The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Get your flu shots, boys and girls... or else you'll die.

  • edited November 2018

    Exsqueeze me.

    Vaccines cause [REDACTED]. Why would I want to inject myself with [REDACTED] juice?

    AChicken posted: »

    Get your flu shots, boys and girls... or else you'll die.


  • edited November 2018

    I have one of the most important and difficult tests of the year in 8 days in my birthday, then another (the last one) 5 days later. So I’ll have to study through this whole month, how unlucky am I? If I do well: vacations, if I fail: study one month more.
    I didn’t buy God Of War, Spider man and RDR2 because of this, if I pass I’ll celebrate playing them the whole month.

  • Holy hell, I hope you include a sleeping schedule In that.

    MegaXD posted: »

    I have one of the most important and difficult tests of the year in 8 days in my birthday, then another (the last one) 5 days later. So I’ll

  • My favorite scene in Incredibles 2

  • Hey man, how you doing?


  • I've come to the realization that life is too short to worry about what people think. Some advice I've heard from someone before was "he who cares less wins." Might not always ring true, but it's a good thing to keep in mind.

  • Yah and there's such thing as not caring enough. It's something I worry about doing, though it sometimes helps to tune it out at work. And no @Psychokinesis, I did not quit customer service. (It feels uncomfortable with the wording so I'm changing a few words) Doofus learned that caffeine helps with the anxiety Doofus gets when he's there. Doofus considers coffee nowadays as "The Desk-worker's Morphine" It's working so far for Doofus, though the premade organic stuff he buys is pretty expensive,

    Ruger_556 posted: »

    I've come to the realization that life is too short to worry about what people think. Some advice I've heard from someone before was "he who cares less wins." Might not always ring true, but it's a good thing to keep in mind.

  • I can’t study if I don't sleep, it hurts to not be able to play the latest games, if I don’t come back it means that I died XD

    Holy hell, I hope you include a sleeping schedule In that.

  • I love the part where it's revealed that Disney blocked it on copyright grounds.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    My favorite scene in Incredibles 2

  • ahh, I see

    DabigRG posted: »

    I love the part where it's revealed that Disney blocked it on copyright grounds.

  • The internet on my campus is down, time to descend into anarchy. I'll start the looting.

  • ­­­

  • As far as family and friends go, yeah I'd go outta my for them any chance I get. But as far as what I do with my free time is no ones business. If I go hang out with some friends maybe do a little street racing late at night who cares.

    Yah and there's such thing as not caring enough. It's something I worry about doing, though it sometimes helps to tune it out at work. And n

  • i'm fine. finally got a new job so i'm not working for shitty pay in a toxic environment. i'll take hard bone aching work for 8 dollars an hour, free food, cool people and health benefits over minimal work for shit pay and gross redneck assholes who hate muslims any day.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Hey man, how you doing?

  • edited November 2018

    I recently got a new drawing tablet and I've been practising with it for a bit. I decided to try and do something serious after doing a bunch of doodles.

    So I drew Rick in Charlie Adlards art style from the comics. The pose is based on Rick from the latest episode of the Walking Dead tv show.

    This took me two and a half to three hours to do. My hand hurts.

  • Bohemian Rhapsody is the best movie I've seen this year and the critics can go fuck themselves.

  • Best movie based on the best band. I’ll have to go see it when I have the time.

    Bohemian Rhapsody is the best movie I've seen this year and the critics can go fuck themselves.

  • I hate it when you sleep with your hand under the pillow and wake up with your whole arm numb

  • Great news: I started my free trial on Playstation Now, playing InFamous 2, one of my favorite games on PS3

    Bad news: Playstation Now is still a cocksucker for forcing me to pay a lot of games on the previous playstations.

  • Thats awesome. I'm still unemployed and looking for work.

    i'm fine. finally got a new job so i'm not working for shitty pay in a toxic environment. i'll take hard bone aching work for 8 dollars an h

  • I'm gonna go see it on the weekend, mainly because Rami Malek is in it...

    I'll let you know what I think

    Bohemian Rhapsody is the best movie I've seen this year and the critics can go fuck themselves.

  • Whoa you draw?! That's some amazing work!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I recently got a new drawing tablet and I've been practising with it for a bit. I decided to try and do something serious after doing a bunc

  • ...

    Bohemian Rhapsody is the best movie I've seen this year and the critics can go fuck themselves.

  • Thanks! :smiley:

    I'm not used to colouring so it a while for me to get it to look right. The only thing I regret is that I forgot to draw in a trigger on the revolver.

    AChicken posted: »

    Whoa you draw?! That's some amazing work!

  • I got to see real live giraffes with my own eyes last sunday. They weren't as tall as I thought they'd be. Cool, but slightly disappointing. I was hoping they'd be like 20 feet tall.

  • wow, the things you see in life; just wow. Am I the only sane person out there. Get people sending me videos of Jeffrey dahmer shit on Facebook messenger. ?

  • This is fuck'n awesome

  • This animated short is really sweet :smile:

    It also has the greatest twist ending of all time.

  • Undertelltale

  • It's my four year forum anniversary! Yay :smiley: unfortunately, don't know how long the forums have left, but at least I got to the four year mark.

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited November 2018

    So, Christmas is coming up. What are you guys getting me?
    Just gonna say it now, I've been wanting a wok and a waffle iron for the LONGEST. And a pair of moc boots. :)

  • I was considering on minoring in Biology or Chemistry. Thank you guys for your input!

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    If you have it in you, you could also double-major, or major in one and minor in the other. With one field in science and the other in libe

  • Thank you so much!

    Ruger_556 posted: »

    Do what you love and never work a day in your life; College is a complicated decision in its self. I've known friends who changed their mind

  • Happy four year forum anniversary! :)

    It's my four year forum anniversary! Yay unfortunately, don't know how long the forums have left, but at least I got to the four year mark.

  • Happy Anni!

    It's my four year forum anniversary! Yay unfortunately, don't know how long the forums have left, but at least I got to the four year mark.

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