Save Telltale
Guys we have to figure out a way to save telltale, or at least the ending of The Walking Dead: The Final Season. I have waited too long to see the end of Clem’s story, and I’m not about to let it go unresolved now!
What do you think? Will we ever see the end, or is it officially over for the series??
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This is like the finger snap from the Avengers 3 movie. Two hundred and fifty of the devs were fired. And all we are left is to demand refunds but the company is hella bankrupt.
honestly don’t even care about the refunds, their early games were amazing and continue to effect people! I’m hoping that the skeleton crew that still seem to be left aren’t working on a Netflix series that noone wants and are instead focusing on a beloved series that people have payed and waited for, idk that’s just me
Who exactly are skeleton crew?
When I saw "their early games were amazing" I guess that's like saying that you like Telltale but not enough that you will buy the company out of bankruptcy
Wait but they said they would finish twd right ?
I doubt anyone on this thread is rich enough to do that.
Here take my like. It won't be long before we have to say goodbye to the website too. Sigh! What a sad day.
Yeah, kinda depressing, for all the people that worked there and got fired, to us consumers. Also for some people like me, telltale games was my favorite company after Quantic Dream since "interactive movies" are almost the only types of games I play. I just love getting immersed in a story where I can make choices.
Would be cool if maybe a little bit naive to think that a company bought all the employees that got fired and picked up the legacy of telltale games by making similar games but better since they have more money.
Damn I'm living in wonderland..
The skeleton crew are confirmed working on the Netflix series. Netflix made a statement assuring people that it's still being made.
"We are saddened by the news about Telltale Games - they developed many great games in the past and left an indelible mark in the industry. Minecraft: Story Mode is still moving forward as planned. We are in the process of evaluating other options for bringing the Stranger Things universe to life in an interactive medium."
Since they have only 25 people and not all of them are devs there must be no one left to work on TFS. A lot of the old staff have been apologising that Clem's story won't be finished on twitter as well.
A skeleton crew is the least amount of people a company or project can operate on. If you bring in a skeleton crew, it's pretty much only people that are critical to keeping something running.
Ohh i get it now, its called skeleton crew because they are pretty much dead.
Seriously, they prefer working on minecraft story mode rather than Twau or Twd ? Damn sometimes you gotta think that they were looking to go bankrupt.
Bad joke but seriously nobody cares about minecraft story mode.
Oh so it’s been 100% confirmed now that the skeleton crew is just working on Minecraft? I’m hoping then that the second episode of twd has some kind of resolution, I mean who in their right mind would hint at the return of lilly and then just leave us with an incompete series?
Yeah who would prefer working on minecraft story mode rather than Twd or Twau like jeez.
and it's the "Bare Bones" of the company

Its pretty much impossible for them to be saved, only hope would be a bigger company buying the scraps that remain if we want to hope for games like Wolf 2 and the rest of Walking Dead to see the light of day. (and it would need to happen soon)
But hey !!! No need to worry cause we're gonna have MINECRAFT STORY MODE, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Damn you're right...
Nobody even gives anything to Minecraft man.
This is why I HATED and Despised Minecraft Story Mode S1&2. They didn't need to be made at all. You can say that Minecraft Story Mode S1&2 were made a profit and that made Batman The Enemy Within. But you could at least try to make The Wolf Among Us S2 instead waiting for 4 fuckin years!
I mean their early games were amazing but there's some of us who've stuck around to buy all the new games too.
Also the only game that will have Story driven and Choice driven game left is definitely CyberPunk 2077. Because that will have Romance,Choices and Consequences,and Story. I mean I am definitely gonna go on those forums when is made.
There's also Life is strange 2 episode 1 till 5 will be dropping on 9/27 for if you want to play a new Telltale style game.
I will play it but I find the life is strange games boring compared to telltale games, Life is strange is taking itself too seriously it's all teenage drama and honestly, the game with Chloe was terrible, what was cool in the first game was time travel power, then they decided to remove it ? I don't mind but the story wasn't all that interesting and the characters felt sooo cliche to me.
Hope s2 is better.
God I really hope cyberpunk 2077 is good.
I hope too...
But, to be honest, there is no game or company which is able to take place of telltale games.
I mean yes I will and also her not getting proper closure but I was looking forward to a lot of games from this studio. So sad man..
I think i'm gonna cry...

I will never understand for the life of me the appeal and urgency of the Minecraft series by telltale.
You know! Kids,right? God I fuckin hate Minecraft and Minecraft story mode too.
I think nobody will even understand.
First off. Whoever is the manager that is running Telltales need to go
Second. I'd recommend some crowdfunding to keep the company afloat until they're back in the money
Third. As a games developer they should consider brancing out to other media companies in TV, Comics, & Manga. With the example of their version of DC's Batman and Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, they should consider pairing up with these companies to help with the development of both the story and gameplay. Both sharing a margin of profits, and the industry they work with would have to pay commission
Forth. Add a customization feature on each game that are made specifically for the series they are doing. Like with "Tales from the Borderland" were you change the skin and they are brought up in dialogue. That must have an additional feature with it when affecting dialogue. Like if you have the option of customizing Bruce Wayne's Batsuit that would have an impact on dialogue and how the characters see you. I suggest they do their version of the anime "Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!"
The only thing that we can do is share this with everyone and hope this is a joke or something, unless someone has a million dollars saved there. But i'm truly sad about it. #PrayForTelltale
Someone found on twitter an employe who was laid off has said they are nearly done with episode 3. I don’t know if it fake but i hope it’s true. Then there could be a chance
As sucky as it is, we can’t save TellTale. I don’t believe any of the crap about them being bankrupt because as far as I know they have not declared bankruptcy. They got a bunch of money over the years, but they are saying they haven’t made enough. I don’t know where the monkey wrench came from, but someone has a stick up thier butt about not wanting to finish the game. It doesn’t have anything to do with how much we want it or if we paid for a season pass like myself. Some sources say mismanagement, which I am more inclined to believe. Big money might have gone to head of some of the higher ups after ThevWalking Dead and made them think that thier employees could handle many more projects at once and it’s now catching up to them. But, this kind of stuff happens in the video game industry.
plsssss somebody help them!! Skybound or anybody.
Because it’s the only family friendly series TT have done and whiners couldn’t let those younger audiences have that one thing, plus it was actually decent for the most part.
Anyway it’s no point whining about MSM since it’s literally only Season 1’s first half getting adapted into an interactive CYOA series like Netflix has done with Puss in Boots before. I doubt anyone on the skeleton team are full programmers since it’s simply modifying a fully created set of content into a more linear medium. That’s all. But by all means keep bitching about it.
Got any ideas on what company might would want to buy?
Maybe Valve because they bought Campo Santo?
Sounds good I’d love for anyone to buy and save this company at this point.