The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • (no shit hes really called Alexios, like Alexa or something)

    You don't say...

    MrGraffio posted: »

    I can recommend it if you played Origins first, since it has the same formula but in Odyssey you kinda are thrown into the world and it too

  • Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

    AChicken posted: »

    (no shit hes really called Alexios, like Alexa or something) You don't say...

  • wut?

    MrGraffio posted: »


  • Man, this feels, so liberating.

  • Because I’m the awkward dad kinda guy, I think it’s my solemn duty to express how much I ship u 2 ?

    Dex-Starr posted: »


  • hehehe...get it?

  • One of the best

  • Just found out that I’m related to a guy, named guy, who worked on Avengers Infinity war. This requires research.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited October 2018

    In case anyone missed it, she tweeted again to clarify that her team was let go, but there are still some people at Telltale.

    I did a major overhaul of the "What's coming up from Telltale" thread, with what we know for sure. The Walking Dead The Final Season episodes 3 and 4 are on indefinite hiatus until if/when Telltale can work out a deal for a partner to hire the TWD S4 staff and finish the season. All other games are considered canceled, but Netflix is looking for another developer to make a Stranger Things game.

    Stranded Deep is still scheduled to be published by Telltale on Tuesday, so I guess Telltale Publishing is still active, for now.

    AChicken posted: »

    It might be time to un-sticky the "What's next from Telltale" thread.

  • I've been binge-watching Breaking Bad as of late (I also did a few years ago), and I'm all the way up to the second half of Season 5. The last few episodes are really amazing in how the tensions between Walt and Hank really rachet up.

  • Fun fact, both "Fifty-One" and "Ozymandias" in Season 5 were directed by Rian Johnson of the Last Jedi fame (or infamy, some would say). BB is great.

    I've been binge-watching Breaking Bad as of late (I also did a few years ago), and I'm all the way up to the second half of Season 5. The last few episodes are really amazing in how the tensions between Walt and Hank really rachet up.

  • Ozymandias is one of the greatest episodes of any TV show that has ever been made. And yet he would then go on to make TLJ. What happened?

    Fun fact, both "Fifty-One" and "Ozymandias" in Season 5 were directed by Rian Johnson of the Last Jedi fame (or infamy, some would say). BB is great.

  • From Breaking Bad to Star Wars. That's not bad at all, since TLJ was really successful.

    He also did the The Fly episode, which is the most underrated episode of all Breaking Bad.

    Ozymandias is one of the greatest episodes of any TV show that has ever been made. And yet he would then go on to make TLJ. What happened?

  • Ikr?! And the you shall proceed stuff.

    Ruger_556 posted: »

    Where did all these moth memes come from?

  • For mods: I'm trying to post a comment in a thread, but it keeps saying it will appear after it's been approved. Since when was that a thing?

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited October 2018

    That comes up sometimes if a piece of your post is on the banned words/websites list. I've had that happen sometimes myself, actually.

    It's frustrating, but it keeps the forum free from spam - which is especially needed now that we're kind of running on fumes here since no one knows for sure how long these forums will last, and the forums have already been spam-bombed to vent frustrations over Telltale's closure.

    For mods: I'm trying to post a comment in a thread, but it keeps saying it will appear after it's been approved. Since when was that a thing?

  • Okay, but how am I supposed to fix my comment if I don't know what I used that's banned? I didn't even post any links to outside sources in the comment, so that leaves out websites, so what word was it? It's not even a spam content, it's about the detailed chaos in regards to ANF's production.

    Jennifer posted: »

    That comes up sometimes if a piece of your post is on the banned words/websites list. I've had that happen sometimes myself, actually. It

  • I'm not sure exactly what word got caught in the spam filter, but I approved the comment manually, so it should appear in the thread now.

    Okay, but how am I supposed to fix my comment if I don't know what I used that's banned? I didn't even post any links to outside sources in

  • Thank you.

    Jennifer posted: »

    I'm not sure exactly what word got caught in the spam filter, but I approved the comment manually, so it should appear in the thread now.

  • All I ate today were two sandwiches.

  • edited October 2018

    Tfw u get banned but the reason is so obscure as to why

    But then u find out what it was for and realise that u did not make a weird meme, u were speaking the truth

  • Skybound Games is continuing The Final Season. Normally I would not post this here in the off topic section, but it's notable news given the circumstances.

  • ­­­

    Melton23 posted: »

    Tfw u get banned but the reason is so obscure as to why Your browser does not support HTML5 video!

  • Today has been such an amazing day.

    1. My Devils won the first game of their season against Edmonton
    2. I'm currently watching a live stream Metallica concert.
    3. My Yankees are currently winning against the Red Sox in the ALDS
    4. And now, we have confirmation that TFS will continue. This is the second best confirmation news I've heard today, the other I can't talk about.
  • Yeah, that confused me too.
    Eventually, the Bossman clarified.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Tfw u get banned but the reason is so obscure as to why Your browser does not support HTML5 video!

  • Me right now after hearing the news.

  • edited October 2018

    i always miss the best drama on these forums ?

    Melton23 posted: »

    Tfw u get banned but the reason is so obscure as to why Your browser does not support HTML5 video!

  • edited October 2018

    I am told that you are my age, therefore I must ignore the multiple warnings given out to me by both the community moderators and the police, by asking you to join our merry gang of misfits ??

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    i always miss the best drama on these forums ?

  • Hello to all the American forum users. It's nearly 2 in the morning over here but I haven't been able to sleep in the past 3 hours so I guess I'll hang around on here and pull an all-nighter to do homework :smile:

  • Did u just assume my nationality? ?

    Hello to all the American forum users. It's nearly 2 in the morning over here but I haven't been able to sleep in the past 3 hours so I guess I'll hang around on here and pull an all-nighter to do homework

  • I want my name changed.

  • I want TWAU2 :'(

  • This shirt looks like something Chloe would wear, so I bought it

    This looks like something Max would see in a store and say something positive about because of the camera, so I bought it.

  • ... Did the font change?

  • edited October 2018

    I'm a bit late, but here are some tips when pulling an all-nighter:

    Make sure you eat enough food. When staying up all night, it's easy forget to eat because it throws off your whole routine. Having no sleep plus being hungry, you're gonna have absolutely no energy at all.

    Make sure you drink lots of water too.

    Keep yourself stimulated; as soon as you lie down, you're not going to want to get up again and will most likely fall asleep.

    Keep the lights on in the room; the light helps to keep you awake.

    Meh, I can't think of anything else at the moment.

    Hello to all the American forum users. It's nearly 2 in the morning over here but I haven't been able to sleep in the past 3 hours so I guess I'll hang around on here and pull an all-nighter to do homework

  • B E ­ T ­ R ­ A ­ Y ­ E ­ ­D

  • Like to try my hand and making welding caps. I'd have to learn how to sew, but i don't think it would be too hard to do. Just getting the curvature of the head to fit right would be the hard part.

    It would be a lot cheaper in the long run, and I would be able to make any design I wanted.

  • Good to know. I managed to get in a couple hours of sleep eventually, although I image all-nighters are going to be a bit more common if I end up going to university next year. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with the workload and not have to resort to losing sleep too often.

    I'm a bit late, but here are some tips when pulling an all-nighter: Make sure you eat enough food. When staying up all night, it's easy f

  • Again? You already made a new account to change your name.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I want my name changed.

  • I just FL-FL-FL-FLLLUNKKED my math major
    At least tfs was saved the same day so there's some silver lining

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