The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • They're cracking down because things were getting out of hand.

    @Melton23 You know those bots that can message you for s “good time” and they’ll send you this website link that’ll take you to this fake cam girl site? I legit flirt with them and piss around with them.

    I wanna say I got one of those at least once and got right the fuck off.

    I also recall getting a friend request from what seemed to be a local pornstar on Facebook that I deliberated over.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    yeh some mod deleted my screencap of that butt guy perving on me too. kinda odd because it was actually one of the tamer creep messages i got. i'm starting to think it might've been the mod messaging me ?

  • I got one of those requests a few days ago and I accepted it. Ima go massage him/her/it. Probably won’t upload the conversation cos the mods dislike my posts apparently, so that will not do at all ?

    DabigRG posted: »

    They're cracking down because things were getting out of hand. @Melton23 You know those bots that can message you for s “good time” a

  • ...

    Melton23 posted: »

    I got one of those requests a few days ago and I accepted it. Ima go massage him/her/it. Probably won’t upload the conversation cos the mods dislike my posts apparently, so that will not do at all ?

  • Why did Sega have to cancel this...

  • everytime I come here I expect to see the forum shut down but hey it’s still alive

  • Yeah lol one guy said he just finished playing Infinite Warfare during his college break and asked what game I was playing so I said I played Dora The Explorer III Quest For Sunken Treasure (which isn't a real game) and then he just continued with the normal bot speech. I've had about 11 now.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Butt guy? Creep messages? ? low-key wish I got creep messages cos I’d have so much fun with them. You play PS4 or XB1? You know those bots t

  • One of my wittiest remarks might have been “do u wanna fish in my rolls of fat to see what you find?”

    I’m not fat or anything, but those bots are a blast to play around with

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Yeah lol one guy said he just finished playing Infinite Warfare during his college break and asked what game I was playing so I said I playe

  • Holy shit did I unlock the Super Saiyan Blue version of the site???

  • ...

    Melton23 posted: »

    One of my wittiest remarks might have been “do u wanna fish in my rolls of fat to see what you find?” I’m not fat or anything, but those bots are a blast to play around with

  • Totally random question: Is there a way to recommend a thread be closed?

  • Click "Flag" in the lower left, and type a description that explains why you think it should be closed. Mods can look into it.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Totally random question: Is there a way to recommend a thread be closed?

  • edited October 2018

    Neato. Was curious about that.

    Dat moment when you realize you're talkin to squid already.

    Click "Flag" in the lower left, and type a description that explains why you think it should be closed. Mods can look into it.

  • Woah I'm blue

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Holy shit did I unlock the Super Saiyan Blue version of the site???

  • Knives Chau!

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Woah I'm blue

  • Shit, now I'm reminded that there used to be a rating thread for music. Who wants that back?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Holy shit did I unlock the Super Saiyan Blue version of the site???

  • You mean this one?

    Shit, now I'm reminded that there used to be a rating thread for music. Who wants that back?

  • That's the one ;)

    AChicken posted: »

    You mean this one?

  • Had a job interview today.

  • How'd [you think] it go?

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Had a job interview today.

  • The manager seemed satisfied with my answers so I'm hoping it went well.

    DabigRG posted: »

    How'd [you think] it go?

  • Great! Hopefully you'll get the spot, whatever it is.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    The manager seemed satisfied with my answers so I'm hoping it went well.

  • im starting to see bugs that arent there. p sure that means i might be going insane.

  • Weed is officially legal in Canada

  • The last 20 seconds or so fuels my soul

  • Why is Frieza naked(?)?
    And why is Baby Kakarot wearing armor?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    The last 20 seconds or so fuels my soul

  • 1) ??‍♂️
    2) ??‍♂️

    DabigRG posted: »

    Why is Frieza naked(?)? And why is Baby Kakarot wearing armor?

  • I still can't believe I haven't played TFS Episode 2.

    I'm busy with school, I'm busy with other games (Hehe my guy Spidey)

    I solemnly swear to play it this weekend, if not, next week (because I got a week off! Yeah!)

  • Fuck my life.

  • What's wrong, Dabbie?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Fuck my life.

  • Ya saw my meme with the same pic? That was there for a reason.

    What's wrong, Dabbie?

  • Oh. I was thinkin about responding to that asking about it being about ruiner, but I decided against it. I get it.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Ya saw my meme with the same pic? That was there for a reason.

  • So I just bought a whole bunch of stamps from the U.S. Postal Service on the Internet, which is normal for me. Two minutes later, someone tried to use my credit card number to order $50 worth of pizza from Domino's in another state in a different time zone, which is not at all normal for me, and the bank's fraud computer responded with, "Dude, you're not even trying!" and declined that order. So now they've canceled the card 'til they can get me one with a new number (though I think I still get my stamps), and I'm left wondering if the USPS has been hacked, or if it's just coincidence that fraudsters several states away tried to steal pizza at almost the same time.

  • maybe you have a keylogger or something

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    So I just bought a whole bunch of stamps from the U.S. Postal Service on the Internet, which is normal for me. Two minutes later, someone t

  • I ate like shit when I was on vaycay. Time to starve :)

  • still don't know what to be for halloween ?

  • Yourself

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    still don't know what to be for halloween ?

  • I'd fill this entire thread with some bourbon if I could.

    I know what you mean. I think I ruined bourbon for myself forever.

  • I'm a procrastinator too. And that is something that I would've done. I often put really important things off until the last minute and then stress out because I have no time to do it. :sweat_smile:

    AChicken posted: »

    Kids, take it from me: Don't procrastinate. Don't do it. Don't wait until the 11th hour to write your outline and then a 1/4th of the

  • Get a few friends and dress up as the Stranger Things kids.

    ...dibs on being the Demogorgon.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    still don't know what to be for halloween ?

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