The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • If you want the definition of badass, I'd recommend playing both the God of War 2018 theme side by side with Rip & Tear from Doom.

    If you don't nut at least once within the first two minutes, then there might be something wrong with you.

  • edited March 2019

    Boooo Amazon.
    Ordered Mr. Robot Season 3 (20$ down from 30) and Mr. Robot Season 1 (30$ down from ~45) on bluray late February. I had recently gotten a 40$ gift card for some recent occasion... I forget. It knocked a lot off the price, bringing the out-of-pocket total to 18$.

    That special sale item of MR Season 1 had only recently gone out of stock, but the site told me it'd ship it when they received new copies. In fact, they'd ship the whole order at once when they had the copies ready (even though Season 3 was fully in stock). A week later, they changed their mind and decided to send Season 3 on its own early. (the order page said Season 1 was to be expected to ship in early-mid April. Okay, that's fine, I guess.)
    It was then that Amazon had emailed me that they weren't going to fulfill my order of MR S1 and would refund me what had not yet been used of the gift card.
    So, I've been forced to find another similarly-priced item, of which I luckily did (third party 26$ + 3$ ship). And, with the remaining credit I got back, I'm paying 2$ more out-of-pocket than the previous total. Yeah, it's not much, but really?? Had a great sale price, locked it in, would've gladly waited until April for it, I'm in no rush to binge. But nah they just "couldn't find another copy of it from their distributors"... even though they've still got 2 separate listings of an Amazon-sold and fulfilled 32$ copy, and a third-party sold and Amazon fulfilled 33$ copy.

    The only good thing about this is that Season 3 arrived the other day with no hassle. Still got free shipping on that order even though it was below the minimum after the order changed.

    edit: jeez I over explain stuff

  • Came home from school the other day to hear that the local milk bar got robbed. The woman who runs the place is Asian and despite not being fluent in English and copping a shitload of abuse from local teenagers, she's always been friendly whenever I've been in there. Seriously, fuck this shithole of a city (Frankston, Victoria) and the lowlife trash who live in it.

  • Rip & Tear

    This played live at the 2016 VGA awards. It was really nice

    If you want the definition of badass, I'd recommend playing both the God of War 2018 theme side by side with Rip & Tear from Doom. If you don't nut at least once within the first two minutes, then there might be something wrong with you.

  • Australia reminds me of Fallout 4. Every creature is going out of its way to try to kill you at all times?

    Came home from school the other day to hear that the local milk bar got robbed. The woman who runs the place is Asian and despite not being

  • In Frankston, that's more or less true.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Australia reminds me of Fallout 4. Every creature is going out of its way to try to kill you at all times?

  • I'm SHAKING right now??

  • Anyone else ever played The Sims 2 on the Gameboy Advanced? I remember really liking the game but being pretty freaked out by it because of it's creepy soundtrack, story and overall atmosphere. There was always something weirdly unsettling about it that it was almost like a horror game.

  • I see that you're still not uploading your playthrough on God of War. I honestly wouldn't mind if you're not interested in recording anymore and just want to play the game on your own.

    If you want the definition of badass, I'd recommend playing both the God of War 2018 theme side by side with Rip & Tear from Doom. If you don't nut at least once within the first two minutes, then there might be something wrong with you.

  • I’ve played it on the pc and ps2. I used to like killing off my sims straight away on the ps2 cos you could control there ghosts, which meant spooky wall phases, which made me kind hot

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Anyone else ever played The Sims 2 on the Gameboy Advanced? I remember really liking the game but being pretty freaked out by it because of

  • edited March 2019

    Yeah, I actually just finished it the other day, the game was insanely good. But yeah, I decided not to record it, and if I'm being honest, after Episode 4 of TFS, I think I'll be done doing let's plays. The channel and videos will stay up, as that is my primary YouTube profile, but I'll be done after TFS.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I see that you're still not uploading your playthrough on God of War. I honestly wouldn't mind if you're not interested in recording anymore and just want to play the game on your own.

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited March 2019

    Alita was pretty good. Can’t wait for Part 2. The concept behind the panzer kunst martial art is quite interesting. It's a form of martial art that was created for battles fought in 0 Gs. It’s the most advanced fighting style in the movie, and she’s dominated her opponents in all of her fights with the exception of one, but only because of the fragile body she was using. In her berserker body, she becomes many times faster and stronger, and can regenerate from the most fatal of injuries. For me, the best part of the movie was the motor ball games. This movie was pretty transparent, but it was really good.

  • Aww so you won't be making videos anymore?

    Yeah, I actually just finished it the other day, the game was insanely good. But yeah, I decided not to record it, and if I'm being honest,

  • I don't blame you but you won't do The Last of Us Part 2 as well?

    Yeah, I actually just finished it the other day, the game was insanely good. But yeah, I decided not to record it, and if I'm being honest,

  • edited March 2019

    I don't mind the lack of content or desire to upload GOW, but leaving your channel behind? Awww.
    I understand why you'd do it, but I'll admit you will be greatly missed.

    Yeah, I actually just finished it the other day, the game was insanely good. But yeah, I decided not to record it, and if I'm being honest,

  • Guess who liked Alita so much they decided to buy the Motorball figurine?

  • The outlook does not look positive. Maybe I just need a break, but I just don't see myself doing it anymore once we get Take Us Back. Anything Telltale related always got me a lot of views, but other stuff would barely hit double digits, and it's a lot of work and time to get that stuff uploaded, time that I don't have. It became more of a hassle to do it rather than fun, and that's not good. The last one I did (other than TFS) where I can say I legitimately had fun, regardless of the game's quality, was Spider Man. God of War was an amazing game, but I had no fun when I was recording a play through. I was doing Wolfenstein: The New Order last year, great game, but lost interest in recording the rest of it. Maybe I just need a break, but honestly, I need to refocus my efforts. I'm busy applying for jobs, I'll be graduating from college, and I need to focus on that. Gaming will just be something to do when there's free time, but I can't spend 2-3 hours trying to edit, process, and upload a video when I need to be studying for tests or applying for jobs.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Aww so you won't be making videos anymore?

  • Probably not. I'll certainly play it once it comes out, there's no doubt, but doing YouTube has just lost some of the fun for me. Like I said to lupinb0y, maybe I just need to take a break from it, we'll see. TLOU II is still a far way's off.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I don't blame you but you won't do The Last of Us Part 2 as well?

  • edited March 2019

    I appreciate it, but honestly, without anything Telltale related, which makes up for about half of my videos (if not more), which always got the most views (compare my TFS video views with Spiderman, God of War, or anything else in the past year, and you'll see what I mean), there's no point. I don't make money off of this, and it's not worth the hours I put into them to have a tiny amount of people see it and get no monetary compensation. Had YouTube not changed it's monetization rules a little more than a year ago, then I'd consider it, but as it stands, it's just not worth the effort. I will admit I did consider, despite how much I love TFS, another ANF style review for it, but other than some jokes or areas of critique, I just can't find the right material for it (I did have, what I think at least, to be a funny way to handle the news of Telltale's closure and near cancellation of TFS, as well as some jokes about the shipping). Could I do it, sure, but again, that's a lot of time.

    Like I said, the channel will stay up, with all it's videos, if anyone ever wants to get in contact with me once this place shuts down for good, I'll be there. Just comment anywhere, I still get the notifications.

    AChicken posted: »

    I don't mind the lack of content or desire to upload GOW, but leaving your channel behind? Awww. I understand why you'd do it, but I'll admit you will be greatly missed.

  • edited March 2019

    Gaming will just be something to do when there's free time, but I can't spend 2-3 hours trying to edit, process, and upload a video when I need to be studying for tests or applying for jobs.

    Yeah that's absolutely fair. No point putting so much effort into something you're losing interest in that takes time away from more important things.

    If you ever decide to go back to making the occasional videos maybe just drop the long form LP format and try doing things like reviews on games or stuff you enjoyed or retrospective looks at some of the older Telltale stuff?

    The outlook does not look positive. Maybe I just need a break, but I just don't see myself doing it anymore once we get Take Us Back. Anythi

  • You do whatever you wanna do, I'm also kind of losing interest in watching playthroughs on youtube. I gave up testing video games people are considering good and it's because of how the AAA industry has been treated in recent years with tons of controversies. I'm now only going to play games that I really enjoy. I played and finished great games like Dying Light, Wolfenstein New Order, Metal Gear Solid 5 etc. but they didn't get my attention enough.

    Probably not. I'll certainly play it once it comes out, there's no doubt, but doing YouTube has just lost some of the fun for me. Like I said to lupinb0y, maybe I just need to take a break from it, we'll see. TLOU II is still a far way's off.

  • edited March 2019

    I hope the movie does well enough (either in the box office or in merchandise) to warrant a sequel. There are some big problems with the movie but I had a good time with it and the action sequences are legitimately good so I'd like to see more of that :P

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Guess who liked Alita so much they decided to buy the Motorball figurine?

  • Was the movie actually any good? I am curious.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Guess who liked Alita so much they decided to buy the Motorball figurine?

  • Just like Venom, the critics trashed it but the audience praised it.

    Was the movie actually any good? I am curious.

  • The fuck is up with her hands?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Despite wanting to see this movie asap, I decided i’ll wait until tomorrow to go see Alita so I can bring my sister along. I can get $100 dollars from my bank if I make 10 purchases within 60 days. So close yet so far!

  • But, in that specific case: didn't the audience praise it because of its "so bad it's good" reputation?
    I don't think it's a good movie, the writing needs improvement, but yeah I'll praise it for having something interesting as a stand-alone Venom movie, some saving grace Tom Hardy acting and decent jokes.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Just like Venom, the critics trashed it but the audience praised it.

  • Right. Completely understandable.

    It's not sustainable anymore. It's not time-efficient for you.

    I appreciate it, but honestly, without anything Telltale related, which makes up for about half of my videos (if not more), which always got

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited March 2019

    It was transparent as hell, but it was still pretty good. It would’ve been better if it had more layers. Very predictable, cliche at times, and was lacking in substance, but not completely lacking.

    Was the movie actually any good? I am curious.

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited March 2019

    Dr. Ido, a scientist, gave her a body that he designed to look like a doll. She’s a cyborg, so all of her is still very much mechanical, including her hands.

    DabigRG posted: »

    The fuck is up with her hands?

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited March 2019

    the writing needs improvement, but yeah I'll praise it for having something interesting

    The writing does need improvement, but for what it was, a movie based off a manga series, it was pretty good imho(Didn’t read the manga, but these kind of movies based on mangas are usually bad).To those planning to see Alita: the movie’s pretty straight forward, and you’ll see things coming a mile before they happen. Not necessarily a bad thing, still very enjoyable, but it won’t surprise you.

    AChicken posted: »

    But, in that specific case: didn't the audience praise it because of its "so bad it's good" reputation? I don't think it's a good movie, th

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited March 2019


    I hope the movie does well enough (either in the box office or in merchandise)

    So far, Alita generated $361M or so, so they got their money back and then some. Probably not the numbers they were hoping for, but at least they got what they spent. I think the advertising for the movie could’ve been better. Also, someone on the Alita subreddit said that James Cameron already has the go ahead for a second film.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I hope the movie does well enough (either in the box office or in merchandise) to warrant a sequel. There are some big problems with the mov

  • edited March 2019

    On the day I go see Avengers: Endgame I'm gonna have to abstain from drinking water a few hours before the screening. I must sit through the three hours with no interruptions.

    Hopefully there isn't some crazy person yelling for a Brad like when I went to see Infinity War.

  • I saw Captain Marvel earlier today - it was pretty good, like Ant-Man good. Not amazing, but by no means a bad movie. Some neat little twists, emotional scenes, Samuel L. Jackson, but it didn't blow me away. Still, a good, enjoyable time at the movies - which is about all I can ask for.

  • Good. Now go see Alita and tell me which one’s better.

    it was pretty good, like Ant-Man good

    Ant-Man was terrible imo? I couldn’t take that movie seriously. If it’s at that level of good then idk if I’m gonna go see it?

    Also, was that scene where she goes flying into space, shooting her hand lasers at...whatever, as good as it was in the trailer? That’s pretty much the only reason I have to go see the movie?

    I saw Captain Marvel earlier today - it was pretty good, like Ant-Man good. Not amazing, but by no means a bad movie. Some neat little twist

  • Auditions can be the fucking worst sometimes.

  • Why, what did you try to audition for?

    AChicken posted: »

    Auditions can be the fucking worst sometimes.

  • Rest in Peace the sandwich store that I only just discovered nearby that had the best roast pork sandwich I've had in a while.

    I literally only found out about this place last week and it's already dead.

    Why you gotta be like that.

  • Thats been me, but with everything I only just began to like. This forum is a great example of that

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Rest in Peace the sandwich store that I only just discovered nearby that had the best roast pork sandwich I've had in a while. I literally only found out about this place last week and it's already dead. Why you gotta be like that.

  • School admissions audition.

    Had to present 2 monologues, which I have practiced for the past 2 weeks (one of which I'm currently studying in a class of mine for weeks on end so I know it)
    and... I messed up big time.
    I only managed to present about half of each monologue before getting stuck on a line. I was allowed to refresh and get my bearings, but I just got caught on the same line in both pieces twice. Cue the panel saying "well, thanks for coming" and I walk out.

    Those fuckin' audition nerves, man... They really get to me sometimes. This was probably the worst instance yet. I knew it, I recited it totally fine 20 times this morning, but then... Kaboom.
    Got 2 auditions left. One tomorrow, one in late April.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Why, what did you try to audition for?

  • I assume this is for university? Damn, that sucks. Good luck with the next two auditions though!

    I know that feel of having to present something only for your mind to just go blank.

    If you haven't, maybe try practising in front of friends/family? It could help you get used to speaking in front of a group of people. It might be too late to do this for the one tomorrow but it could help with the one in April.

    AChicken posted: »

    School admissions audition. Had to present 2 monologues, which I have practiced for the past 2 weeks (one of which I'm currently studying

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