that’s pretty creepy. He’s doing 3much