Two Lies and a Truth?

in General Chat
Tell two lies and one truth, and everyone else will guess which is which.
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I have a girlfriend. My father died. I absolutely love Life is Strange music, from both games.
I have a girlfriend, I have two dogs, I have a cat.
Lilly is a bch, a fing bch, a mother fing b*ch
isn't that 3 truths ?
Those are actually 3 lies.
Definitely a lie
wait isn't this game supposed to be 2 truths and a lie?
The game would be spicier with only one truth.
Ouch. No actually its the opposite of what you said.
Hang on, I thought it was 2 truths and a lie. Oops.
yep. i knew that'd happen.
I've been to prison, I don't own a telephone, at the moment of writing this comment I was wearing pink bunny slippers.
Prison- Lie
Telephone- Truth
Pink bunny slippers- Lie
I don't like pizza.
I have a crush on a video game character.
I'm straight.
Correct. You´re good at this!
The pizza one is true
You're joking
; I know you are. 
I thought it could have been a gay crush ?
I hate lesbians
I love Game of Thrones
I love The Last of Us
I am 15
I like pineapple on a pizza
I have a rolex
Lesbians- lie
GoT- truth
The Last of Us- lie
Only one right.
Age- truth
Pineapple pizza- lie
Rolex- lie
Pizza- lie
Crush on video game character- truth
Youre straight- lie
Nope i cheated they're all lies
Yup, you got them all right. congrats
Good....good. No one should be eating pineapple pizza.
most people who say they don't like pineapple pizza probably haven't tried it themselves
i still haven't tried it who knows maybe i'll like it
I’m not a big fan of pineapples, therefore they have no place on a pizza???
So you're biased because you don't like pineapples in the first place
You've lost all credibility mate
So it's irrational of me to dislike pineapple pizza due to my dislike of pineapples? It's not like I've never eaten pineapple before. I have and didn't like it.
It's irrational to state an opinion on the quality of pineapple pizzas as if it were facts unless you have culinary qualifications
Why'd you take it so seriously? Jeezus...
We're just having a civil conversation about the art of food buddy no need to get hostile
1- I have a burning hatred towards bacon and will not touch it
2- I LOVE pizza
3- and I have 4 pets
Damn, this one's gonna be hard.
1 is true I HATE that stuff
2 is a lie pizza is gross
3 is true lol I have two cats, a dog and a lizard
And here I thought you were a nice, respectable guy.