Justin knows her in LiS...they even talk to each other. Warren would not have been in her orbit and was not a punk with blue hair when they last met...which was what 2-3 years earlier?
What bothers me most about the transition from BTS to LiS is that nobody seems to remember Chloe.
Justin only knows her as that punk chick … morethat hung out with Rachel and he doesn´t even remember her name.(in episode 1 atleast) I know he´s a stoner, but still.
Warren doesn´t know her at all while he was standing right next to her in the class photo in BTS.
Strange seeing as Chloe is certainly a person that leaves an impression.
by the way, how do you change the drawings of Chloe? is it random? i don't know i might be wrong, 'coz i only replayed it once. i think if you take picture of her solo at the sofa, her drawing will be Max as photographer, if take a picture with her, it would be Max getting a tat from Bluebeard. but i don't know how to get the Max with jawbreaker drawing.
I know Justin and Chloe know eachother, it´s how they know eachother.
Go talk to him after you get Trevor to do the tre flip and ask him about Rachel and her punk friend. That whole conversation doesn't make any sense after BTS.
Justin knows her in LiS...they even talk to each other. Warren would not have been in her orbit and was not a punk with blue hair when they last met...which was what 2-3 years earlier?
so did i! i thought the whole point to the episode was max moving and how to tell chloe. then suddenly joyce walks in and i realized what day it was. it was sooo sad. i felt so bad for chloe. i can't even count how many times LiS made me cry.
I know Justin and Chloe know eachother, it´s how they know eachother.
Go talk to him after you get Trevor to do the tre flip and ask him about Rachel and her punk friend. That whole conversation doesn't make any sense after BTS.
Anybody else started to hate Joyce after playing Before The Storm?
In season 1 I thought she was a pretty cool lady with a good head on her shoulders, but in BTS she really started to get on my nerves.
It's not that she falls in love with David, I mean people fall in love with assholes all the time.
And it's not that she lets him move in. That's fine.
But the way she lets David have any say over Chloe is what made me lose my respect for her. And how she gives the reins over to him. I know she's desperate and doesn't know what to do with Chloe, but you don't try to fix something using a broken tool.
And if David is anything, it's a broken tool. Figuratively and literally.
I dunno, maybe it's how Deck Nine went a bit overboard with how much of an asshole they turned David into that makes it so astounishing that Joyce doesn't see how bad of an idea it is to let him have any say in Chloe's life.
Or maybe it's just my own stepdouche issues that make me a bit biased. That's always a possibility.
i dunno but if i were a dad i might also want to install some cctv if i found out my daughter is into drugs and stealing my gun. not just for that, but also to protect our house (& school in David's case) from drug dealers. i like the discipline that people used to have in the early days, now, parents can't even scold their own children because they get reported to the police. And because of that, kids nowadays think they are more superior than their parents and they think they know more than them. They treat them like pets or slaves.
Another random question...
Anybody else started to hate Joyce after playing Before The Storm?
In season 1 I thought she was a pretty coo… morel lady with a good head on her shoulders, but in BTS she really started to get on my nerves.
It's not that she falls in love with David, I mean people fall in love with assholes all the time.
And it's not that she lets him move in. That's fine.
But the way she lets David have any say over Chloe is what made me lose my respect for her. And how she gives the reins over to him. I know she's desperate and doesn't know what to do with Chloe, but you don't try to fix something using a broken tool.
And if David is anything, it's a broken tool. Figuratively and literally.
I dunno, maybe it's how Deck Nine went a bit overboard with how much of an asshole they turned David into that makes it so astounishing that Joyce doesn't see how bad of an idea it is to let him have any say in Chloe's life.
Or may… [view original content]
I just want the choices good, to have a strong impact. Also i know people might be sick of the old voice actors from S1 but i'm not. Honestly i would love to see Nathan's voice actor maybe voicing another character in S2.
it's still super creepy and totally out of line for him to jump in and act like her boss. if he wanted to install cameras in her house he should've told everyone living there and made sure they were ok with it. spying is sooo not acceptable.
and i'm gonna choose to ignore your "kids these days" remark ?
i dunno but if i were a dad i might also want to install some cctv if i found out my daughter is into drugs and stealing my gun. not just fo… morer that, but also to protect our house (& school in David's case) from drug dealers. i like the discipline that people used to have in the early days, now, parents can't even scold their own children because they get reported to the police. And because of that, kids nowadays think they are more superior than their parents and they think they know more than them. They treat them like pets or slaves.
it's hard for me to hate joyce because her relationship with chloe is p much exactly like mine with my mom. i think i mentioned before how some of the convos were like literally the same as i've had irl. but still she didn't seem so bad in BTS to me. she stood up to david when chloe told her how he searched her room and joyce made him apologize to chloe.
i thought david was more dickish in s1. i never liked him, but i didn't hate him until after i finished both s1 and BTS and started watching vids on yt of different choices and in one option he hits chloe in s1 and then if you refuse the photo in BTS he acts like he's about to hit her there too. so fuck that guy. but the main thing that really bugged me about him during my first playthrough was his "hurr durr u women" comments which happens both in s1 and BTS. i wanted to knee him so damn hard.
Another random question...
Anybody else started to hate Joyce after playing Before The Storm?
In season 1 I thought she was a pretty coo… morel lady with a good head on her shoulders, but in BTS she really started to get on my nerves.
It's not that she falls in love with David, I mean people fall in love with assholes all the time.
And it's not that she lets him move in. That's fine.
But the way she lets David have any say over Chloe is what made me lose my respect for her. And how she gives the reins over to him. I know she's desperate and doesn't know what to do with Chloe, but you don't try to fix something using a broken tool.
And if David is anything, it's a broken tool. Figuratively and literally.
I dunno, maybe it's how Deck Nine went a bit overboard with how much of an asshole they turned David into that makes it so astounishing that Joyce doesn't see how bad of an idea it is to let him have any say in Chloe's life.
Or may… [view original content]
I liked Chloe´s relationship with Joyce a lot more in season 1. Probably because it wasn´t about David 90% of the time like it is in BTS.
I did play through BTS once as a "nice" Chloe (I usually go for the brutally honest Chloe) and Joyce did stand up for her a bit more. I especially loved it when Joyce wailed on Wells in his office.
But still, there's a few too many moments where she seems a bit too spineless for my liking in BTS. I think it's mostly her trying to turn the three of them into a happy family that gets to me. Have a relationship with your daughter, have a relationship with your boyfriend, but don't try to force some relationship between the two and then give David more power in that relationship than Chloe. He's not her dad, period.
And yeah, David is abusive. There's actually two different versions of David hitting Chloe. One where he sort of apologizes for it and one where he blames Chloe for making him do that.
But I would even consider him grabbing her arm when she refuses to fistbump him to be abusive. I actually felt dirty on Chloe's behalf when he did that. So her comment about needing a shower after that made perfect sense to me.
And then there's the verbal abuse, but I think that list would be too large for this forum to handle.
it's hard for me to hate joyce because her relationship with chloe is p much exactly like mine with my mom. i think i mentioned before how s… moreome of the convos were like literally the same as i've had irl. but still she didn't seem so bad in BTS to me. she stood up to david when chloe told her how he searched her room and joyce made him apologize to chloe.
i thought david was more dickish in s1. i never liked him, but i didn't hate him until after i finished both s1 and BTS and started watching vids on yt of different choices and in one option he hits chloe in s1 and then if you refuse the photo in BTS he acts like he's about to hit her there too. so fuck that guy. but the main thing that really bugged me about him during my first playthrough was his "hurr durr u women" comments which happens both in s1 and BTS. i wanted to knee him so damn hard.
I liked LiS' game mechanics but honest to goodness guys, which installment filled your eyes with tears? i really can't remember in LiS, but i think i cried more buckets in BTS.
the only scene i can remember in LiS is the Chaos Theory ending and it was more of a shock than sadness that i felt. And then there's the one where they find Rachel. Those are the only scenes i can remember that hit me in the feels.
I liked Chloe´s relationship with Joyce a lot more in season 1. Probably because it wasn´t about David 90% of the time like it is in BTS.
I… more did play through BTS once as a "nice" Chloe (I usually go for the brutally honest Chloe) and Joyce did stand up for her a bit more. I especially loved it when Joyce wailed on Wells in his office.
But still, there's a few too many moments where she seems a bit too spineless for my liking in BTS. I think it's mostly her trying to turn the three of them into a happy family that gets to me. Have a relationship with your daughter, have a relationship with your boyfriend, but don't try to force some relationship between the two and then give David more power in that relationship than Chloe. He's not her dad, period.
And yeah, David is abusive. There's actually two different versions of David hitting Chloe. One where he sort of apologizes for it and one where he blames Chloe for making him do that.
But I w… [view original content]
by the way guys, is there a real Arcadia Bay in Oregon?
If none, where in Oregon is the real or closest resemblance of
1. Arcadia Bay
2. 2 Whales Diner
3. Blackwell Academy
4. Price Residence
5. Prescott Dorm
5. Junk Yard
6. Overlook Park
rly hard to say which made me cry more. BTS is def my fav game ever simply because i relate sooo much to it.
in LiS i cried at the end of ep3 when chloe came up in the wheelchair and smiled at max. then i legit took like 5mins to make the decision not to kill alt chloe because i was crying. (i immediately regretted this decision). then when they found rachel obv. then at the end when i had to decide to sacrifice arcadia bay. there were a bunch of other moments that were totally hard to take, like kate on the roof or chloe describing how everyone abandoned her, or when max was telling chloe about what jefferson did to her. my second playthrough was almost worse because i knew i'd be sacrificing chloe at the end and i was finding a ton of things that made me not wanna do that, like how in the san francisco timeline, max gets a text from chloe that she finished "paperwork for bay city college" meaning if she actually lived she'd be getting her life back together.
in BTS basically every flashback she had with william was hard af to watch and made me cry. and when rachel gets stabbed and chloe is rushing her to the hospital. and def the breakdown in the junkyard at the end of ep1. that was prob the saddest scene of the entire series for me. the tempest also made me tear up. and some of the lines from chloe really hit me. it was really sweet tho and made me smile.
I liked LiS' game mechanics but honest to goodness guys, which installment filled your eyes with tears? i really can't remember in LiS, but … morei think i cried more buckets in BTS.
the only scene i can remember in LiS is the Chaos Theory ending and it was more of a shock than sadness that i felt. And then there's the one where they find Rachel. Those are the only scenes i can remember that hit me in the feels.
by the way guys, is there a real Arcadia Bay in Oregon?
If none, where in Oregon is the real or closest resemblance of
1. Arcadia Bay
2. 2 Whales Diner
3. Blackwell Academy
4. Price Residence
5. Prescott Dorm
5. Junk Yard
6. Overlook Park
For me personally BTS struck more of an emotional chord, because there are some parallels between Chloe's life and mine that make the game kind of therapeutic for me in a weird way.
But aside from that I think it's mostly design choices that make BTS more emotional. And Deck Nine does lay it on thick at some points.
For one, there's the choice of music. What song they decide to use during a scene really has a big impact on how we experience that scene.
Take the scene with Max and Warren after Kate's suicide (attempt). Dontnod could have easily made Max break down and put a Daughter track in there to make the scene a tearjerker. But they went with the eclypse and the mystery ending. (I think they made the right call.)
Then there's the choice of protagonist. Chloe had a lot of crap happen to her in her life. Max on the other hand, as far as we know, had a relatively happy, average life. Nothing really bad happens to her, until the final episode. All the bad stuff happens to other people, Chloe, Kate, Rachel (who Max doesn't even know). We're more detached from it than we are in BTS.
Anyway I could go on and on, but I have a headache.
I liked LiS' game mechanics but honest to goodness guys, which installment filled your eyes with tears? i really can't remember in LiS, but … morei think i cried more buckets in BTS.
the only scene i can remember in LiS is the Chaos Theory ending and it was more of a shock than sadness that i felt. And then there's the one where they find Rachel. Those are the only scenes i can remember that hit me in the feels.
Justin knows her in LiS...they even talk to each other. Warren would not have been in her orbit and was not a punk with blue hair when they last met...which was what 2-3 years earlier?
Pretty interesting.
is that your channel? you look pretty
the "Whaaaat?" Moment for me was Farewell's ending. i thought it was all about Max & Chloe saying their goodbyes.
by the way, how do you change the drawings of Chloe? is it random? i don't know i might be wrong, 'coz i only replayed it once. i think if you take picture of her solo at the sofa, her drawing will be Max as photographer, if take a picture with her, it would be Max getting a tat from Bluebeard. but i don't know how to get the Max with jawbreaker drawing.
Not me...just a channel I do like a lot.
I know Justin and Chloe know eachother, it´s how they know eachother.
Go talk to him after you get Trevor to do the tre flip and ask him about Rachel and her punk friend. That whole conversation doesn't make any sense after BTS.
so did i! i thought the whole point to the episode was max moving and how to tell chloe. then suddenly joyce walks in and i realized what day it was. it was sooo sad. i felt so bad for chloe. i can't even count how many times LiS made me cry.
there's a bunch of inconsistencies. you kinda just have to look past them.
Don't worry. I still love season 1 and BTS.
The jury is still out on season 2 though, but with 4 more episodes to come, who knows?
By the way, how many episodes will TWD Finale have. i think Episode 3 will come out soon
It will have four episodes, so two more to go.
Episode 3 will not arrive as soon as originally planned, but soon enough I hope.
Another random question...
Anybody else started to hate Joyce after playing Before The Storm?
In season 1 I thought she was a pretty cool lady with a good head on her shoulders, but in BTS she really started to get on my nerves.
It's not that she falls in love with David, I mean people fall in love with assholes all the time.
And it's not that she lets him move in. That's fine.
But the way she lets David have any say over Chloe is what made me lose my respect for her. And how she gives the reins over to him. I know she's desperate and doesn't know what to do with Chloe, but you don't try to fix something using a broken tool.
And if David is anything, it's a broken tool. Figuratively and literally.
I dunno, maybe it's how Deck Nine went a bit overboard with how much of an asshole they turned David into that makes it so astounishing that Joyce doesn't see how bad of an idea it is to let him have any say in Chloe's life.
Or maybe it's just my own stepdouche issues that make me a bit biased. That's always a possibility.
i dunno but if i were a dad i might also want to install some cctv if i found out my daughter is into drugs and stealing my gun. not just for that, but also to protect our house (& school in David's case) from drug dealers. i like the discipline that people used to have in the early days, now, parents can't even scold their own children because they get reported to the police. And because of that, kids nowadays think they are more superior than their parents and they think they know more than them. They treat them like pets or slaves.
I just want the choices good, to have a strong impact. Also i know people might be sick of the old voice actors from S1 but i'm not. Honestly i would love to see Nathan's voice actor maybe voicing another character in S2.
it's still super creepy and totally out of line for him to jump in and act like her boss. if he wanted to install cameras in her house he should've told everyone living there and made sure they were ok with it. spying is sooo not acceptable.
and i'm gonna choose to ignore your "kids these days" remark ?
it's hard for me to hate joyce because her relationship with chloe is p much exactly like mine with my mom. i think i mentioned before how some of the convos were like literally the same as i've had irl. but still she didn't seem so bad in BTS to me. she stood up to david when chloe told her how he searched her room and joyce made him apologize to chloe.
i thought david was more dickish in s1. i never liked him, but i didn't hate him until after i finished both s1 and BTS and started watching vids on yt of different choices and in one option he hits chloe in s1 and then if you refuse the photo in BTS he acts like he's about to hit her there too. so fuck that guy. but the main thing that really bugged me about him during my first playthrough was his "hurr durr u women" comments which happens both in s1 and BTS. i wanted to knee him so damn hard.
I liked Chloe´s relationship with Joyce a lot more in season 1. Probably because it wasn´t about David 90% of the time like it is in BTS.
I did play through BTS once as a "nice" Chloe (I usually go for the brutally honest Chloe) and Joyce did stand up for her a bit more. I especially loved it when Joyce wailed on Wells in his office.
But still, there's a few too many moments where she seems a bit too spineless for my liking in BTS. I think it's mostly her trying to turn the three of them into a happy family that gets to me. Have a relationship with your daughter, have a relationship with your boyfriend, but don't try to force some relationship between the two and then give David more power in that relationship than Chloe. He's not her dad, period.
And yeah, David is abusive. There's actually two different versions of David hitting Chloe. One where he sort of apologizes for it and one where he blames Chloe for making him do that.
But I would even consider him grabbing her arm when she refuses to fistbump him to be abusive. I actually felt dirty on Chloe's behalf when he did that. So her comment about needing a shower after that made perfect sense to me.
And then there's the verbal abuse, but I think that list would be too large for this forum to handle.
I liked LiS' game mechanics but honest to goodness guys, which installment filled your eyes with tears? i really can't remember in LiS, but i think i cried more buckets in BTS.
the only scene i can remember in LiS is the Chaos Theory ending and it was more of a shock than sadness that i felt. And then there's the one where they find Rachel. Those are the only scenes i can remember that hit me in the feels.
by the way guys, is there a real Arcadia Bay in Oregon?
If none, where in Oregon is the real or closest resemblance of
1. Arcadia Bay
2. 2 Whales Diner
3. Blackwell Academy
4. Price Residence
5. Prescott Dorm
5. Junk Yard
6. Overlook Park
rly hard to say which made me cry more. BTS is def my fav game ever simply because i relate sooo much to it.
in LiS i cried at the end of ep3 when chloe came up in the wheelchair and smiled at max. then i legit took like 5mins to make the decision not to kill alt chloe because i was crying. (i immediately regretted this decision). then when they found rachel obv. then at the end when i had to decide to sacrifice arcadia bay. there were a bunch of other moments that were totally hard to take, like kate on the roof or chloe describing how everyone abandoned her, or when max was telling chloe about what jefferson did to her. my second playthrough was almost worse because i knew i'd be sacrificing chloe at the end and i was finding a ton of things that made me not wanna do that, like how in the san francisco timeline, max gets a text from chloe that she finished "paperwork for bay city college" meaning if she actually lived she'd be getting her life back together.
in BTS basically every flashback she had with william was hard af to watch and made me cry. and when rachel gets stabbed and chloe is rushing her to the hospital. and def the breakdown in the junkyard at the end of ep1. that was prob the saddest scene of the entire series for me. the tempest also made me tear up. and some of the lines from chloe really hit me. it was really sweet tho and made me smile.

For me personally BTS struck more of an emotional chord, because there are some parallels between Chloe's life and mine that make the game kind of therapeutic for me in a weird way.
But aside from that I think it's mostly design choices that make BTS more emotional. And Deck Nine does lay it on thick at some points.
For one, there's the choice of music. What song they decide to use during a scene really has a big impact on how we experience that scene.
Take the scene with Max and Warren after Kate's suicide (attempt). Dontnod could have easily made Max break down and put a Daughter track in there to make the scene a tearjerker. But they went with the eclypse and the mystery ending. (I think they made the right call.)
Then there's the choice of protagonist. Chloe had a lot of crap happen to her in her life. Max on the other hand, as far as we know, had a relatively happy, average life. Nothing really bad happens to her, until the final episode. All the bad stuff happens to other people, Chloe, Kate, Rachel (who Max doesn't even know). We're more detached from it than we are in BTS.
Anyway I could go on and on, but I have a headache.