The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited March 2019

    The fuck, someone on my Facebook posted pictures of them dissecting their mouse. People are asking them why the fuck they thought it was a good idea to cut open their hamster and post the pictures and he's so nonchalant about it.

    I guess I'm looking at a future serial killer?

  • What the absolute fuck.

    Reeeeport it.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The fuck, someone on my Facebook posted pictures of them dissecting their mouse. People are asking them why the fuck they thought it was a g

  • While I thoroughly enjoyed Take Us Back (no spoilers), I had a feeling there would be some salt, I didn't think it would be like this though. This is reaching Ties That Bind or From The Gallows levels, and there's no way in hell this episode is as bad as that. There's a fair share of criticism I have, I'm not trying to shit on anyone who didn't like it because I had some issues as well and some of your complaints I also have, but I think we're going to some extreme shit with some of what we're complaining about. I swear if No Time Left, or just S1 in general, was released today, some would treat it like ANF.

  • I swear if No Time Left, or just S1 in general, was released today, some would treat it like ANF.

    Maybe not as bad as ANF, but people would focus a lot of their complaints on the small problems. Thing is, this episode had big problems.

    While I thoroughly enjoyed Take Us Back (no spoilers), I had a feeling there would be some salt, I didn't think it would be like this though

  • I think people are overexaggerating certain things about this episode. There are criticisms, for sure and I agree with some points that are being made, but we're also either complaining about stuff that isn't that big of a deal, or amplifying legitimate criticisms like it completely ruined the game as a whole, and I don't personally see that. We can talk about what it did well and what it didn't, and we can do so without making those who did like it feel like morons, or make people who didn't like it come off like some sort of cynical asshole.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    I swear if No Time Left, or just S1 in general, was released today, some would treat it like ANF. Maybe not as bad as ANF, but people would focus a lot of their complaints on the small problems. Thing is, this episode had big problems.

  • edited March 2019

    This is reaching Ties That Bind or From The Gallows levels, and there's no way in hell this episode is as bad as that

    Dead god is the Walking Dead section that bad right now?!

    I haven't played the finale yet today so I've stayed away from that section, but from a few review articles I read late last night, the consensus I found was that it was at the very least a decent ending and something satisfying at a base level.

    While I thoroughly enjoyed Take Us Back (no spoilers), I had a feeling there would be some salt, I didn't think it would be like this though

  • I would say it was satisfying, a few things could have been better, but nothing too major that really soils the ending as a whole. Overall, I'm happy with it, and that's all that matters to me I guess.

    AChicken posted: »

    This is reaching Ties That Bind or From The Gallows levels, and there's no way in hell this episode is as bad as that Dead god is th

  • It's the forum in general that just seems to WANT to be angry at something. I get that there's some legit criticism towards the episode and the season as a whole (I have my own complaints), but some of the stuff people say can get super petty.

    It's really weird since from what I've seen elsewhere on YouTube, Reddit, Twitter and etc, the reception has been far more positive.

    While I thoroughly enjoyed Take Us Back (no spoilers), I had a feeling there would be some salt, I didn't think it would be like this though

  • I think that's always been the case really, even for relatively maligned games like ANF. Sure ANF has been criticized a lot more in various places, but overall, it and everything else is still viewed positively. The forums has always been the most harsh, which I actually find kind of shocking, but at the same time, expected. But it does get pretty ridiculous at times, especially since some complaints I have about TuB can easily be applied to other Telltale games, and hell, even TWD S1.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    It's the forum in general that just seems to WANT to be angry at something. I get that there's some legit criticism towards the episode and

  • The forums has always been the most harsh, which I actually find kind of shocking, but at the same time, expected.

    Ironic that the forum all about Telltale would shit on Telltale the most.

    especially since some complaints I have about TuB can easily be applied to other Telltale games, and hell, even TWD S1.

    Yeah a lot of people have some major rose tinted glasses (including me to be fair).

    I think that's always been the case really, even for relatively maligned games like ANF. Sure ANF has been criticized a lot more in various

  • It's not giving me the option to report it for some reason. Also he talked about how he hopes to get some actual tools for the future which totally isn't eerie at all.

    AChicken posted: »

    What the absolute fuck. Reeeeport it.

  • As do I, and I, much like yourself, can admit that. As hard as I try, sometimes favoritism or nostalgia can get in the way of better judgment, we're all guilty of this to some extent.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The forums has always been the most harsh, which I actually find kind of shocking, but at the same time, expected. Ironic that the f

  • It's how the old fandom saying goes: "No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans".

    As do I, and I, much like yourself, can admit that. As hard as I try, sometimes favoritism or nostalgia can get in the way of better judgment, we're all guilty of this to some extent.

  • edited March 2019

    Gearbox have recently stated that the game they're going to show at E3 "is NOT called Borderlands 3" and we've got our teaser trailer for it here.

    Considering they're not numbering this entry, it could mean one of three things:
    1. This is a reboot-esque entry of the main series.
    2. It's a Battle Royale game, in which the goal is to win to win the titular "Mask of Mayhem" (considering Borderlands is a big looter-shooter this unfortunately seems likely)
    3. It's a mobile game of unknown quality.

  • Oh I swear to God if it's a mobile game I will flip some serious shit. Have we learned NOTHING from Diablo Immortal and Alien Blackout?

    I'm not all that thrilled with the prospect of a Battle Royale game, especially since I still don't really understand it. I've never played a battle royale game like Fortnite, and I'm not sure I get the concept. Is it just an online multiplayer game with teams and the last one standing wins. I'm not exactly sure how that would work for Borderlands, but again, I'm speaking from an uninformed viewpoint.

    With all of this hype the last couple of weeks, Gearbox cannot do a fucking cop out like this. They know we've been waiting for a real sequel since 2014's The Pre-Sequel (hell, since 2012 with Borderlands 2), and if they don't give us something in regards to a legitimate sequel, fans are going to go apeshit.

    AChicken posted: »

    Gearbox have recently stated that the game they're going to show at E3 "is NOT called Borderlands 3" and we've got our teaser trailer for it

  • edited March 2019

    I know there's a "post your playthroughs here" thread somewhere for each series, but this place has been both so active and inactive in the past few months that it would take a long while to find it.

    EDIT: Moved to over here

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2019

    We updated the rules a while back to allow people to make their own threads instead, if you feel like also making your own thread over in TWD forum.

    Basically, whatever works at this point. Posting your videos here is fine if you want, and even if it wasn't otherwise fine, the forums are basically gonna start dying down soon so yeah it's fine.

    AChicken posted: »

    I know there's a "post your playthroughs here" thread somewhere for each series, but this place has been both so active and inactive in the past few months that it would take a long while to find it. EDIT: Moved to over here

  • Ah okay. I was going to do that but wasn't sure if it was appropriate to do so.
    Thanks Blind.

    We updated the rules a while back to allow people to make their own threads instead, if you feel like also making your own thread over in TW

  • When you see Rhys and Vaughn in the new Borderlands trailer.

  • Hey everyone. Just in case anyone is interested, Dreamworks Monsters VS Aliens hit the big screen 10 years ago today. Still a fan and just about every March 27, I watch it on the DVD player when I can, in honor of it.

    Still sad it didn't become a popular franchise as some of the other Dreamworks series'.

  • Where?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    When you see Rhys and Vaughn in the new Borderlands trailer.

  • edited March 2019

    Vaughn's at 0:50 and Rhys is above the Atlus logo at 1:00.

    Here's a clearer look at Rhys and Vaughn.

    Melton23 posted: »


  • I was hyped before I knew that was them, and now, my hype just went up even further.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Vaughn's at 0:50 and Rhys is above the Atlus logo at 1:00. Here's a clearer look at Rhys and Vaughn.

  • edited March 2019

    [Telltale Walking Dead - Final Episode spoilers below]

    This image manages to elicit feelings of absolute joy and painful depression. I'm thankful she lived and finally, after years, found a place to call home. But goddamn does it hurt to see Clem with no leg. I know it doesn't matter since it's over for good and nothing comes after, but my mind can't stop thinking about it. She can't even leave the walls of Ericson's, she can't go on runs, fight against walkers, not at least without a lot of training. They had prosthetic legs back in 2003 right, for the love of God someone find my girl a prosthetic leg so she can walk again.

  • When she got bit I felt an immense sadness. I didn't cry but man did I feel like shit. But when they did the fucking reveal I was like a damn waterfall. Regardless of how it might seem like a bit of a reach, I'm just so damn happy she's alive. Crippled maybe, but alive and well.

    Don't worry man, AJ will help make her a new leg!

    [Telltale Walking Dead - Final Episode spoilers below] (Spoiler)

  • edited March 2019

    I hope they eventually make a sequel to the Adventures of Tintin (2011). I don't think I ever read the books as a kid but I remember watching the animated series so I don't really have a big attachment to the franchise. But I really loved the movie. It was beautifully animated and incredibly well acted, not to mention gorgeous looking.

    Come one Peter Jackson, hurry the heck up!

  • Getting a drawing tablet has been one of the best purchases I've ever made.

    Not only can I draw dumb shit with it but I can use it to sign documents without having to print anything.


  • You should at least be happy that she didn't lose a hand, that would have been MUCH worse than losing a leg.

    [Telltale Walking Dead - Final Episode spoilers below] (Spoiler)

  • Awesome... What model did you get?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Getting a drawing tablet has been one of the best purchases I've ever made. Not only can I draw dumb shit with it but I can use it to sign documents without having to print anything. 10/10.

  • I got the Huion New 1060 Plus. Not only is it big it's also affordable.

    AChicken posted: »

    Awesome... What model did you get?

  • I guess it would matter of perspective. Not being able to get somewhere quickly with danger around and not being able to gather food or hunt on your own can be pretty punishing.

    AronDracula posted: »


  • Amputation sucks no matter what. I know


  • Here's Rhys in all his mustachioed glory!

  • So it's official now. T-Series beat Pewdiepie at the most subscribed channel on YouTube. I'm done with this fucking shithole.

  • edited March 2019

    Gaahhh even though I already own their poster, I just want one of these.... they're so pretty.

    These prints are 10$ cheaper than the poster but with the conversion and shipping I'm still worried it might be high up there. Over 80$ is not something I want to pay right now. Already did that with the last one.

  • edited March 2019

    Wait for it...

  • FML my new university's online submission system is so confusing, you are given multiple options and none of them are just submitting the file. I chose an option where I put my file onto a google drive and submitted the drive however it wasn't giving my teacher access to it and I saw the email a day and a half too late telling me this.

    So now I've potentially lost marks for having a "late submission" despite me submitting it well before the due date.

  • So now I've potentially lost marks for having a "late submission" despite me submitting it well before the due date.

    Damn. Explain to the teacher and bug whoever's in charge of your Uni's IT/Tech/Website management team to help fix this problem ASAP.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    FML my new university's online submission system is so confusing, you are given multiple options and none of them are just submitting the fi

  • It's not that it doesn't work, it's just confusing as hell to use. But I'm gonna talk with the teacher anyway just to make sure I didn't end up losing any marks.

    AChicken posted: »

    So now I've potentially lost marks for having a "late submission" despite me submitting it well before the due date. Damn. Explain t

  • I just got a YouTube reply from Jared Emerson Johnson, Telltale's longtime music composer, about one of the music tracks that plays in Episode 4.

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