Movies like Home Alone cannot exist in the modern day because of advanced technology.
well first of all period pieces but second of all, why not? i'm kinda curious as to why you think it wouldn't work. the 90s weren't exactly that long ago.
Rebooting Home Alone would be just like remaking Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho and you already know how that garbage turned out.
you can't really compare a holiday comedy movie about a kid getting left at home alone to a timeless horror classic that shaped the genre and literally changed the grounds of filmmaking. both are great and both have shitty remakes, but they're two completely different types of film. a more sound comparison would've been the jumanji remake which kills the spirit of the original and takes a leak on it's grave. home alone and jumanji are fairly similar in tone i'd say
Just like MetallicaRules said, why would you remake/reboot something that was already perfect to begin? Movies like Home Alone cannot exist … morein the modern day because of advanced technology.
Rebooting Home Alone would be just like remaking Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho and you already know how that garbage turned out.
and disney... uh... well beyonce was in the lion king?
To be fair, Star Vs did showcase same sex relationships (though never the main focus) and Andi Mack, a live action sitcom which recently ended, had a main character come out as gay.
when the 2010s are over i think a lot of people are gonna look back realize we took shows like regular show, craig of the creek and even clarence for granted.
Aw yeah, finally I see someone else acknowledge Craig of the Creek! That show is great!
Yeah I agree that these shows among many others are going to be looked back upon fondly. But more in the way of being used as examples on why cartoons in the future aren't as good as these ones, and the cycle continues until the heat death of the universe.
Like I said, there’s a plot point in the special that almost certainly has some people mad, but personally I thought it was a fitting inclus… moreion and a pretty big step for Nickelodeon. I don’t think any other modern children’s animated series has done something like it before so kudos to them.
tbh i'm really proud of modern cartoons taking such a big step in better representation in media. cartoon network and nickelodeon have been doing great with mental health and lgbt rep, bojack horseman tackles fame and drug abuse in a very mature and realistic way, tuca and bertie uses surrealist humor to make women feel more comfortable about the very terrifying reality of adulthood and reaching your thirties, toy story 4 did a great job with representing the loss of self-worth and where to go from there, as well as tackling minor themes of gender dysphoria, and disney... uh... well beyonce was in the lion king?
jokes aside, i'm really proud of… [view original content]
well first of all period pieces but second of all, why not? i'm kinda curious as to why you think it wouldn't work. the 90s weren't exactly that long ago.
I just said, it's because of advanced technology. When you're home alone in these days by accident, you could easily just, you know, call your parents or the police? Everyone has cellphones nowadays, don't they?
Plus, what's the point of remaking it exactly? It was already perfect to begin with. You can't really compare Home Alone to Jumaji. Jumaji was something that people enjoyed but don't have a lot to talk about it, it had terrible CGI and for some reason, it cost a lot of money and the main thing we all enjoyed about that movie is, without question, Robin Williams. Home Alone is a Holiday classic and Jumaji is more of a cult classic. I know I shouldn't judge the CGI in a 90's movie but you know what came out before that movie?
Movies like Home Alone cannot exist in the modern day because of advanced technology.
well first of all period pieces but second of … moreall, why not? i'm kinda curious as to why you think it wouldn't work. the 90s weren't exactly that long ago.
Rebooting Home Alone would be just like remaking Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho and you already know how that garbage turned out.
you can't really compare a holiday comedy movie about a kid getting left at home alone to a timeless horror classic that shaped the genre and literally changed the grounds of filmmaking. both are great and both have shitty remakes, but they're two completely different types of film. a more sound comparison would've been the jumanji remake which kills the spirit of the original and takes a leak on it's grave. home alone and jumanji are fairly similar in tone i'd say
Just like MetallicaRules said, why would you remake/reboot something that was already perfect to begin? Movies like Home Alone cannot exist … morein the modern day because of advanced technology.
Rebooting Home Alone would be just like remaking Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho and you already know how that garbage turned out.
I just said, it's because of advanced technology. When you're home alone in these days by accident, you could easily just, you know, call your parents or the police? Everyone has cellphones nowadays, don't they?
my counter point to that would be to write around it. plenty of horror movies have an easy out of "oh just call the police", but the writers think ahead of the audience and disconnect our protagonists from the outside world. there are ways to write around modern technology and make the situation much more of a stuck feeling, but more than that, like i said, you can just do a period piece set in the 90s. plenty of shows and movies have stories that can't be told well in current context so they just set it in the past. it's called writing, as a writer you find a way to make your concept work.
Plus, what's the point of remaking it exactly? It was already perfect to begin with.
trust me guy, we're on the same page. i completely agree. i'm just bringing up the counter points. it's not that a modern home alone wouldn't work, it's that it shouldn't be done in general. you can make the concept work in modern day but that doesn't make the movie good.
You can't really compare Home Alone to Jumaji.
i mean they're both family comedy movies that are beloved by millions and star famous beloved actors getting into cartoonish situations within their own home. yeah the movies are completely different in story structure, goals and quality, but tonally they're the same. what you can't compare home alone to is a psychological horror film about a psychopath murderer. there's different context in remaking them.
Jumaji was something that people enjoyed but don't have a lot to talk about it, it had terrible CGI and for some reason, it cost a lot of money and the main thing we all enjoyed about that movie is, without question, Robin Williams.
this is a whole chain of things that are objectively correct about the movie but have no correlation to one another and has nothing to do with the discussion of a home alone remake, it kinda feels like you're using this as an excuse to clown on jumanji and on jah i will not allow this tomfoolery in my notifications
I know I shouldn't judge the CGI in a 90's movie but you know what came out before that movie?
terminator 2 also has double the budget, is directed by james cameron and is an action movie. jumanji are terminator, much like home alone and psycho, are two WILDLY different movies. of course the cgi is gonna be better in T2 because T2 was trying to convince the viewer everything happening is real and terrifying. jumanji is just a fun family movie that's there to entertain. context is important my dude.
well first of all period pieces but second of all, why not? i'm kinda curious as to why you think it wouldn't work. the 90s weren't exactly … morethat long ago.
I just said, it's because of advanced technology. When you're home alone in these days by accident, you could easily just, you know, call your parents or the police? Everyone has cellphones nowadays, don't they?
Plus, what's the point of remaking it exactly? It was already perfect to begin with. You can't really compare Home Alone to Jumaji. Jumaji was something that people enjoyed but don't have a lot to talk about it, it had terrible CGI and for some reason, it cost a lot of money and the main thing we all enjoyed about that movie is, without question, Robin Williams. Home Alone is a Holiday classic and Jumaji is more of a cult classic. I know I shouldn't judge the CGI in a 90's movie but you know what came out before that movie?
To be fair, Star Vs did showcase same sex relationships (though never the main focus)
the virgin star vs the forces of evil: gay characters are showcased but left in the background, never important
the CHAD adventure time: builds up homosexual relationship for 10 seasons and gives it time to grow and develop all to be used as the showstopper moment in the series finale
Aw yeah, finally I see someone else acknowledge Craig of the Creek! That show is great!
if craig of the creek was a liquid drug i could inject directly into my bloodstream, i would mildly consider doing so but then decide against it and just watch it for a whole afternoon. i fuckin LOVE that show.
But more in the way of being used as examples on why cartoons in the future aren't as good as these ones, and the cycle continues until the heat death of the universe.
and disney... uh... well beyonce was in the lion king?
To be fair, Star Vs did showcase same sex relationships (though never the mai… moren focus) and Andi Mack, a live action sitcom which recently ended, had a main character come out as gay.
when the 2010s are over i think a lot of people are gonna look back realize we took shows like regular show, craig of the creek and even clarence for granted.
Aw yeah, finally I see someone else acknowledge Craig of the Creek! That show is great!
Yeah I agree that these shows among many others are going to be looked back upon fondly. But more in the way of being used as examples on why cartoons in the future aren't as good as these ones, and the cycle continues until the heat death of the universe.
Work in progress sneak peak. I'm drawing a fan variant cover of the final issue of The Walking Dead with a homage to the first issue. Still working on the background (most of the outline is done), but this still looks pretty neat as is.
Ewan McGregor will be returning as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the new Disney+ tv series. I’m sure some of you might be thinking “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” But oh, I don’t think so, with this news, I think the show will be a hit and will be another happy landing for Disney’s Star Wars. Now let’s not be so uncivilized in our discussion of this topic. We can respect others opinions without losing the high ground. After all, that’s why I’m here, to be a voice of reason.
Okay, how many more Obi-Wan memes can I fit in here? Honestly, the best thing about this news is that we’re going to get a shit ton of new memes to work with.
I’ve got a bad feeling about this... honestly, what can they do with it without breaking the lore? We know for a fact Obi-Wan stayed on Tatooine and never left it once, which means we only get 1 planet unless we’re looking in the perspective of another character, and I mean what’s the point in that? He didn’t do much other than roam in the desert and possibly saved Luke on the odd occasion if they want to make some legends canon. There’s genuinely nothing that can be done with this series and likely in the process Obi-Wan is going to be ruined, which I really am not looking forward to, and this is coming from a last Jedi defender.
However, seeing as I’m an optimist, I have no choice but to hope that this series will actually be good...and not utter asshole, making me curl over in complete boredom. They better stay true to the lore though, otherwise I’m out
Hello there.
Ewan McGregor will be returni… moreng as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the new Disney+ tv series. I’m sure some of you might be thinking “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” But oh, I don’t think so, with this news, I think the show will be a hit and will be another happy landing for Disney’s Star Wars. Now let’s not be so uncivilized in our discussion of this topic. We can respect others opinions without losing the high ground. After all, that’s why I’m here, to be a voice of reason.
Okay, how many more Obi-Wan memes can I fit in here? Honestly, the best thing about this news is that we’re going to get a shit ton of new memes to work with.
You put them in situations outside of their ordinary scope, and you see how the characters handle these unexpected scenarios and what/if they learn anything from them. That could include emphasizing their hangups and/or flaws, of course, but it also shows what they're good at.
I’ve got a bad feeling about this... honestly, what can they do with it without breaking the lore? We know for a fact Obi-Wan stayed on Tato… moreoine and never left it once, which means we only get 1 planet unless we’re looking in the perspective of another character, and I mean what’s the point in that? He didn’t do much other than roam in the desert and possibly saved Luke on the odd occasion if they want to make some legends canon. There’s genuinely nothing that can be done with this series and likely in the process Obi-Wan is going to be ruined, which I really am not looking forward to, and this is coming from a last Jedi defender.
However, seeing as I’m an optimist, I have no choice but to hope that this series will actually be good...and not utter asshole, making me curl over in complete boredom. They better stay true to the lore though, otherwise I’m out
But wasn’t his purpose on Tatooine to protect Luke? Not its citizens? He even brushed off maul and didn’t want to fight him, despite the pain he caused in the past and the threat he would still pose to many others, but as soon as Luke is brought up he decided to stand and fight. I honestly can’t see what they can do with Obi-wan other than him defending Luke from constant danger, which would not only be repetitive, but it also wouldn’t make sense. Like what would bandits or stormtroopers or whatever want with some random moisture farmer baby kid guy?
He didn’t do much other than roam in the desert and possibly saved Luke on the odd occasion if they want to make some legends canon.
… more He does this in the Rebels animated series with his final confrontation with Maul.
I could imagine some sort of situation where he defends some people on Tatooine from bandits (Seven Samurai style) or something.
Hello there.
Ewan McGregor will be returni… moreng as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the new Disney+ tv series. I’m sure some of you might be thinking “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” But oh, I don’t think so, with this news, I think the show will be a hit and will be another happy landing for Disney’s Star Wars. Now let’s not be so uncivilized in our discussion of this topic. We can respect others opinions without losing the high ground. After all, that’s why I’m here, to be a voice of reason.
Okay, how many more Obi-Wan memes can I fit in here? Honestly, the best thing about this news is that we’re going to get a shit ton of new memes to work with.
It could be that someone or some people, maybe from his past, are after him which potentially has Luke (whose a kid) and his family caught in the crossfire. Not necessarily saving them episode after episode. It's a 20 year gap, something eventful (aside from Maul) must have happened at least once :P
I was one of the people pretty keen on the idea of an Obi Wan movie/series, so I'm pretty optimistic about it.
Also remember, it's all just hearsay. Nothing's confirmed. The series might happen, it might not happen.
But wasn’t his purpose on Tatooine to protect Luke? Not its citizens? He even brushed off maul and didn’t want to fight him, despite the pai… moren he caused in the past and the threat he would still pose to many others, but as soon as Luke is brought up he decided to stand and fight. I honestly can’t see what they can do with Obi-wan other than him defending Luke from constant danger, which would not only be repetitive, but it also wouldn’t make sense. Like what would bandits or stormtroopers or whatever want with some random moisture farmer baby kid guy?
Well it's official. SupMatto's youtube channel is gone. Shame because he had over 100,000 subscribers and was also the reason some people got into Borderlands in the first place. Take-Two and 2K are bullies. Also those companies think that the leaks presented by SupMatto would somehow 'decline' the sales of Borderlands 3 lol.
And they are doing exactly the opposite of their plans for the game. Ruining the marketing of Borderlands 3. Randy lying to us about Troy Baker declining the role reprise for Rhys' character, bitching on people for their anger on Borderlands 3 being an Epic exclusive and now deleting a youtube channel that did nothing but help them grow the marketing.
Long story short, this will be just another Battlefield 5 situation. Mark my words.
Well it's official. SupMatto's youtube channel is gone. Shame because he had over 100,000 subscribers and was also the reason some people go… moret into Borderlands in the first place. Take-Two and 2K are bullies. Also those companies think that the leaks presented by SupMatto would somehow 'decline' the sales of Borderlands 3 lol.
I thought Randy had nothing to do with the whole epic exclusive. Wasn't it just 2K's decision? I remember seeing some Tweets from Randy saying that it wasn't his decision and that it was 2KGames. Of course I try not to believe Randy but I do agree that he was being ignorant towards the fans while defending the epic exclusivity.
And they are doing exactly the opposite of their plans for the game. Ruining the marketing of Borderlands 3. Randy lying to us about Troy Ba… moreker declining the role reprise for Rhys' character, bitching on people for their anger on Borderlands 3 being an Epic exclusive and now deleting a youtube channel that did nothing but help them grow the marketing.
Long story short, this will be just another Battlefield 5 situation. Mark my words.
And they are doing exactly the opposite of their plans for the game. Ruining the marketing of Borderlands 3. Randy lying to us about Troy Ba… moreker declining the role reprise for Rhys' character, bitching on people for their anger on Borderlands 3 being an Epic exclusive and now deleting a youtube channel that did nothing but help them grow the marketing.
Long story short, this will be just another Battlefield 5 situation. Mark my words.
Randy is a liar. Like I said, he did lie about the fact that Troy Baker refused to reprise his role and Troy did say he didn't and wanted to re-perform Rhys so bad because it's best character he has played. I'm pretty sure he lied about Epic exclusive, he just doesn't want to accept criticism like that.
I thought Randy had nothing to do with the whole epic exclusive. Wasn't it just 2K's decision? I remember seeing some Tweets from Randy sayi… moreng that it wasn't his decision and that it was 2KGames. Of course I try not to believe Randy but I do agree that he was being ignorant towards the fans while defending the epic exclusivity.
Unpopular opinion but there’s something mentally wrong with you if you constantly shit on meme reposts. Just a random thought I had just now, but if you’re only posting one copy of a certain meme, chances are not many people will see it/they will miss it, whereas if said meme is reposted over a certain period of time, people will be caught up and people’s memories will be refreshed. I honestly do not understand the hate towards reposts
I just learned that the cast for the Avengers in Square Enix's upcoming game are the ones who also played characters in Telltale games:
… more
* Nolan North as Iron Man (August from TFTBL and Rocket Raccoon from GOTG)
* Troy Baker as Hulk (Rhys from TFTBL and Batman from TTG Batman)
* Laura Bailey as Black Widow (Fiona from TFBL and Catwoman from TTG Batman)
* Travis Willingham as Thor (Harvey Dent/Two-Face from TTG Batman)
* Jeff Chine as Captain America (Javier Garcia from The Walking Dead A New Frontier)
Unpopular opinion but there’s something mentally wrong with you if you constantly shit on meme reposts. Just a random thought I had just now… more, but if you’re only posting one copy of a certain meme, chances are not many people will see it/they will miss it, whereas if said meme is reposted over a certain period of time, people will be caught up and people’s memories will be refreshed. I honestly do not understand the hate towards reposts
If you'd asked me earlier in the year about whether I'd want to buy "Control" -- Remedy's new game -- at its release period, I would have told you that I planned to wait a bit and get it later in/end of the year.
However, recently, I've been looking up more and more things about the game and I can't get enough! I'm now considering if I realllly want to get it on release or not (out Aug. 27). (It all seems fun! I've enjoyed all of Remedy's games, too!)
i have yet to understand why something being an epic exclusive is bad other than Gamers Mad™. can somebody please explain it to me because as far as i know it's just downloading a launcher which you already do for steam and bethesda games anyway so like what's the big deal
And they are doing exactly the opposite of their plans for the game. Ruining the marketing of Borderlands 3. Randy lying to us about Troy Ba… moreker declining the role reprise for Rhys' character, bitching on people for their anger on Borderlands 3 being an Epic exclusive and now deleting a youtube channel that did nothing but help them grow the marketing.
Long story short, this will be just another Battlefield 5 situation. Mark my words.
Some said that Epic is lacking features that Steam is using. Most of the game studios lied to their audience that their games are coming out on Steam at launch and one of them even refuses to give refunds to the ones who pre-ordered their game, that case being Shenmue 3.
i have yet to understand why something being an epic exclusive is bad other than Gamers Mad™. can somebody please explain it to me because a… mores far as i know it's just downloading a launcher which you already do for steam and bethesda games anyway so like what's the big deal
i guess studios lying is pretty scummy, and if they promised one thing and did another then i understand the frustration. although at that point it's less the epic store being bad and more the game studios themselves being bad. everything i've heard about epic games as a company is overwhelmingly positive so i can't imagine their launcher is like catastrophic or anything.
Some said that Epic is lacking features that Steam is using. Most of the game studios lied to their audience that their games are coming out… more on Steam at launch and one of them even refuses to give refunds to the ones who pre-ordered their game, that case being Shenmue 3.
If anything, it generated more hype. I understand a company wanting to be protective of certain pieces of information, but at the same time, the dude was practically providing free marketing for your game, generating hype at no charge to you, and you reacted like THAT?! There were so many better ways to go about this, not bully him into submission.
Well it's official. SupMatto's youtube channel is gone. Shame because he had over 100,000 subscribers and was also the reason some people go… moret into Borderlands in the first place. Take-Two and 2K are bullies. Also those companies think that the leaks presented by SupMatto would somehow 'decline' the sales of Borderlands 3 lol.
well first of all period pieces but second of all, why not? i'm kinda curious as to why you think it wouldn't work. the 90s weren't exactly that long ago.
you can't really compare a holiday comedy movie about a kid getting left at home alone to a timeless horror classic that shaped the genre and literally changed the grounds of filmmaking. both are great and both have shitty remakes, but they're two completely different types of film. a more sound comparison would've been the jumanji remake which kills the spirit of the original and takes a leak on it's grave. home alone and jumanji are fairly similar in tone i'd say
To be fair, Star Vs did showcase same sex relationships (though never the main focus) and Andi Mack, a live action sitcom which recently ended, had a main character come out as gay.
Aw yeah, finally I see someone else acknowledge Craig of the Creek! That show is great!
Yeah I agree that these shows among many others are going to be looked back upon fondly. But more in the way of being used as examples on why cartoons in the future aren't as good as these ones, and the cycle continues until the heat death of the universe.
I just said, it's because of advanced technology. When you're home alone in these days by accident, you could easily just, you know, call your parents or the police? Everyone has cellphones nowadays, don't they?
Plus, what's the point of remaking it exactly? It was already perfect to begin with. You can't really compare Home Alone to Jumaji. Jumaji was something that people enjoyed but don't have a lot to talk about it, it had terrible CGI and for some reason, it cost a lot of money and the main thing we all enjoyed about that movie is, without question, Robin Williams. Home Alone is a Holiday classic and Jumaji is more of a cult classic. I know I shouldn't judge the CGI in a 90's movie but you know what came out before that movie?

Well you may be right about that
GIF? hey it works
It was only missing for a few hours. So not really worth cheering for that.
Is it worth raging over?
my counter point to that would be to write around it. plenty of horror movies have an easy out of "oh just call the police", but the writers think ahead of the audience and disconnect our protagonists from the outside world. there are ways to write around modern technology and make the situation much more of a stuck feeling, but more than that, like i said, you can just do a period piece set in the 90s. plenty of shows and movies have stories that can't be told well in current context so they just set it in the past. it's called writing, as a writer you find a way to make your concept work.
trust me guy, we're on the same page. i completely agree. i'm just bringing up the counter points. it's not that a modern home alone wouldn't work, it's that it shouldn't be done in general. you can make the concept work in modern day but that doesn't make the movie good.
i mean they're both family comedy movies that are beloved by millions and star famous beloved actors getting into cartoonish situations within their own home. yeah the movies are completely different in story structure, goals and quality, but tonally they're the same. what you can't compare home alone to is a psychological horror film about a psychopath murderer. there's different context in remaking them.
this is a whole chain of things that are objectively correct about the movie but have no correlation to one another and has nothing to do with the discussion of a home alone remake, it kinda feels like you're using this as an excuse to clown on jumanji and on jah i will not allow this tomfoolery in my notifications
terminator 2 also has double the budget, is directed by james cameron and is an action movie. jumanji are terminator, much like home alone and psycho, are two WILDLY different movies. of course the cgi is gonna be better in T2 because T2 was trying to convince the viewer everything happening is real and terrifying. jumanji is just a fun family movie that's there to entertain. context is important my dude.
the virgin star vs the forces of evil: gay characters are showcased but left in the background, never important
the CHAD adventure time: builds up homosexual relationship for 10 seasons and gives it time to grow and develop all to be used as the showstopper moment in the series finale
if craig of the creek was a liquid drug i could inject directly into my bloodstream, i would mildly consider doing so but then decide against it and just watch it for a whole afternoon. i fuckin LOVE that show.
man it really do be like that
Sure, but, it wasn't just the usual 404 error page. It just didn't exist.
I'll take whatever victories I can get.
I actually passed every single one of my A levels! 😩
Why thank you, kind sir 🥳
Work in progress sneak peak. I'm drawing a fan variant cover of the final issue of The Walking Dead with a homage to the first issue. Still working on the background (most of the outline is done), but this still looks pretty neat as is.
So here's a general storytelling question: How does one develop a character outside of resolving/emphasizing their hangups and/or flaws?
Hello there.
Ewan McGregor will be returning as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the new Disney+ tv series. I’m sure some of you might be thinking “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” But oh, I don’t think so, with this news, I think the show will be a hit and will be another happy landing for Disney’s Star Wars. Now let’s not be so uncivilized in our discussion of this topic. We can respect others opinions without losing the high ground. After all, that’s why I’m here, to be a voice of reason.
Okay, how many more Obi-Wan memes can I fit in here? Honestly, the best thing about this news is that we’re going to get a shit ton of new memes to work with.
I’ve got a bad feeling about this... honestly, what can they do with it without breaking the lore? We know for a fact Obi-Wan stayed on Tatooine and never left it once, which means we only get 1 planet unless we’re looking in the perspective of another character, and I mean what’s the point in that? He didn’t do much other than roam in the desert and possibly saved Luke on the odd occasion if they want to make some legends canon. There’s genuinely nothing that can be done with this series and likely in the process Obi-Wan is going to be ruined, which I really am not looking forward to, and this is coming from a last Jedi defender.
However, seeing as I’m an optimist, I have no choice but to hope that this series will actually be good...and not utter asshole, making me curl over in complete boredom. They better stay true to the lore though, otherwise I’m out
You put them in situations outside of their ordinary scope, and you see how the characters handle these unexpected scenarios and what/if they learn anything from them. That could include emphasizing their hangups and/or flaws, of course, but it also shows what they're good at.
He does this in the Rebels animated series with his final confrontation with Maul.
I could imagine some sort of situation where he defends some people on Tatooine from bandits (Seven Samurai style) or something.
But wasn’t his purpose on Tatooine to protect Luke? Not its citizens? He even brushed off maul and didn’t want to fight him, despite the pain he caused in the past and the threat he would still pose to many others, but as soon as Luke is brought up he decided to stand and fight. I honestly can’t see what they can do with Obi-wan other than him defending Luke from constant danger, which would not only be repetitive, but it also wouldn’t make sense. Like what would bandits or stormtroopers or whatever want with some random moisture farmer baby kid guy?
When is it supposed to take place?
It could be that someone or some people, maybe from his past, are after him which potentially has Luke (whose a kid) and his family caught in the crossfire. Not necessarily saving them episode after episode. It's a 20 year gap, something eventful (aside from Maul) must have happened at least once :P
I was one of the people pretty keen on the idea of an Obi Wan movie/series, so I'm pretty optimistic about it.
Also remember, it's all just hearsay. Nothing's confirmed. The series might happen, it might not happen.
Haven't been on here in, like, a year. Wasn't this place supposed to shut down or something?
I drew a fan variant of the final issue of the Walking Dead as an homage to the first issue.
When’s the dab going to die down? It’s been around for at least 4-5 years now, you’d expect it to drop to irrelevancy
Well it's official. SupMatto's youtube channel is gone. Shame because he had over 100,000 subscribers and was also the reason some people got into Borderlands in the first place. Take-Two and 2K are bullies. Also those companies think that the leaks presented by SupMatto would somehow 'decline' the sales of Borderlands 3 lol.
And they are doing exactly the opposite of their plans for the game. Ruining the marketing of Borderlands 3. Randy lying to us about Troy Baker declining the role reprise for Rhys' character, bitching on people for their anger on Borderlands 3 being an Epic exclusive and now deleting a youtube channel that did nothing but help them grow the marketing.
Long story short, this will be just another Battlefield 5 situation. Mark my words.
Could still shut down tomorrow. Right now, it's acting like someone's using an unlimited lives cheat code.
I thought Randy had nothing to do with the whole epic exclusive. Wasn't it just 2K's decision? I remember seeing some Tweets from Randy saying that it wasn't his decision and that it was 2KGames. Of course I try not to believe Randy but I do agree that he was being ignorant towards the fans while defending the epic exclusivity.
I’m already not buying BL3 because of it
Randy is a liar. Like I said, he did lie about the fact that Troy Baker refused to reprise his role and Troy did say he didn't and wanted to re-perform Rhys so bad because it's best character he has played. I'm pretty sure he lied about Epic exclusive, he just doesn't want to accept criticism like that.
I just learned that the cast for the Avengers in Square Enix's upcoming game are the ones who also played characters in Telltale games:

Unpopular opinion but there’s something mentally wrong with you if you constantly shit on meme reposts. Just a random thought I had just now, but if you’re only posting one copy of a certain meme, chances are not many people will see it/they will miss it, whereas if said meme is reposted over a certain period of time, people will be caught up and people’s memories will be refreshed. I honestly do not understand the hate towards reposts
Ah. Nice to see he's doing other things.
Had a bad day?
If you'd asked me earlier in the year about whether I'd want to buy "Control" -- Remedy's new game -- at its release period, I would have told you that I planned to wait a bit and get it later in/end of the year.
However, recently, I've been looking up more and more things about the game and I can't get enough! I'm now considering if I realllly want to get it on release or not (out Aug. 27). (It all seems fun! I've enjoyed all of Remedy's games, too!)
i have yet to understand why something being an epic exclusive is bad other than Gamers Mad™. can somebody please explain it to me because as far as i know it's just downloading a launcher which you already do for steam and bethesda games anyway so like what's the big deal
Some said that Epic is lacking features that Steam is using. Most of the game studios lied to their audience that their games are coming out on Steam at launch and one of them even refuses to give refunds to the ones who pre-ordered their game, that case being Shenmue 3.
i guess studios lying is pretty scummy, and if they promised one thing and did another then i understand the frustration. although at that point it's less the epic store being bad and more the game studios themselves being bad. everything i've heard about epic games as a company is overwhelmingly positive so i can't imagine their launcher is like catastrophic or anything.
If anything, it generated more hype. I understand a company wanting to be protective of certain pieces of information, but at the same time, the dude was practically providing free marketing for your game, generating hype at no charge to you, and you reacted like THAT?! There were so many better ways to go about this, not bully him into submission.