The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • So I went to this private school's annual garage sale the other day, and in their games section, they somehow had 5 Playstation Vita games for sale. most of them were sports titles, but two of them stood out.
    Little Big Planet PS Vita, and Uncharted: Golden Abyss.

    I got 'em both for just 10$ total. That's highway robbery and I love it. (hopefully the cartridges work lol)

  • One of my favourite characters in Red Dead 2 is Sean MacGuire, which is sorta ironic to me cos I actually knew someone irl named Sean MacGuire who was a close friend and then backstabbed me ?

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited May 2019

    Today is my birthday and my 4.5 anniversary on the forums. I'm not sure what May 9th has in store, but well, I love this place. It's going to be weird to have it gone. If I don't see some of you again, well, it was nice knowing you. Thanks for sticking around. If you're cool, my Discord is InGenNateKenny#4570 or whatever.

  • Happy birthday, dear Park Ranger.

    Today is my birthday and my 4.5 anniversary on the forums. I'm not sure what May 9th has in store, but well, I love this place. It's going t

  • Looks like Ubisoft will be announcing a new Ghost Recon game tomorrow, which is disappointing to me because I was hoping for a new Splinter Cell. But whatever, I enjoyed.... most of what I played of Wildlands.

    However, I really hope they don't make the new game as horribly overstuffed and buggy as Wildlands was. There was waayyyy too much shit to do. I played that game for 33 hours and I wasn't even halfway through the game. Also the game was pretty buggy, at least for me. Enemies spawning out of nowhere and alerting bases and I try to stealth my way through were the biggest issues.

    Games like Far Cry, Watch Dogs 2, newer Assassin's Creeds, and from what I've heard Division 2 show that they are learning from past mistakes, so hopefully this new one does the same.

  • Avengers Endgame recently beat Titanic at the box office.

    Good riddance

  • Anyone here plays or played "For Honor"?

  • I cannot believe what fans are capable of doing. First "Vader: Shards from the Past" from StarWarsTheory and now this from FXitinPost

  • I see the forum is beginning to submerge back into the deep depressive state it once was when telltale shutdown, where everyone was there for each other and the environment, only for us to probably get bamboozled, the place is fine, then we’re all back at it arguing over the most pointless of things. We shall see ???

  • edited May 2019

    Y is this soooo good tho? I mean Vader’s movements are a little off, but other than that it’s great! ?

    bruzdaa posted: »

    I cannot believe what fans are capable of doing. First "Vader: Shards from the Past" from StarWarsTheory and now this from FXitinPost

  • The potential end of the forum is giving me all sorts of feels, I don't know why it's only just hitting me now.

  • The mods when the forum finally keels over.

  • Not entirely inaccurate rofl

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The mods when the forum finally keels over.

  • edited May 2019

    So, there's about a half hour left for me until the 9th of May.
    I'm assuming that this site might have its licenses expire during pacific time, so it should be ~3h30m from now.

    I just want to say -- as I've said many times before since last September -- Thank you.

    Thank you to everyone for giving me such a welcoming community to interact with. From the time I joined in the wait of TFTB Episode 2 (#F17 Forever!!) I've had a wonderful time and met/interacted with so many great people.

    Thank you to Telltale for giving us some great stories to experience and talk about. From the despair of The Walking Dead to the intrigue of TWAU to the even more intrigue of Batman to the stars and sound of Guardians and to the bombastic and brilliant world of Tales from the Borderlands... it was fun. While not everything may have gone smoothly, and not everything was fixed by the end (branching choices, rewrites, long waits, sequels for $$$, the neverending crunch of episodic gaming) what we got is good enough for me. I just wish Telltale had survived a little longer so they might have had a chance to pull themselves out of the rut they were left in.

    Thank you to Pete Hawley for salvaging what he could from the sinking ship of Bruner. It was clear that under the reign of Bruner it quickly became "Big hit, repeat, more and more and more at once" where quantity outweighed quality and apparently the behind-the-scenes management was hellish. He did his best at trying to keep Telltale afloat. Even if it meant that TWAU 2 probably would have had to die to save it. (I'd have thrown the MCSM series, Guardians, TWD: ANF, hell even Batman, into the fires of Mordor if it meant we could have gotten TWAU sooner.) Expectations may have been too high, but it was the one loose end on many fans' lists for YEARS.

    Thank you to Skybound for saving Telltale's finale to their magnum opus. It's kinda fitting that the last game they made was the one that got them the recognition and extreme success in the first place. It didn't help that the formula and structure refused to change after all these years, but they were so close to breaking it. Stranger Things looked brand new, and from internal sources at Telltale, they were in for a rebranding or shuffling of projects. The future looked ambitious but very bright. At least we got the end they wanted to give to us, even if it may have been compromised a bit by their closure.

    I'm gonna miss this place. Really.

    But, who knows, maybe I'm acting too prematurely on this goodbye thing (again) and the site will still be up and running... mostly fine... tomorrow. Whatever. That's me being a little chicken about this. Heh.
    So, uh, live long and prosper, catch a ride, goodbye and all that stuff... (how do I end this? do I want to end this? ehh)

    Your pal from Canada,

    EDIT: 9,333 likes baby! Because I can be an anxious wreck and validation keeps me alive! My time here was not in vain!
    lol it was fun while it lasted.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2019

    As my (possible) last words before the forums are irreparable, I just wanted to say:


  • One more batch of cute animal gifs for the road.

  • I’m ashamed to say that this made me laugh

    As my (possible) last words before the forums are irreparable, I just wanted to say: LOL THE SITE DOMAIN EXPIRES ON 9/11

  • edited May 2019

    The apocalypse has been POSTPONED.


    This song was playing the entire time we were all waiting for everything to just shut down.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    The certificate shows a expiration date and time of May 10th at 12:59:59 AM UK time which will be 4:59:59 PM pacific time so there is still a while yet to see what happens :'(

    AChicken posted: »

    So, there's about a half hour left for me until the 9th of May. I'm assuming that this site might have its licenses expire during pacific

  • One interesting thing about that is the domain expires on April 21, 2020. It was renewed to that date on April 22, 2019. That means somebody noticed and went through the effort to renew it!

    As my (possible) last words before the forums are irreparable, I just wanted to say: LOL THE SITE DOMAIN EXPIRES ON 9/11

  • How fitting that the day we thought the forum would go sideways is the day I finally went to see Endgame.

  • .

    AronDracula posted: »

    Avengers Endgame recently beat Titanic at the box office. Good riddance

  • Oh-hohohoho-NOho! :scream:

    As my (possible) last words before the forums are irreparable, I just wanted to say: LOL THE SITE DOMAIN EXPIRES ON 9/11

  • edited May 2019

    Told y’all the place wouldn’t shut down just yet

  • edited May 2019

    Watched Detective Pikachu and had a good amount of fun with it! The story isn't anything too out there, the jokes can be very hit or miss and certain things can be predictable, but the charm of the characters (especially Pikachu), Pokemon and the world more than makes up for it. If you're a Pokemon fan I absolutely recommend it.

  • Y’all better not be able to log in cos this place is eerily quiet

  • edited May 2019

    I just heard Dave Fennoy's voice on a Soul/Jazz Music Collection advertisement... Lol cool.

  • I'm so proud of this community

  • You know what remaster I would love most of all. A Wolf Among Us remaster. That game still looks FANTASTIC with its colours and lighting that it's a surprise that the old Telltale Tool was even able to pull it off, the developers really pulled off some black magic with that, but the low resolution textures and blocky models really stand out more as the years go by.

    Skybound pls gib remaster.

  • That could go either way, judging on TWDG remaster.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    You know what remaster I would love most of all. A Wolf Among Us remaster. That game still looks FANTASTIC with its colours and lighting tha

  • Foo-king shat myself ? anyone else get that “this site is temporarily down” screen that lasted for about half of today?


  • Anyway I had an argument with my teacher today over an exam. He was telling me to go down to the exam room and I was trying to tell him that the exam timetable was optional and that I already planned it out for myself, but he wasn’t having it, so I was like “I’m not going down” “you’re wrong” and all that, so in the end I went down and instantly came back up and was like “boi u was wrong”

    Never been so satisfied in my entire life ?

  • Back in business, but who knows for how long.

  • Went on first thing in the morning and it was gone.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Foo-king shat myself ? anyone else get that “this site is temporarily down” screen that lasted for about half of today?

  • Now that was stressful, I really thought we were done for.

    I hope y'all are already part of the Telltale forums subreddit, so that we can find each other when the forums ultimately shut down.

  • So... We nearly died?

    Glad we're not, that would have been a pretty sad thing to wake up to today.

  • Is there a discord link that community is in, send it to me in PM. I nearly thought this is it lol, i was sad a bit when saw it.

  • I got a few more posts left in me. For one, today I hear is X-Men day. And looking back, I'm still sad at the fate of the movie verse, but I am thankful for the (good) films I have seen in my life.

    From the comics to the '92 animated series and the films, I am proud to call myself a fan of Marvel's X-Men.

    Even though I still wish things could have been different, but I guess I must finally admit "it is what it is". I'm tired of being angry at Fox for the negligence of the film series. I know it will never reach the level of epic ness that is the MCU, but I suppose I should be thankful for what we got.

    Gonna have to learn and live with that.

    I feel the next entry maybe my last. And boy howdy, am I going to make it a swan song.

  • Enough of the fakeout deaths, forum.

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