I don't think the site will be inaccessible as the certificate is still valid until July 15th but I am not sure if people will be able to log in after the 9th.
Have you tried a different browser? After reinstalling windows I couldn't log in with chrome again so I now need to use edge to access the forum on my main computer.
You should be able to log in on your computer if you look back at the instructions on the first reply of this thread. Also be sure to use the login link directly from the home page at https://telltale.com, as it may not work from other pages.
Not sure if it will continue working after May 9, but maybe it will. The next big certificate expiration date will be July 15, and those certificates are more important than the one expiring on May 9.
The hentai spammers when they were planning for an end of forums raid, only for the apparent “shutdown date” to be delayed.
Ladies and gentlemen...we got ‘em ???
Either the licenses expire today and the site will die tomorrow, or the YYYY/MM/DD thing was messed up and its actually August 5th when they expire and not May 9th.
This is weird.
I feel like we're in limbo or something.
Either the licenses expire today and the site will die tomorrow, or the YYYY/MM/DD thing was messed up and its actually August 5th when they expire and not May 9th.
This is weird.
I feel like we're in limbo or something.
Either the licenses expire today and the site will die tomorrow, or the YYYY/MM/DD thing was messed up and its actually August 5th when they expire and not May 9th.
This is weird.
I feel like we're in limbo or something.
Either the licenses expire today and the site will die tomorrow, or the YYYY/MM/DD thing was messed up and its actually August 5th when they expire and not May 9th.
This is weird.
I checked, and the cdn.telltalegames.com certificate as presented has officially expired. As I said, though, it's not the most important of the certificates. It may affect the way some user avatars and other site artwork appear. I'm not entirely sure what else it's used for. I started up Batman: The Enemy Within, and it didn't have any complaints.
The hentai spammers when they were planning for an end of forums raid, only for the apparent “shutdown date” to be delayed.
Ladies and gentlemen...we got ‘em ???
I checked, and the cdn.telltalegames.com certificate as presented has officially expired. As I said, though, it's not the most important of… more the certificates. It may affect the way some user avatars and other site artwork appear. I'm not entirely sure what else it's used for. I started up Batman: The Enemy Within, and it didn't have any complaints.
Your avatar hasn't been showing for a little while, from what I can remember.
Though it's worth noting that some of them can still be scene on my phone.
Your avatar hasn't been showing for a little while, from what I can remember.
Though it's worth noting that some of them can still be scene on my phone.
We're in the endgame now.
Calling it right now, the forum won't actually die tomorrow and we will still all be good
I haven't been able to log in on my computer anymore for a long while after I logged out. Thankfully I'm still logged in on my phone though.
Have you tried a different browser? After reinstalling windows I couldn't log in with chrome again so I now need to use edge to access the forum on my main computer.
You should be able to log in on your computer if you look back at the instructions on the first reply of this thread. Also be sure to use the login link directly from the home page at https://telltale.com, as it may not work from other pages.
Not sure if it will continue working after May 9, but maybe it will. The next big certificate expiration date will be July 15, and those certificates are more important than the one expiring on May 9.
I just finished my goodbye letter and it will be posted on Whatever thread before May 9th.
EDIT: Changed my mind. It will be on Community Goodbye Letters thread.
How are we still alive
We got lucky.

Real lucky.
Y does the lighting make his beard look like Vivec from morrowind tho? ??

Still alive, I see.
We did it, everybody. WE SURVIVED! It's like the 2012 apocalypse all over again. Heck yeah!
Happy Victory Day to fellow Europeans. Can we hit 15 like on this comment so I'll have 11000 likes in total? Thank you very much.
The hentai spammers when they were planning for an end of forums raid, only for the apparent “shutdown date” to be delayed.

Ladies and gentlemen...we got ‘em ???
Merry May 9thmas!
It’s May 9th still standing ???
Is it possible?? Can it be?!! The forum shutdown is delayed, I can use the Ron Paul gif one last time!!!
I feel like we're in limbo or something.
Either the licenses expire today and the site will die tomorrow, or the YYYY/MM/DD thing was messed up and its actually August 5th when they expire and not May 9th.
This is weird.
I don't know anymore,I just hope I stay strong until the website gets Beerus treatment.
What kind of monster would use that method of showing dates?
*September 5th. We might have more time than we thought
I checked, and the cdn.telltalegames.com certificate as presented has officially expired. As I said, though, it's not the most important of the certificates. It may affect the way some user avatars and other site artwork appear. I'm not entirely sure what else it's used for. I started up Batman: The Enemy Within, and it didn't have any complaints.
Yeah, I was waitin on it myself!
Oh I can see that. RIP your avatar
The forum is still alive for now, i guess it can still last for a little while yet.
I’ll give it 2 months tops.
Well my avatar ain’t showing looks like it’s the end.?
It’s showing for me
Screenshot it please.
Screen shot for me please.
There you go
Well I be damned.?
Turns out that I’m the chosen one and can still access sites that are going under. Once this places closes, I shall make it my sanctuary.
Same here .
Your avatar hasn't been showing for a little while, from what I can remember.
Though it's worth noting that some of them can still be scene on my phone.
Well its a sight that the time is near.
Well if that's what it takes then the time has been near since October!
Agreed, plus I’ve noticed a lot of users avatars aren’t showing.
I don't think this site is ever going away.
How so?
Somebody's gotta pay the server bills.