What is your favorite Movie Trilogy of all time ^_^ ??? (poll 2.0 is pls re-vote)
Hi Y,all good folks,
I am here to ask you guys a question if you guys will what is your all time fav trilogy of films? I have made a strawpoll to get feedback, please if you have time vote or chose other if your dont't see your fav there.
Thank you for your time have a great day/night
EDIT: I've made POLL 2.0 and added Lord of the rings, star trek and Star wars to it pls vote again if you have or havent
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My fav is The Dark Knight Trilogy what's yours??
Btw where is Lotr and The hobbit?!!
batman whitch one there lots of trilogys??
Dark knight trilogy
I like the Back to the Future trilogy.
great to meet a fellow fan (high - five)
Damn, I don't know that many trilogies. I guess I'd have to say.......Sam Raimi's Spiderman trilogy.
Oh thats right i tottally forgot those, i should have added them, couse it my 2nd fav of all time, if you want i can make stawpoll 2.0 with those options added. sadly i cant seem to edit the first one
awesome pick man
The OG Star Wars trilogy. But I also really like the Prequel trilogy and the newest trilogy as well.
Love all the star wars films my self i'll make a staw poll 2.0
Damn, tough one. As a huge Batman fan I've gotta go with Nolans Dark Knight trilogy. OG Star Wars, LOTR, and The Godfather are close though.
awesome choices
Scream Trilogy
not rly a big fan of any of those tbh lol
What's your favorite movie then?
kinda hard to pick an overall fav
Awesome feedback thanks guys and different choices that i throught you'd guys pick as well regardless thanks i through someone would pick godfather throu Mmmm
The original Star Wars trilogy
How come we can vote for How To Train Your Dragon when the third movie isn´t even out yet? Also since when is Jumanji a trilogy or are you counting Zathura as a part of it?
What about the Jurassic Park trilogy? Anyone a fan?
Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy. Yes, even Spider-Man 3, fuck you haters.
Spider-Man 3 was arguably the 2nd best one ?
Well, it's my least favorite but I still enjoyed it. I wish Sony left Raimi alone to make his story.
Yeah, poor guy didn’t even like his own movie, which he really should have. I think it was probably the most emotional out of the three, but then again I’m not the emotional type.
Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah, Spiderman 2 was the 1st best, Spiderman 3 was the 2nd, and Spiderman 1 was the 3rd.
The amazing spider man 1 & 2 were shit. Homecoming wasn't all that nice.
Did someone say... The Toy Story Trilogy??
LOTR did a way better job than The Hobbit though some really powerful scenes in that trilogy. Plus the orc costumes were way better than the CGI orcs.

thanks for the feedback you guy are amazing. The poll results was not what i expected thanks for all the votes and the comes