The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited February 2019

    So, Netflix is in talks to acquire this movie

    Edit: Sorry, I put in the wrong link. It's good now.

    This movie looks really interesting, and no, I'm not just saying that because James Hetfield of Metallica is in it.

  • edited February 2019

    Pixar just put out the first short for their new Spark Shorts program. It's really cute and is surprisingly raunchy in terms of language, though nothing too big. The animation for the titular character Purl is also a little jarring at first because she moves at a lower frame rate than the other characters but I got over that pretty quick.

    I really cannot wait to see more of these.

  • Well, this is going to be interesting.

    About the program and films featured

    “The SparkShorts program is designed to discover new storytellers, explore new storytelling techniques, and experiment with new production workflows. These films are unlike anything we’ve ever done at Pixar, providing an opportunity to unlock the potential of individual artists and their inventive filmmaking approaches on a smaller scale than our normal fare.”
    Jim Morris - President, Pixar Animation Studios

    An earnest ball of yarn named Purl gets a job at a fast-paced, high energy, male centric start-up. Things start to unravel as she tries to fit in with this close knit group. Purl must ask herself how far is she willing to go to get the acceptance she yearns for and in the end is it worth it?

    Smash and Grab
    After years of toiling away inside the engine room of a towering locomotive, two antiquated robots will risk everything for freedom and for each other.

    An unlikely connection sparks between two creatures: a fiercely independent stray kitten and a pit bull. Together, they experience friendship for the first time.

    A father discovers that his son floats, which makes him different from other kids. To keep them both safe from the judgement of the world, Dad hides, covers, and grounds him. But when his son’s ability becomes public, Dad must decide whether to run and hide or to accept his son as he is.

    A non-verbal, autistic girl and a chatty boy are partnered on a canoeing trip. To complete their journey across an urban lake, they must both learn how the other experiences the world.

    Wind is a magical realism story about a Grandma and a Grandson trapped in a massive, never ending sink-hole, living on a large boulder suspended by strong winds. Together they scavenge falling debris to build an escape, hoping to find a better life in the outside world.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Pixar just put out the first short for their new Spark Shorts program. It's really cute and is surprisingly raunchy in terms of language, th

  • Isn't it sad that I feel like purl on these forums? Oh gosh. This short has been eye opening. I don't want to become a douchbag to fit in, but I don't want to feel like I don't belong either. But most of all, I guess I need to find a way to gain self confidence without resorting to anger and alcohol to gain temporary spikes. That short shows a decent example of how it can be done, but it makes it look easy to get.

  • So there's a new Flintstones cartoon that just came out, it's called 'Yabba-Dabba Dinosaurs' and stars Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm. I watched the episode out of curiosity since I'd never even heard this was being made.

    I like the character designs (kinda Butch Hartman-esque to me) and the voice acting is good (Bamm Bamm's a little too loud I think). Got a couple recognisable voices there like Kevin Michael Richardson and Tara Strong (I'm pretty sure it's her voicing Betty Rubble). The intro is also this creative animated cave painting that's well animated. The story is nothing to write home about, very basic stuff, but the dialogue is surprisingly good. Though not all of the jokes hit, a few of them are really quite clever. I enjoy the characterisation with Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm and all the other characters as well.


    The visuals can be very cheap looking (Wiki the pterodactyl while a funny character, looks fucking horrible and the same goes for a number of the other dinosaurs) and the animation looks like something out of early Newgrounds. The sound design also leaves a lot to be desired and it's almost like they forgot to put any background music at the first half.

    They also had Dino the purple dinosaur moonwalk and dab. Da fuq???

    Other than those complaints I actually enjoyed what I saw. Hopefully the animation improves as the season continues.

  • edited February 2019

    Of course there is.

    I like the character designs (kinda Butch Hartman-esque to me)

    I'd say more Teen Titans Go background characters from what I'm seeing.

    and the voice acting is good (Bamm Bamm's a little too loud I think).

    I was gonna ask isn't that what he's supposed to be, but I surprisingly remember the original voice.

    The visuals can be very cheap looking

    You think so?

    (Wiki the pterodactyl while a funny character, looks fucking horrible and the same goes for a number of the other dinosaurs)

    What a fitting name that sounds like then. Got a pic?

    the animation looks like something out of early Newgrounds.

    Oh geez, that bad? :lol:

    They also had Dino the purple dinosaur moonwalk and dab. Da fuq???

    Yeah, that's the first thing on the third row here. Wtf

    Also, here's a bonus(?)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    So there's a new Flintstones cartoon that just came out, it's called 'Yabba-Dabba Dinosaurs' and stars Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm. I watched the

  • edited February 2019

    So i watched your "The Death of Telltale Games" video because i never watched it before @Poogers555 and that made me pretty sad,i'll definitely miss this community and all the great discussions we've had here.

    I know we can be really negative about TWD,

    but i'm really glad Minecraft Story mode on Netflix wasn't the last thing Telltale ever made and they're finishing Clem's story,i hope the ending(s) is/are memorable.

  • I'm rooming with a bunch of fucking assholes. Sorry for the long rant, but I'm seriously fucking pissed.

    I'm not what you would call a heavy sleeper, there have been times where I have woken up over the quietest of things. Someone coughing or snoring in the room next door, someone quietly entering my room, my phone vibrating 15-20 feet away from me. However, apparently last night, the fire alarm in my college dorm went off around 3 am, the building was evacuated, and I didn't hear it go off. At no point did any of my 4 roommates even think to, when the alarm first went off, to knock or pound on my door to get me up. They did notice I wasn't downstairs with the rest of the crowd, so you would think that when they got back up, they would make sure I was okay, right? WRONG! They just go back to their rooms and fall asleep. What if this was a serious fire, I'm on the top floor of this building, and if I don't hear anything before it's too late, I'm dead (which reminds me, I should probably talk to someone about as to why I never heard anything go off, again, I'm not a heavy sleeper).

    You know what makes it worse? A few weeks ago, one of my roommates thought it would be a great idea to get into a drinking competition (after he had already been excessively drinking), with an Irish foreign exchange student. If that isn't a recipe for disaster, I don't know what is. Anyway, me and one of my other roommates stay up until almost 3 in the morning to make sure he got back okay, and when he does, he's piss-poor drunk. He's slurring his words, can barely standup, and we try to carry his 200 pounds of dead weight over to the toilet so he can throw up. Unfortunately, he can't even stay hung over the toilet and falls down onto the floor, proceeding to throw up onto himself, as well as me and my other roommate. It got to the point where I decided to call 911, the ambulance showed up to come and take him to a hospital. The EMT's asked me a series of questions, I gave them my contact info as well as other info they needed in case they needed to get in contact with me, and at one point, I even ran outside, in my bare-feet, as it's snowing, to give the EMT's my roommates phone and wallet that had fallen out of his jacket pocket. With everything going on, I got like 30 minutes of sleep that night, if that. Me and the rest of my roommates were planning on going to the March for Life the next day, something I was looking forward to attending. I however, after he was released from the hospital, decided to stay home and keep an eye on him, while my other roommates (who had known him for longer than I have) ended up going to the March anyway.

    So I get almost no sleep trying to look out for one of my roommates, who ended up puking on me and making a mess of our dorm because of his own stupidity, and miss out on an event I had been looking forward to for months, but I do it because he's my friend and I got his back. Meanwhile, this same prick, and the others, can't even be bothered to make sure that I am okay when my building's fire alarm is going off.

    You know what this does, it reminds me of what I've always known, you can't ever fucking rely on other people. Honestly, I'm better off on my own anyway, I've been alone with a handful of people I've actually called "friends" for 21 years, why change now. Would be nice though if someone showed the same level of care. And I'm not going to say I'm perfect at this, I've acted selfishly and done stupid shit, but I can at least recognize when I've done so and feel like shit afterwards. These guys don't seem to care at all, so you know what, fuck them.

  • thank you homie

    iFoRias posted: »

    So i watched your "The Death of Telltale Games" video because i never watched it before @Poogers555 and that made me pretty sad,i'll definit

  • edited February 2019

    So, did you move into this dorm pretty recently? Were you living alone before this? (I only ask since it's like the middle of the school year and I think it's odd to move in/out of school residence halfway through. --But what do I know, I've never really delved into looking at my school's dorms or practices.)
    This is a pretty bad first impression from the group, that's for sure.

    However, you did all the right things there. Helping out the drunk guy, making sure he gets his personal stuff/ID to the hospital, making sure he's fine afterwards... That's just cool. You deserve all the friend points for that.
    While I've never experienced or helped friends in such dire situations as that, I can relate to being the responsible "mom" of the group. Life's a tough place, and it sucks that someone's gotta watch it doesn't kill you. (Speaking of, glad you didn't die in that fire drill. Even if it was just a drill.)

    Hope these guys actually appreciate and recognise your deeds soon. If not, then yeah get out before you die.

    I'm rooming with a bunch of fucking assholes. Sorry for the long rant, but I'm seriously fucking pissed. I'm not what you would call a he

  • So first, that's rough Metallica, I feel for you man. I mean, real rough.

    But also:

    You know what makes it worse? A few weeks ago, one of my roommates thought it would be a great idea to get into a drinking competition (after he had already been excessively drinking), with an Irish foreign exchange student. If that isn't a recipe for disaster, I don't know what is.

    Those three sentences are just pure gold.

    I'm rooming with a bunch of fucking assholes. Sorry for the long rant, but I'm seriously fucking pissed. I'm not what you would call a he

  • edited February 2019

    After randomly stumbling upon the KH3 version on youtube...
    Holy cow that's an impressive recreation. It's like 90% accurate.

    EDIT: Jeez, while they also recreated Do You Want To Build a Snowman in terms of animation (because of that Frozen $$), they ruined its inclusion with some poor redub of the song and an added layer of narration over top. It's painful to listen to.

    Do Kingdom Hearts games usually have Disney-like musical numbers interspersed in the story?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Saw a video comparing the Let it Go scenes in Frozen and Kingdom Hearts 3. Holy shit I cannot believe they painstakingly recreated the entir

  • edited February 2019

    Ooo wow that's rough, especially the "It's like you've gone away" line. Sounds like they just got Kristen Bell to make her voice higher pitched instead of just re-using the song like with Let It Go.

    In regards with the narration I think it's just because Kingdom Hearts isn't exactly known for good writing so instead of just showing you the problems Elsa and Anna were facing (like in the movie) they had to show AND tell you at the same time if that makes any sense.

    I think the previous games did do musical numbers but they weren't recreations like in this one.

    AChicken posted: »

    After randomly stumbling upon the KH3 version on youtube... Holy cow that's an impressive recreation. It's like 90% accurate. EDIT:

  • No, I’ve been rooming with these guys all throughout the school year (since August) and I’ve known them for a couple of years. Hell, I used to do a on-campus radio show with the roommate who got into the drinking competition. They’re not bad guys and we’ve obviously gotten along well before this, they’ve included me in a lot of what they do and me likewise. But this, not even bothering to check before and after the fire alarm goes off, yeah, that’s going to rub me the wrong way.

    And it wasn’t a drill, it was legitimate. Apparently it started on the 2nd floor, but it was small and was quickly put out. I’m still not solid on 100% of the details concerning why the alarm went off, but the fact is that it did go off, I didn’t know, my roommates left me behind, realized I wasn’t downstairs, and did nothing afterwards.

    Thank you for the kind words though, it means a lot.

    AChicken posted: »

    So, did you move into this dorm pretty recently? Were you living alone before this? (I only ask since it's like the middle of the school yea

  • Yeah, he’s not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. We had already banned him from having tequila in the dorm before, and after this, we added vodka to the list.

    So first, that's rough Metallica, I feel for you man. I mean, real rough. But also: You know what makes it worse? A few weeks ago,

  • Today is the day I lost all my hope for Star Wars Episode 9 because Disney confirmed they have no problem with EA's take on Star Wars gaming and it's because they have a "good relationship". Can someone please fire Kathleen Kennedy? There is no way she is better than George Lucas.

  • edited February 2019

    Kathleen Kennedy isn't Disney. No where in any article does it say she's happy with the current state of Star Wars games, all that was said by Bob Iger during an earnings call.

    There is no way she is better than George Lucas.

    Kathleen Kennedy was literally handpicked by George Lucas to run Lucasfilm. Also the current movies have collectively made $4.4 billion out of the box office alone under her supervision with three of the four films receiving critical acclaim, and last year they extended her contract by an additional three years because of how happy they were with her results.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Today is the day I lost all my hope for Star Wars Episode 9 because Disney confirmed they have no problem with EA's take on Star Wars gaming

  • All, or at the very least most, of that is true, but to ignore the fact that there are a growing number of SW fans out there growing to despise Ms. Kennedy is not showing both sides of the story. Look at the "mixed" reaction to The Last Jedi when it was released. Critics loved it, but fans are split almost right down the middle, you either love it, or loathe it (I myself am in the latter category), and negative sentiment has only grown since. And when you compare the box office performance of TLJ to TFA, especially in China, the numbers are way down (TFA grossed over $2 billion, while TLJ grossed $1.3 billion worldwide. In China, TLJ had the lowest opening week of any SW movie since 2005, and numbers for the first week were down almost 100% when compared to TFA). I think the biggest piece of evidence is probably Solo, which bombed at the box office (which is not good since it's one of the most expensive films ever made). Now granted there's a lot of reasons why that failed, but many of them have to do with Kennedy. You had the very highly publicized falling out between the original directors and Kennedy, who fired them due to "creative differences," most of the movie was reshot by a new director, and after many fans felt outraged after TLJ, can you really blame Solo for bombing? And after the performance of Solo, most of the other SW anthology movies were put on hold as a result. There is a noticeable downward trend in these last few SW movies that you can't deny. We'll see what happens when Episode 9 rolls around, but since the director of that movie also left due to "creative differences" with Kennedy, we might see a repeat of Solo. I doubt it will bomb because die hard SW fans will never skip out on a new film, even if the previous one wasn't that good, and average movie goers will still go see it, but I wouldn't be surprised by a less than stellar performance.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Kathleen Kennedy isn't Disney. No where in any article does it say she's happy with the current state of Star Wars games, all that was said

  • edited February 2019

    And when you compare the box office performance of TLJ to TFA, especially in China, the numbers are way down (TFA grossed over $2 billion, while TLJ grossed $1.3 billion worldwide.

    To be fair, The Force Awakens was a sequel to a 30 year old movie. It was a worldwide event for a whole new generation of movie goers. It makes sense that it made THAT much money.

    In China, TLJ had the lowest opening week of any SW movie since 2005, and numbers for the first week were down almost 100% when compared to TFA).

    China doesn't have any sort of attachment to Star Wars. The original trilogy was never released in China until fairly recently due to the... well... communism. The prequels were actually screened there though and they're the only Star Wars movies that China showed any sort of interest to due to the over the top action sequences. Hell I'm pretty sure the only reason it as much of a viewership in China was because of Donnie Yen. The originals were met with a pretty lukewarm reaction when it was actually released in 2015 with one person saying, '"Although the character design is weak, the leading actress not beautiful, the leading actor not handsome and the action parts like children fighting, placed in 1977, the visual effects are amazing."

    I think the biggest piece of evidence is probably Solo, which bombed at the box office (which is not good since it's one of the most expensive films ever made). Now granted there's a lot of reasons why that failed, but many of them have to do with Kennedy. You had the very highly publicized falling out between the original directors and Kennedy, who fired them due to "creative differences," most of the movie was reshot by a new director, and after many fans felt outraged after TLJ, can you really blame Solo for bombing?

    I mean if I'm remembering correctly, Lord and Miller were trying to make a full blown comedy instead of a Star Wars movie. While I love the work they've done thus far (Jump Street, The Lego Movie and Spider-verse), if they weren't really making a Star Wars movie I can kinda understand why they were let go. I still would have liked to know what they had made though and I really dug that they were going for an alien villain instead of a human-ish character. It also didn't help that Bob Iger admitted to pushing for a release so soon after TLJ.

    And after the performance of Solo, most of the other SW anthology movies were put on hold as a result.

    Wasn't that a rumour? I remember Bob Iger saying they were slowing down a bit on the anthology films but the movies already announced (the David Benioff and D. B. Weiss trilogy, Rian Johnsons trilogy, etc) were still in active development.

    We'll see what happens when Episode 9 rolls around, but since the director of that movie also left due to "creative differences" with Kennedy, we might see a repeat of Solo

    You mean Colin Trevorrow? The guy who did Book of Henry and the Jurassic World movies? I'm honestly really thankful he left.

    All, or at the very least most, of that is true, but to ignore the fact that there are a growing number of SW fans out there growing to desp

  • To be fair, The Force Awakens was a sequel to a 30 year old movie. It was a worldwide event for a whole new generation of movie goers. It makes sense that it made THAT much money.

    While it may have been a direct sequel to Return of the Jedi, the last SW movie before that was Revenge of the Sith. While that one is viewed as the best of the prequel movies, the fact remains that the prequels left a bad taste in many fans mouths. Sure you can argue that TFA not having Lucas' involvement was a reason that drew more people in, but you can also argue the same for the counter. Lucas has obvious flaws in his writing and directorial style, but no one can deny the man is the reason why SW is successful and why it has such a rich lore to it. Lucas has always been more of the idea man behind everything, you see that in the original films and in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. People tend to love his vision, not the execution, and seeing as how he was sort of spurned from working on the new trilogy did not sit well with fans.

    China doesn't have any sort of attachment to Star Wars.

    No, but Disney has an attachment to China. They're increasingly becoming one of the most sought after foreign movie markets, in spite of its communist government. Disney wants, no it needs, these movies to be successful over there, and TLJ proved to be a big disappointment in that market.

    While I love the work they've done thus far (Jump Street, The Lego Movie and Spider-verse), if they weren't really making a Star Wars movie I can kinda understand why they were let go.

    If that's the case, then how did they get the job in the first place?

    You mean Colin Trevorrow? The guy who did Book of Henry and the Jurassic World movies? I'm honestly really thankful he left.

    Even if the guy did make some movies that you may not personally like (I've never seen a single Jurassic movie, including World, nor have I seen Book of Henry), it certainly doesn't look good when there is a rotating door of directors, who are all leaving because of the same reason.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    And when you compare the box office performance of TLJ to TFA, especially in China, the numbers are way down (TFA grossed over $2 billion, w

  • First Rick left, then Maggie, and now Michonne is gone. How much longer can TWD show keep going on like this?

  • I won't be surprised if Norman Reedus leaves as well.

    First Rick left, then Maggie, and now Michonne is gone. How much longer can TWD show keep going on like this?

  • Lucas has always been more of the idea man behind everything, you see that in the original films and in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. People tend to love his vision, not the execution, and seeing as how he was sort of spurned from working on the new trilogy did not sit well with fans.

    Which I applaud him for of course. I love all that he's done for Star Wars including all the really bad stuff. He may not be involved with the current trilogy but it's not like he's completely off of Star Wars. Some of his original ideas for a sequel trilogy were actually used, and he provided Ron Howard with input on Solo and even directed a scene if I'm not mistaken.

    The thing is that you're only seeing the ideas that saw the light of day. For one of Lucas's good ideas there were probably two other bad ones. Lucas originally wanted RoTJ to have one final twist which was to have Luke don the helmet of Darth Vader and turn on the rebels... for some reason, which would then lead into a sequel trilogy. But with the originals there were people holding him back from going too far out, which unfortunately can't be said with the prequels.

    No, but Disney has an attachment to China. They're increasingly becoming one of the most sought after foreign movie markets, in spite of its communist government. Disney wants, no it needs, these movies to be successful over there, and TLJ proved to be a big disappointment in that market.

    I mean yeah China's is important, but even without them TLJ is currently the 11th high grossing movie of all time and topped the BluRay sales in 2018. It was deemed a huge success from Disney, regardless of it's lack of popularity in China.

    If that's the case, then how did they get the job in the first place?

    The same reason Marvel Studios wanted Edgar Wright to do Ant-Man. Because they wanted talented people to make a movie set in that universe, but in both of these cases it seemed more like they wanted to make movies that didn't really want to do anything with said universe.

    it certainly doesn't look good when there is a rotating door of directors, who are all leaving because of the same reason.

    It's two directors (I'm counting Lord and Miller as one person because they are attached at the hip) for two different movies. It would be a much different story if both of these guys were working on the same movie (ala Flash which has gone through like four directors now and also coincidentally originally had Lord and Miller attached).

    To be fair, The Force Awakens was a sequel to a 30 year old movie. It was a worldwide event for a whole new generation of movie goers. It ma

  • One of my favourite YouTube channels, Buttered Side Down, a channel I could to my best describe as first person Mr. Bean did a stop motion episode and it's really well done!

  • edited February 2019

    That's quite the drop-off.

    I knew of Rick's departure, but not of the last two. That's disappointing, since they would've probably been my next two favourites after Rick.

    To be honest, I think TWD TV series has really become stale. To me at least.
    The walkers are a mild annoyance at most, a lot of the Negan arc had dull firefights with a limitless amount of wasted ammo, and a lot of cliffhangers that amount to nothing or surprise shock deaths meant purely for the shock itself

    (lookin at you, Carl).

    I've only watched the first episode of the new season a few months ago, and nothing else. I'm debating whether to at least continue with the next 4 episodes or so until Rick leaves, but I haven't gotten to that at all yet.

    First Rick left, then Maggie, and now Michonne is gone. How much longer can TWD show keep going on like this?

  • Season 9 is great,it's way better than the last two seasons since Angela Kang took over,but i feel like that change happened too late,it's a different show now not a continuation of Rick/Carl's story (because they're both gone now).

    And the other problem are all these actors leaving,making a spin-off on Maggie is a bad idea,the Rick trilogy is also not a good idea because people are losing interest in the series,i don't know how they can fix this honestly,they should plan an ending but i'm not expecting that,they're gonna keep milking this show until everyone leaves or people lose interest and stop watching.

    AChicken posted: »

    That's quite the drop-off. I knew of Rick's departure, but not of the last two. That's disappointing, since they would've probably been m

  • edited February 2019

    To make that characters death worse.

    They killed him off because the actor was turning 18 and they didn't want to pay him an adults wage. It was a complete surprise to Chandler Riggs since he had even bought a house near where they film so he could study nearby.

    AChicken posted: »

    That's quite the drop-off. I knew of Rick's departure, but not of the last two. That's disappointing, since they would've probably been m

  • You know what this does, it reminds me of what I've always known, you can't ever fucking rely on other people. Honestly, I'm better off on my own anyway, I've been alone with a handful of people I've actually called "friends" for 21 years, why change now. Would be nice though if someone showed the same level of care. And I'm not going to say I'm perfect at this, I've acted selfishly and done stupid shit, but I can at least recognize when I've done so and feel like shit afterwards. These guys don't seem to care at all, so you know what, fuck them

    You're right; you have to make yourself someone you can rely on first, and then when you can stand tall on your own you can show the example for them. The company we surround ourselves with mold us, and reflect us as a result. If you feel like they're bad influences, distancing yourself from them is a good idea, but if you want them to change you have to keep sending out the vibes you hope they'll catch. It's up to them to decide if those vibes resonate with them, but if you don't attempt or stop trying to send the right ones out they'll never catch any from you. Either way it's not about the change we want from the people that are toxic in our lives; it's the change that's best for them.

    I'm sorry you were having a rough day though.

    I'm rooming with a bunch of fucking assholes. Sorry for the long rant, but I'm seriously fucking pissed. I'm not what you would call a he

  • Staying with the KH3 theme, this is one of the greatest video game things I have ever seen

  • Pewdiepie tried to stream Roblox to beat T-series rip stream ???

  • edited February 2019

    New Pixar Sparkshort. Smash and Grab.

  • Ayyy I've passed 9000 likes recently. Cool. (or, as cool as any arbitrary number can be)

    I don't think I'll crack 10K before this place dies so I'll just etch this into my gravestone now.

  • It actually looks pretty interesting.

  • Woah, they're giving this movie a lot more serious tone. Wait, who is running Arendelle if they're all gone?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It actually looks pretty interesting.

  • Wow. With Cars 3 and now this, Disney really knows how to market their unexpected, unnecessary sequels.
    Show the grim stuff.

    (in the case of the former, it was a pretty good sequel - I even prefer it over the first one - , and it's something the second movie should have been)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It actually looks pretty interesting.

  • Huh. Well that is far from Frozen now, isn't it?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It actually looks pretty interesting.

  • I really liked the first one so I'm pumped for this! I can't wait to find out more about what's going on.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It actually looks pretty interesting.

  • See I don’t care if a guy flirts with me, they can slap my ass for all I care and I’ll still accept the compliment, but don’t expect me to flirt back

  • What a coincidence this is happening on Valentine's day.

    Melton23 posted: »

    See I don’t care if a guy flirts with me, they can slap my ass for all I care and I’ll still accept the compliment, but don’t expect me to flirt back

  • Wait a minute....

    Melton23 posted: »

    See I don’t care if a guy flirts with me, they can slap my ass for all I care and I’ll still accept the compliment, but don’t expect me to flirt back

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